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Write the translation into Spanish of following words. Do it before the class (Escribe la
traducción al español de las siguientes palabra. Haz esto antes de la clase)

Occupations: Architecture :
Teacher School
Policeman Policestation
Postman Post offcice
Businessman Building
Executive Office
Housewife House
Student Library
Secretary Office
Driver Bus station
Nurse Hospital
Doctor Clinic
Newscaster Televisión
Fireman Firestation
Judge Court
Mechanic Workshop
Tailor Tailor shop
Baker Bakery
Butcher Butchery
Plumber Theater
Electrician Museum
Painter Factory
Doorman Apartment
Jeweller Jewellery
Travel agent Travel agency

Write the translation into Spanish, of each pronoun, according to the teacher’s
explanation. (Escribe la traducción en Español de cada pronombre, acorde con la
explicación del profesor)


I Me My Mine Myself

You You your Yours Yourself

She Her her Hers Herself

He Him his His Himself

It It its Its Itself

We Us our Ours Ourselves

You You your Yours yourselves

They Them their Theirs themselves


AFIRMATIVE FORM. (forma afirmativa del verbo to be )

The various forms of the verb be in present simple tense,are: am, is, are.
(lass formas del verbo ser o estar (be) en el tiempo presente simple son: am , is , are)

Translate into Spanish (traduce al Español )

I am - I’m ________________ ____________________
You are- You’re ________________ ____________________
She is - She’s________________ ____________________
He is - He’s ________________ ____________________
It is - It’s ________________ ____________________
We are - We’re ________________ ____________________
You are - You’re ________________ ____________________
They are - They’re________________ ____________________


1. Complete with am - - is - - are (complete con am, is, are)

María ________ at school. She __________ a student.

Hellen ________ a student. She __________ a good friend.
We _________ foootball players. we __________ in the court.
I _________ your friend. I___________ in your house.
Julio __________ a doctor. He __________ in the hospital.
They ___________ teachers. They __________ in the classroom.

2. Translate the sentences above ( point number 2) into Spanish


3. Translate the next colors into Spanish:

Green: _______________ yellow: _______________
gray: ____________ Purple: ______________
red: ________________ brown: ______________
White: ______________ silver: _______________
gold: ____________ Blue: _______________
black: _______________ orange: _____________

TO BE - NEGATIVE FORM. (forma negativa del verbo TO BE)

In negative sentences these forms, precede not.
(En las oraciones negativas las formas del verbo be preceden al not)
Translate into Spanish. (traduce al Español)
I am not ________________________ ________________________
You are not -you aren’t __________________ _______________________
She is not – she isn’t __________________ _______________________
He is not – he isn’t __________________ _______________________
It is not –it isn’t __________________ _______________________
We are not – we aren’t ___________________ ______________________
You are not – you aren’t __________________ ______________________
They are not – They aren’t_________________ ______________________


Write three sentences in negative form using the verb be forms in present tense
( Escribe tres oraciones en forma negativa utilizando el verbo to be en tiempo presente)



Underline the ¨to be¨ verb forms and translate, in the following verses from the Bible.
( subraya las formas del verbo to be en tiempo presente, en los siguientes versículos de la Biblia y

Exit 3:6 Moreover He said, I am the God of your fathers; the God of Abraham, the God of
Isaac, and the God of Jacob.

Matthew 16:18 And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this Rock I will build My
church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against It.

Deu 6:4 Hear, O Israel: Jehovah our God, Jehovah is one.


Matthew 26:39 And He went a little farther and fell on His face, and prayed, saying, O
My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as
You will.

Matthew 26:61 and said, this fellow said, I am able to destroy the temple of God and to
build it in three days.
Matthew 26, 48 Now His betrayed had given them a sign, saying, whomever I kiss, He is
the One; seize Him.

TO BE - INTERROGATIVE FORM .(forma interrogative del verbo tobe)

In interrogative sentences, these forms go before the subject.
(En oraciones interrogativas estas formas van antes del sujeto)

Yes/no questions. Translate into Spanish (preguntas de si o no. Traduce al Español)

Am I? __________________________ _________________________
Are you?__________________________ _________________________
Is she?__________________________ _________________________
Is he ?__________________________ _________________________
Is it? __________________________ _________________________
Are we?__________________________ _________________________
Are you?__________________________ _________________________
Are they?__________________________ _________________________



(Escribe oraciones interrogativas acerca de los versículos anteriores y respóndelas)

1. ________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________

Wh- QUESTIONS OR INFORMATIVE QUESTIONS: wh-word +tobe verb form +

subject +complement) (preguntas con w o preguntas informativas: palabra con wh +
forma del verbo be + sujeto + complemento )

The wh-words begin with the letters wh, (how is an exception, but it has h and w)
(las palabras wh empiezan por las letras wh (how es una excepción pero tiene h y w)

Translate into Spanish (Traduce al Español )

What ___________________
When ___________________
Who ___________________
Why ___________________
How ___________________
complement. (Preguntas informativas con el verbo TO BE)

Read, understand and answer (lee, comprende y responde)

What is your name?______________________________________________

When is your birthday?___________________________________________
Where are you from?_____________________________________________
Where is your mother from?_______________________________________
Why are you studying English?I am studeying English
How are you today?______________________________________________
Which book is your favorite one?__________________________________
How old are you?_________________________________________________

4. THE VERB DO/DOES (el verbo hacer)

The verb do has varied uses as an auxiliary verb and as main verb.
As auxiliary verb do verb does not have equivalent to translate.
As main verb it means hacer. Very often do has the meaning of perform a routine or
assigned acftivity.
(El verbo do tiene usos variados, como verbo auxiliar y como verbo principal. Como
verbo auxiliar no tiene equivalente para traducir. Como verbo principal significa hacer.
Frecuentemente do tiene el significado de realizar una rutina o una actividad asignada)
Affirmative form
I do _________________________________
You do _________________________________
She does _________________________________
He does _________________________________
It does _________________________________
We do ________________________________
You do ________________________________
They do ________________________________

Negative form
Do is used with not in negative sentences which do not contain another anomalous
finite or another negative word like nobody or nothing. It is used with the verb
be, only in the imperative (ex. Don’t be lazy). In speech and informal writing the word
not is usually contracted and joined directly to do, does, or did. The contracted
form of not is written n’t.
( Do es usado con not en oraciones negativas que no contengan ningún otro verbo
anómalo finito u otra palabra negativa como nobody ( nadie) nothing ( nada). Este es
usado con el verbo be UNICAMENTE en la forma imperativa ( ej: No sea perezoso).
En el habla y escritura informal la palabra not usualmente se contrae y une
directamente a do, does, did. La forma contracta de not se escribe n’t )

Write the sentences in contract form and translate into Spanish

(Escribe las oraciones en forma contracta y traduce al Español)


Fred and Mary do not read the newspaper

Fred and Mary don’t read the newspaper
Fred y Mary no leen el periódico

I do not speak English


You do not drive the car

She does not write letters

He does not eat hamburger


It does not bark during the night

We do not answer correctly

You do not play soccer


They do not want to go with you


ACTIVITY: look for and write it in English: One verse from the Bible with do/does
verb as auxiliary verb and other one with do/ does as main verb. (Busca y escribe en
Inglés: un versículo de la Biblia con do/ does como verbo auxiliar y otro con do/does
como verbo principal.


The verb have has varied uses as an auxiliary verb and as main verb.
As auxiliaries have, has and having are followed either by a past participle or by the
infinitive sign to or the adverb better and an inflected form. In shortened clauses the past
Participle and the inflected forms are usually not expressed.
As main verb it means tener, poseer.
In American English do, does, or did, is customarily used:
a) In a question if have is the main verb and the tense is simple present or past.
b) With not or n’t in either questions or statements under the same conditions.
British English customarily does not use do, does, or did with have under those
Some Americans sometimes use British constructions, and some Britishers sometimes use
the American constructions.

(El verbo have tiene usos variados, como verbo auxiliar y como verbo principal.
Como auxiliaries have, has y having son seguidos de un pasado participio o del signo
para infinitivos to o el adverbio better y una forma conjugada. En cláusulas abreviadas el
pasado participio y las formas conjugadas usualmente no son expresadas.
Como verbo principal significa tener - poseer.
En el Inglés Americano do, does or did habitualmente es usado:
a) En una pregunta si have es el verbo principal y el tiempo es presente o pasado
simple .
b) Con not o n’t en preguntas o declaraciones bajo las mismas condiciones.
El Inglés Británico habitualmente no usa do, does, or did con have bajo esas
Algunos americanos algunas veces usan construcciones británicas y algunos británicos
algunas veces usan construcciones americanas)

Translate into Spanish

I have ____________________________________
You have ____________________________________
She has ____________________________________
He has ____________________________________
It has ____________________________________
We have ____________________________________
You have ____________________________________
They have ____________________________________


1. Write sentences with the verb have (Use each personal pronoun or proper
names) (Escribe oraciones con el verbo have - utiliza cada pronombre personal
o nombres propios)

a. _________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________
c. _________________________________________________________
d. _________________________________________________________
e. _________________________________________________________
f. _________________________________________________________
g. _________________________________________________________
NEGATIVE FORM WITH THE VERB HAVE. (Forma negative con el verbo have.)

Write the contract forms and translate (Escribe las formas contractas y traduce)

I have not / I haven’t _______________________

You have not _________________ _______________________
She has not __________________ _______________________
He has not __________________ _______________________
It has not __________________ _______________________
We have____ __________________ _______________________
You have___ __________________ _______________________
They have ------- __________________ _______________________


In the following verses from the Bible underline the verb have and translate
into Spanish. (En los siguientes versículos de la Biblia subraya el verbo have y
traduce al Español)

Matthew. 13, 12 “Whoever has will be given more, and he will have an abundance.
Whoever does not have even, what he has will be taken from him”

John 2,32 “But he said to them: I have food to eat that you know nothing about”

John 15, 32 “No one has greater love than to lay down his own life for his friends”

Complete the chart

Personal to be verb To have verb To do verb

pronouns forms forms forms

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