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‘Fu. 11, Translate the sentences from Russian into English. Make sure that yoy ‘preposition “of” where itis necessary. Check yoursell 1. Hopman 06 weroxax wopexoacras norepaa 0, ‘penne naposus eeneqonaa seas H NonCUNBAPOARAIE VET! CpesMEDMONOpA, 4 5. Mus Goaamcs npoxoman, nats nyre no erapomy sapupyTy. Mil GRIN B KYPCS, To ya spyroll nam 4B epee Bexa opin € NEAOREPHEM CTHOCHARC MOPEKID KAPTEM, TO Guy 7 5. nox semaine reorpudirecsin ompirall Ghura xoKCANN nepMOROM 8 seTopm Mopexoxeras. “Tope om nex TaEHE TORE, aK 20207, cepeSpo ENE, 7. Mopnat apesuax apewen Guim xpaGpetn, acto ott sam 06 onaenderey ‘BoRENLAMONDIX HX 8 MTEMECTMS, No Ace RE OTAPARGATHCK ¥ MeMBecrHOET, {8 Mroro aexosnpousio noxa wopsis cram enocoGtcooepie Ami ABA, ‘Kapmarosmae —nepoce nannraxgontoe o6op/208aite MopAROB 2ansHEr0 MaRaH 10, Anranicnnt sun. mux nexyrponor® o6mewUx Bo Deex efbepax HME OEM, Ex 12. Make up your own sentences below: “to tec the ship to explore othe ands +1 stl ar way from origins «to use a compass + to search or new tang routes» os oa foreign port fo undertake a voyage vas elever of, tis wrong of__ eis wie of. ‘tis unkind of, twas good of Bipeen goo gee vas brave of. i the beginnings and word.combinations given 30 UNIT MY FUTURE SHIPBOARD TRAINING. DECK CADET’S DUTIES nai vei! mre om hig ment ce un ono ors ‘esl aretin ‘uate pant Geni of Compsney even ont enna = say otc Tarren aye I) freeingiter = Serwreae orocrosp peparet Zo anguay GMDSS (Giobel Maritime Distress and Safety System) FMCCB (TapGamstas operas cucresa nau pn Gero BesomacHocr) eamgute —oe crn ot Sec sa rl Ship ad acy | CRE enapnma er omee Seri Cou) oasnnenn ean tne owes prune ners enptomn, ‘ery penowr sexoser 3 FopTos MAPMIONT (Mextyaposnas omBeM npeaorapeten axpaoneae NOPE ey200) owrpom,cnexexne rman overboard -MARPOL (inematonal Convention forthe Prevention of Pollution fom Ships) monitoring wna owns a “wamoce opumuarTes MECTA Ha Xi Po the poston — sory sing anon (127°) nana rexnarGesomaenoent CONAC (Mexxyapanas woxemtx no ‘oxpane enonevecrol! IO Ma NOPE) safety proses SOLAS (Convention of the Suey of Lie ae ‘samepentnse rurySmmet (MOPS HEH TaRKa) ee ‘octoltenmocrs bite vic Keeping su Read and translate the text Useful words: ao oowiaT, maT assign esr, ompenesTE chipping orGuste pan oon, rail emu, emowenol, sas designate ‘monavar, oneness essential enon, aaa yes srinding samerea master fit rcrtcane no spenrane pale ladder soxnaroni span relieve ‘evens c mars respective ooracretiont shore lave sereiing thorough beavare Aeepatog ‘aise an alarm yoorusne na per aponpoma,vaueccune no rpagapery suressith Sue oenesoseenng nae sec aTEN yp ots rpenory Shipboard Training New crewmembers joining a ship must te familiarized with their di rived. with thee duties ard important information about the ship. This i 1 ensue thatthe new people on baad ship filly understand ‘hei responsibilities before commencing their dates, The Master of the ship ha to ensue that each ‘new crewmember i given proper familiarization traning to provide personal af ronal safety and well-being te hip. Te Mase vig aqui peonw tte encom an ge We sone ‘porn instructions. Asam, this person isthe Sesond Mat. ‘The main aim of the familiarization training isto make the new crew aware of imporant safety procedures tht are tobe cried out on shi eee 8 while working or ding emergencies. These Instntions on SOLAS snd MARPOL; Important point of muse st; sctons incase of emergency situation; ‘important documents and publications; Ship's Fze Conta Plan; ‘iierent types of fie-Aghing eplinces and procedures to se them, locaton of escape routes sctions for man overboard situation; ferent types of alas on bod ship location of he cabin an the location o the nearest scape rut and fie extinguisher, procedure for bandon ship alam; dis inthe muse list and ring emergency stations = bates offre reveaton on ships important instructions on various lon sis procedure to operate fire extinguishers; = prosedue to rise an alarm incase ofan acident emergency. ‘As a rule, a new crevmenber i given fanilarzaton of his des by the person who is ing slieve: ew crew mebe' es cpetton and mainenues of ei mpm 1 shin spcte wach keping dts, {pmiaton eqn, GMDSS, seeing ssen, neering pment, cg-anting ccripmet Marto, ae en import des ht aed to be peromet hy deck ele on almoa ery tp fp “ake Somiings Alot ll ck cadets ve to check unk soundings on 8 eplarbsi Generally ton afr the 200.80 wach (fore o ht fr best). soundings ae Vey npr for ensuring th stb of eves A cae mit os hw ke ouings Vy sel be cond ieasly and svi, Apr sigs ar exec he ating trier ching fh cargo and a ete fey thesia er Ship Meinerance Allasio tnt nen winches designated the deck net formintenanc and pice, Geely, one ek aff he eerste ned © the eat Maintenane of hat nls vel Ces a eportng of any defects win he SAA Maintenance. Thorough meses ofthe esvingapllanes (LSA) a ie fing splnces (FPA exelent Gz, te job ofthe Tid Mat, a he may sae is responses with ce than ether ofthe set Deck Wont Aetna Bosanin veyy ek wrk isn ito any eles ay one, Woon eh tas hi nin. dng To Sn alle wl toy befaning nr roan ski common ay eset tnt Open Whe ee! panes et ray “at ads nh we ek i ea of et tan we es act Aca st att be sais or of rat, ding mally te oan ear ae ches to more of a supervisory nature, and he ‘i noe uno, hsb sic As time goes by and experene is ing thatthe operation runs smoothly an in cat relay the orders of the Master ote tings ensi ode. hog ig vas with hie hha peat on nr he pit lair and lowering the gangay forthe plo 0 3 Piotage Operations. A cde’ 0 ntl, a cade assists sings in BN ‘ward, Graal, who the cae comes more exerienced, be is called on the Bridge to asi gg hay ofr with th iret plage poperork, e pinting ot and ling the pt eg ting the psn iin te ratio og (unde supersson, observing the steering et ort Work and Cargo Operations. Wor in port inses assisting the Third Mate iq rvcewok, Wacher ao ave 10 be Ket in prt this includes monitoring the cargo bg Inada, ISPS Watch, An ISPS wachis essen othe security ofthe ship. A cadet is nomaly signed to maior fe ety and ext point of the veel Utally hei stationed tthe angay and ins 0 keep log of al the persons entering and faving the vese; thi ince all sty, etsone as wll she sis rw (ging onshore lev). IDs must be checked and logged in shi’s"Vistr’s Log, Bags and suspicious oes mus be checked thoroughly. Paperwon at Sex A cade is expected tobe a bing hand to the Chief Mate when it cones othe dierent eects, famiiaizaton lis, key logs et. Making photocopies of varios lisse alps abnays th rp ob cadet aviation. Th spthps the main objective of every deck ofr and cadet, of cue! As the alt does thae a valid Cerificate of Competeey (COC) eis atwally nt allowed espa beige wach dependently However, unde the gud and siperision of an experienced er, omy isthe Chief Mate) a eae expect lear the Science anda of navies ‘Tescial knowledge of be COLREGS, est avgaton, bide equpmnt, eamanstip ha ork al mak safe magn of the vessel Altioaph it may seem arcade euly he ost in prof one's shipping caret Wetland ge Eroow tat ce "hog wl look bck at thine fondly and with ide Answer the ofowing questions othe text: ‘What must allie new crewmembers joining a ship da? Why? ‘Whats the main ai of the Sailiaization ining? What must the new sewmembers ow? ‘Who usally sits faniaraton of dates to «newcomer? ‘Why are tnk soundings important? ‘Which sis designed to the deck cadet for inenaes and upkeep? ‘What docs werkon desk ince? How do cadet’ dates chang sme goes by an experienc i xine? ‘What sa cde signed todo dung ISPS watch? ‘What mates up sf navigation of vessel? 4 Vocabulary Exercises Bx 1 Are the following statements tue o fae? Corre the false ones. ‘The Master of te ship has to gives proper fiiarizaton ting o evry 86 coumember to provide personal ef and welling othe ship. The new crewmembers mst know nt only the eaton af ifjackete a immersion suits bat also how to wea the jacket, Deck cadets don’ usually check tank snundigs, his ite Second Offers job ‘A cadet has to clean and msinain the we ves “The Third Mate i responsible for LS, and FFA mines, but he relay al is dies on the cadet simpy because he does wart to wk mich Bosun works on deck “The only people who tke pat in bering nd unberting operations ae ratings ‘A cadet’ role ding potage vais with he tie he a spent Boa Ding ISPS wach cadet is usualy stoned onthe bee. Though a cadet doesnt have a valid Ceriiaon of Competency, be is allowed to kep a ridge watch independently x. 2 Flin the gaps with the words ven below, + routine escape famrization» lt der maiteance > soundings «navigation + COLREGS + gangway alongside log “The Maser of the ship has to cnr ha each new erswmember is gen proper __ trinng to provide personal salty and welling ofthe hip. ‘The now crewmembers mist know the lean ofthe eabin ad the Heaton ofthe nearest rout nd fre extinguisher. [Aiports,___ re etemely crcl the Foding andor discharging ofthe car. “Anaea within the ship designated ithe deck cat for _and unkcep “Asitng the ships Bosunin everyday eck works inlued int ny cadet’ ily __, ek When vessel goes__ it's normaly “alban on Dring plage, a cadet assists rang in rigging the __andJowering the _ forthe pilot to boa OniSPS watch a cade is umlly sine tthe gngway an ss Keep persone etering snd leaving the vss ‘i ‘Under te guidance and supervision ofan expres ois a.caietis expected o ea the ofall he seience and at of inde” “Tewrtal Knwisdge of he___cdesta mavigaton, rid equipment, seamanship ch work et. all makeup sa navigation he ves 3s EE_————_ 8 Read and translate the diab : | co cas nrg yrs ont Wee nba my “age! MY mime i Hi ions and Tm the Cie fice Pte ie: » God mig tsa x pinamet9 met 06 MY TASS Ale am your ny deck att! po: = Ver nie, young an very ie. So, wher ae you Ho? ‘Alec «Tm fom Ulrie, Ole st (10: = Oh dase. How od ae you? Alex: ~ Im inten sc (G0: Ist your first time board? Mees Yes i his isthe ist time! 'm extremely excite! ae pce! Ok, youn tana out eh hand bes show you rou. swith the muster ston, Do you know wha it nex: = Of etn si! Thi is an applied ace wire crewmembers mat eter ao emergency or adil ho, = Tats right Andes psen in wich lw, hamster stan ih xd Th mt impor an ei hing as sf. Tht’ | viw't veto ty hs hc win 24 bows of ing he eel Ia vere iferaving pplinees nd Ti-sighng exuipment stows ‘ex: Oke Pur pti Salty fist! A er tpt nol me. Tithe rs, Te vse sins of ths plc, Hee sou can ews navigational eit, commit fis sere ff reing devices, Well, you'l ve ao oprrtniy ge hoow it eter any “Alex: ~ Soman batons and tumbler sites eos rotdon_youns mat Never touch anything without he need! Undstae? Une: = Ofeourse, si Never touch anything! Understand, sit ioe. Thar ight that's ight. tm... wat se shall T show yu. mm. ‘Alex: = Well what about my rom? Coe abt Indeed! Your rom. the only thing tat we dont have “rooms” er, youn spon lve in “abn and sleep on tanks Alou ook works in the alley” ‘Alex: = Olin, tht sounds we GO: = Husa! Yel get sed oi ny oy, baste Now, you go fo your cabin and ta the amiirzaton cect As ana yu hao, where everything i, come a fin me and wl atin or fanirzton ou ‘ex: = Ok Chit Thank you very mush SE re x. Rolelay- ‘Work in pairs. Staent A anew ek cae. Ths yori ay aba Youve ey completed aii sist Sten the Ci er. You wt 1pm eis of sey equa nko and his ds, Roky the emerson a we on bis 0 Gelwing ss Feelin ALL ting pm nt asm? Fee eli sn of ALL ings ar ple of | | Soeewen asc a ‘The Fotare Soom: Therese of i ca Moule. ‘Woop the td PSD 0 sdf th fe Tibco ie Intl Els we 8 1 sf!“ oe Neat sh nly a i ams pou ry a Fr wi? eet roe now crn rime yur aa he en Te eine ee ste ite ine eh oe . ecclesia see eee TINT es nes ely en Doe™™ z Grammar Exerches x. 1. Tramaaethesentenes rm Ea Trike verte wac neni 1 2_-we il aint te deck este a ‘amor marie He wil ave athe str 7 “The Second Oe wil plo the course onthe char ear prof on tomo an rtan sh he dks ings ito ning ‘espera ang hase as eves ogame ei rei il eet he Ct ote ily nino 12 Tran the sexes rom Roan int Eng, Check youre Seren yeu pres nye npn nora ep yey 9 Devoe me cere mee TR NAOT CTH TR, ~Tucyacm pms carve peor? Konto, 63)! Care nyfer us emnioc eee 6 : 0 cece oSopaeeal rainbows» ioe Kova secre eee ps eyes sce MN Kramer 9 Tm om? Tunes neji t b nm AEM? ~KoReO NOON, J “8x0 » Mom OG eyammOcTH. ~ Se es may mT eee MEL Tetececiomo ston us eon! 3. Pat qneios the mderne words ‘ou ges rnb wil faire Ml Wh se hens aes nd inp nimaon Fanilsication training wi rinng will make the new crew aware of important safety proces Ait wll ive familiarization of duties toa new crewmember. "nk ung ib ci a thro ‘cate ing hnd wh Ch Ocean cae a gah ‘ewe deck ile preseason og veel tt Every navigator will have to learn ial navigatic LREGS, cid = As.the cadet does valid Certificate of Ce a ee he will ot be allowed 0 kep a Yourjob wil become mre interesting as yo Our vee le Leave this prt oon a we nish discharging 8 Bx. 4. Mate the right and (Check pairing to be adequate Every cadet will sand 2) tank soundings inte evening. ‘Our veel wil all Dy ibe sae The Chet Ocer ©) IDs ofeach and every visor. We will beck Trarings onthe Ban. The crewmembers wil gather ou wll wah ad chip aot The Sevond Officer wl ster ISPS watch athe gang. We will ake 2) used living ina cabin, |i Daring the eagway watch you Will chek [hy atthemaner sation [Foo Beinga eae a : Pea eter ae Pree a nee 1 a cree Paap mere ee neem ee na oe hve ern e nee eee eee ance oa een naan Seer Rapes ene seareire es ort oacrenss sera ieee “meee a etna ‘il super Toading peaon ‘pot of Versa tomorow. aes cv: es Alex: ‘Do you se that man? Thats our Alex co: oy becuase this sgt a messy place. There Joc of et pars tobe chipped! Alex 0: av You are not ona vacation, my boy! Let's go, I'L ot Haha » uNIT4 COMING ON SHIP BY AIR. AT THE AIRPORT. AT THE CUSTOMS CONTROL Active Vocabulary sine ene J areranens aero sie oxo en pna pee ste ator a yoo Hops sagan cam ae ovina area soaring cad ocanowni T0H cori! sera wanoen area corona rom ce checkin desk rot permet ascexp08 cohy pe e scparre lounge san omni teen mnerom slay board mgopuationice 1520 Domestic Departure — emergency xt pata saxon omy ote) copanonice Gono eens Garex caep yranonrennot opus igh aterm pepo poo: fs ingzae allowance ‘psa Geeanaory nposoaSarama ideation aoeronepeme HOC TH GOHYE) Inertial Depucre ezyemposm pee Jet ngage oc) ave xpaneni ara overhead oker Caran na tekeoft ee rive tthe sips pre ayponopr fetus coos spooam orm |pewrevooce annapar ane ocworpa Gara ‘ad and translate the tex, = Useful words sect ene (em) smnouncent yee nse Fuse fie Senmics oGecnewams ectien goods ‘pa (oar) hf Sapemtnaaeronapas mu, ner —_————— Teapbonss hoist ogre incase of emergeney cayaie venpeasnaeniol, asia cya neprnaranon ype oso fn the upright and stowed position Iausch cayenare Iiteboat ‘macarensaa mone tite-saving appliances (LSA) | coacaresuiecpeacran speaker | rrowrorosoprrens pick up pen ame, saeeare piercing and cating items serpy, mpeawerst promptly uct, Ges npowesvennt souggle pes soerpaansot be inantcipation ‘iy oxaumnum,npeaesynenar familiarize with commoner valuables ie ne, emNoe eee ome a ere hate Prenat ees tne coma et Beaten aye cena te a ne se co A a gra ce i te Sree ay pe ih laine me te karna sii representve wil ak 302 and this ip will our ket nd enifeton. 4 _: cements on he foudspeaker and dont forge 10 10K atthe di er, boarding ime of possible delays, it for the Hight. What i more a name y uy-fee Is the most atrain Be tev to the anno ud. There you can ind ifrmation about ight am To ch pt there 2 departre founge 10a shops cafes and pubs is avilable while you are in anpation. Du nce for those, who want o buy sits, cigaretes or branded goods. "As son es you ate finshed with wondering around the airport andi is ime to get on bog ‘ne plane, th comet gte and po aca (On Board the Plane, Going Through Customs ‘once on boat he steward stewardess wil gest you and help you find your seat. If you gy ot afi of height. you willbe happy’ enough to find out that you have a sat by the windy “Although, thee ar also vrious advantages of having an aisle seat. There you wil find overiag fockers where you can plice your eary-on luggage. If yu have any problems with stowing yor tg you cana the light attendant to elp you. After ake, the cabin erew will nstrvtyouce ow 10 behave incase of emergency, and show you the emerzency exis, You wil be asked w faren your seat tock and tray table in the upright and stowed poston, Watch the electri sig flashes as wel, When the Fasten Seat Bel sgn goes on, dit pomp, and also obey the «Ne Smoking» sign. Later you will leary the information conceming slide, weather and temperature uring the Might, the stewardess or steward wil serve you meal nd inks. The type of fod varies depending upon te Aine Company and lass of wavel, Usually meal reserved om tr ‘Te wise aimee «play includes meat or, aslador vepstabl,& smal read fll, and souare sky, you may be given a dessert, ‘So nw sme tel, pt on headphones enjoy your ight? As the plane is abou to Ind, be ready to get of. Do ot forget your persona effets when leaving the pane Tere might be a shut, which wil take you tothe terminal balding. There you | wil find the baggage chim aea where you can collect you laggage from the carousel. I it is ssn. look ot fr enquiries Everytime you efera new county, or retua 0 Your own, you need to go trough customs ‘The primary mision of customs isto ensie that nothing harmful, potentially harmo egal ‘wovght nto the couny. Every tavele is asked ihe or she has anything to declare, i. whether You have things with you purchased on your tip. I you have nahin Yo delete, you may just go trough the ereen» section ofthe customs Ifyou have valuables, put them all down in the spove 2 ss Explanatory Notes ‘THERE IS (ARE) Consrectom are construction oak abut he existence of pop tings, inte & We use there now tape or say where something 8, The verb bein such conructons ean be ued in diferent tense forms there Ware there wavinere there will be “Tere te any French books in te cy “There was a meting inthe lab yesery. “There hast been any an ose dy there hat! has been hers had bese Word Order There) + bjs + serial mar ep. Interrogative and negative forms Isthere a teleone in your room? os thee isnt Nother 9 ep amy om ote! The responding Rusvion seen wth asia modifier Grammar Exercises Ex. Translate the sentences from English into Russian. Check yourself, “There must bea eatalogue of chars on he shel. “There iso doubt about finding any sete “There wil be a mvigable passage between thse re There wil be someydy athe pr 1 mee ou wen ouaeivs tomorow When we erved at th prt of Londo, tse was severe som “There isan EPad in the Copii satin, Whose isi ‘Tee n't any ire inthe deck car. “There ate plenty of things packed thy ina plastic ote ‘There ough oe more paints in he oct “There were many dangers ring our voyons, ett tee? ting statements, and then answer them x2. Ask questions to the fl according tothe pattern. ‘Mode: Thee god seer | —fsthere a ed sbi ~ Ves ee No, tes “There isa watchman athe ga" There ae a few changes inthe ont igh eh 2 ‘ 8 + Thankyou, Ofer | Diaogue2 ‘There are plenty of ate inthe os ' What pst officer ofthe deck dunt do you know? “Tse were otf stevedoresin he Dok fe Wegner of te oe “Ther taming onthe desk 7 er oan, and quntemasters (helmsmen) Tare wate i GE Ae ~ Right you are. What abou tei dsr ‘Toa arse concn s 2 8 jp: ~The eupenier has general charge of aches and won structs: The boatswain athe foreman ofthe decktands or ane On large sips the Boatswain i smsins assed by bossa’ mates, ithe? bn) Yet:be is. Aso simsmen ora they alo ale quater they see te ship and maintain he Navigation Bdge. Right. And what about decane Wht re hey cle? " Deekands ae ald ordinary sane ade oed semen. 1 and what are the dekard’ dts? "seamen tnd watches, during which thy may elokous, or they may tend nes ‘orclean apn the ship. ‘Ok Tse you know the dso th deskand gute wel See you next ine “Thar issmeting onthe shel “There ae several inspectors on te bids ‘There weve any hips inde habor. ror Rusia into English, Check yourself 3. Translate the sentences Bro komparte ro oon Ha wameneeyanewmoro copes raparason pGopon ‘Borox mnie ces nose rae? Ha maybe moro me Guo, Coan saposoa 9 7p? - Toso Toe Bx 5. RolePhiy. Imagine you are members of the crew. Tell the other stunts about your dues and responsibilities. The ist cadet i the Mater He lls he group about his on responsibilities on Front and iti row wha they Kno ab heir min ies, The members ofthe ere are the Following: the Chief Mate, the Second and Thin Mats, he Cadet, te botsai, the carpenter, the the Chief Engineer andthe Cock Tey tl abou tor duties, while the ther eadets (Cen koretnpon veya? — Mn race a waco o-To sem, [yame atop! lp 8030 war aint opr Gyacr wor paSoaooni Hx uote ‘them any posible questions abut tir resporsibiits 4. Sindy shor dialogues othe opie. Role-play them in the siti Dialogue t As 301 know, upon avalon board the ship and Joining the ship's erew you ae require faire youself with your dil otine dats. What a they? They areas lows: you wil be assigned a abi, lear your muster ute for Fie / oat ~ Youknow where they are posted dont you? 1, for sure. They ate posted above the bunk. You must make yourself fails with them, becuse emergences an happen a ony tne What ee ar yout famiirize youre wil? ‘You ats have ofilirze youself withthe fllowing Cesk Lis eee ing Check Liss: Before Departure, igh yu ste. T ee you know the procedure quite well, P 5 UNITS - " BRIDGE. | struments and Tools om the Bridge INSTRUMENTS AND TOOLS ON THE BRM Cn the ids, the navi, ely the Scale _ pede geaiar rican aabalressery coats oe sof er te iat heck he positon y ‘Active Vocabulary — planets, and stars. For hundmds off years, the most important a eo} | pron dvies have ince a compas el dt [enor aa eronomere l teea! ine chrome pune? ant el an etn cle hp ide By easing % = sarang ofthe uno afar abore seri. = ode ships lo have hihi act device _yerpoticrs Me ra ae oe ‘ceetronie navigation equipment. Many ships have ranae ano deve fe net potion sgh ao spl. Tie igus aes ot rae chat opener | erSrousy by spel tanaiting sos slog te cn of by tae rots eubsh tele [sm a seen One sch sem ie oan ag og engin, Wit Laan. ee epee rams | gn ci oie ind weer por syn compas, net, 0 ea and tramlat the feat ert The echo sone ends sgl fom he em of te hip tthe seal Soe serch ite elected. Many ship so ean dtr tle postion by Sal tt ae ariel Tocate peowel 7 from orbiting satellites. The principal function of the system isto acquire automatically the signal observing ‘of any navigational satellite that comes within range, ato ast the data received tothe computer. seis nese | Moder tps ao cry a. el wea, spar can pot ishes sone sos voce snd er ves in tie eer cls One sha eatin mind tat he aa ay cot pez sor et oma eel ce, an! ering jes sch as onainess Some mode hips io pale oproauexapapyes aa mmats pl, which afr a Ship as ben eto cane, bls ith Thi device rary ay va suman hh teins ec epee re onal abel i Se a reer aio nigel sie ho cry neque and wpe offical rest rpc soviet chore, sting econ, Us of es noes © mines, ees and all et sseie ee paca! plains nssestay fre oe. ca mus aa acat chars canbe eter pgeror cron cars, reed bya ant || a =n ies Ue pe ch, na asl be dpe on a ei | porate tpeoroperscrmnocnne cha cep sytem | sen incr ny Soa a ise ema devin an wt anne cme — Get necro tronomete, and extant ese cpencran enone rr ed af vel ghia at, To em ma eet ination mi Pt remariable ‘weatenes MopennanaTenaa hoes ha eraatn or cg cp of ip Wevegh vir cae = eS ESSN = swcerenmi fe locity ba sues tcc ees dik. an emery De ke xopoers " lod a wall as weather information. logbook og) a a a eee ps me er we one eel wea wea oe crm Cf paren in ch ene oe ‘abenoe “ete ane ey aie cal oe ie ee a) me) Ft ces eel su sper caem th onthe Earths suis ine Sa ee aon (6 1 toon teh nt le is Fr wes He AP —___J. | saussat unit of feng @ he hua aviator is rahe ocasonal unexpected situation, for ban theres substi men 10 Answer the following fee (What athe mot important vito ‘What is compass wed 0? ras th exat nan lps 0 determine iu? be obtained in bad weather and poor visi sane nne ote ns OP SEER ~| | ships longitude? L 1 inwt way des a eto casa a shi’ ‘Wid what instrament can an ace positon without compas, enone, or sextant? (6 How does an eco sounder wok? 5 What ination soncerning thera mast be ep in ming? What abou all ships ary ess electronic ais to navigation? 9, Wha does thet "knot" mean? 10. What isan nstuent for messing the speed ofa sip trough wate called? Gtsary of Maine Navigation Anemometer, An intranc for messing he spe ofthe wind. Asrotrackr, assign cient, which awomaially gues nd cortincily wad colt od nao nd ate tamu dren Hinder (ADH. A ts acto der it which the bean Ye the anit ‘Afomati tie pgs A sent a aonmelrpir the and fal of the ie ‘Ane pi eye plo A devi wich era vetel itd logo vn being Barometer An amt for metros pre. athomete. Ab stun! fo mss dept of water er. device fr tisnng potion ofthe oto for peton An sme fo prodacing 2 gpl cor of tinea dom ty’ oc or the Airmen incning the degre the ng of hes olor ph ese {Compas Ao iste finding hora reene dt elie the eat, ete cs Do Rca Thr deve, shih aon ated sounder Anse wd determine wae ph by measuring th tie irl for su es 1 fom wae fd ate ice he ao nd ck gun, Al ald DEPT am aa ig a et cen aa ‘Log. An instrament for measuring the a a emerge sed dnb av es Magnetic compas. A compas depending ei anges Ante gr vee we the tn of bh ‘Yoeabulary Errehes x 1 Are the following statements tre or fase? Correct the false on. 1, A.compass is wsedo el he exact time and eps to detain a ships ong 2, A sexant i wed o eau «ships ait by meserng an ange of the Sun or of 8 sta ove the horizon Loran stands for lng range aviation, 4} Loran sends 0 adi signal fom the otiom ofthe sip to the seabed, from which i s reflected 45. his ar can sot leebergs, oes, and ther veses in ine to prevent a colison “Aradat may not detect small eels san ote sting objets sch as containers. 5. The speed ofa vessels given a ftom, a gyrocompass determines dteton a opentes the rue automatically 4 Amiastrument for measuring the soe of stp trugh waters calle ships og To. For measuring the depth ofthe saa natal mile is wed rx. 2. Flin the gaps withthe words given blow. + position * speed sibiliy +a chrome decin + seabed satellites * equipment + collision + devices “Te navigator checks the__by observing the Su, the Meon plants, and sts te wed oll th exe me andl t determin asi nse ‘Marder ships aso ave highly acute eletonicrvigaton _ Many ships have for dterminng hei pstn rough i sina. With Loran, an accurate positon canbe bine in bad weather and poor __withowt compass. 6. The echo sounder ends rai sigal ror the boom of th ship othe, fs reflected 7. Many: ships also can det orbiting. 1 Atnight and in bad weather, si ar to proventa__ 9. A gyrocompass determines 10. An instrument for measuring he from which it termine tie postion by signals that ae ansmited frm nso eebers rocks, and other vessels in time and peas the rer aiomaticaly of asip ough wxers called a ship’ log Ex. 3. Mateh the navigational terms from he ft columa wih Bir _detniions from Teompass | AE Heal AR THT Searabe Bebo ras piton int wet and poor x hone Fe =A ehronomeier re _____—_—§ Saueaae OO ce FRAT : a SS ee | erg doe women ane vets a a ae ES cols ae ll lee “aired eo] fle ol : Sas, poet 8 rata oe chee NE Raa] TAT Sa sean tipper es folohers Sean ey Fa ipl om Be Rot of Be si 1 ie eS Fog) [eas which itis eft STE at ols spon ou a has Bet ee Thea awk 1) al the ip al To; Mating Tog 3) mane welt in nna ies per Bow Se | RRR RE ot] am] reps Roy Fase ay RN TE] Tapa own o8 Pt sera pacyerr cea “Commands othe Helmsman, Standard Wheel Orders [Al wheel order sven shouldbe repeted by the elma, and the ofier ofthe wah should ensure tat hy are eae out cotectly and immedi. Al wheel orders shouldbe he ni counter communded. Te belsman should report suedtly if the vessel doesn't nsw the whee ‘When hres concen thatthe Hels is intentive he shou be questioned “hat is your being” And he should espod: “My henng is. degrees” Ape ae ae oat ev aa RS Tanke wit www | Sep ee When the officer ofthe watch requis 3 cours tobe secre by compas, the direction in which be wants the wheel tured shuld ke sat flowed ty each numeral Beng sl separately, stent ——| a aig vo fr exam: elm a-surboad! Saurboard ia eae iogorapeey i. z as SSS aT oo — rms Sina area = on cit of an oe et, fr sr, 1 henna sl repent it an eng wpe VEN PS sawp al the vessel round steadily to the cous rlered. When the vessels steal on the ours deed the alas i ocall out Talla wR Se al a] Tip? Roxteh ‘Steady om ome eight 0% a ER RT VSR TT OST “Te person giving th ore shuld anos else Sea Tae TT fit is desired to steer ona selected martha soul be oder are se ey sc ee ‘Steer on bya: mar. Beco ae Ta obek oe waa ier ———| “The peraon giving the order sald knoe the ebm 0. Se Sr os Tamar | eee Fo porarard rere ha aaa Lae I sprites” —} Joma a a Notes ator Fara & Ines cine verbal are Words wh te rls SAIS ig Par ee pet toa seb be wich ate ic : "s aSeces 308 Otten ay fica fo, Parties se verbs at 8 oui. Ste PAHs ae atts ot See ca et tl ae net xin abr OY eg ences eee ee pe of pki: ro prot ars partcpes hve an-ingcding Pat partes may Mave ome OF Several Patten incading rena AS wih eran, parties may oe one word, or they may be prt of pe ; a &_ Te niing bid va hea stato a he eve. “Th pared ans wir et, Goran Gerunds ae vera that function as nouns and have aning ending. Since peal eid fom vebs ad have an ingen, thy do express ation However, bsease gerund function s mous, he occupy slots talitionelly el by ma in sentences sch subjects, det objects and objets of prepositions. Gerunds may our a8 oe word, o hey maybe part ofa gerund phrase: Swimming vey gud fr te od Soke probe ithe pia. nin ‘Pofthe word and aver, Infinitves mas Iafives me crv from verbs, they do express it nfs sre vers it made ‘osm, actives ot adverbs. Since slates of being, mCi of ests ‘reposition prs ( + nom pono noun. ‘be pattofan inti prs Felis 8 Hewes mae lan Shalini ove oath, ‘may occur as to +one ver, 0 ison 1 Trane te sete ea Ci gts sh Rashes To clan hose seed eae me HE Dos vas ase ost te tay ee Lv ve fig itn ay, Teese ad tol aepanh a Isr stone wean are Dotnet wine a eront ase Te etn ty ay eto cen The pues of ea vase He as siting bythe nndon renga Bs 2 Trandate ene from Rosa int aah Chek your ‘Mur aero nays Py sosuin mame ‘ne yp erm eros, paren noe ‘cunrao ero xopomna tenner. Mir perowetzosa it (oSoxpem 6) poannxasnesezome (na sanpentier tones) soy, Ero nompocut sueryne mobo Como, pacexarpmsowuit x0, rosa peu rere Saxon rpe6yer or mac anars watore Sopeasonén 6 nf ry men locrapetrect wai ro any om seep Hy 0 ae, 3. Put the verb in racket inte the ore fry ‘When 'm ted, Lejoy tevin Iselin. ra ewes a nice day, 0 we dei foraal (8) save day. Doe anyone ney fora?) Tm notin aby. don't mind (oa) They don’t have much money. Tey sale __ oy fen. (5) Uh dog woul sop__Reaigemal ) ‘Ou ncighbou eened ie pole we disp heme cl) ‘Werwere hungry, so I sugested __ dere re) uy do' anise BemiH) Vm tit loking fra job bt ape _ meng swords given belo. beiehipaciegier e x4. Fu inthe gaps *aaswer «apply «be lsen* ti my ast Herat oad 97 A i Ao 2 ey omar sh qe een : pour Have you fnisbed__ a {yu nan td wih ening, —— i He wants ay 0 Jin i bt be i sing 63 eS aaa acnayen, te pea longes you ay all Youre He Fay pute Wa 10, vepatott__— te lter so many tines. relly knocked down epic. Roeply them inthe situation, 1.5 Sty short daogues to Dialogne 1 WO: -Goodmemine Cadet: - Good womig sr. WO: -Ab.atethsc oi aml hrs? Ar they new? Cadet: = Yes, they ar upton WO: = Good, Cen you show me nates oman? Cadets -Ofcoure. Here hey are WO: - What other acl publiations do you ave? Cadets We have sing dito, lise of igh, de wes and all other nas publications necessary fore voyage Wo: Ise. Tank you Dialogue? (Cadet: What isa? aa oe ee spilling tapeur rave architect te employed by py cply Svesion savory torch | peiing | foot [oughly utr SHIPBUILDING Active Vocabulary | Sms apa om one ‘peat erenep ora cap y ou) eran ‘oprpnen wey) epee ofxememse, otras "oun rman eat a anyon expan | Read and translate the ext. eta Word Fram ers TET spilt sera ates ecu odessa ‘utomer mer, ore ccrstnt racomnnt even yen onsen op we socked can sto sing ‘peter ofp, sera coat rosin ine pin pon fvang costae eyes 0) nore 0 eb rego vest ” ta hy Shi bing eons of cal SPW OW eit occupation tat races ttl oo a ney obi A gener AE a gutta see ey a aly ai and costs can be kept to a minimum. eee a ser seme ea aes at on 12 desgna ship fortem. ‘When shipownes deve to oder ane sip, hy tel the aval architect the cargo hey wa, the ship to cary They alo el him wht rts the ship wil ply and the desired sped. They pa ins om the ship simensions and on the pie that hey are ready to pay: The Ship rasta omply with the rules ofthe casifcaton society such as Lloyds Register of Shipyng snd intetiona regains. Ts is essary ithe ocr wants his ship ob elssed. While the sp isting bl, constant checks are made sake sue she is Being built to the standards oft ‘osit. Clssiicaton wil show wheter he hip i seaworthy andi table to carry ths cay, she has been designed cary. Economic, cagnerng and safety factors ll govern the design sip, Nowadays a shipyard is panied so that each sage in the building ofa ship is doe ns inaouschin of shops, ach sop is inked by crneyor roles and moving canes on ras ofall tel pes and brs are taken fom the ockyaud 1 the preparation shop. Het tey a ‘rane ky shot bestng. Then, hey are cote with a primer pan to prevent coresion, Lat, thy Ships eo ant tanker ean cet oer > 0. Answer the following questions tte ay Ahir de ranma who designs shine? How math des genera caro vse ce ‘What do Eropen an janes ces coirotasg nMY ais oe? How isa shipyard nstize owadyer ow is cuting done? ‘What sel plates and bars cost wt What isa process of ess lunching? ‘What res must the ship eompy wig 4 eal ag el? ‘Vocabulary Eseries x1. Are the fllowing statements tru fale? Corect the fase ones, Ships costa lot of money to build Stel plates and ars ar taken fon he ck tt prepcato shop. Stipowners may ask thir bulkers ta design a hip fr them, ‘A general cargo vessel costs ove 40 milion pounds, ‘Naval architects design shipyards and dy docs. Cutting is done by gas oches and shaping by sant press ‘Welding is now used instead of iveting fr joining peed of metal spat ‘The sip must also comply with the rues ofthe Sey of Life at Sea, ‘Clasisiation wil show whether the ship is abet cary the cargo she has ben designed fon Alle being launched, a ship is towed tthe dock x. 2. Flin the gaps withthe words given blow. + comply wi ply» welding nginccring* sn tl shipners + lating vessel being launched «offshore structures + he stoskyard Shipbuilding isthe construction of ships and ‘A naval architect isan engineer who i espooibl fore desig, constracton andor ep of ships, boats, other marine ves, and___, both commer end military. The ship must also the rules ftheclasiiation society seh s Lloyds Register of Shipping and international regulations ofa ship. Feoomic, and safety itr gover he dean TWh erie dr ney be al ashi ee an he ship to eany, Stel plates and bars ae taken fom Shipownes tll he naval acitsct what routes the ship wil 2B tothe preparation shop. andthe desired speed. expensive vere se esana come tn on ity 85 vate ver oH check yourself x3. Translate ee an be These cane yg ae a5 ane Dockyard ae seine Shiny, wich ar sometres ate County with ge siting iste Korea Asai pan, Cen, Germans Ro “The tpding indy test be mar fsa 8 ve arean cea ere ia rerun of all oMIADES ing counties of Ai aa aly owned he largest being Hentingion fo, andthe oldest family owned ee nil coms cle Sigs, South Jord snd Croatia. nin Asia ompared tthe ewe, ces, Turkey, Pl Europe tha tage comps he thi Mos spiders inthe Usit Ingalls adres a mull eens cont shipyard being Coloma’ Stipa in Nol. VA. serrere ar vnc ery te oor lives allow ey aces fr tsi aired Kingdon, fr example, spy were esblished onthe River Thames, ier Mere. River Tae River Tye, Rive Wearand River Ch —the later growing 10 eth ‘Works pre-eminent shining en The ito age shipyard wil conn any specialised cranes, dry docks, ship at the waren, alain fais nd extremely lane areas fr fabiaton ofthe ships. Afra hips sf ies over, ke ital voyage shipbreaking yard often cn ‘each Sout Ain Hisorclyshipreakng was cara om in dry dock developed counties, but high Wee an evi elton ve resulta movement ofthe industry to developing repo. ss Tramlat the sens rm Rosin nt Ealih, Cech yours (ya bw corm consanpnanspempnerse —sepii Crore pcs gene ure, nnn gc Ka 3am seem ep — eH ao a a seen te ‘Koraa cyionRAneBL sakast48a107 noBoe | ana komma <0, ope opernoy MSI. nay retro aay ante guy yer soe 0 88 (ya soz oration nce pom CL emer cen “came ate ta tne aepomet Keil stan erp yaa witoanarrone gn ” ‘Cestmmeannenenomsyer Gomi cam, ey cape, roporoll Mere pS i To oxou umn etpore aces, rorooe cyan einer ua nny. oerpoetoe e920 orNpanimor ma xox oe : ran, npexe 9 nepesar eynonsanes orrouy aan wero Gone Pplnatory Notes Pasive Voice to be Pas Partiiple Sty these pas of sentences: ‘Naval rei design sis Ships ae designed by naval architec ‘Men built he taker in six moat, ‘The tanker was bl ns months, First { measred the pce of metal, Fie te pee of metal was messie. - Passive Aetr Passe = Pasive dative In each pair of sentences the meaning x snr, tthe object i he aetve sentence has become the sujet nthe passive ons the Passive haa number of ss in English Iallows the objest ofa sefence tobe moved wth subject poston. Here it becomes the ‘main foeus example 1) Tals allows te writer to void sujet ike “meni example 2. "Mon does not add any tseful information and therefore can belt ob ofthe passive version. The point of the sentence i ot who ul he take, but how ong took ikl “The passive abo allows ust writin an imperoal stl, This is wef in more selene English, partially for wring reports of exeimens (example 3). The passive not only makes it more objective, bu ao makes the rear frs nth aon rather than he person doing the ation. The person is unimportant hee Grammar Exercies Bx. Change the Following sentences frm Active te Fase [Nowadays they make his of el “The Qucen wil nach he anes tm070- “They are painting te bul ‘The Royal Navy hs dere two re ashi They wed to tld ships of 008 ‘You can join two pists of meal ‘Next, we woignd the pee of mt ty wen 8 \ 8 People must prepare the plates prop 9. They bad wo repair the bows. a 10. The naval archtst has beady eompeted te Pt ex pting mat of verbintsepassiv 0 MAKE SOUR gy x2. Rewrite formal. stipe remota Destromath acm ae aeons lumbing and any woodwork. Someone must alto hy eae aaeamananeareed wea ranecnseeraseronetiacretore =o eal Fy etn Fr cmmce maar ae Saat ameearee Berta ec teers ene cn ‘When we fit our hi, we complete et. 8 x4, Flin the gaps with the verbs Inthe correct form, + lean las ld)» erp gover make take pce + oat put design) ‘comply with ake Shipbuilding normally _ina specatized fait known as shipyard, ‘A modem shipyant___ for builing sip as cheaply and quickly as possible Today, ships can___in about siceen month Navalachtst ships. ‘Naval atchitets often __to design a particular ship which will suit the customer’ 1624 ‘When ordering new ship, te shipowmers__limits onthe ship's dimensions anc on pce tht hey re prepared py ‘ethe over wants his ship _, his ship must __the rues ofthe classification sie! While teship__, constant checks 16 ee 9, Economic, engineering ands t 10, Festofal ses pas antay tthe gnastip. Syste aingand gina ee peppy eae Eri to preven cotsion x5. Roleplay, 1 UNIT COMMUNICATION AT Sea. INTERNATIONAL MARITIME SIGNAL FLAG Active Vocabulary me | sprees (apes asap) cau, om eopeamacinit ey wn pom, nora; xpi Heo ss Seer, Gere nooner a peaynpenace, ec TpeoAN CHT CHAR my] rb fer eta he TE Saale deat pon |De eer comnes vated Tala ad fos itched pee. 7th pa te) Toagt many bails [ar did cot rn ep 1 Oar Chit Ensinee never, Dy tiepersair, | Ry eter serve ade id pa WS [ini caet ene eveny ei, 1 ay weal aT STE Ti sae Ta aa waa} ‘eye age Tt Oy a = ran ib ok yd Foe, pole den To ae ‘5. Study shor dilute topic. Relea thm nthe ston Daeg Master: What means emmusizaton tudo jouknow? Cadets Weiten messages, gs, sempre, Master: ~ Any others? Cadet Morse Cote, VIF, Inna, slit. And wich ot, do yo ik Se se ‘convenient mated in ss it 2 Cert omncer: 1 eter slit conmaniein tbe Best eof communion or et, suns - VIE als ly eed nova ; (Chet Omcer; With slit, the sgl isnt which mks muck mow i fora cana enveseper ick Eee’ Bova: “hoe no peri, Lew fat VHF rly wed © ann auras at hu feiss WW

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