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Part-1: Human Skeletal System

Skeletal system : The system, composed of connective tissues derived from the embryonic mesoderm called
bone and cartilage that gives the body a certain shape, carries body weight, provides space for
muscle connection and gives protection to sensitive organs by creating the structure of the body
is called the skeletal system.
Classification of Skeletal System
i. Exoskeletal system
ii. Endoskeletal system
iii. Splanknic skeletal system: Basically cartilage
Functions of Skeletal system
Mechanical function
i. Physical structure
ii. Protection
iii. Forms connection plane
iv. Movement
v. Bears weight
Physiological functions
i. RBC production: Red bone marrow is the main tissue responsible for RBC production in an adult.
Almost 2.6 million RBCs are produced per second.
ii. Inhale-exhale and hearing
iii. Immunity: RES- ReticuloEndothelial System.
iv. Mineral storage
v. Maintains pressure and ionic balance
vi. Hormonal control: Osteocalcin - Secrets from osteocytes.
Controls sugar and fat level in blood.
vii. Chemical energy: Adepose cell - Are found in yellow bone marrow.
Stores chemical energy(fat).
Components of Skeletal System
i. Bone
ii. Cartilage
iii. Ligament
iv. Tendon
v. Joint
Classification of Skeletal System
i. Axial skeleton
ii. Appendicular skeleton
Axial Skeleton
i. Frontal :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
ii. Parietal : —---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
iii. Temporal: —--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
iv. Occipital : Ob "against, behind" + Caput "head"; Has foramen magnum—------------ 1
v. Sphenoid: Spheno “wing” + Oid “looks alike”; Batbone —---------------------------------- 1
vi. Ethmoid: Ethm “sieve” + Oid “looks alike”-------------------------------------------------------- 1
Facial bones
i. Maxilla : —---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
ii. Mandible: Only moving facial bone —------------------------------------------------------------- 1
iii. Zygomatic : Zygoma “yolk” + Tic —---------------------------------------------------------------- 2
iv. Nasal bone :—------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
v. Lacrimal : Lacrimal >tear—-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
vi. Inferior nasal concha:—------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
vii. Vomer :—----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
viii. Palatine :Palate>roof —------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
Ear bones
i. Malius :—------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
ii. Incus :—------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
iii. Stapes: Smallest bone—---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
■ Hyoid: Hyoeides “shaped like the letter upsilon (υ)”—----------------------------------------- 1
■ Gomphosis: Joint that anchors a tooth to its socket.
Vetebral column : A single column of vertebrae extending from Atlas to Coccyx, located around the spinal
cord and the boney and vascular structure that supports the body is called the spine.
Structure of an ideal vertebra
i. Centrum/ Vertebral body : Two vertebral body are connected to each other by cartilage built
symphysis/ intervertebral disc
ii. Arch
■ Pedicle
■ Transververse process
■ Lamina
■ Articular process
■ Spinous process : The edge of spinous process from 2nd-6th thoracic vertebrae are spilt in
iii. Intervertebral foramen/ Neural hole/ Articular foramen
iv. Vertebral foramen —-> vertebral canal
Types of vertebrae
i. Cervical vertibrae
■ Atlas :
■ Axis :
■ Vertibral prominence :
ii. Thoracic vertebrae
iii. Lumbar vertebrae
iv. Sacral vertebrae
v. Coccygean vertebrae
Functuons of vertebral column
i. Strong and flexible support
ii. Protects spinal chord
iii. Pivot
iv. Functions as body's axis by creating space for ribs to connect
v. Helps with posing and movement
Thoracic cage:
Structure of thoracic cage
i. Sternum –-------------- 1
■ Manubrium : Triangular
joints with 1st rib
■ Body : Joint with 2nd-7th rib
■ Xiphoid process
ii. Ribs –----------- 24
■ Capitulum
■ Tubercle
■ Angle
■ Shaft
■ Coastal cartilage
Types of rib
i. True rib(Vertrebrosterno ribs) : 1st 7pair

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