Answer Histo Cmda

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HistopaTHoLogy TE Mcas” 1. The following are examples of cellular adaptations "a. Dysplasia b. Hyperplasia T Sou ype we Hypertrophy ‘T d. Atrophy @ T e. Metaplastic hyperplasia F Appropriate method of fixing ti A is wi pocrera ng tissue specimen in pathology is with b 40%formalin ¢ 20%formalin + d10%formalin T 5% formalin 3. Cardinal signs of inflammation includes a. Swelling T ‘b. Redness 7 c. Pain T d. Heat T e. Increased function F 4. Inhypertrophy there is ‘a. Decreased synthesis of proteins F b. Increased intake of water. F Increased amount of endoplasmic reticulum. “T . 4, Reduced number of ribosomes h ens e. Increased number of mitichondrion. oe ro ; 5, The following intracellular mechanisr’s are essential for cell death Eo a. Cell wall ey b;. Protein synthesis c. Aerobic respiration —T d. Nuclear apparatus Scanned with CamScanner 7. Oedema does not occur when there is a rise in a. Capillary hydrostatic pressure € ’ b. Blood osmotic pressure “T ¢. Tissue osmotic pressure “T d. Lymphatic drainage “T 5 bbws a e. Capillary permeability F ob a frtlons 8. True healing by first surgieal intention “which F a. Predominant healing response is connective tissue replacement Occurs in large contaminated wounds © There is a large scar tissue formation F Abundant granulation tissue isnot formed. T : i Occurs in clean surgical intention. 2 7 pang $. Sequelae of acute inflammation * en ioe a. Resolution: “T te wf ae b. Progression to necrosis F i c.Progression to suppuration ® T d. Healing by fibrosis ©. Progression to neoplasm © 10. Match the following correctly Ab Achondroplasia —sutosomal dominant’. &“€ é ADS —®> Adult polycystic kidney disease autosomal recessive c. Sickle cell anemiasmutosomal Mxessive Has AS 3. Familial adenomatous polyposis, itosomal dominant ef Penne Trica : 11. Redness and heat in acute inflammation are due t kts: x a. Celldiapedis T Hyperaemia. ff —~ . Emigration of leukocytes je y Increased filtration process T Exudation T io oY Bel) ans gaocge 92; Irreversible cell injury occurs in , z Cellular swelling | : Scanned with CamScanner a. e Right sided heart failure “T Congestive cardiac failure T° 14. Which is not true? Wee Oncogenes are normal cell growth regulators T Rcogenes are cancer causing cells F © Alllymphomas are malignant a. Invasiveness js, the halimark of malignancy T & Carcinogensisa multi-step process “{ ——yguil-they 15. Diseases where chronic granulomatous inflammation occur include a. Sarcoidosis - b. Syphilis ©, Onchocerciasis F 4. Typhoid & €. Tuberculosis T ' 16. Match the following correctly Acute pancreatitis Gangrenous Pele gen Gay ccerots 'b. Cerebral Infarct —-> Liquefactive DME Gengenos c. Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Fatty Rect efete d. Syphilis*Coagulative ~~ Ceseo* Codd whack e. Diabetes Mellitusiquefeetive Geyedtus MTR- Coseos 17. The following are not types of labile cells Sen Orme a. Endometrialcells F b. Cells of the renal tubules “T. c. Vascularendothelial % T d. Pancreatic acinar cells T e. Cells of the lymphoid tissue T 18. The following directly cause fatty liver except: a b. ic d: Diabetes mellitus Chronic alcoholism Hypertension “eseard WTR 3 ss Obesity” Kwarshiokor 419, The following are not involved in acute inflammation Prostaglandin T a. b. Fibrinogen F y *¢. Bradykinin T dd, Interferon e. Fibrin deg 20. Correctly match t! + a. Bronchial b, Autoimmi Tp tvre ‘Scanned with CamScanner d. Graft and host disease- type Il hypersensitivity reaction e. Authar's disease - type Ill hypersensitivity reaction Scanned with CamScanner

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