Part III

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International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 14, No. 11 (2004) 3689–3820
c World Scientific Publishing Company




Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences,
University of California at Berkeley,
Berkeley, CA 94720, USA

Received February 15, 2004; Revised June 5, 2004

We prove rigorously the four cellular automata local rules 110, 124, 137 and 193 have identical
dynamic behaviors capable of universal computations. We exploit Felix Klein’s remarkable Vier-
ergruppe to partition the 256 local rules studied empirically by Wolfram into 89 global equivalence
classes of which only 50 may exhibit complex dynamics. We define a 24-element rotation group
which induces 30 local equivalence classes of nonlinear difference equations whose parameters
can be mapped into each other among members of the same class.

Keywords: Wolfram; Cellular Automata; universal computation; Turing machine; CNN; cellu-
lar neural networks; cellular nonlinear networks; global equivalence classes; symmetry; group-
theoretic properties; the Four group; Vierergruppe; nonlinear dynamics.

1. Introduction where the superscript “t” denotes the transpose op-

eration. It is natural therefore to identify each of
To make Part III somewhat self-contained, let us these 256 Boolean functions by its associated deci-
begin with a brief review of the notations, con- mal number
cepts, and main results from Parts I [Chua et al.,
2002] and II [Chua et al., 2003]. Throughout this se- N = β 7 • 27 + β6 • 26 + β5 • 25 + β4 • 24
ries, we are concerned exclusively with a two-state
one-dimensional cellular automata made of n + 1 + β3 • 23 + β2 • 22 + β1 • 21 + β0 • 20
cells i = 0, 1, 2, . . . , n with a periodic boundary 7
condition, as shown in Fig. 1(a). Each cell “i” in- = βk 2k (2)
teracts only with its nearest neighbors i − 1 and k=0
i + 1, as depicted in Fig. 1(b), where u i−1 , ui , and
ui+1 denote the three inputs needed to compute Since the Boolean expansion of any decimal num-
the output yi via a three-input Boolean function ber N = 0, 1, 2, . . . , 255 uniquely identifies one of
yi = N (ui−1 , ui , ui+1 ) whose truth table is shown the 256 truth tables via the symbolic Boolean vec-
in Fig. 1(c), where βk ∈ {0, 1}. There are 256 dis- tor β extracted from Eq. (2), the number N serves
tinct Boolean functions of three inputs, each one the dual role of a local rule number N , and its
representing one permutation of eight binary bits associated truth table.
in the symbolic Boolean vector Rather than taking a local rule as an abstract
discrete Boolean function out of the blue, Part I
shows that much insight is gained by associating

β = [β0 β1 β2 · · · β7 ]t (1) each local rule N with an attractor of a CNN

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Fig. 1. (a) A one-dimensional Cellular Automata (CA) made of (n + 1) identical cells with a periodic boundary condition.
Each cell “i” is coupled only to its left neighbor cell (i − 1) and right neighbor cell (i + 1). (b) Each cell “i” is described by a
local rule N , where N is a decimal number specified by a binary string {β0 , β1 , . . . , β7 } βi ∈ {0, 1}. (c) The symbolic truth
table specifying each local rule N , N = 0, 1, 2, . . . , 255. (d) By recoding “0” to “−1”, each row of the symbolic truth table
in (c) can be recast into a numeric truth table, where γk ∈ {−1, 1}. (e) Each row of the numeric truth table in (d) can be
represented as a vertex of a Boolean Cube whose color is red if γk = 1 , and blue if γk = −1.
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A Nonlinear Dynamics Perspective of Wolfram’s New Kind of Science. Part III 3691

(cellular neural network) [Chua, 1998] of the same architecture as Fig. 1(a), each of whose cells is a nonlinear
dynamical system defined by a scalar state equation

ẋi = − xi + xi + 1 − xi − 1

n  o

+ z2 + c2 z1 + c1 (z0 + b1ui−1 + b2ui + b3ui+1)
xi (0) = 0
i = 0, 1, 2, . . . , n .

and an output equation

n  o

yi (Q) = sgn z2 + c2 z1 + c1 (z0 + b1ui−1 + b2 ui + b3 ui+1)

where yi (Q) denotes the steady state output Q the center of the cube). The vertex “k” correspond-
of each CNN cell i for each numeric input ing to row “k” of Fig. 1(c) [resp. Fig. 1(d)] is coded
(ui−1 , ui , ui+1 ) listed in the numeric truth table blue if βk = 0 (resp. γk = −1), and red if βk = 1
shown in Fig. 1(d), which is constructed from the (resp. γk = 1), k = 0, 1, 2, . . . 7.
symbolic truth table in Fig. 1(c) by substituting the Since we will be using both symbolic and nu-
symbol “0” by the real number “−1”, and the sym- meric truth tables in the following text, to avoid
bolic binary output βk ∈ {0, 1} in Fig. 1(c) by the confusion, we will sometimes use the symbolic
numeric binary output γk ∈ {−1, 1} in Fig. 1(d). It Boolean vector β defined in Eq. (1) when referring
is important to note that the minor difference be- to the symbolic truth table, and to use the numeric
tween the symbolic and the numeric truth tables is Boolean vector
more than cosmetic. Indeed, by interpreting ui−1 ,

ui , and ui+1 as a real number, rather than just a γ = [γ0 γ1 γ2 · · · γ7 ]t (5)
symbol, we can exploit the powerful theory of non-
linear dynamics which is couched in terms of the when referring to the numeric truth table.
real number system. As an example, the colored vertices in Fig. 1(e)
In particular, for each local rule N = correspond to the local rule
0, 1, 2, . . . , 255, one can specify a set of eight pa-
rameters1 {z2 , c2 , z1 , c1 , z0 , b1 , b2 , b3 } in Eq. (2) N = 0 • 27 + 1 • 26 + 1 • 25 + 0 • 24 + 1 • 23
such that its trajectory from xi (0) = 0 converges + 1 • 22 + 1 • 21 + 0 • 20
precisely to an attractor Q whose output yi (Q)
in Eq. (4) generates exactly the numeric truth ta- = 110 (6)
ble in Fig. 1(d). Another important advantage of
working with the numeric rather than the symbolic A quicker way to calculate the local rule number is
truth table is the remarkable insights provided by simply to add the vertex weights of all red vertices
the equivalent Boolean cube representation shown in indicated in the Boolean cube of Fig. 1(e), namely,
Fig. 1(e) [Chua et al., 2002]. Here, the eight vertices
of the cube are located exactly at the coordinates N = sum of weights of vertices
(ui−1 , ui , ui+1 ) listed in the numeric truth table in
= 2 + 4 + 8 + 32 + 64
Fig. 1(d) (note the origin “0” of the three coordi-
nate axes ui−1 , ui and ui+1 in Fig. 1(e) is located at = 110 . (7)

There are infinitely many such parameter sets that can be found for each local rule N . Table 4 from [Chua et al., 2003] gives
only one parameter set for the reader to verify.
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The CNN dynamical system defined by Eqs. (3) seconds (10−9 seconds) on the latest 128×128 CNN
and (4) corresponds to only one iteration of a cel- chip. To function as a cellular automata, the CNN
lular automata. Instead of applying conventional chip is programmed to execute a single “do loop” in-
brute-force calculations on a digital computer, and struction which feedbacks the output of yit of each
repeating it over all n + 1 pixels, we can use a cell at iteration t back to its input to obtain the
CNN chip [Chua et al., 1998] to obtain the same re- output yit+1 at the next iteration t + 1. Using this
sult via hardware on all pixels simultaneously. This notation (the superscript “t” and “t + 1” denote the
“physical” simulation of the local rule is an example iteration number from one to the next generation),
of analog computation, and takes only a few nano we can express each local rule N explicitly in the
form of a nonlinear difference equation as follows:

n   o
ut+1 t t t

i = sgn z2 + c2 z1 + c1 z0 + b1ui−1 + b2ui + b3 ui+1

where the eight parameters {z2 , c2 , z1 , c1 , z0 , b1 , b2 , b3 } for each local rule are given in [Chua et al., 2003].
Another important advantage of the Boolean cube representation is that it allows us to define an index
of complexity; namely,

Complexity Index
κ = minimum number of parallel planes needed to separate (9)
the red vertices of Boolean cube N from the blue vertices.

The complexity index κ of local rule N pro-

vides a useful qualitative characterization of N . For “α = 0” absolute-value functions [Chua et al., 2002]:
example, all local rules belonging to a given equiv-
alence class to be identified in the following sec- κ = 1 local rules :
tions have the same complexity index κ. Most local 
rules belonging to the Wolfram class 1 [Wolfram, ut+1
i = sgn z0 +b 1 u t
i−1 +b 2 u t
i +b 3 u t
2002] have complexity index κ = 1. Moreover, all (10)
local rules with complexity index κ = 1 can exhibit
only Wolfram’s class 1 or class 2 behaviors and are
therefore not capable of universal computation. On There are 104 local rules with complexity index
κ = 1. They correspond to the class of all linearly-
the other hand, since local rule 110 , which has
separable Boolean functions [Chua & Roska, 2002].
a complexity index κ = 2 [Chua et al., 2002], had
Similarly, there are 126 local rules with complex-
been proved to be universal [Wolfram, 2002], it fol-
ity index κ = 2. They can be generated from the
lows that κ = 2 represents a threshold of complexity following nonlinear difference equation with only
posed in [Wolfram, 2002]. “1” absolute-value function [Chua et al., 2002],
Yet another important qualitative property of i.e. α = 1:
κ is its correlation with the minimum number α
of absolute-value functions required by the Boolean
output equation (4). In particular, the number κ = 2 local rules :
“α + 1” is exactly equal to the minimum number 
of parallel separating planes [Chua et al., 2002].
i = sgn z 1 + c t
1 z0 + b1 ui−1

Hence, all local rules with complexity index κ = 1 + b2 uti + b3 uti+1 (11)
can be generated from the following equation with
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A Nonlinear Dynamics Perspective of Wolfram’s New Kind of Science. Part III 3693

the choice of a single red center pixel as the in-

Only local rules with complexity index κ = 3 require put (initial pattern at t = 0) allows Wolfram to
two absolute-value functions, i.e. α = 2, as already uncover many interesting features among the 256
defined in Eq. (8). local rules, this choice is not sufficiently general to
The patterns generated by the 256 local rules uncover more subtle properties, and can be mis-
with the same initial pattern u0i consisting of a leading. Following Wiener, who had proved that the
single red center pixel have been published in most general testing input for identifying a nonlin-
[Wolfram, 2002], and in [Chua et al., 2002].2 Each ear system is the Brownian motion [Wiener, 1958],
pattern has 30 rows and 61 columns. Although we have chosen the following 61 random bits

60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1

as our initial pattern in generating the follow-
ing three figures corresponding to local rules 232 belonging to the G16 family listed in Table 15.9 of
(Fig. 2), 110 (Fig. 3), and 184 (Fig. 4), with com- [Chua et al., 2003] have an identical evolved pattern
plexity index κ = 1, 2 and 3, respectively. In each consisting of a one-pixel wide red inclined straight
case, there are 60 rows and 61 columns in the pat- line starting from the center red pixel.
tern (upper part). The difference equation for gen- Unfortunately, the above observations are true
erating the truth table is given in the lower part, only if the initial pattern u0i consists of one red cen-
along with the associated Boolean cube and truth ter pixel. A different initial pattern will give rise
table representations. The eight-bit colored string to different evolved patterns among members of the
representing each local rule N is also given, along same family. Nonetheless, the evolved patterns seem
with the collection of all three-input patterns corre- to be related by some geometrical transformations.
sponding to red vertices of the Boolean cube. They Conversely, the Boolean cubes of many differ-
are called firing patterns in [Chua et al., 2003] be- ent pairs of local rules listed in Table 1 of [Chua
cause they can be interpreted as the patterns rec- et al., 2003] seem to be related by some transforma-
ognized by a particular neuron (with local rule N ) tions, such as complementation of the vertex colors
and thereby led to its firing of “action potentials”. (e.g. rules 145 and 110). Yet, their evolved patterns
are so different that it is impossible to relate them.
How do we make sense of all these observations?
2. Local versus Global Equivalence Let us examine the evolved patterns of the
A cursory inspection of the discrete time evolutions two local rules 145 and 110 from Table 5 of
of the 256 local rules (with a red center pixel) pre- [Chua et al., 2003] which we reproduce in the upper
sented in [Wolfram, 2002] and [Chua et al., 2002] re- part of Fig. 5. Note that their associated Boolean
veals some similarity and partial symmetry among cubes, as well as their symbolic Boolean vectors
various evolved patterns. Indeed, by partitioning β[145] and β[110] are related by a simple Boolean
the 256 local rules into 16 Boolean cube families, it complementation, namely, the “red ↔ blue vertex
is possible to predict that all local rules belonging to transformation” defined in [Chua et al., 2002]. We
a particular family have identical evolved patterns will henceforth denote this transformation by TC ,
or geometrical features. For example, all 16 local and rename it as local complementation operation
rule {4, 12, 36, 44, 68, 76, 100, 108, 132, 140, 164, in this paper, in order to distinguish it from the
172, 196, 204, 228, 236} belonging to the G4 family global complementation operation to be defined in
listed in Table 15.5 of [Chua et al., 2003] have an the next section. Using this notation, we can write
identical evolved pattern consisting of a one-pixel TC TC
wide red vertical line in the middle of the pattern. 145 −→ 110 and β[145] −→ β[110] (13)
Similarly, all 16 local rules {16, 24, 48, 56, 80, 88, Intuitively, one might expect that their respective
112, 120, 144, 152, 176, 184, 208, 216, 240, 248} evolved patterns must also be related by a simple

The black and white pixels in [Wolfram, 2002] are colored in red and blue in [Chua et al., 2002], respectively.
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Fig. 2. Evolution of the local rule 232 from a random initial pattern (row 1). Size of array: 60 rows × 61 columns.
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Fig. 3. Evolution of the local rule 110 from a random initial pattern (row 1). Size of array: 60 rows × 61 columns.
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Fig. 4. Evolution of the local rule 184 from a random initial pattern (row 1). Size of array: 60 rows × 61 columns.
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Fig. 5. A comparison of the evolution of the two local rules 110 and 145 (with a single red center-pixel initial pattern) in
the upper page with that of local rules 145 and 137 (with a complementary blue center-pixel initial pattern) in the lower page
reveals a global complementary relationship between the patterns of local rules 137 and 110.
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complementation operation, an intuition that turns switching the position of three pairs of diagonally-
out to be wrong, upon comparing the two evolved opposite vertices. This latter operation could not
patterns in the upper part of Fig. 5. Our intuition have been uncovered without the Boolean cube
may suggest that perhaps the initial input u0i for representation. Indeed, we will see that all subse-
rule 145 should have been the complement of that quent results in the sequel could not have been
used for rule 110 (i.e. a blue center pixel amidst all discovered without exploiting the group-theoretic
red neighbors), as shown in the bottom left of Fig. 5. properties of the Boolean cubes!
But once again, a comparison shows the output pat- It follows from the above observations that
tern to have no correlation with that of rule 110 each pair of local rules listed in Table 12 of [Chua
in the upper right of Fig. 5. On closer examination, et al., 2002] are equivalent only in a local sense,
however, we will find that our intuition is actually where “local” here means “local in iteration time”,
correct but for only one iteration (row 2). Indeed, and not local in the usual sense of a spatial neigh-
starting from the same initial pattern (single red borhood. Since Sec. 4 will present many more equiv-
center pixel) in the first row, we find the output alent transformations of local rules which also have
(first iteration) of rule 145 is in fact the comple- local significance only, we will formalize this notion
ment of that of rule 110 ; namely, two blue pixels as follows:
for 145 and two red pixels for 110 at correspond- Definition 1. Local Equivalence. Two local rules
ing locations to the left of center. All other pixels N and N′ are said to be locally equivalent under a
at corresponding locations are also complements of transformation T : N → N ′ iff the output u1i of
each other. In fact, this one-iteration complementa- N after one iteration of any initial input pattern
tion property is true for all 127 local complemen- u0i can be found by applying the transformed input
tary pairs of local rules listed in Table 12 of [Chua T[u0i ] to rule N ′ and then followed by applying the
et al., 2002]. inverse transformation T−1 : N ′ → N to u1i .
However, the next iteration (row 3) under rules
Let us examine next the evolved patterns for
145 and 110 in Fig. 5 are not complements of each
the local rule 137 in the lower-right portion of
other. The reason is that unlike the initial input
u0i , i = 0, 1, 2, . . . , n, which are the same for both Fig. 5, as well as the two local rules 124 and 193
145 and 110 , the next input uti = u1i (for t = 1), in the left column of Fig. 6. Despite the fact that the
respective Boolean cubes of these three rules do not
i = 0, 1, 2, . . . , n (row 2) needed to find the next
iteration (row 3) are different and there is no reason seem to be related in an obvious way, yet their out-
put patterns are so precisely related that one could
for the output uti = u2i (for t = 2) at corresponding
predict the evolved pattern over all times t of each
locations to be the complement of each other. Our
intuition fails because the input u1i for 145 and local rule N ∈ {137, 193, 124, 110} from the other
three rules! For example, the evolved output pat-
110 , though different, are complements of each
tern of rule 124 can be obtained by a reflection of
other. An examination of the vertex numbers in the
that of 110 about the center line, namely, a bilat-
Boolean cube in Fig. 1 will reveal that complement-
ing the input of u1i is equivalent to exchanging the eral transformation. Next, the output of rule 193
position of two diagonally-opposite (connected by an can be obtained by applying the complement u0i of
imaginary line through the center of the cube) ver- u0i (i.e. blue center pixel amidst a red background)
tices. Since an interchange of these two vertices does to rule 110 and then taking the complement of the
not guarantee the resulting color of the correspond- evolved pattern from 110 . Finally, the output of
ing vertex pairs of 145 and 110 will have com- rule 137 can be obtained by repeating the above
plementary colors, the output pattern u2i (row 3) of algorithm for 193 , and then followed further by
145 and 110 will in general not be a complement a reflection about the center line. Even more sig-
of each other, except for the special case where the nificant is the fact (to be proved in Sec. 3) that
Boolean cube exhibits certain symmetries in their these algorithms remain valid for all initial input
vertex colors. Hence our intuition fails because of patterns, as demonstrated in Fig. 7 with the random
the coincidental appearance of two complementary initial pattern given earlier in Eq. (12). This result
operations, one involving changing the color of all is most remarkable because it allows us to predict
vertices of the Boolean cube, the other involving the evolved patterns of three local rules over all
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Fig. 6. The evolutions of local rules 124 and 110 (with a red center-pixel initial pattern) in the upper page reveals a global
left–right (bilateral ) symmetrical relationship. Those in the lower page (with a complementary bilateral initial pattern) also
reveals a global complementary bilateral relationship between local rules 193 and 110.
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Fig. 7. The four local rules {193, 137, 124, 110} are globally equivalent to each other in the sense that their long-term (as t → ∞) dynamics are mathematically
identical, modulo a bijection. All four patterns have 60 rows corresponding to iteration numbers t = 0, 1, 2, . . . 59, and 61 columns, corresponding to 61 cells (n = 60).
All patterns have a random initial condition (t = 0), as specified in Eq. (12), or its reflection, complementation, or both. The two patterns 124 and 110 on top are
generated by a left–right transformation T† , and are related by a bilateral reflection about an imaginary vertical line situated midway between the two patterns. The
two patterns 193 and 137 below are likewise related via T† and exhibit the same bilateral reflection symmetry. The two vertically situated local rules 137 and
110 , as well as 193 and 124 are related by a global complementation T. The two diagonally-situated local rules 124 and 137 , as well as 193 and 110 are
related by a left–right complementation T∗ .
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iterations (not just one iteration as in the preced- Since rule 110 has been proven to be capable
ing example) from a single local rule, a truly global of universal computation [Wolfram, 2002], it follows
result! This unique global property is stated for- that it is impossible to predict the global (long term)
mally as follows: behaviors of rule 110 for arbitrary initial input pat-
terns. We can, however, predict rigorously that the
Definition 2. Global Equivalence. Two local rules
three local rules 193, 137, and 124 are also unpre-
N and N ′ are said to be globally equivalent under a
dictable, hence the title of this section.
transformation T : N → N ′ iff the output uti of N
can be found, for any t, by applying the transformed
3.1. Partitioning 256 local rules into
input T[u0i ] to local rule N ′ and then followed by
applying the inverse transformation T−1 : N ′ → N 89 global equivalence classes
to u1i , for any t = 1, 2, . . . . It will be proved in Sec. 3.3 that every local rule
belongs to a global equivalence class containing ei-
ther two or four distinct local rules, as tabulated in
3. Predicting the Unpredictable Table 1. Each rule has three globally equivalent lo-
In the preceding section we have demonstrated, via cal rules3 determined by three corresponding global
examples, that the four local rules {193, 137, 124, transformations, namely, left–right transformation
110} are globally equivalent in the sense that the T† , global complementation T, and left–right com-
evolved patterns of any three members of this class plementation T∗ . These transformations will be de-
can be trivially predicted from the fourth for all iter- fined in Sec. 3.2 along with a proof of their global
ations. In other words, these four rules have identi- equivalence property in Sec. 3.3. Due to certain
cal nonlinear dynamics for all initial input patterns symmetries exhibited by some Boolean cubes, some
and therefore they represent only one generic rule, of these transformations may map a Boolean cube
henceforth called an equivalence class [Hamermesh, into only one instead of three Boolean cubes, as
1962]. We will prove this global property in Sec. 3.3 manifested by the repeated local rules in some rows
not only for these four rules, but also for all local of Table 1. The distinct local rules in each row of
rules, thereby allowing us to partition the 256 local Table 1 constitutes a global equivalence class whose
rules into only 89 global equivalence classes, each dynamics and evolved patterns over all discrete
made up of two or four local rules. For example,
times t = 1, 2, . . . are distinct from all other lo-
Fig. 8 shows another global equivalence class made
cal rules. Since some rows in Table 1 contain only
up of the four local rules {149, 135, 86, 30} all of
two distinct rules, there are altogether 89 (and
which have a complexity index κ = 2, and Fig. 9
not 64) distinct global equivalence classes. Among
shows an equivalence class made up of only the two
them 39 have a complexity index κ = 1. They are
local rules {226, 184} all of which have a complex-
ity index κ = 3 in view of certain symmetry of the identified by the symbol εκm , where κ = 1 and
Boolean cubes belonging to this class. This result is m = 1, 2, . . . , 39 and are listed in Table 2. There are
significant because it asserts that one only needs to 41 global equivalence classes with complexity index
study in depth the dynamics and long-term behav- κ = 2. They are identified by ε2m , m = 1, 2, . . . , 41,
iors of 89 representative local rules. Moreover, since and listed in Table 3. There are nine global equiv-
39 among these 89 dynamically distinct local rules alence classes with complexity index κ = 3. They
have a complexity index κ = 1, and are therefore are identified by ε3m , m = 1, 2, . . . , 9, and listed in
trivial, we are left with only 50 local rules (41 rules Table 4.
with κ = 2 and 9 rules with κ = 3) that justify Combing through the data in Table 1 we can
further in-depth investigations. identify 176 local rules each of which is globally
We will also prove in Sec. 3.3 that these are equivalent to two other distinct local rules. They
the only possible global equivalence classes; all other are listed in Table 5. We can also identify 72 local
equivalence classes, including those to be presented rules each of which is globally equivalent to only one
in Sec. 4, must therefore necessarily be local. other local rule. They are listed in Table 6. There

As will be shown below, not all local rules generated by these three transformations are distinct because some local rules
may be fixed points of one or more of these three transformations. For example, the two globally equivalent rules 226 and
184 displayed in Fig. 9 are both fixed points of the transformation T∗ .
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Fig. 8. The same illustration and interpretation as those of Fig. 7 but applied to the four globally equivalent local rules {149, 135, 86, 30}.
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Fig. 9. The same illustration and interpretation as those of Fig. 7 but applied to the two globally equivalent local rules {226, 184}. Even though there are only two
distinct local rules, they generate four distinct patterns since their initial conditions are distinct, albeit related by T† , T, and T∗ .
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Table 1. Table of globally equivalent local rules. All local rules in each row are globally equivalent to each
other. Rows with red, blue or green background colors denote local rules with a complexity index κ = 1, 2 or 3,
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Table 1. (Continued )
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Table 2. List of 39 global equivalence classes εm of local rules with complexity index κ = 1, m = 1, 2, . . . , 39.
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Table 3. List of 41 global equivalence classes ε2m of local rules with complexity index κ = 2, m = 1, 2, . . . , 41.
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Table 4. List of nine global equivalence classes ε3m of local rules with complexity
index κ = 3, m = 1, 2, . . . , 9.

are eight local rules possessing a three fold sym- rules which are fixed points of both T and T∗ . It
metry such that all three transformations T† , T, is interesting to observe that the same eight local
and T∗ map each member of this group onto it- rules above are also fixed points of T† , as listed
self. In other words, these eight local rules are truly in Table 12.
“loners” as they are not globally equivalent to any
other local rule. They are listed in Table 7. 3.2. The Vierergruppe V : Key for
Some local rules are fixed points of one or more
defining global transformations
global transformations. In particular, Table 8 lists
T†, T, and T∗
64 local rules which are fixed points of the left-right
transformation T† , i.e. N = T† [N ]. Table 9 lists 16 The three global transformations T† , T, and T∗
local rules which are fixed points of the global com- cited extensively in the preceding section and in
plementation T, i.e. N = T[N ]. Table 10 lists 16 Table 1 are generated from elements of the classic
local rules which are fixed points of the left–right noncyclic four-element Abelian group V, originally
complementation T∗ , i.e. N = T∗ [N ]. Some local called the Vierergruppe by the great mathematician
rules are fixed points of two or more global trans- Felix Klein.4 The four elements of V are denoted by
formations. For example, Table 11 lists eight local T0 , T†u , Tu , and T∗u in this paper and are defined in

There are only two finite abstract groups of four elements. One is a cyclic group and the other is the Vierergruppe V (also
known in the western literature as the Four group). Both are Abelian. The symbol V generally chosen to denote this group
comes from the first letter of Vierergruppe.
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Table 5. List of 176 local rules endowed with three distinct globally-equivalent local
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3710 L. O. Chua et al.

Table 6. List of 72 local rules endowed with only one distinct globally-equivalent local

Table 7. List of eight local rules endowed with zero globally-equivalent local rule.

Table 8. Σ† : 64 local rules which are fixed points of T† , i.e. N = T† (N ).

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Table 9. Σ: 16 local rules which are fixed points of T, i.e. N = T(N ).

Table 10. Σ∗ : 16 local rules which are fixed points of T∗ , i.e. N = T∗ (N ).

Table 11. Σ : Eight local rules which are fixed points of T and T∗ ,
i.e. N = T(N ) = T∗ (N ).

Table 12. Σ† : Eight local rules which are fixed points of T† , T and T∗ ,
i.e. N = T∗ (N ) = T(N ) = T∗ (N ).

Table 13 by 3 × 3 matrices. Throughout this pa-

per the symbol T0 denoted the identity, or unit transformations, we will use the generic symbol T′u
matrix, of any dimension. The three nonunit ma- and T′ , respectively, where the prime “′ ” represents
trices T†u , Tu , and T∗u are called left–right trans- either “†”, “−”, or “*”. The proof that these four
formation, global complementation, and left–right elements form an Abelian group under matrix mul-
complementation, respectively, in view of their geo- tiplication is given in Table 14.
metrical interpretations to be presented below. Ob- Each of the three matrices T†u , Tu , and T∗u
serve that the three matrices T†u , Tu , and T∗u differ transforms the three axes (ui−1 , ui , ui+1 ), drawn
from the three global transformations T† , T, and through the center of the Boolean cube in Fig. 1,
T∗ by a subscript “u”. When referring to all three into a transformed set of axes (u′i−1 , u′i , u′i+1 );

Left–Right transformation T†u

    
0 0 1 ui−1 ui+1 u′i−1 = ui+1
    
 0 1 0   ui  =  ui  ⇒ u′i = ui (14)
1 0 0 ui+1 ui−1 u′i+1 = ui−1
| {z } | {z } | {z }
T†u u u′
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3712 L. O. Chua et al.

Table 13. Elements of the Vierergruppe V.

Table 14. Multiplication table for the unique cellular automata global equivalence group V.
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A Nonlinear Dynamics Perspective of Wolfram’s New Kind of Science. Part III 3713

Global complementation Tu
    
−1 0 0 ui−1 −ui−1 u′i−1 = −ui−1
    
 0 −1 0   ui  =  −ui  ⇒ u′i = −ui (15)
0 0 −1 ui+1 −ui+1 u′i+1 = −ui+1
| {z } | {z } | {z }
Tu u u′

Left–Right complementation T∗u

    
0 0 −1 ui−1 −ui+1 u′i−1 = −ui+1
    
 0 −1 0   ui  =  −ui  ⇒ u′i = −ui (16)
−1 0 0 ui+1 −ui−1 u′i+1 = −ui−1
| {z } | {z } | {z }
T∗u u u′

3.2.1. Geometrical interpretation of T†u

its own inverse. Consequently, T†u (110) = 124. An
An examination of Eq. (14) defining the left–right examination of Fig. 10 reveals that the left–right
transformation T†u shows that this operation merely transformation T†u is equivalent to a reflection of
switches the two horizontal axes ui−1 and ui+1 . the Boolean cube about the diagonal plane pass-
This means that operating a Boolean cube N by ing through vertices { 0, 5, 7, 2 }. This bilateral
T†u is equivalent to switching the two pairs of ver- (mirror) symmetry is also reflected in the super-
tices { 4,
6 } on the left and { 1,
3 } on the right script notation “†”.
in the Boolean cube N to obtain a transformed The above geometrical interpretation pertains
Boolean cube N ′ = T†u (N ). An example of this only to the 3 × 3 left-right transformation ma-
simple transformation is shown in Fig. 10 for the trix T†u . We now define the corresponding global
local rule N = 124, where T†u (124) = 110. Observe left–right transformation T† (without the subscript
that since (T†u )−1 = T†u , the transformation T†u is u) by augmenting T†u with the output variable yi ,
which represents the color of the vertices as follow:

Left–Right transformation T†
    
0 0 1 0 ui−1 ui+1 u′i−1 = ui+1
0 1 0 0  ui   ui 
   

  =  ⇒ u′i = ui (17)
1 0 0 0   ui+1   ui−1  u′i+1 = ui−1
0 0 0 1 yi yi yi′ = yi
| {z } | {z } | {z }
T† (u,yi ) (u′ ,yi′ )

Observe that T† is a 4×4 matrix, and (T† )−1 = T† .

To avoid clutter, we show only the symbol T† map- 5 }, and { 3, 4 } located along the four imag-
ping 124 to 110 , and vice-versa, in Fig. 10. inary diagonal lines through the center of the
Boolean cube. For example, suppose N = 137,
then Tu (137) = 145, which is precisely the enigma
3.2.2. Geometrical interpretation of Tu we posed in Fig. 5 of Sec. 2: why is the out-
An examination of Eq. (15) defining the global com- put pattern of 145 (shown in the upper-left hand
plementation Tu shows that this operation merely corner of Fig. 5) not the complement of that of
multiplies the coordinates of each vertex of the 110 when the colors of the corresponding ver-
Boolean cube by −1. This means that operating tices of 145 and 110 are complements of each
a Boolean cube N by Tu is equivalent to switching other? The answer is now clear: we must not
the four pairs of vertices {
0, 7 }, {
1, 6 }, {
2, only switch the diagonal vertex pairs, as above,

Fig. 10. Definition of the 3 × 3 matrix T†u whose action is to switch the position of vertices {
6 } on the left of the Boolean cube 124 with the corresponding
vertices { 3 } on the right to obtain the Boolean cube 110 . The lower diagram shows the corresponding global transformation T † (without the subscript u) instead
of T†u , which in this case makes no difference in the transformed Boolean cube.

Fig. 11. Definition of the 3 × 3 matrix Tu whose action is to exchange the four pairs of diagonally opposite vertices i.e. {
0→ 7 0,
7→ 0 0 }, {
1→ 6 0,
6→ 1 0 },
0 0 0 0
2 →  5 , 5→ { 2 }, { 3→ 4 , 4→ 3 }. The lower diagram shows the result after a further local complementation operation which changes the colors of all vertices
of Tu 137 = 145 to obtain 110 .

Fig. 12. Definition of the 3 × 3 matrix T∗u whose action is to perform first a left–right transformation T†u and then followed by a global complementation Tu . The
lower diagram shows the result after a further local complementation operation which changes the colors of all vertices of Tu (T†u ( 193 )) = Tu ( 137 ) = 145 to
obtain 110 .
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Fig. 13. Applying the global complementation T to rule 137 involves two separate steps: Step 1 switches the four pairs of
vertices located along the four diagonals through the center of the cube 137 to obtain 145 . Step 2 changes the color of all
vertices of 145 to their complements to obtain 110 .

but must also follow this with the intermediate operation T†u by changing the colors of the vertices to their
complementary colors, as illustrated in Fig. 13. It follows that the global complementation T must be
defined as follows:
global complementation T
    
−1 0 0 0 ui−1 −ui−1 u′i−1 = −ui−1
 0 −1 0 0   ui   −ui 
    

  =  ⇒ u′i = −ui (18)
 0 0 −1 0   ui+1   −ui+1  u′i+1 = −ui+1
0 0 0 −1 yi −yi yi′ = −yi
| {z } | {z } | {z }
T (u,yi ) (u′ ,yi′ )

Observe that the complement operation in row 4 of T is equivalent to applying the local “red–blue”
complementation operator TC defined in Sec. 2. To avoid clutter, Fig. 11 omits this intermediate operation
and shows the global transformations T mapping 137 to 110 , and vice-versa.

3.2.3. Geometrical interpretation of T∗u

An examination of Eq. (16) defining the left–right complementation T∗u shows that this operation is equiv-
alent to the composition of two operations T†u and Tu , as illustrated in Fig. 14(a) for rule 193 , namely,
T∗u (193) = T (T†u (193)) = 145 . To obtain the desired global left–right complementation T∗ (without the
subscript u) requires that we follow up the above composition T∗u = Tu ◦ T†u by a local complementation
operation TC as follows:
left–right complementation T∗
    
0 0 −1 0 ui−1 −ui+1 u′i−1 = −ui+1
 0 −1 0 0  ui   −ui 
   
 u′i = −ui
  =  ⇒ (19)
 −1 0 0 0   ui+1   −ui−1  u′i+1 = −ui−1
0 0 0 −1 yi −yi yi′ = −yi
| {z } | {z } | {z }
T∗ (u,yi ) (u′ ,yi′ )
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Fig. 14. (a) Mapping 193 to 110 via left–right complementation is equivalent to a triple composition TC ◦ Tu ◦ T†u of T†u , Tu , and TC . (b) An equivalent route
for mapping 193 to 110 is via a composition T†u ◦ TC ◦ Tu of Tu , TC and T†u .
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A Nonlinear Dynamics Perspective of Wolfram’s New Kind of Science. Part III 3719

Applying the local complementation TC to 145 in albeit with the help of a computer, that the reflec-
Fig. 14(a) results in the desired rule 110 . Again, tion relationship between rules 124 and 110 , the
observe that (T∗ )−1 = T∗ . To avoid clutter, Fig. 12 complementary relationship between rules 137 and
omits the two intermediate operations and shows 110 , as well as the complementary reflection re-
the left–right complementation T∗ mapping 193 lationship between rules 193 and 110 , are not
to 110 , and vice-versa. flukes, but global invariant properties shared by
Figure 15 shows a diagram relating the three these three rules alone.5 Since the global dynamic
global transformations T† , T and T∗ . Observe this behaviors (over all time iterations) of the four lo-
diagram is commutative, namely, every pair from cal rules {193, 137, 124, 110} can be predicted from
these three transformations are related by two dis- any member of this family, they form an equivalence
tinct routes. For example, we can map 193 to class in a strict mathematical sense. By carrying out
110 via the alternate “composition” route shown this brute force exercise via a computer to all 256
in Fig. 14(b). This “commutation property” follows local rules, we have identified the other members of
of course from the definition of an Abelian group. the unique equivalence class represented by all 256
local rules listed in the left column of Table 1, along
with the global transformation T† , T or T∗ rele-
3.3. Proof of global equivalence vant in this mapping. Since random input patterns
By choosing the random pattern from Eq. (12) as represent the most general probing signals, we have
our initial condition in Figs. 7–9, we have proved, proved, with the help of a computer, the following
three fundamental theorems of cellular automata6 :

Theorem 1 (Reflection Invariance Theorem). The bilateral reflection

symmetry between corresponding evolved patterns from any pair of local

rules {β, β ′ }, where β ′ = T† (β), is preserved under left–right transforma-
tion T† .

Theorem 2 (Complementation Invariance Theorem). The complementa-

tion symmetry between corresponding evolved patterns from any pair of local

rules {β, β ′ }, where β ′ = T(β), is preserved under global complementation

Theorem 3 (Reflection Plus Complementation Invariance Theorem). The

bilateral reflection plus complementation symmetry between corresponding

evolved patterns from any pair of local rules {β, β ′ }, where β ′ = T∗ (β), is
preserved under left–right complementation T∗ .

Since the preceding three theorems represent

fundamental global results,7 we will now present an entries only along the main diagonal, or along
analytical proof. Observe that the three matrices the reflected diagonal. Moreover, these nonzero en-
T†u , Tu and T∗u defined in Table 13 have nonzero tries are identical, either 1 or −1. These special

Brute force computer simulations using the same random initial pattern for all other rules confirmed that no other rules
share such a unique global relationship with the four rules {193, 137, 124, 110}.
A bilateral reflection means reflection with respect to a vertical line symmetrically located between two patterns.
These global results can be generalized to two-dimensional CA and CNN as well.
March 7, 2005

Fig. 15. Diagram defining the three global transformations T† , T and T∗ are illustrated by the four local rules {193, 137, 124, 110} belonging to the global equivalence
class ε23 displayed in Table 3. Observe that T† , T and T∗ are 4 × 4 matrices. While T† and T†u differ only in a trivial way, T and T∗ differ from Tu and T∗u by a
further composition operation via the local complementation TC , which is equivalent to changing the colors of all vertices of Tu (N ) and T∗u (N ).
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A Nonlinear Dynamics Perspective of Wolfram’s New Kind of Science. Part III 3721

symmetry constraints allow us to define these matri- t = 0, 1, 2, . . . , 59 (since there are 60 rows in these
ces analytically as follows (n = 3 for a 3 × 3 matrix) patterns). To prove that the above transformations
are true not only for all iterates t = 0, 1, 2, . . . , but
T†ni,j = 1, if i + j = n + 1 also for all corresponding pairs of local rules listed in
Table 1, we recall that Eqs. (20)–(22) do not depend
T†n = 0, if otherwise (20) on the value of n. Hence, even though Tu and T61
i, j = 1, 2, . . . , n are different transformations (Tu is a 3 × 3 matrix
whereas T61 is a 61 × 61 matrix) involving different
input spaces R3 and R61 , respectively, the trans-
Tni,j = −1, if i = j formed pattern T†u u3 (t), Tu u3 (t), and T∗u u3 (t) is a
Tn = 0, if otherwise (21) subset of T†61 u61 (t), T61 u61 (t), and T∗61 u61 (t), re-
i, j = 1, 2, . . . , n spectively, where u3 (t) denotes any one of the eight
rows (ui−1 , ui , ui+1 ) in Fig. 1(d). It follows that
each of the three operators T†u , Tu and T∗u must
T∗ni,j = −1, if i + j = n + 1 map β = [β0 β1 β2 · · · β7 ]t of each truth table N in
T∗n = 0, if otherwise Fig. 1(c) onto β ′ = [β0′ β1′ β2′ · · · β7′ ]t of another truth
table N ′ via a unique 8 × 8 matrix; namely,8
i, j = 1, 2, . . . , n

Observe that Eqs. (20)–(22) define an n × n matrix β ′ = B̂β (29)

for any n. When n = 3, we simply substitute n = u.
Observe that these three matrices are identical to where the hat “ ˆ ” denotes “†”, “−”, or “∗”, re-
their respective inverse: spectively. To derive an explicit expression for B̂,
let us define the following two matrices represent-
(T†n )−1 = T†n , (Tn )−1 = Tn , (T∗n )−1 = T∗n
ing the “pink” entries from the symbolic truth table
(23) in Fig. 1(d):
Now consider an initial pattern  
−1 −1 −1
uI (0) = [un (0)un−1 (0)un−2 (0) · · · u2 (0)u1 (0)u0 (0)]  −1
 −1 1
(24) 
 −1

 1 −1 

at t = 0 for a one-dimensional CA [Fig. 1(a)] with
∆  −1 1 1

I cells, where I = n + 1, and its evolved pattern U = ,
 1 −1 −1 
 
uI (t) = [un (t)un−1 (t)un−2 (t) · · · u2 (t)u1 (t)u0 (t)]t  1 −1 1
  (30)
(25) 
 1 1

−1 
at any iterate t > 0. Using the above notations, 1 1 1
observe that row “t” of the four patterns in Fig. 7  
−1 −1 −1 −1 1 1 1 1
are related by T†61 , T61 , and T∗61 , respectively, for ∆  
U =  −1 −1 1 1 −1 −1 1 1
t = 0, 1, 2, . . . , where I = 61 since each row in these
figures has 61 cells: −1 1 −1 1 −1 1 −1 1
124 110
u61 (t) = T†61 u61 (t) (26) Observe that
 
137 110
u61 (t) = T61 u61 (t) (27) 8 0 0
∆ t  
P = U U = 0 8 0  = 8I (31)
193 110
u61 (t) = T∗61 u61 (t) (28) 0 0 8

We remind the reader that for the two transformations Tu and T∗u , β ′ must be further complemented via TC as imposed
by the definitions of Tu and T∗u in Fig. 15. See Fig. 14(a) for an example. To avoid clutter, we will henceforth use the same
symbol β for both symbolic and numeric truth tables from Fig. 1. Any calculation involving real numbers must use γ instead
of β.
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3722 L. O. Chua et al.

where I denotes the identity matrix. Observe that +1, or +3. Moreover
the matrix
∆ Qt = (U U t )t = (U t )t U t = U U t = Q (33)
Q = UUt
  and
3 1 1 −1 1 −1 −1 −3 1
 1 3 −1 1 −1 1 −3 −1  Q= Qn , n = 1, 2, 3, . . . (34)

 8n−1
 1 −1 3 1 −1 −3 1 −1  Hence, Q is both symmetric and self-similar. Cal-
 
 −1 1 1 3 −3 −1 −1 1 culating the determinants of P and Q we obtain
 
= 
 1 −1 −1 −3 3 1 1 −1 
  det[P] = 512 , det[Q] = 0 (35)
 −1 1 −3 −1 1 3 −1 1
 
  It follows from Eq. (35) that Q does not have an
 −1 −3 1 −1 1 −1 3 1
inverse. However, the traces of both P and Q are
−3 −1 −1 1 −1 1 1 3 equal; namely,
trace[P] = trace[Q] = 3 × 8 = 24 (36)
is very different from the matrix P. In particular,
Q is not sparse; each element is equal to −3, −1, Each component of the two Boolean vectors β of N
and β ′ of N ′ can be calculated from Eq. (8), namely;

1 h  i

βl = 1 + sgn z2 + c2 z1 + c1 (z0 + (b • ul ))

1 h  i

= 1 + sgn z2 + c2 z1 + c1 z0 + (b • T̂u uk )

for all l, k = 0, 1, 2, . . . , 7. It follows from Eq. (29) that Eq. (38) can be expressed in following component
βk′ = Bk,l • βl (39)
It can be shown that each element Bk,l of the 8 × 8 matrix B can be calculated from the elements of the
3 × 3 matrix T̂k via the following rather remarkable formula:

" 2 X
1 X
Bk,l = 1 + sgn t
Uk,i T̂tu,(i,j)Uj,l −2 (40)
2 i=0 j=0

Similarly, the elements of the 3 × 3 matrix T̂u can

be calculated from the elements of B via the inverse The denominator 8 in Eq. (41) comes from the diag-
formula onal element of the matrix P = U t U in Eq. (31). In
contrast the 8 × 8 matrix B comes from the nonlin-
7 7 ear function sgn[(U T̂tu U t )k,l − 2]. To understand the
1 XX t t origin of the nonlinearity and the mysterious con-
T̂u,(i,j) = Ui,k B̂k,l Ul,j (41)
8 stant 2 in Eq. (40), let us multiply the 3 × 3 matrix
k=0 l=0 T̂u in Eq. (41) by U from the left, and by U t from
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A Nonlinear Dynamics Perspective of Wolfram’s New Kind of Science. Part III 3723

the right: Substituting these truth table transformation

1 1 matrices for B in Eq. (29) with β 110 =
U T̂u U t = U U t Bt U U t = QBt Q (42)
8 8 [−1 1 1 1 − 1 1 1 − 1]t for rule 110 , we
Taking the transpose of both sides, we obtain obtain the following Boolean vectors β 124
, β 137

1 and β 193 :
(U T̂u U t )t = U T̂tu U t = QBQ (43)
  
Since Q is symmetric, any differences between 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 −1
Eqs. (42) and (43) must come from B. Multiplying 0
 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 
 1

the matrix B by the same matrix Q on each side and 
0 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 1

then dividing the result by 8 gives rise to a distribu- 
 
tion of the matrix elements among the four possible 0 0 0 0 0 1 0  1
B† β 110   
=  
values −3, −1, +1, and +3, in view of Eq. (34). In 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0   −1 
  
order to eliminate the unnecessary matrix elements 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
 

in the derivation of the closed-form formula given 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
 
 
in Eq. (40), it is necessary to subtract the number
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 −1
2 from (U T̂tu U t )k,l and to make use of the nonlin-
ear sgn[•] function to eliminate all elements having
 
values less than 2. Substituting T†u , Tu and T∗u for −1
T̂u in Eq. (40) we obtain the following three 8 × 8  −1 
 
matrices which map the Boolean vector β from the 
 1

numeric truth table in Fig. 1(d) of the local rule N 
 1

onto the Boolean vector β ′ of N ′ = T̂u (N ), where 

=β 124
βk ∈ {−1, 1} and βk′ ∈ {−1, 1}:  1
 
   1
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 

0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0  1
 
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
  −1
 
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
B† = 
 
 (44)
 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 

0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
 (−1) • Bβ
 
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0   
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 −1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 
 1 

    
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1  1 
 

0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 
 
  
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 = (−1) •   
  0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0  −1 
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0   
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 
   
B=  (45) 
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0   

0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0  1 

0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 −1
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  
  1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1  −1 
 
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0  
   −1 
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0  
   1
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0   137
∗   = =β (48)
B =  (46)  −1 
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0  
   −1 
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0  
   
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0  −1 
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
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3724 L. O. Chua et al.

(−1) • B∗ β 110 The factor (−1) in Eqs. (48) and (49) is introduced
   in order to implement the local complementation in-
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 −1 dicated in Figs. 13–15. In other words, the effect of
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0  1
   (−1) in Eqs. (48) and (49) is simply to change the
  
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 color of the vertices of the Boolean cube represented
  
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
  by Bβ 110 and B∗ β 110 .
= (−1) • 
 0 0 0 0 0 1 0  −1 
  Observe that Eqs. (40) and (41) constitute a
 0 1 0 0 0 0  
0 1  very remarkable transform pair between the (k, l)

0 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 1
 coefficients of B and the (i, j) coefficients of T̂u , and
vice versa, because the former involves a nonlinear
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 −1
  operation while the latter involves only a linear op-
1 eration. It is interesting also to note that B† , B, and
 −1 
  B∗ in Eqs. (44)–(46) have unit determinants and
 
 −1  hence are unimodular matrices. In addition, each
 
 −1  of the 8 × 8 matrices B† , B, and B∗ in Eqs. (44)–
= =β (49) (46) commutes with the 8 × 8 matrix Q in Eq. (32);
−1 
 
 −1  namely
 

 1
 ˆ − QB̂ = 0
BQ (50)
1 We close this section with the following unique

Theorem 4 (Exclusive Global Relationships). The elements T† , T, and

T∗ of the Viererqruppe, V are the only global transformations which pre-
serve the long-term dynamics of all 256 local rules.

Proof. A careful analysis of the preceding analytical

proof shows that the 4 × 4 matrices T† , T, and T∗ result predicted by the identification of 89 global
defining the Vierergruppe V in Fig. 17(a) are unique equivalence classes εκm listed in Tables 2–4. One of
in the sense that they alone can be generalized to them, class ε231 , contains four dynamically equiva-
n × n matrices for n > 4. Any other transformation lent rules {110, 124, 137, 193} capable of univer-
of a Boolean cube onto itself, including the 23 ro- sal computation and are therefore unpredictable.
tation transformations to be presented in Sec. 4.1, The seemingly contradictory nature of the title
would lead to a change in sign and/or rearrange- of this final section is due to the ambiguity in
ments of the initial pixel positions. Consequently, the “subject” to be predicted. Here, we are not in-
long term predictability (t > 1) is impossible.  terested in the prediction of long term dynamic
behaviors, which had been proven to be impos-
Corollary. The local rules listed under each of the sible, in general. Rather, the subject we wish
89 subgroups εkm in Tables 2–4 are globally equiv- to predict in this section is the parameter set
alent and hence exhibit identical dynamics for all {z2 , c2 , z1 , c1 , z0 , b1 , b2 , b3 } defining the nonlinear
times t > 0. difference equations associated with each local rule.
In general, an infinitely many distinct, but re-
lated, parameter sets can be found to generate the
4. Predicting the Predictable truth table for each of the 256 local rules. Two
The results from Sec. 3 are global in the sense of such sets are given in Tables 4 and 5 in [Chua
asymptotic time behavior as t → ∞. It proves that et al., 2003]. These two sets of parameters were
even though there are 256 distinct local rules in generated by statistical methods, as is the option
a one-dimensional CA, or CNN, there are only 89 of choice when there are infinitely many equally
distinct global dynamic behaviors, a fundamental acceptable parameter sets for each local rule. In
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A Nonlinear Dynamics Perspective of Wolfram’s New Kind of Science. Part III 3725

this section, we will prove that given any set of can verify by inspection that each rotated cube
parameters in Table 15 will indeed coincide with the unro-
∆ tated cube. Each rotation operation in Table 15
P0 (N ) = {z20 , c02 , z10 , c01 , z00 , b01 , b02 , b03 } , (51)
can be defined mathematically as a transformation
hence forth called a seed parameter set for local rule of the u = (ui−1 , ui , ui+1 ) axes onto the rotated
N , which generates the numeric truth table for N u′ = (u′i−1 , u′i , u′i+1 ) axes via a 3 × 3 matrix:
[Fig. 1(d)] via Eq. (8), there is a simple and sys-  ′    
tematic procedure to derive “ρ” additional sets of ui−1 ui−1
parameters, 1 ≤ ρ ≤ 7, which generates the same  ′  
 ui  =  Tk   ui 
 
local rule N .9 The number ρ depends on the local ′
ui+1 ui+1
equivalence class (to be defined in Sec. 4.2) where | {z } | {z }
N belongs. For example, we can derive eight ad- u′ u
ditional parameter sets P1 (15), P2 (15), . . . , P8 (15), where k = 1, 2, . . . , 23. The transformation matrix
given a parameter seed P0 (15) for local rule 15 , Tk is given for each rotation operation S[ek , θ] in
but only one additional parameter set P1 (110) from Table 15, where ek denotes the rotation axis, and
a parameter seed P0 (110) for local rule 110 . where x, y, z codes for ui−1 , ui and ui+1 , respec-
The above analytical result is significant for at tively, and where the bar “−” on top denotes the
least two reasons. First, it represents the only ana- ∆
complement direction, e.g. x = −x.
lytical result known so far in the mathematical the- To visualize the analytical property of a rota-
ory of nonlinear dynamics where an explicit ana- tion transformation on the difference equation, it is
lytical procedure is derived for mapping a nonlinear convenient to recast Eq. (8) into the following inner
differential equation, or a nonlinear difference equa- product form:
tion, into a family of up to eight equivalent (topo-
logically conjugate) equations. Second, when a piece n
of hardware (e.g. a CNN chip) is used to implement


a particular local rule in order to enhance the com- i = sgn z2 + c2 z1 + c1 (z0
putation speed (by at least three orders of magni-  o
tude) [Chua & Roska, 2003], or to be used as a ded- + hb, ui) (53)
icated component for various practical applications
(e.g. video games and other high-tech electronic sys- where
tems), multiple choices of design parameters can be

exploited for optimization with respect to robust- b = [b1 b2 b3 ]t (54)
ness and cost.
Observe that the rotation operation Tk affects only
the inner-product (dot product) term because
4.1. The rotation group R

There are 23 distinct ways to rotate the Boolean hb, u′ i = hb, Tk ui = hTtk b, ui = hb′ , ui (55)
cube in Fig. 1(e) about some axis eaxis by θ ◦ so that
the rotated cube coincides with the original cube, where
except for the color of their vertices. Each such ro- ∆
b′ = [b′1 b′2 b′3 ]t = Ttk b (56)
tation is depicted in Table 15 where the rotation
axis is identified by a red bold arrow and labeled The reciprocal relationship between Tk u and Ttk b
accordingly. The degrees of rotation θ is also given revealed by Eq. (55) is important enough to
next to a black circular arc in a clockwise sense. One reiterate it as a theorem, in spite of the trivial

Theorem 5. If we fix the five parameters {z2 , c2 , z1 , c1 , z0 } specifying a local rule N , then
the transformed local rule N ′ = Tk (N ) can be found by either transforming u via Tk , or
transforming b via Ttk . The transformed axes u′ is obtained by rotating u by θk◦ about an
axis ek in a clockwise direction. The transformed vector b′ is obtained by rotating b by θk◦
about ek in a counterclockwise direction.

This procedure is applicable to all rules, except the four degenerate rules 0 , 105 , 150 and 255 .
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3726 L. O. Chua et al.

Table 15. There are 23 distinct ways of rotating a Boolean cube by θ◦ degrees through some axis such
that the rotated cube is indistinguishable (except for the color of the vertices) from the original cube. These
rotations are defined by a 3 × 3 matrix Tk , k = 1, 2, . . . , 23. All rotation axes are shown by bold red arrows
and labeled accordingly, including the rotation angle θ. All rotations are chosen, without loss of generality,
in a clockwise direction.
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Table 15. (Continued )

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Table 15. (Continued )

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Table 15. (Continued )

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For future reference, the vectors u′ = Tk u and glove (each fits only one hand), not all Boolean
b′ = Ttk b are given in Table 16 for all 24 rota- cubes with the same number “m” of red vertices
tion matrices T0 , T1 , T2 · · · T23 , including the iden- can be rotated to match each other. Each subset of
tity matrix T0 . Together they form a 24-element “m ” red vertices which do match would constitute
non-Abelian group R, whose mulitiplication table therefore a separate group. The superscript “n” of
is given in Table 17. Note that the rotation group Smn denotes therefore the subgroup number, hence-

R includes 13 subgroups. forth called the chiral number, a generalization of

The first three subgroups are shaded in or- the terminology from chemistry which was intro-
ange10 ; they correspond to the only other four- duced for similar purposes in classifying molecules.
element abstract group, namely, the Abelian group The Boolean cubes associated with each of the
C4 . It is a cyclic group isomorphic to the four roots 30 groups Sm n whose rotated version have the same

of 1, namely, {1, i, −1, −i}, under multiplication. (matched) red vertices are exhibited in Table 18.
The first subgroup generates the three rotation ma- They are arranged in two columns in a laterally
trices T1 to T3 , the second subgroup generates the symmetric manner so that two rules located at two
three rotation matrices T4 to T6 , and the third laterally symmetric positions would have cubes with
subgroup generates the three rotation matrices T7 complementary vertex colors, and hence their local
to T9 . rule numbers would add up to zero. This implies
The next six subgroup (shaded pink) are two- that the superscript “n” for Sm n at corresponding
element abstract groups; they correspond to the left–right columns must be identical, and that their
only two-element abstract group C2 , which is both subscripts must add up to 8 since there are a total
Abelian and cyclic. The six order-two subgroups of eight red vertices.
generate the six rotation matrices T10 to T15 . It follows from the definition of the complexity
The last four subgroups (shaded yellow) are index11 in Eq. (9) that all local rules belonging to
three-element groups; they correspond to the only the same group Sm n must have the same index κ.
three-element abstract group; namely, C3 . It is an This useful information is therefore written below
Abelian group where each nonidentity element is each group label Sm n.
the inverse of the other. These four order-three sub- The first Boolean cube (with the smallest lo-
groups generate the eight remaining rotation matri- cal rule number) belonging to each group Sm n is
ces T16 to T23 . highlighted along with its associated b parame-
ters (b1 , b2 , b3 ) printed on the left of the cube and
4.2. Local equivalence classes used as a “seed” to generate the other members
Although each of the 23 rotation matrices Tk listed of the group via appropriate rotation transforma-
in Table 17 maps a Boolean cube onto itself, the ro- tions, each identified by [ek , θ]. The rotation matrix
tated cube will be different in general from the unro- Tk used to generate each member of the group is
tated cube because the color (red or blue) may not translated directly into the corresponding parame-
match at corresponding vertices. However, a careful ter vector b′ = [b′1 b′2 b′3 ]t on the right of each
analysis shows that there are 30 distinct groups (in rotated cube (identified by its rule number in red).
the sense of subsets, and not group theory) among For cross referencing purposes, Table 18 is
the 256 Boolean cubes where the cubes belonging repackaged in Table 19 where each Boolean cube
to each subset have matched color vertices after ro- is replaced by a corresponding eight-bit Boolean
tating each cube by an appropriate Tk . These 30 string for rule N = (β7 β6 β5 β4 β3 β2 β1 β0 ). A suc-
groups of Boolean cubes are displayed in Table 18 cinct summary showing only the local rules belong-
n , where the ing to each group Sm n is given in Table 20.
and identified by a suggestive symbol Sm
subscript “m” denotes the number of red vertices of Given a local rule number N , we will often need
n . Just like to know which group Sm n it belongs to. Table 21 con-
all Boolean cubes belonging to map Sm
a left-handed glove is different from a right-handed tains this information. In addition, the complexity

The identity element T0 in each subgroup in Table 17 is not listed.
It follows also from Eq. (9) that the complexity index of each local rule (for a one-dimensional cellular automata with nearest
neighbors) is equal to the number of elementary nonlinear functions of one variable (in this case, they are the sign function
sgn(•) and the absolute-value function | • |) needed to represent N . Hence, κ = 1, 2 or 3, depending on whether Eq. (9) has 0,
1 or 2 absolute-value functions.
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A Nonlinear Dynamics Perspective of Wolfram’s New Kind of Science. Part III 3731

Table 16. Each rotation matrix Tk maps the coordinates u = (ui−1 , ui , ui+1 ) in Fig. 1(e) into new coordinates
u′ = (u′i−1 , u′i , u′i+1 ). Such a transformation u′ = Tk u of u is equivalent to applying the transformation
∆ ∆
T′k = Ttk on the parameter vector b = (b1 , b2 , b3 ) to obtain b′ = T′k b. The transformed coordinates u′ and
the equivalent transformed parameter vector b′ are listed for all Tk , k = 1, 2, . . . , 23.
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Table 17. Multiplication table for the rotation group R. There are three four-element cyclic subgroups (orange), six two-element cyclic subgroups (pink),
and four three-element cyclic subgroups (yellow).

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Table 18. Partitioning of the 256 local rules into 30 local equivalence classes. Each equivalent class is identified uniquely by the symbol S m where the
subscript “m” denotes the number of red vertices of the Boolean cube belonging to this class. The superscript “n” is an identification number, called
the chiral number, used to distinguish different local equivalence classes all having the same number of red vertices. The 30 local equivalence classes
are arranged in two columns such that the vertices of each pair of Boolean cubes located in laterally symmetric positions have complementary colors,
and hence their rule numbers must add up to 255. The “seed” used to generate S m is highlighted.

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(Continued )
Table 18.

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(Continued )
Table 18.

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(Continued )
Table 18.

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(Continued )
Table 18.

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(Continued )
Table 18.

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Table 19. The same information as Table 18 but with the Boolean cube replaced by its eight-bit Boolean string (β7 β6 β5 β4 β3 β2 β1 β0 ). The
rotation matrix Tk used to generate the new Boolean string (β7′ β6′ β5′ β4′ β3′ β2′ β1′ β0′ ) is shown on the left (resp., right) of each eight-bit Boolean

March 7, 2005 10:10 01176

(Continued )
Table 19.

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(Continued )
Table 19.

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(Continued )
Table 19.

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(Continued )
Table 19.

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3744 L. O. Chua et al.

Table 20. Local equivalence classes of local rules. The subscript m denotes the number of red vertices of the
Boolean cubes belonging to the local equivalence class S m , whereas the superscript “n” denotes the chiral number
to distinguish multiple nonequivalent subgroups having the same number of red vertices. The symbol S printed
n n
below each local equivalence class S m denotes the number of local rules belong to S m .
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Table 20. (Continued )

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Table 21. Catalog of local equivalence class membership. For each local rule N listed consecutively on the left, its
associated local equivalence class S m (N ) is listed on the right. The local rule number N on the left column is printed
in red, blue or green if its complexity index κ = 1, 2 or 3, respectively.
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Table 21. (Continued )

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Table 22. Six distinct rotations {T2 , T4 , T9 , T14 , T20 , T23 } for transforming rule 24 to rule 129 .
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Table 23. List of q = 24/S rotation matrices which transform the highlighted local rule N (called the seed) of each local equivalence class S n
m into the same
local rule N ′ ∈ S n n
m , where “S” denotes the number indicated in Table 20 below each equivalence class S m .

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(Continued )
Table 23.

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(Continued )
Table 23.

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(Continued )
Table 23.

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(Continued )
Table 23.

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(Continued )
Table 23.

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Table 24. Table of rotation matrices Tj and their inverse T−1

j , j = 0, 1, 2, . . . , 23.

index κ of each local rule is colored in red for κ = 1, follows that each member is locally equivalent (in
blue for κ = 2, and green for κ = 3. the sense articulated in Sec. 2) to this germinating
Finally, since each local rule N belonging to cube. Moreover, since all rotations listed in Table 15
a set Sm n is generated by applying a rotation form a group, every member of Sm n is locally equiv-

transformation Tk on the “seed” Boolean cube, it alent to every other member belonging to the same
set Smn . We summarize this result as follow.

n are locally equivalent to each other, thereby

Theorem 6. All local rules belonging to Sm
forming a local equivalence class.

4.3. Finding all rotations which

map any N ∈ Sm n to any matrices which map the highlighted “seed” Boolean
N′ ∈ n
Sm cube in Table 18 into each member belonging to the
n and same class. The results are presented in Table 23.
It follows from Theorem 6 that if N ∈ Sm
′ n To simplify the derivation of this table, it is useful
N ∈ Sm are any two members of a local equivalence
class Smn , then there must exist at least one rotation to use Table 24 which gives the inverse of every ro-
matrix Tj which maps N to N ′ . In general, there tation matrix Tj , j = 0, 1, 2, . . . , 23. Observe that
may exist several rotation matrices which would since each rotation matrix Tj is a unitary matrix,

qualify. For example, Table 22 shows six different ro- we have T−1 t
j = Tj = Tj .

tation matrices {T2 , T4 , T9 , T14 , T20 , T23 } that Table 23 gives only partial results since only 30
transform the Boolean cube 24 to the Boolean seed Boolean cubes are used. A much more useful
cube 129 , both belonging to S23 (see Table 21). table would be a “reversible” catalog which provides
Using Tables 15–17, we can find all rotation explicitly all rotation matrices which map any local
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3756 L. O. Chua et al.

n to any other local rule in N ′ . This pink. Conversely, one can choose any N ∈ Sm n from
rule N ∈ Sm
lengthy catalog is presented in Table 25. To avoid the top row (in green) and identify the associated
confusion, all rotations Tj associated with a local rotation matrices Tj in green. The 30 local equiva-
rule N in the left column (in pink) is indicated in lence classes in Table 25 are located as follow:

Equivalence Class Equivalence Class

Sm Table No. Table No. n

S 11 25(a) 25(b) S 17

S 21 25(c) 25(d) S 16

S 22 25(e) 25(f) S 26

S 23 25(g) 25(h) S 36

S 31 25(i) 25(j) S 15

S 32 25(k) 25(l) S 25

S 33 25(m) 25(n) S 35

S 41 25(o) 25(o) S 14

S 42 25(p) 25(p) S 24

S 43 25(q) 25(r) S 34

S 44 25(s) 25(s) S 44

S 45 25(t) 25(u) S 54

S 46 25(v) 25(w) S 64

S 47 25(x) 25(x) S 74

For example, to find all rotation matrices which

map the local rule 24 to rule 129 , both belong- rotation matrices, respectively. Hence, in general,
ing to S23 , we first identify the relevant location in the number of rotation matrices mapping N to N ′
Table 25(g) from the preceding index, and then go can range from 1 to 8.
to Table 25 to extract the six pink colored matrices Finally, observe from Table 25 that in order to
map any local rule N ∈ Sm n to any other local rule
{T2 , T6 , T7 , T14 , T21 , T22 } at location 25(g).
′ n
N ∈ Sm , it is necessary to involve all 23 rotation
A careful analysis of Table 25 shows that the
number of rotation matrices for mapping two local matrices.
rules in any equivalence class Sm n can be determined

by dividing the number 24 by the number of rules

S belonging to Sm n (see Table 20). For the above ex- 4.4. Truth-table mapping matrices
ample, S2 has four local rules {24, 36, 66, 129}, and for the rotation group R
hence we expect to have q = 24/4 = 6 rotation ma- Just as in Eq. (29) where each 3 × 3 transformation
trices. Similarly, we note from Table 20 that since matrix T† , T and T∗ induces a unique 8 × 8 truth-
S41 and S53 have three and twenty-four local rules table mapping matrix B† , B and B∗ , each 3 × 3
respectively, we can expect to find eight and one rotation matrix Tk also induces a unique 8 × 8
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Table 25. Reversible catalog of all rotation matrices mapping any local rule N ∈ S n ′ n
m to any other local rule N ∈ S m . Pink rotation matrices are associated
with pink local rules displayed in the left column. Green rotation matrices are associated with green local rules displayed in the top row. For example, local rule
2 ∈ S 11 can be transformed into local rule 16 by applying any one of three pink rotation matrices T5 , T16 and T20 , located at the intersection of row 2 and

column 16. Conversely, the same result can be obtained by applying any one of the three green rotation matrices T5 , T16 and T20 located at the intersection
between column 2 and row 16. All tables are arranged in alphabetical order. The local equivalence classes S m from Table 20 are ordered from left to right, and
from top to bottom.

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(Continued )

Table 25.

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Table 25.

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Table 25.

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Table 25.

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Table 25.

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Table 25.

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Table 25.

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Table 25. (Continued )

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Table 25. (Continued )

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(Continued )

Table 25.

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matrix Bk which maps the numeric Boolean vec- equivalence classes with different chiral numbers to
tor β into the numeric Boolean vector β ′ = Bk β, each other. For example, Table 27(a) shows the
k = 1, 2, 3, . . . , 23. These matrices can be gener- two local equivalence classes S45 and S46 on the left
ated from the same formula given in Eq. (40) and (resp. right) column of Table 18 maps to each other
are displayed in Table 26. via the left–right transformation T† . Similarly,
As an example, to find Boolean vector β ′ re- Table 27(b) shows the local equivalence classes S45
sulting from applying the 3 × 3 rotation matrix on the left column of Table 18 maps to a subset
  of S46 on Table 18 via the global complementation
0 −1 0
  T. Similarly, the local equivalence class S45 on the
T18 =  0 0 1 right column of Table 18 maps to a subset of S46 on
−1 0 0 Table 18 via the global complementation T.

from Table 15 to rule 110 , we simply multiply the

matrix B18 with β 110 as follows: 4.6. Laterally symmetric
  interaction group for local
  −1 equivalence classes
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 It is possible to depict the relationship between lo-
  1

   cal rules belonging to each local equivalence class
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0  n represented in a laterally symmetric graph us-
  1

 Sm
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
B18 β 110 =  
 −1

 ing only one or two rotations matrices, as displayed
 
 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0   in Table 28. The rotation matrix Tj in blue per-
  1
1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 
 tains to mappings between the b-parameter vectors,
 1 whereas the rotation matrix Tj in red pertains to
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
−1 mappings between the u vectors. Note that not all
  rotation matrices are needed here because any pairs
1 of local rules can be mapped via a composition of
 −1  several rotation transformations. In fact, Table 29
 

 1
 shows that all 24 members of the rotation group

 1
 can be generated by repeated compositions involv-
 
 = β 173 ing only T1 and T4 .
 −1 
 
 1

 4.7. Mapping parameter vectors
 −1  between rule 110 and its
1 locally-equivalent rules
The resulting Boolean vector corresponds to the lo- To illustrate the immense value and significance
cal rule number of Table 25, let us first use it to construct the
“star transition graph” shown in Fig. 16(a), and
N = 1 • 20 + 0 • 21 + 1 • 22 + 1 • 23 + 0 • 24
its “inverse transition graph” in Fig. 16(b). The
+ 1 • 25 + 0 • 26 + 1 • 27 star transition graph gives the rotation matrix Tj
= 173 , which maps the local rule 110 into one of the
23 local rules belonging to the local equivalence
where the corresponding symbolic code βk ∈ {0, 1} class S53 where 110 is a member. The inverse star
is used for the βk defined in Eq. (2). ∆
transition graph gives the rotation matrix T−1 k =

Tk (Table 24) which maps each local rule N from
4.5. Combining transformations Fig. 16(a) into the local rule 110 .
from the Vierergruppe V and To construct the star transition graph, we first
the rotaion group R identify the relevant Tables 25(n)-2 and 25(n)-4,
By combining transformations from the Vier- which contain the local rule 110 . We then be-
ergruppe V from Sec. 3.2 and the rotation group gin from the top of column 7 (corresponding to
R from Sec. 4.1, it is possible to map two local 110 ) of Table 25(n)-2 and go down vertically in the
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A Nonlinear Dynamics Perspective of Wolfram’s New Kind of Science. Part III 3799

Table 26. Table of all 23 truth table transformation matrices Bk which maps any Boolean vector β into
N′ ′
β where N = Tk (N ), k = 0, 1, 2, . . . , 23.
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Table 26. (Continued )

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A Nonlinear Dynamics Perspective of Wolfram’s New Kind of Science. Part III 3801

Table 26. (Continued )

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3802 L. O. Chua et al.

Table 27. Four subsets of local equivalence classes which are related via global transformations T† and T.


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A Nonlinear Dynamics Perspective of Wolfram’s New Kind of Science. Part III 3803

Table 28. Laterally symmetric groupings of local rules belonging to the same local equivalence class S m , m = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
on the left, and m = 8, 7, 6, 5, 4 on the right. All local rules belonging to each local equivalence class S m are generated by
one or two rotation matrices. The coordinates u′ = Tk u between any pair of adjacent rules is generated by matrix Tk (in
red). The parameter vector b′ = T′k b is generated by matrix T′k (in blue).
Table (28)-1

0 0 Tj -1 Tj Tj Tj -1 255 255

1 1
S 0 S8

1 127
2 191
T1 2 T1 T1 64 T1 T1 191 T1 T1 253 T1
4 223
T3 T3 T3 T3 T3 T3 T3 T3
8 T6 T6 239
8 1 16 128 239 127 247 254
16 T3 T3
T4 T3 T3 T3 T3
T4 T3 T3 247
32 4 251
T1 T1 T1 32 T1 T1 223 T1 T1 251 T1
64 % 253
128 S11 S 1
7 254

3 252

5 T1 48 12 T1 207 243 250


T1 T1
3 3
T4 T4


10 T
T3 245
160 T 10 95 T 245
12 80 T3 6 T1 T3 5 175 T3 6 T1 T3 250 243


17 T1 T1 238


192 3 63 252

34 221
T6 T6
68 T6 T6 187
T4 T4 T4 T4


136 119
68 17 187 238


192 T1 T1 63
T3 T3
160 T3 T3 95
T1 T1
80 175
136 34 119 221


48 S21 S61 207




6 249
18 65 237 190


18 T16 T16 237




T17 T17


20 T3 T3 235
6 9 T17 249 246 T17
9 T1 T16 T1 T16 246






33 20 33 235 222 222



65 190
T1 T3 T3 T1 T1 T3 T3 T1


130 125
72 130 183 125


132 123
T16 T16



T17 T17


144 T3 T3 111
96 T 144 T17 159 T 111 T17 215
1 T16 1 T16






72 40 132 215 123 183

2 2


96 159
2 6

24 66 189 231
T4 T4 T4 T4
36 T6 T6 T6 T6 219
129 36 126 219
66 T6 T6 T6 T6 189

129 T4 24 T4
S23 S63 T4 231 T4 126
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3804 L. O. Chua et al.

Table 28. (Continued )


7 248


11 13 14 242 241 244
T1 T1
T3 T3
13 T3 T3 242
T1 T1
14 241
7 11 248 244


19 236


42 T6 T6 T6 T6 213
T4 T4 T4 T4



69 186



140 19 42 21 35 236 213 234 220 115
T1 T1 T1 T1
21 T3 T3 T3 T3 234
T3 T3 T3 T3
35 T1 T1 T1 T1 220
69 140 76 138 186 115 179 117



76 179



138 T6 T6 117
T4 T4 T T4 T4 T
49 6 6 206



162 93



84 200 196 168 171 55 59 87
84 T1 T1 T1 T1 171
T3 T3 T3 T3
T3 T3 T3 T3
200 T1 T1 T1 T1 55
81 49 162 81 50 206 93 174 205 174






50 T4 T4 205
T4 T6 T6
T4 T6
196 59

168 87

112 176 143 79 143
T1 T3
T1 T3
176 T3 T3 79
T1 T1
224 31
208 224 47 31
S31 S51

208 47


22 233
41 214
T1 41 T1 T1 148 T1 T1 214 T1 T1 107 T1
73 182
T3 T3 T3 T3 T3 T3 T3 T3
134 T6 T6 121
134 22 97 104 121 233 158 151
97 T3
T4 T3 T3
T4 T3 158
T3 T3 T3 T3
146 109
T1 73 T1 T1 146 T1 T1 182 T1 T1 109 T1
148 107
104 S32 S 2
5 151


25 230


38 70 137 185 118 217

T1 T1
T3 T3
70 T3 T3 185
T1 T1
137 118
25 38 230 217


28 227


37 T6 T6 T6 T6 218
T4 T4 T4 T4




74 181




131 37 131 67 26 218 124 188 229 124

T1 T1 T1 T1
26 T3 T3 T3 T3 229
T3 T3 T3 T3
44 T1 T1 T1 T1 211
28 74 133 44 227 181 122 211




67 188




133 T6 T6 122
T4 T4 T T4 T4 T
56 6 6 199




164 91




193 164 88 194 62 91 167 61

82 T1 T3
T1 T3
T1 T3
T1 T3 173
T3 T3 T3 T3
193 T1 T1 T1 T1 62
88 82 56 52 161 173 199 203 94 167







52 T4 T4 203
T4 T6 T6
T4 T6
194 61


161 94


145 98 110 157 103
T1 T1
T3 T3
100 T3 T3 155
T1 T1
98 157
100 152 155 103
S33 S53


145 110

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A Nonlinear Dynamics Perspective of Wolfram’s New Kind of Science. Part III 3805

Table 28. (Continued )

15 30

51 85 204 45 135 45



85 17 T3 75 T3
51 170 T1
170 T1 T16
75 30


15 240 57


240 86 T6 T6
T4 T4




201 57 166 101 147
T1 T1
23 101 T3 T3
T3 T3
43 T1 43 T1 T1 212 T1 147 T1 T1
86 201 156 106


T3 T3 T3 T3 156
77 T6


142 142 23 113 232 106
T4 T3
T6 T4 T
T3 T3 54 T4 6


178 T1 77 T1 T1 178 T1 89


89 198 108 154
212 169 T1 T3
T1 T3
2 T3 T3
232 S 4
198 T1 T1
99 54 169 149 99



108 T4

60 149 T6 T6

90 T16 102 153 154

210 120

102 17 T3 120 T1
60 T 165 T1 T3
153 1 T16 180 T3


165 90 195 210

225 180


195 225


216 27

116 T1 78 177 46 T1 114 141


T1 T1
3 3
T4 T4

177 T
T3 141 T
29 T 116 184 T 46
226 139 T3 6 T1 T3 226 71 209 T3 6 T1 T3 71


172 T1 53 T1


39 216 228 27

197 163
T6 T6
83 T6 202 T6
T4 T4 T4 T4


58 92
58 172 92 53


29 T1 184 T1
T3 T3
39 T3 228 T3
T1 T1
139 209
83 202 163


78 S 114 S45


T1 T3
105 150

order 230 , 229 , 227 , 218 , 217 , 211 , 203 , in Fig. 16(a) emanating from 110 to N as indi-
199 , 188 , 185 , 181 , 173 , and continuing cated by the outgoing arrow head.
(using Table 25(n)-4) to 167 , 157 , 155 , 124 , To construct the inverse star transition graph,
122 , 118 , 110 , 103 , 94 , 91 , 62 , and 61 . we repeat the above process but this time we ex-
We then extract the matrix Tj inside the green tract instead the rotation matrix Tk inside the pink
downward-pointing triangle corresponding to each upward-pointing triangle corresponding to each lo-
local rule N and display it next to the red ray cal rule N in Tables 25(n)-2 and 25(n)-4 and
March 7, 2005 10:10 01176

3806 L. O. Chua et al.

Table 29. Every rotation matrix Tk , k = 0, 1, 2, . . . , 23, can be generated by repeated compositions of only T1
and T4 .

display it next to the blue ray in Fig. 16(b) converg- a parameter vector (out of infinitely many equally
ing from N to 110 , as indicated by the incoming valid parameter values) b 110 which specifies the lo-
arrow head. As a check, one can verify that Tk in cal rule 110 via its nonlinear difference equation.12
Fig. 16(b) is equal to the inverse, or the transpose, For the following illustration, let us reproduce below
of the corresponding rotation matrix in Fig. 16(a), the difference equation given in Table 5 (p. 2417)
as specified in Table 24. from [Chua et al., 2003] for the local rule 110
Let us now illustrate how to predict the vector
b N
of each local rule N ∈ S53 once we are given ut+1
i = sgn[−2 + |uti−1 + 2uti − 3uti+1 − 1|] (57)

Two such parameter vectors were given in [Chua et al., 2003] for each of the 256 local rules. One set of the parameters
is given in Table 4 (pp. 2386–2389) for the general case involving eight parameters. Another set is given implicitly via the
difference equation for each local rule listed in Table 5 (pp. 2390–2453), where only six parameters [see Eq. (11)] were needed
for all local rules with the complexity index κ = 2, and only four parameters [see Eq. (10)] are needed for all local rules with
the complexity index κ = 1.
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A Nonlinear Dynamics Perspective of Wolfram’s New Kind of Science. Part III 3807



Fig. 16. (a) A star transition graph mapping the local rule 110 into 23 local rules N belonging to the local equivalence
class S 35 via the indicated rotation matrix Tj . (b) An inverse star transition graph mapping each of the 23 local rules N
belonging to S 35 into the same local rule 110 via the indicated rotation matrix Tk .
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3808 L. O. Chua et al.

Note that Eq. (57) has only one absolute value Finally, to find the parameter vector b 229
function since the complexity index for rule 110 simply look up Table 16 and find the item
is equal to 2. Hence it suffices for us to examine
     
Eq. (11) involving only the following six parame- b1 b3 −3
ters for specifying the truth table of rule 110 : ′      
T21  b2  =  −b1  =  −1  (61)
b3 −b2 −2
z1 = −2 , c1 = 1 , z0 = −1 ,
b1 = 1 , b2 = 2 , b3 = −3 In other words, we have successfully derived N ∈
S53 . These nontrivial results could only be obtained
via the one-dimensional cellular automata devel-
Without loss of generality we can fix the values
oped in Part I [Chua et al., 2002]. They are sum-
of z1 , c1 and z0 and then derive the values of
marized in Tables 30(a)-1 and 30(a)-3.
(b1 , b2 , b3 ) for generating the truth table of each
local rule N ∈ S53 . Let us introduce the notation Conversely, given the parameter vector b N for
any local rule N ∈ S53 , we can derive the cor-


 
 N
 responding parameter vector b 110 = T′k b N by
b 1 b identifying the appropriate rotation matrix Tk from
 1   1 
b 110  110
  
= 2  , b N  N

 (59) the inverse star transition graph in Fig. 16(b) and
 2   2  use Table 16 to identify the transformed vector
110 −3 N
b3 b3 b 110 corresponding to T′k .
To illustrate the above procedure, we repro-
Using the rotation matrix Tj corresponding to each duce the nonlinear difference equation of the 23 lo-
local rule N ∈ S53 from the star transition graph cal rules belonging to S53 from Table 5 (pp. 2390–
in Fig. 16(a), and with the help of Table 16, we 2453) of [Chua et al., 2003] and display them in
N Tables 30(b)-1 to 30(b)-3. From these differential
can derive the corresponding parameter vector b
110 110 equations, we extracted the parameter vector b N
by simply permuting the elements b1 , b2 and for each local rule N . We then use the inverse
b3 , and multiplying each parameter element by star transition graph in Fig. 16(b) and Table 16 to
+1 or −1. The resulting vector is then used to con- derive b 110 , and its corresponding difference equa-
struct the nonlinear difference equation which will tion. Observe that there are 23 distinct vectors, and
correctly generate the truth table for each local rule 23 corresponding nonlinear difference equations, all
N ∈ S53 . of them will generate the same truth table for N =
For example, let us derive the parameter vector 110 . Observe that except for b 110 = [1 2 3]t ,
b from which was not extracted from Table 5 of [Chua
  et al., 2003] to avoid redundancy with Table 30(a),
1 all other rules extracted from Table 5 map to
110  
b =  2 (60) only two distinct b 110 . This highly unlikely
−3 event was due to the fact that Table 5 from
[Chua et al., 2003] was in fact constructed by
various rotation transformations of the Boolean
given in Eq. (59). To find the appropriate rotation
cube before we have formally identified the ro-
matrix Tk required to transform b 110 into b 229 , tation group R in Sec. 4.1. The above observa-
we use the star transition graph in Fig. 16(a) and tion is therefore an artifact of the algorithm we
found 110 maps into 229 via the rotation matrix
used to generate Table 5. If the vector b N in
T21 , i.e. u 229 = T21 u 110 . But our goal here is Table 30(b) are chosen to be another indepen-
to find the parameter vector b 229 , hence the ma- dent set, then the transformed vector b 110 would
trix we need to multiply with b 110 is T′21 , which differ from each other as well. To illustrate this
is equal to T20 in view of Table 24, since all rota- generic property, we have constructed a randomly-
tion matrices in Table 15 are unitary matrices, and generated set of difference equations for the 24
hence T′k = T−1k . members of the local equivalence class S53 , and have
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A Nonlinear Dynamics Perspective of Wolfram’s New Kind of Science. Part III 3809

Table 30. (a) An example illustrating the systematic derivation of 23 new nonlinear difference equations
representing 23 local rules belonging to S 35 from a single given difference equation representing the local rule
110 via its parameter vector b 110
= [1 2 −3]t . (b) An example illustrating the mapping of the parameter
vector b N of two sets of 23 nonlinear difference equations representing 23 local rules belonging to S 53 into two
corresponding sets of 23 new nonlinear difference equations all of which represent the single local rule 110 .

110 N
Mapping b to b Difference Equation Rule No.

   
1 T′ −1  
110 230
ut+1 t t t
 14
b =  2  −→ b =  −3  =⇒ = sgn −2 + −ui−1 − 3ui + 2ui+1 − 1 230
  
−3 2

   
1 T′ −3  
110 229
=⇒ ut+1 t
− uit − 2ui+1
 21
b =  2  −→ b =  −1  = sgn −2 + −3ui−1 − 1 229
  
−3 −2

   
1 T′ 2  
110 227
t t t
b =  2

 −→ b =  3

 =⇒ i = sgn −2 + 2ui−1 + 3ui − ui+1 − 1
−3 −1

   
1 T′ 2  
110 218
 9 t t t

b =  2  −→ b =  −1  =⇒ = sgn −2 + 2ui−1 − ui − 3ui+1 − 1 218
  
−3 −3

   
1 T′ −1  
110 217
=⇒ ut+1 t
+ 2uit + 3ui+1
 5
b =  2  −→ b =  2 = sgn −2 + −ui−1 − 1 217
  
−3 3

   
1 T′ −3  
110 211
ut+1 t t t

b =  2

 −→ b =  −2 

 =⇒ i = sgn −2 + −3ui−1 − 2ui + ui+1 − 1
−3 1

   
1 T′ −2  
110 203
ut+1 t t t
 18
b =  2  −→ b =  −3  =⇒ = sgn −2 + −2ui−1 − 3ui − ui+1 − 1 203
  
−3 −1

   
1 T′ 3  
110 199
=⇒ ut+1 t
+ 2uit + ui+1
 6
b =  2  −→ b =  2 = sgn −2 + 3ui−1 − 1 199
  
−3 1

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3810 L. O. Chua et al.

Table 30. (Continued )

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A Nonlinear Dynamics Perspective of Wolfram’s New Kind of Science. Part III 3811

Table 30. (Continued )

110 N
Mapping b to b Difference Equation Rule No.

   
1 T′ −3  
110 122
=⇒ ut+1 t
+ uit + 2ui+1
 16
b =  2  −→ b =  1 = sgn −2 + −3ui−1 − 1 122
  
−3 2

   
1 T′ −1  
110 118
=⇒ ut+1 t
+ 3uit − 2ui+1
 15
b =  2  −→ b =  3 = sgn −2 + −ui−1 − 1 118
  
−3 −2

   
1 T′ 1  
110 110
 0 t t t
b  2  −→ b
= =
 2

=⇒ i = sgn −2 + ui−1 + 2ui − 3ui+1 − 1
−3 −3

   
1 T′ 1  
110 103
=⇒ ut+1 t
− 2uit + 3ui+1
 2
b =  2  −→ b =  −2  = sgn −2 + ui−1 − 1 103
  
−3 3

   
1 T′ −2  
110 94
ut+1 t
− uit + 3ui+1
 11
b =  2  −→ b =  −1  =⇒ = sgn −2 + −2ui−1 − 1 94
  
−3 3

   
1 T′ 3  
110 91
 23
uit t
b  2  −→ b
= =
 1

=⇒ i = sgn −2 + 3ui−1 + − 2ui+1 − 1 91
−3 −2

   
1 T′ 3  
110 62
ut+1 t
− 2uit − ui+1
 13
b =  2  −→ b =  −2  =⇒ = sgn −2 + 3ui−1 − 1 62
  
−3 −1

   
1 T′ −2  
110 61
ut+1 t
+ 3uit + ui+1
 20
b =  2  −→ b =  3 =⇒ = sgn −2 + −2ui−1 − 1 61
  
−3 1

March 7, 2005
Table 30. (Continued )

T ′
N Difference Equation N −→ 110 Difference Equation for 110

" # " #
  ′ 1  
t T14 t
230 t t
ui = sgn 3 − −ui−1 + 2ui + 2ui+1 − 1 ⇒ b 230
= 2 −→ b 110
= 2 ⇒ ut+1
t t
= sgn 3 − ui−1 + 2ui + 2ui+1 − 1

2 2

−2 −1
  " # " #  

T21 t
229 t t t
ui = sgn 3 − −2ui−1 + 1ui + 2ui+1 + 1 ⇒ b 229
= 1 −→ b 110
= −2 ⇒ ut+1
t t
= sgn 3 − −ui−1 − 2ui − 2ui+1 + 1

2 −2
" # " #
  2 ′ 1  
t T22 t
227 t t
ui = sgn 3 − 2ui−1 − 2ui − ui+1 − 1 ⇒b 227
= −2 −→ b 110
= 2 ⇒ ut+1
t t
= sgn 3 − ui−1 + 2ui + 2ui+1 − 1

−1 2
" # " #
  2 1  
t T9′ t
218 t t
ui = sgn 3 − 2ui−1 − ui + 2ui+1 − 1 ⇒b 218
= −1 −→ b 110
= 2 ⇒ ut+1
t t
= sgn 3 − ui−1 + 2ui + 2ui+1 −1|

2 2

" # " #
t T5′ t
217 t t
ui = sgn 3 − −ui−1 + 2ui − 2ui+1 − 1 ⇒ b 217
= 2 −→ b 110
= 2 ⇒ ut+1
t t
= sgn 3 − ui−1 + 2ui + 2ui+1 − 1

−2 2

−2 −1
  " # " #  

T12 t
211 t t t
ui = sgn 3 − −2ui−1 + 2ui − ui+1 + 1 ⇒ b 211
= 2 −→ b 110
= −2 ⇒ ut+1
t t
= sgn 3 − −ui−1 − 2ui − 2ui+1 + 1

−1 −2

" # " #
  ′ 1  
T18 t
203 t t t
ui = sgn 3 − −2ui−1 + 2ui − 1ui+1 − 1 ⇒ b 203
= 2 −→ b 110
= 2 ⇒ ut+1
t t
= sgn 3 − ui−1 + 2ui + 2ui+1 − 1

1 2

" # " #
t T6′ t
199 t t
ui = sgn 3 − 2ui−1 − 2ui − ui+1 + 1 ⇒b 199
= −2 −→ b 110
= −2 ⇒ ut+1
t t
= sgn 3 − −ui−1 − 2ui − 2ui+1 + 1

−1 −2

March 7, 2005
Table 30. (Continued )

N Difference Equation N −→ 110 Difference Equation for 110

" # " #
  2 1  
t T4′ t
t t 188 110
ut+1 t t

188 ui = sgn 3 − 2ui−1 + 2ui − ui+1 − 1 ⇒ b
= 2 −→ b = 2 ⇒ i = sgn 3 − ui−1 + 2ui + 2ui+1 − 1

−1 2

" # " #
t T8′ t
185 t t
ui = sgn 3 − −ui−1 − 2ui + 2ui+1 − 1 ⇒ b 185
= −2 −→ b 110
= 2 ⇒ ut+1
t t
= sgn 3 − ui−1 + 2ui + 2ui+1 − 1

2 2
" # " #
  2 ′ 1  
t T10 t
181 t t
ui = sgn 3 − 2ui−1 + ui − 2ui+1 − 1 ⇒ b 181
= 1 −→ b 110
= 2 ⇒ ut+1
t t
= sgn 3 − ui−1 + 2ui + 2ui+1 − 1

−2 2

" # " #
  ′ 1  
T19 t
173 t t t
ui = sgn 3 − −2ui−1 − ui + 2ui+1 − 1 ⇒ b 173
= −1 −→ b 110
= 2 ⇒ ut+1
t t
= sgn 3 − ui−1 + 2ui + 2ui+1 − 1

2 2

" # " #
T7′ t
167 t t t
ui = sgn 3 − −2ui−1 + ui + 2ui+1 − 1 ⇒ b 167
= 1 −→ b 110
= 2 ⇒ ut+1
t t
= sgn 3 − ui−1 + 2ui + 2ui+1 − 1

2 2
" # " #
  1 1  
t T3′ t
157 t t
ui = sgn 3 − ui−1 + 2ui − 2ui+1 − 1 ⇒ b 157
= 2 −→ b 110
= 2 ⇒ ut+1
t t
= sgn 3 − ui−1 + 2ui + 2ui+1 − 1

−2 2

−1 −1
  " # " #  
t T1′ t
155 t t
ui = sgn 3 − −ui−1 + 2ui − 2ui+1 + 1 ⇒ b 155
= 2 −→ b 110
= −2 ⇒ ut+1
t t
= sgn 3 − −ui−1 − 2ui − 2ui+1 + 1

−2 −2
" # " #
  2 ′ 1  
t T17 t
124 t t
ui = sgn 3 − 2ui−1 + 2ui + ui+1 − 1 ⇒ b 124
= 2 −→ b 110
= 2 ⇒ ut+1
t t
= sgn 3 − ui−1 + 2ui + 2ui+1 − 1

1 2

March 7, 2005
Table 30. (Continued )

T ′
N Difference Equation N −→ 110 Difference Equation for 110

−2 −1
  " # " #  

T16 t
122 t t t
ui = sgn 3 − −2ui−1 − ui − 2ui+1 + 1 ⇒ b 122
= −1 −→ b 110
= −2 ⇒ ut+1
t t
= sgn 3 − −ui−1 − 2ui − 2ui+1 + 1

−2 −2

" # " #
  ′ 1  
t T15 t
118 t t
ui = sgn 3 − −ui−1 − 2ui − 2ui+1 − 1 ⇒ b 118
= −2 −→ b 110
= 2 ⇒ ut+1
t t
= sgn 3 − ui−1 + 2ui + 2ui+1 − 1

−2 2
" # " #
  1 1  
t T0′ t
110 ut+1
t t
= sgn 4 − ui−1 + 2ui + 3ui+1 − 1 ⇒ b 110
= 2 −→ b 110
= 2 ⇒ ut+1
t t
= sgn 4 − 1 ui−1 + 2ui + 3ui+1 − 1

3 3

−1 −1
  " # " #  
t T2′ t
103 t t
ui = sgn 3 − −ui−1 + 2ui + 2ui+1 + 1 ⇒ b 103
= 2 −→ b 110
= −2 ⇒ ut+1
t t
= sgn 3 − −ui−1 − 2ui − 2ui+1 + 1

2 −2

" # " #
  ′ 1  
T11 t
94 t t t
ui = sgn 3 − −2ui−1 − ui − 2ui+1 − 1 ⇒ b 94
= −1 −→ b 110
= 2 ⇒ ut+1
t t
= sgn 3 − ui−1 + 2ui + 2ui+1 − 1

−2 2

" # " #
  ′ 1  
T23 t
91 t t t
ui = sgn 3 − −2ui−1 + ui − 2ui+1 − 1 ⇒ b 91
= 1 −→ b 110
= 2 ⇒ ut+1
t t
= sgn 3 − ui−1 + 2ui + 2ui+1 − 1

−2 2

" # " #
  ′ 1  
T13 t
62 t t t
ui = sgn 3 − −2ui−1 − 2ui − ui+1 − 1 ⇒ b 62
= −2 −→ b 110
= 2 ⇒ ut+1
t t
= sgn 3 − ui−1 + 2ui + 2ui+1 − 1

−1 2

" # " #
  ′ 1  
T20 t
61 t t t
ui = sgn 3 − −2ui−1 − 2ui + ui+1 − 1 ⇒ b 61
= −2 −→ b 110
= 2 ⇒ ut+1
t t
= sgn 3 − ui−1 + 2ui + 2ui+1 − 1

1 2

March 7, 2005
Table 30. (Continued )

T ′
N Difference Equation N −→ 110 Difference Equation for 110

" # " #
  1 ′
t t t 230 110
ut+1 t t t

230 ui = sgn 8 − 2 + ui−1 − 4ui − 6ui+1 ⇒ b
= −4 −→ b = −6 ⇒ i = sgn 8 − 2 − ui−1 − 6ui − 4ui+1

−6 −4

−3 −2
  " # " #  

229 t t t
ui = sgn 4 − 1 − 3ui−1 + 2ui + 3ui+1 ⇒ b 229
= 2 −→ b 110
= −3 ⇒ ut+1
t t t
= sgn 4 − 1 − 2ui−1 − 3ui − 3ui+1

3 −3

−7 −2
  " # " #  

227 t t t
ui = sgn 8 − 2 − 7ui−1 + 4ui + 2ui+1 ⇒ b 227
= 4 −→ b 110
= −7 ⇒ ut+1
t t t
= sgn 8 − 2 − 2ui−1 − 7ui − 4ui+1

2 −4

−4 −3
  " # " #  
218 t t t
ui = sgn 5 − 1 − 4ui−1 + 3ui − 4ui+1 ⇒ b 218
= 3 −→ b 110
= −4 ⇒ ut+1
t t t
= sgn 5 − 1 − 3ui−1 − 4ui − 4ui+1

−4 −4

" # " #
217 t t t
ui = sgn 8 − 2 + ui−1 − 6ui + 4ui+1 ⇒ b 217
= −6 −→ b 110
= −6 ⇒ ut+1
t t t
= sgn 8 − 2 − ui−1 − 6ui − 4ui+1

4 −4

−7 −1
  " # " #  

211 t t t
ui = sgn 8 − 2 − 7ui−1 + 3ui − ui+1 ⇒ b 211
= 3 −→ b 110
= −3 ⇒ ut+1
t t t
= sgn 8 − 2 − ui−1 − 3ui − 7ui+1

−1 −7

" # " #
  4 ′
203 t t t
ui = sgn 5 − 3 + 4ui−1 − 4ui + ui+1 ⇒ b 203
= −4 −→ b 110
= −4 ⇒ ut+1
t t t
= sgn 5 − 3 − ui−1 − 4ui − 4ui+1

1 −4

" # " #
199 t t t
ui = sgn 8 − 2 + 4ui−1 − 7ui − 2ui+1 ⇒ b 199
= −7 −→ b 110
= −7 ⇒ ut+1
t t t
= sgn 8 − 2 − 2ui−1 − 7ui − 4ui+1

−2 −4

March 7, 2005
Table 30. (Continued )

T ′
N Difference Equation N −→ 110 Difference Equation for 110

−5 −1
  " # " #  
188 ut+1
t t t
= sgn 6 − 4 − 5ui−1 − 5ui + ui+1 ⇒b 188
= −5 −→b 110
= −5 ⇒ ut+1
t t t
= sgn 6 − 4 − ui−1 − 5ui − 5ui+1

1 −5

" # " #
185 ut+1
t t t
= sgn 8 − 2 + ui−1 + 3ui − 7ui+1 ⇒b 185
= 3 −→b 110
= −3 ⇒ ut+1
t t t
= sgn 8 − 2 − ui−1 − 3ui − 7ui+1

−7 −7

−7 −5

  " # " #  

181 t t t
ui = sgn 8 − 2 − 7ui−1 − 5ui + 7ui+1 ⇒b 181
= −5 −→b 110
= −7 ⇒ ut+1
t t t
= sgn 8 − 2 − 5ui−1 − 7ui − 7ui+1

7 −7

" # " #
  5 ′
173 t t t
ui = sgn 12 − 4 + 5ui−1 + ui − 11ui+1 ⇒ b 173
= 1 −→b 110
= −11 ⇒ ut+1
t t t
= sgn 12 − 4 − ui−1 − 11ui − 5ui+1

−11 −5

" # " #

167 t t t
ui = sgn 9 − 3 + 5ui−1 − 3ui − 5ui+1 ⇒b 167
= −3 −→b 110
= −5 ⇒ ut+1
t t t
= sgn 9 − 3 − 3ui−1 − 5ui − 5ui+1

−5 −5

−5 −5

  " # " #  
157 t t t
ui = sgn 8 − 2 − 5ui−1 − 6ui + 6ui+1 ⇒b 157
= −6 −→b 110
= −6 ⇒ ut+1
t t t
= sgn 8 − 2 − 5ui−1 − 6ui − 6ui+1

6 −6

−5 −5

  " # " #  
155 t t t
ui = sgn 8 − 2 − 5ui−1 + 7ui − 7ui+1 ⇒b 155
= 7 −→b 110
= −7 ⇒ ut+1
t t t
= sgn 8 − 2 − 5ui−1 − 7ui − 7ui+1

−7 −7

−8 −6

  " # " #  

124 t t t
ui = sgn 9 − 1 − 8ui−1 − 7ui − 6ui+1 ⇒b 124
= −7 −→b 110
= −8 ⇒ ut+1
t t t
= sgn 9 − 1 − 6ui−1 − 8ui − 7ui+1

−6 −7

March 7, 2005
Table 30. (Continued )

T ′
N Difference Equation N −→ 110 Difference Equation for 110

−4 −2
  " # " #  

t t t 122 110
ut+1 t t t

122 ui = sgn 6 − 2 − 4ui−1 − 2ui − 4ui+1 ⇒ b
= −2 −→ b = −4 ⇒ i = sgn 6 − 2 − 2ui−1 − 4ui − 4ui+1

−4 −4

" # " #
  1 ′
118 t t t
ui = sgn 9 − 2 + ui−1 + 7ui + 4ui+1 ⇒ b 118
= 7 −→ b 110
= −4 ⇒ ut+1
t t t
= sgn 9 − 2 − ui−1 − 4ui − 7ui+1

4 −7

−6 −6
  " # " #  
110 t t t
ui = sgn 9 − 2 − 6ui−1 − 7ui − 7ui+1 ⇒ b 110
= −7 −→ b 110
= −7 ⇒ ut+1
t t t
= sgn 9 − 2 − 6ui−1 − 7ui − 7ui+1

−7 −7

−4 −4
  " # " #  
103 t t t
ui = sgn 7 − 2 − 4ui−1 + 6ui + 6ui+1 ⇒ b 103
= 6 −→ b 110
= −6 ⇒ ut+1
t t t
= sgn 7 − 2 − 4ui−1 − 6ui − 6ui+1

6 −6

" # " #
  4 ′
94 t t t
ui = sgn 7 − 2 + 4ui−1 + 2ui + 4ui+1 ⇒ b 94
= 2 −→ b 110
= −4 ⇒ ut+1
t t t
= sgn 7 − 2 − 2ui−1 − 4ui − 4ui+1

4 −4

" # " #
  5 ′
91 t t t
ui = sgn 6 − 2 + 5ui−1 − 3ui + 5ui+1 ⇒ b 91
= −3 −→ b 110
= −5 ⇒ ut+1
t t t
= sgn 6 − 2 − 3ui−1 − 5ui − 5ui+1

5 −5

" # " #
  4 ′
62 t t t
ui = sgn 6 − 1 + 4ui−1 + 4ui + 2ui+1 ⇒ b 62
= 4 −→ b 110
= −4 ⇒ ut+1
t t t
= sgn 6 − 1 − 2ui−1 − 4ui − 4ui+1

2 −4

" # " #
  3 ′
61 t t t
ui = sgn 8 − 1 + 3ui−1 + 7ui − 2ui+1 ⇒ b 61
= 7 −→ b 110
= −3 ⇒ ut+1
t t t
= sgn 8 − 1 − 2ui−1 − 3ui − 7ui+1

−2 −7

March 7, 2005 10:10 01176

3818 L. O. Chua et al.


Fig. 17. (a) Definitions of the three global equivalence-class transformations T† , T, and T∗ , and the multiplication table
associated with the abstract Vierergruppe V. Observe that each element of V is equal to its inverse, as depicted by the two
similarly-directed arcs connecting each pair of nodes in the digraph. Hence, unlike the three cyclic 4-element subgroups C4
from Table 17, no element of V is a generating element. Observe, however, that T∗ = −T† . The symbol T0 denotes the 4 × 4
identity matrix. (b) Commutation diagram of V.
March 7, 2005 10:10 01176

A Nonlinear Dynamics Perspective of Wolfram’s New Kind of Science. Part III 3819

obtained indeed a set of 23 distinct vectors for b 110 , original goal was not in fact to prove Wolfram’s
as displayed in Tables 30(b)-4, 30(b)-5 and 30(b)-6. conjecture, but rather to exploit the symmetry of
Hence, together we can find 24 distinct parameter the Boolean cubes13 in order to identify equivalence
classes among the 256 rules. Our discovery of the
vectors b N , which map into 24 distinct parameter Vierergruppe V and the rotation group R had led
vectors b 110 . to the two major logical classifications14 of the 256
local rules into 89 global equivalence classes εκm ,
and 30 local equivalence classes Sm κ . Our proof of
5. Concluding Remarks
Wolfram’s conjecture should be viewed therefore
It is important to recall that the elements of the merely as a bonus from this broader perspective. In
Vierergruppe V defined in Table 14 are 3 × 3 ma- particular, the singular significance of the 89 global
trices {T0 , T†u , Tu , T∗u } defined in the upper part equivalence classes εκm is similar in spirit to the
of Figs. 10, 11 and 12. The actual transformations, classification of computational algorithms into var-
however, that allow us to establish the long-term ious complexity classes, e.g. the NP-complete class,
correlations among members of each of the 89 global in the sense that any property that applies to one
equivalence classes εκm listed in Table 3 are 4×4 ma- member of εκm automatically applies to the other
trices {T† , T, T∗ }, without the subscript u, which members in the same global equivalence class.
were derived from {T†u , Tu , T∗u }. Since the mem- To illustrate another application of the global-
bers of each pair {T†u , T† }, {Tu , T}, {T∗u , T∗ } equivalence property, observe that since the global-
can be identified uniquely with each other, it suf- equivalence class ε139 from Table 2 includes only the
fices to use the same name left-right transforma- local rule 232 (Fig. 2), which implements a “local”
tion, global complementation, and left-right comple- (among 3 neighboring cells) majority rule, it fol-
mentation for T† , T, and T∗ , respectively. More- lows that there are no other local rules among the
over, Fig. 17(a) shows that since they are related 256 rules that are globally equivalent to 232 via
by exactly the same group multiplication table as the Vierergruppe V. Conversely, since the global-
Table 14, they too are isomorphic to the Vier- equivalence class ε39 from Table 4 includes two lo-
ergruppe V. This is the only abstract group which cal rules 184 (Fig. 4) and 226 , it follows that
makes it possible to predict the long-term correla- both local rules implement a perfect density classi-
tions among all members of the four remarkable lo- fication task (including the density equal to 21 case)
cal rules {193, 137, 124, 110}. Since the local rule [Capcarrere et al., 1996]. In particular, both repre-
110 has been proved in [Wolfram, 2002] to be capa- sent a “global” (among all n + 1 neighboring cells)
ble of universal computation, it follows that all four majority rule.
local rules are universal Turing machines. The uni- While the impact of the 30 local equivalence
versality of the four local rules 110 , 124 , 137 , classes Smκ from the conventional cellular automata

and 193 and their identical long-term dynamic be- perspective is not as impressive as the global equiv-
haviors, modulo a transformation from the Vier- alence classes, we believe its importance will come
ergruppe V, are encapsulated in the commutative from the information technology arena where imple-
diagram shown in Fig. 17(b). mentation cost of one local rule in hardware, e.g. a
We remark that while Wolfram had suggested, silicon chip, can differ dramatically from one choice
without proof, in [Wolfram, 2002] that the three of design parameters, to another equally valid but
other local rules 124 , 137 , and 193 are also much less costly and more robust choice.
universal, this paper not only proves that his sug- Finally, we remark that our theory of global
gestion is correct, but also that the four local rules and local equivalence classes can be general-
110 , 124 , 137 , and 193 are identical from a ized to higher-dimensional cellular nonlinear net-
nonlinear dynamics perspective. works (CNN) [Chua & Roska, 2002] where two-
Notwithstanding the fundamental importance dimensional cellular automata represents a rather
of the above universality result, we remark that our trivial subclass.

The representation of the local rules via 256 Boolean cubes was first presented in page 169 of [Chua, 1998]. Exploitation of
the geometry of these Boolean cubes had led to the discovery of most of the results presented in all three parts of this series.
In contrast, the classification scheme by Wolfram into four classes is based not on mathematical rigor, but empirical taxon-
omy, the classification method widely used in botany and zoology, before the advent of DNA identification.
March 7, 2005 10:10 01176

3820 L. O. Chua et al.

Acknowledgments Chua, L. O. & Roska, T. [2002] Cellular Neural Networks

and Visual Computing (Cambridge University Press).
We thank Dr. Istvan Szatmari for constructive sug- Chua, L. O., Yoon, S. & Dogaru, R. [2002] “A nonlin-
gestions. This paper is supported in part by the ear dynamics perspective of Wolfram’s new kind of
DURINT contract no. N00014-01-0741, the MURI science. Part I: Threshold of complexity,” Int. J. Bi-
contract no. N00014-03-1-0698, and the MARCO furcation and Chaos 12, 2655–2766.
Microelectronics Advances Research Corporation Chua, L. O., Sbitnev, V. I. & Yoon, S. [2003] “A non-
FENA Award no. 442521/WK57015. linear dynamics perspective of Wolfram’s new kind of
science. Part II: Universal neuron,” Int. J. Bifurcation
and Chaos 13, 2377–2491.
Hamermesh, M. [1962] Group Theory and its Applica-
References tions to Physical Problems (Addison-Wesley, Reading,
Capcarrere, M. S., Sipper, M. & Tomassini, M. [1996] MA).
“A two-state r = 1 cellular automaton that classifies Wiener, N. [1958] Nonlinear Problems in Random
density,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 4969–4971. Theory (John Wiley, NY).
Chua, L. O. [1998] CNN : A Paradigm for Complexity Wolfram, S. [2002] A New Kind of Sciences (Wolfram
(World Scientific, Singapore). Media, Inc., Champaign Illinois USA).

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