Global Procurement Policy Version 1.1. Clean

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Version 1.1
Valid from 30 November 2021

DELIVERY HERO - Global Procurement Policy – Version 1.1 – For Internal Use Only - Valid from 30 November
Table of Content
1. GLOSSARY ................................................................................................................ 1
2. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 2
2.1 Preamble .......................................................................................................................................... 2
2.2 Purpose ............................................................................................................................................ 2
2.3 Target group .................................................................................................................................... 2
2.4 Global procurement mission ........................................................................................................... 2
2.5 Scope and exceptions ...................................................................................................................... 2
2.6 Guiding principles............................................................................................................................ 3
3. PROCESS TAXONOMY .............................................................................................. 4
3.1 Supplier management ..................................................................................................................... 4
3.1.1 Supplier onboarding .................................................................................................................... 4
3.1.2 Supplier evaluation & development ............................................................................................ 5
3.1.3 Supplier offboarding .................................................................................................................... 5
3.2 The Purchase-to-Pay process (P2P) .................................................................................................. 5
3.2.1 Raising the requirement (Purchase Requisition / PR) ................................................................. 5
3.2.2 Cost object approval .................................................................................................................... 5
3.2.3 Procurement involvement and approval ..................................................................................... 6
3.2.4 Sending the order (Purchase order / PO) .................................................................................... 6
3.2.5 Invoicing ....................................................................................................................................... 6
3.3 The Source-to-Contract process (S2C) .............................................................................................. 6
3.3.1 Thresholds and formal requirements .......................................................................................... 7
3.3.2 Demand specification and potential other checks ...................................................................... 7
3.3.3 Bidding procedure........................................................................................................................ 8
3.3.4 Evaluation, negotiation, and supplier selection.......................................................................... 8
3.3.5 Contracting ................................................................................................................................... 9
4. PROCUREMENT ORGANIZATION .............................................................................. 9
4.1 Organization structures and committees ........................................................................................ 9
4.2 Procurement models........................................................................................................................ 9
5. SAVINGS TRACKING ................................................................................................11
6. APPROVAL AND REVISION INFORMATION .............................................................12

DELIVERY HERO - Global Procurement Policy – Version 1.1 – For Internal Use Only - Valid from 30 November 1
1. Glossary Request for Information (RFI): Process (and
document) used to collect written information about
the capabilities and the portfolio of various
Business Department: Department within the
suppliers, esp. used if service/ product specifications
company that owns the operational relationship
and/or the supplier landscape are unclear. This
with the supplier and/or owns the budget for the
request is not binding on either the supplier or the
Request for Proposal (RFP): Process (and document)
Category: The classification of goods and service
that solicits suppliers for comprehensive bids for a
based on their characteristics/specifications and not
good or service required by the Company
their purpose.

Request for Quotation (RFQ): Process (and document)

Company: One of Delivery Hero Group´s entities.
that solicits suppliers for price bids for a rather
simple good or service required by the Company.
Contract: Agreement concluded with suppliers
outside the Company as a contractual framework for
Source to Contract (S2C): Entire process from Demand
the acquisition of services or goods by DH SE.
Management, to Tendering, Negotiation and
Contracting a Supplier Provider of non-groceries
Delivery Hero Group (DH): Delivery Hero SE and all its
goods and services for the Company.
subsidiaries and affiliated companies.

Supplier: Provider of non-grocery goods and services

Data Protection Agreement (DPA): Compulsory
for the Company.
agreement when personal data between parties is

Global Procurement Organization (GPO): All Delivery

Hero teams and individuals that conduct or have a
substantial part in procurement activities as defined
in this policy.

Non-disclosure agreement (NDA): Agreement with

the purpose to ensure that any confidential
information exchanged between parties is kept
confidential, used by the receiving party for a specific
authorized purpose, and not shared with any other
third party.

Purchase Order (PO): Official offer issued by the

Company, in the best case generated automatically
via an e procurement tool, to a supplier to
supply or provide a certain quantity of goods or
services at or by a certain point in time to an agreed

Purchase Requisition (PR): Indicates a request to

Procurement to procure goods or services in a certain
quantity on a specific date. It also contains additional
information with regards to cost center and

Purchase to Pay (P2P): Entire process from purchase

request to payment. The process can be split into
Purchase-to-Order (P2O) and Invoice-to-Pay (I2P).

DELIVERY HERO - Global Procurement Policy – Version 1.1 – For Internal Use Only - Valid from 30 November
2. Introduction Procurement regulations ensure that Delivery Hero
gets the best possible quality/price mix of necessary
2.1 Preamble goods and services at the desired time in a compliant
manner. This policy outlines the minimum
This Global Procurement Policy is applicable to
requirements for compliant processes across the
Delivery Hero SE, all its subsidiaries and affiliated
Delivery Hero Group. Country-specific
companies (hereafter “Delivery Hero”, “Delivery
responsibilities and thresholds are governed by the
Hero Entities” or “Delivery Hero Group”). It replaces
respective appendices.
in its entirety any Procurement policies, which are
currently in effect in Delivery Hero entities, which fall
2.3 Target group
under the scope of this Global Procurement Policy to
the extent that the same subject matter is concerned. This policy applies to all employees (permanent and
This policy is complemented by local appendixes that temporary) of Delivery Hero, suppliers, contractors,
reflect the local specifics of Delivery Hero entities and others who may be procuring or providing goods
regarding all regulations and processes described in and services to the Company.
this policy: 2.4 Global procurement mission
Procurement's mission is to create value-add by
All Procurement related transactions are required to connecting people, delivering business insight and
comply with this policy. All employees with direct foresight, ensuring compliance, supporting the
reports are responsible for ensuring that the content business with efficient purchasing processes, and
of the policy is understood and followed. Any willing delivering commercially beneficial results.
deviation from this policy may result in a request not Procurement is the function with the most interfaces
being processed and/or disciplinary action. in the global Delivery Hero network, both internally
and externally, and thus, Procurement is best
This policy relates to all strategic, tactical, and positioned to link demand and supply.
operative procurement activities and serves as an
overarching guideline for global standards for Global harmonization and standardization are
Delivery Hero. For questions related to this policy necessary to leverage the scale and scope of Delivery
please refer to your responsible Procurement or GRC Hero's global activities. Procurement is building and
representative. managing sustainable relationships with the
business functions and suppliers alike, overseeing
the contract landscape, and negotiating commercial
terms in the best interest of Delivery Hero.
2.2 Purpose

The Procurement function aligns purchasing

2.5 Scope and exceptions
activities globally and manages the purchasing
activities of the Company on strategic, tactical, and This policy covers all commercial activities for all non-
operative levels, e.g., global demand bundling, groceries and non-food categories including
market intelligence, supplier evaluation, tendering, tendering, negotiation, contracting (incl. renewals),
ordering. Furthermore, Procurement aligns globally supplier lifecycle management, and ordering.
which procurement model to apply to each demand,
i.e., which of the procurement activities to be In alignment with the global and (if applicable) the
handled globally, regionally, and locally. respective regional procurement leads a so-called
“delegated procurement” model can be
If no dedicated Procurement role or function implemented which allows dedicated colleagues
(hereafter “Procurement”) is established yet, the from the business to perform procurement activities
local managing director is responsible to appoint a for certain (sub) categories in line with the content of
person that represents Procurement and takes over this policy.
the ownership and responsibility for all
procurement-related tasks.

DELIVERY HERO - Global Procurement Policy – Version 1.1 – For Internal Use Only - Valid from 30 November 2
The policy contains minimum requirements. either the IT helpdesk team or the office
Depending on the case, process steps can be management team. In these cases, these
designed to be more extensive or supplementary. teams are acting as requesters and will need
to follow this policy in its entirety.
The following cases are not covered by this policy. • If the Company has implemented a
The usage of the deviation form is not required. systematic process for IT software requests
• Cases where Company or Delivery Hero (Software Asset Management), these
policies or guidelines exist that are more requests, also for already existing software,
specific (e.g., Group Policy Business Travel must be raised via the relevant tool. The
for Travel Expenses and Reimbursement, internal IT is the first point of contact for all
Team Event Policy, reimbursement of these requests and will involve Procurement
educational budget expenses) if applicable.
• Agreements not related to categories in • For expenses paid with direct debit and
scope (e.g., agreements with partner standing orders, and if DH is not receiving an
restaurants, credit and loan agreements, invoice for these expenses, the creation of a
purchase of groceries and food ingredients PR is not required. The Source-to-Contract
for Dmarts and Kitchens) process is not impacted and needs to be
• Acquisition or sale of shares in companies followed.
(e.g., mergers and acquisitions, disposals of • Expenses for electricity, water and gas shall
investments) be handled in alignment with the local
• Regulatory or statutory amounts such as public regulations so that the process as well
payroll, tax payments, fees, duties, or as the involvement of procurement for
deposit payments sourcing, contracting, and ordering might be
• Intercompany charges (IC) deviating from this policy.
• Donations and sponsorships • The sourcing of D-mart and kitchen locations
• Mandatory membership in an association for does not necessarily require more than one
business purposes quotation (and respective price comparison)
• Engagement of individual riders, runners, as defined in the local Sourcing Matrix (see
and hoppers local annex). However, benchmarking to the
• Expenses of supervisory board members market is recommended.
• The engagement of freelancers, defined as
Furthermore, in the following cases, a (partial) individuals contracted to work for DH on a
deviation from this policy is applicable as described specific project or amount of time, can
below. The usage of the deviation form is not deviate from the policy and, if existing for
required: the Company, the freelancer guideline
applies. All other cases where the invoicing
• The engagement of suppliers required to entity is a legal commercial entity need to
avert immediate damage (e.g., repairs for a follow this policy and its principles.
burst water pipe, major consequential
damage, or disruption of operational Additional areas only can be excluded from this
business processes) can happen outside of policy partly or entirely by receiving a written
this policy. However, in these cases, the approval by the lead of Global Procurement of the
requester is required to inform Procurement Delivery Hero SE as well as the lead of the respective
and to work together with Procurement and Regional Procurement team.
Legal on an agreement (which potentially
can be a PO only) retrospectively. Best case 2.6 Guiding principles
in cooperation with the respective business
units an appropriate supplier base is • Deliver procurement as a (value-adding)
developed upfront to be used in these cases. service: Procurement delivers a compelling
• If certain products or services such as IT value, e.g., savings, and an amazing service
hardware or office supplies cannot be experience enabled by best-in-class
ordered by the individual employees of the processes and tools.
Company, suppliers can be requested from

DELIVERY HERO - Global Procurement Policy – Version 1.1 – For Internal Use Only - Valid from 30 November 3
• Build on a global scale and scope: requesting, approving, ordering, invoicing, and
Procurement provides global spend paying.
transparency and operates cost-efficiently.
• Strive for harmonization instead of
standardization: Procurement enables a
global way of working while respecting local
3.1 Supplier management
• Offer efficient processes and easy-to-use
tools: Procurement ensures collaboration
with Procurement is as easy as possible.
3.1.1 Supplier onboarding
• Adhere to the highest legal and ethical
standards: Procurement remains compliant Every new supplier has to be onboarded before
with legislative and regulatory contracts can be signed or purchase orders can be
requirements and carries out the day-to-day sent out. Thereby, the Supplier Code of Conduct and
business with integrity and accountability to the Conflict-of-Interest policy are required to be
also mitigate corruption-, bribery, and taken into consideration, especially when it is
financial crime risks. intended to mandate a state-owned supplier.
• Maintain accurate records: Procurement Supplier Onboarding consists of Supplier
provides transparency over the Delivery Qualification and Supplier Registration.
Hero spend, i.e., payments to suppliers, for
goods and services in scope of this policy. Supplier Qualification is the process of verifying that
• Manage risk prudently: Together with Legal, the supplier is operating in line with Company’s
Procurement reviews supplier agreements Supplier Code of Conduct including but not limited to
carefully and follows internal procedures to financial, reputational, and environmental risks. The
make sure commercial, legal, data security, criteria for which of the Company’s suppliers need to
and business risks are clearly identified, be qualified need to be documented and approved
understood, and managed. by the responsible regional heads of Procurement
• Ensure close, positive, and sustainable and GRC respectively. A screening tool should be
relationships: Procurement establishes a used to perform the risk assessment. The tool should
great collaboration with the suppliers which facilitate not only the initial assessment but also the
fosters a productive climate for negotiation ongoing screening of suppliers to signal any
and daily interaction. potential risk that might arise at a later stage.
Whenever possible, the screening tool should be
3. Process taxonomy seamlessly integrated with the procurement-owned
supplier management tool in place.
Procurement processes can be classified as strategic,
tactical, or operational processes. For detailed Supplier Registration means the process of gathering
process descriptions please refer to the process supplier information such as certain company data
taxonomy documented in Signavio. and bank account data, verifying this information,
and creating the supplier in the ERP system. The
Strategic: Mainly Category Management and supplier data will be verified via a four-eyes principle
Supplier Portfolio & Relationship Management: by the Procurement and Finance departments. The
Covering activities such as the definition of category supplier master data can only be created and
strategies based on internal and external data changed by the Finance department, or if a
analyses, the definition of preferred suppliers, and procurement-owned supplier management tool is in
the development of suppliers. place, the data is maintained and owned by the
supplier. Appropriate proof for the supplier data is
Tactical: Mainly Source-to-Contract (S2C): Covering required and needs to be provided by the supplier.
activities such as demand specification, tendering,
negotiation, and contracting. Procurement is responsible for the onboarding
process as well as certain specific activities such as
Operational: Mainly Purchase-to-Order (P2O) and performing risk assessments or facilitating the
Invoice-to-Pay (I2P): Covering activities such as discussion of assessment results between suppliers,

DELIVERY HERO - Global Procurement Policy – Version 1.1 – For Internal Use Only - Valid from 30 November 4
the requester and the respective subject matter • Procurement or the business function notify
experts within the company. As part of its regular Finance to stop payments
collaboration and interaction with the supplier, it is • The supplier profile status in the ERP system
the responsibility of the business function to create should be updated accordingly
awareness on supplier side for the Company’s
policies, to monitor supplier’s adherence with these 3.2 The Purchase-to-Pay process
policies as well as to align actions with the supplier
to mitigate identified risks and to control their
implementation. The exact sequence of the P2P process depends on
the buying channel (e.g. catalog order or free text
3.1.2 Supplier evaluation & order) and the net order value of the product or
development service to be procured. In principle, it consists of four
major sub-processes that need to be run through, one
Procurement and the respective business function after another.
are responsible for an active supplier management
that targets a consolidated and sustainable supplier 3.2.1 Raising the requirement
base. Procurement aims to evaluate strategic
(Purchase Requisition / PR)
suppliers with the respective business function
regularly, and to define appropriate actions to lift the Any employee who requires a product or service
identified improvement potential. The development ("requester") needs to send the request via the
of certain suppliers is highly dependent on the available e-procurement tool to Procurement, or via
applicable category strategy. e-mail if no tool is existing. If this is done via a
system, the following sub-processes are system-
3.1.3 Supplier offboarding supported. Certain goods or services might be able to
be requested only by a dedicated business function
All suppliers shall ensure that they conduct business
(e.g., Hardware equipment might only be purchased
according to Delivery Hero's Supplier Code of
by the IT department). In such a case, a
Conduct and to a signed agreement or alternatively
representative of this function acts as a requester and
the Company’s Terms & Conditions. Delivery Hero
needs to follow this policy.
reserves the right to stop working with a supplier and
suspend or remove a supplier from the list of 3.2.2 Cost object approval
approved suppliers for a breach of the Supplier Code
of Conduct, a signed agreement, or the applicable Afterward raising the requirement, the request is
Terms & Conditions. sent for a cost object approval to obtain and
document budget approval. In general, cost object
The process of supplier offboarding refers to the approvals need to be provided by the respective
deactivation of a supplier from the company's budget owner (which is usually the cost center
administrative and financial records. For every owner), potentially from representatives from
offboarding case Procurement and Legal are required subsequent hierarchy levels up to the CEO of the
to ensure all relevant parties such as GDPR, Data Company and potentially by a Finance
Security, and Finance are involved. Furthermore, representative. The request runs automatically
Procurement is responsible to document each through the right approval chain if the process is
offboarding case. supported by an e-procurement tool. Otherwise, the
The supplier offboarding checklist includes, but is not requester must 1) obtain approval in writing from the
limited to the following: respective approver(s) outside of the tool, and 2)
• The supplier should no longer have access to document the approval to ensure traceability.
the physical property or IT systems of the
Company The cost object approval is based on the net order
• The supplier is required to destroy all data value of the product or service to be procured. If the
(as regulated in the DPA) order value is not known in advance, the approval
• The supplier should not have any rights and level is determined based on the requester’s
access to DH applications estimate, in consultation with Procurement and the
cost center owner if necessary. If the final order

DELIVERY HERO - Global Procurement Policy – Version 1.1 – For Internal Use Only - Valid from 30 November 5
amount is higher than 10% of the request’s initial preferred payment method is payment via invoice,
value, the cost object approval shall be repeated. other payment methods such as virtual credit card
payments are exceptional cases and require guidance
The specific local approval matrices are defined in the from Procurement. Generally, every invoice has to
respective local appendix. Local thresholds should be contain a PO number in order to get paid.
commensurate with local procurement expenditures
and processes. 3.2.5 Invoicing

All local thresholds and changes must be approved It is mandatory that every invoice contains the
by the regional Procurement lead, the global Purchase Order number. Otherwise, the invoice will
Procurement lead (DH SE), the local Finance lead, and get declined and not be paid. A Purchase Order
the regional Compliance or GRC lead. Changes need always needs to be raised prior to a supplier
to be documented and filed along with this policy. invoicing us. All invoices have to be sent
electronically to the respective email address of the
3.2.3 Procurement involvement Company (as mentioned in the local appendix) or via
the Ariba network.
and approval
If a supplier accepts credit card payments only,
To ensure compliant and optimized spending, Procurement can issue a virtual credit card (if
Procurement involvement in purchases above a available for the Company already) upon request via
certain threshold is mandatory. The procurement the e-procurement tool if existing.
involvement results in a procurement approval which
usually is required before an order is sent to a 3.3 The Source-to-Contract process
supplier. Preferably, this is supported by an e- (S2C)
procurement tool. Procurement may send a purchase
request back to the requester if the details are The S2C process describes the activities from the
missing or not correct or the policy has not been clarification of an actual need and the definition of
followed. its specifications, through requesting quotations and
negotiating the offers until selecting a supplier and
If the Procurement involvement happens before a signing a contract.
request is triggered in the e-procurement tool and
results in a framework contract, the Procurement Deviations from the S2C process described in this
approval must only be obtained as soon as the policy need to be documented and approved by the
contract is applied (e.g., order form is issued). cost center owner, and the responsible Procurement
representative. If no system-supported solution is
The approval chain depends on the net order value of existing, the general Deviation form in Annex 1 of
the product or service to be procured and is regulated this document is to be used.
on a local or regional level in the local or regional
annex. In principle, the responsibilities along the S2C
process are split as follows:
3.2.4 Sending the order (Purchase • Entry point (Demand communication): As
soon as a need is identified the requester
order / PO)
needs to reach out to Procurement through
After the purchase request is fully approved, the PR the applicable channel. It is the requester’s
will turn into a purchase order (PO). It will be sent to responsibility to inform Procurement
the supplier automatically if an e-procurement tool is already at that stage about any data
in place. If an e-procurement tool is not implemented protection requirements to allow
yet, the purchase order must be sent by Procurement Procurement to involve the Data Protection
or the requester to the supplier via email. In any case, Office and the Information Security team as
the purchase orders need to be numbered serially early as possible.
and documented. Payment terms follow at least the • Specifications (e.g., product characteristics,
minimum requirement outlined in the locally demand, budget): The requester is
applicable Terms & Conditions. Invoicing procedures responsible to define and communicate the
follow the local process and requirements. The required product/service specifications,

DELIVERY HERO - Global Procurement Policy – Version 1.1 – For Internal Use Only - Valid from 30 November 6
Procurement can only support properly without obtaining comparable offers independent of
when requirements are clearly defined. If the net value of the request. However, Procurement
certain requirements are not met, e.g., a needs to be involved and advises on the steps to take.
clear budget does not exist, Procurement
will still support and work together with the 3.3.2 Demand specification and
business to define the needed information. potential other checks
Overall Procurement should guide this
process to avoid unnecessary loops at later Preferably, Procurement is part of the business
stages. function’s annual budgeting process to identify
• Market Assessment / Supplier identification: upcoming needs as early as possible. The general
It is Procurement’s responsibility to provide underlying requirement to start the process,
market insight and foresight. The however, is an existing cost object approval. As a
business/requester is invited to support the next step, the requested good or service is to be
process and bring in relevant market and described by the requester in such a clear and
supplier information. comprehensive manner that all potential suppliers
• RFx document creation, supplier can, at best, submit a comparable and corresponding
communication, and offer evaluation: bid without asking for further information.
Procurement leads the communication with Based on the submitted request and additional
the supplier and ensures all needed requested information, Procurement will decide (A)
documents and templates are available and if a Non-Disclosure-Agreement (NDA) needs to be
shared with either the supplier or the concluded, (B) which compliance-related functions
internal stakeholders. need to be involved and (C) if it is an IT
• Negotiation: Procurement prepares, (sub)outsourcing agreement.
facilitates, and follows up on required
negotiation talks. Depending on the A) Non-Disclosure-Agreements (NDA)
negotiation strategy different DH functions
or individuals will be asked to support in Based on the local collaboration model between
addition to the requester. Legal and Procurement one of the two departments
• Contracting: Procurement is coordinating verifies if a NDA is needed, takes care of its
the contract review process in close conclusion and involves Legal if required. The
collaboration with Legal that is acting as purpose of an NDA1 is to ensure that any confidential
gatekeeper and providing solutions to information exchanged between the parties is: (i)
mitigate identified contractual risks kept confidential; (ii) used by the receiving party for
a specific authorized purpose (e.g., analyzing the
3.3.1 Thresholds and formal potential conclusion of an agreement for the
requirements purchase of certain services); and (iii) not shared with
any other third party.
The responsibilities and major requirements of the
sourcing process are based on the net order value of Confidential information includes but it is not limited
the product or service to be procured. Every country to: information concerning intellectual property and
is obligated to define a threshold that requires a proprietary rights of any kind, trade secrets, know-
formal RFP/RFQ process to follow. These thresholds how, non-public information about the Company, its
and requirements are deviating on a country level business (such as business strategy, business
and thus, they are governed by the applicable local projections, financial information), markets,
annex. products, customers, contractors and business
If a recurring product or service is renewed the first partners, technology, etc.
time and the contract duration does not exceed a
total of four years, the contract can be renewed

Also known as a Confidentiality Agreement,
Confidential Disclosure Agreement, Proprietary
Information Agreement or Secrecy Agreement.

DELIVERY HERO - Global Procurement Policy – Version 1.1 – For Internal Use Only - Valid from 30 November 7
The Company has two NDA templates: (i) mutual refuse to consider a supplier if there are valid reasons
NDA: it should be used when both parties or only the for doing so (e.g., repeated poor performance, lack
supplier will exchange confidential information; and of cooperation, etc.). The result of this process step is
(ii) one sided NDA: it shall be used when the a list of all suppliers involved in the call for tenders.
Company is the only one disclosing confidential
information. The Company’s template NDA should be The “Request for Proposal/ Request for Quotation”
used. (RFP/ RFQ) is a request to the selected suppliers to
submit a bid. It contains all relevant information
B) Security Compliance Check (IT security and DPO) required by the suppliers to submit a valid offer.
These include, but are not limited to, administrative
A security review is required if a supplier is instructions, demand specifications, price sheet, the
processing, storing, and/or transmitting private or Supplier Code of Conduct, and purchasing terms and
sensitive data as defined in the Information conditions. If necessary, it can also make good
Classification Policy. In these cases, the Company no commercial sense to carry out a different type of
longer controls the data and DHs third party security sourcing event such as an auction. This must be
requirements apply. In addition, a security review is decided on a case-by-case basis by Procurement.
needed for all IT and software products and services. Sourcing events are preferably run via an e-
procurement tool (if existing).
The transfer of personal data from customers,
employees, or suppliers to third parties who are 3.3.4 Evaluation, negotiation, and
processing personal data and other Company related supplier selection
data received not exclusively for the Company’s
purpose and in accordance with the Company’s All submitted quotes shall be subject to an objective
instructions but for their own purpose, requires the comparison. Before entering into commercial
prior written approval of Legal and the Data negotiations, it might be useful to decide on a
Protection officer (DPO). If a local DPO is available, supplier shortlist. Therefore, a first comparison
please contact the local Data Protection Coordinator should be carried out. For the commercial evaluation,
(DPC) for approval. They will involve the global DPO a total price overview with all suppliers needs to be
if needed. If a local DPO is not available Procurement, created and documented. Subsequently,
or the requester in alignment with Procurement, is negotiations are conducted under the leadership of
required to involve the global DPO directly. If data of the responsible person from Procurement.
customers from Europe are to be processed by third
parties, a Data Processing Agreement must be Before making a final supplier decision, qualitative
signed. For the Software category, an IT Security and quantitative criteria should be defined and
Check is always required. thereafter evaluated by the responsible person from
Procurement in close cooperation with the requester.
C) IT (sub) outsourcing The procurement involvement is considered
mandatory in this process step. The following criteria
Requirements for contracting may be added as form a non-exhaustive list of criteria that could be
defined by the financial regulatory authorities in case evaluated:
the service provided is deemed as qualified to be • General approach, capabilities, and
relevant to the fintech business vertical. references/use cases
• Commercials
3.3.3 Bidding procedure • Project team and implementation
A supplier search must be carried out and
• Ethics and sustainability
documented. If relevant information is not publicly
• Innovation capability
available, a formal "Request for Information" (RFI)
should be sent to potential suppliers to answer
Taking all factors into account, Procurement
relevant questions.
proposes to award the contract to the best-evaluated
supplier. The requester makes the final decision
The requester may suggest potential suppliers to be
based on the evaluation results and Procurement
included in a call for quotations. Procurement may
proposal. The comparison, decision-making criteria,

DELIVERY HERO - Global Procurement Policy – Version 1.1 – For Internal Use Only - Valid from 30 November 8
and the final decision are documented and centrally In principle, prior to the renewal of an expiring
filed by Procurement. contract or in the case of automatically renewed
contracts, both the terms and the scope (e.g., service
Usually, Delivery Hero and the Company do not allow level) must be critically reviewed. The maximum
any usage of their brand or logo and mention them duration of the contract should not exceed three
as a reference customer. However, the Company years. In exceptional cases (e.g., for business-critical
might consider making an exception and grant the software) the duration can be extended up to five
possibility to selected, strategic partners. Every years.
usage must be aligned and approved between and by
Procurement, Legal and Corporate Communications. Employees are not allowed to subscribe to any
The supplier request should be understood as a service or product or sign any commercial agreement
valuable negotiation lever. In cases where a supplier without authorization. Only authorized individuals
uses above without granted permission, the within DH can sign and commit to Delivery Hero’s
product/service owner should inform the supplier to legal and financial obligations unless local and
stop and potentially consider the termination of the regional signing rules apply.
agreement if the supplier repeatedly does not
comply with the request. If the Material Decision Policy applies for the
Company, an approval from DHSE is required before
3.3.5 Contracting a contract can be signed.

As a last step of the S2C process, the contract review 4. Procurement organization
takes place. It always must be initiated by
Procurement. Any necessary legal checks must be
carried out by the responsible Legal department
4.1 Organization structures and
(preferable local or regional Legal department if in committees
place) before the contract is signed.
In the beginning of the contracting process, The Global Procurement Organization (GPO) has
Procurement will verify if the contracting document been set up to leverage scale and scope of
requires certain formal approvals. Procurement will procurement for the Delivery Hero Group. A central
also check if it is a related party transaction and team provides strategic direction and guidance and
determine what contracting document shall be used. collaborates with the decentral procurement teams
We strive for the usage of POs whenever possible to to ensure and improve efficient and effective
ensure lean processes and optimal resources usage. procurement operations.
In case of doubt this can be advised by either
Procurement or Legal. However, there are several Different meeting bodies, on global and regional
(DH internal) conditions that require the conclusion scale, foster collaboration, and alignment both
of an agreement before a fully approved PO is sent globally/locally and between business and
out to the business partner. These conditions are procurement functions. These meetings will take
mutually agreed by the Company’s responsible Legal place on various geographical and hierarchical levels
and Procurement teams. to align on topics such as Global governance &
compliance, Procurement models, Organizational
After the finalization of the agreement, it can be development & capacity planning, or Skill
signed according to the respectively valid signing development.
rules. The latest version can be requested from your
local Legal department. Usually, Legal will initiate 4.2 Procurement models
the process and obtain the required signatures. In
certain cases, this will be done by Procurement Procurement models define the activity split along
directly. the process taxonomy between global, regional and
local procurement on a (sub-)category level.
Currently, we work in accordance with four
All agreements must be centrally stored, preferably
predominant procurement models:
in the global contract management system to enable
transparency across all markets.

DELIVERY HERO - Global Procurement Policy – Version 1.1 – For Internal Use Only - Valid from 30 November 9
I. Centralized
IIa. Center-led sourcing
IIb. Center-led strategy
III. Regional/ Local

Each (sub-)category can be assigned to one of the

models to ensure a clear understanding of roles &
responsibilities as well as related activities split. Over
time, a commodity may change to a different
procurement model.

DELIVERY HERO - Global Procurement Policy – Version 1.1 – For Internal Use Only - Valid from 30 November 10
5. Savings Tracking business functions to assess needed
4. Need – Procurement can challenge
Procurement aims for a globally consistent savings
general demand in selected cases
tracking process which is following a certain set of
rules and procedures. Detailed explanations can be
The procurement success, in the form of savings, is
found in the Savings Tracking Methodology guide.
measured in two distinct categories: Procurement
The savings tracking and global reporting process
result (hard savings) and Procurement performance
starts with the roll-out of GPO in the respective
(soft savings). The following figure provides an
overview on the basics for their calculation.
Degrees of implementation (identified, quantified,
Savings are generated as a result of sourcing projects
decided, implemented, realized) describe the
through joint effort of procurement and the
(un)certainty level of savings. They are not only used
respective business function(s). Savings are based on
to put the provided numbers into perspective but
the following four parameters with descending level
also to manage the savings pipeline. Procurement
of influence from Procurement:
will track savings up to the "implemented" status
1. Price – Procurement can support all
which is achieved with contract signature.
cases to save costs, e.g., via negotiation
All decentral procurement teams are obliged to
or tendering support
provide their savings to the central procurement
2. Quantity – Procurement can assess and
team via the savings tracking tool. This enables
manage internal demand volumes
central procurement to consolidate savings achieved
according to the business needs
by the Global Procurement Organization and to
3. Specifications – Having strong market
create and share a regular savings report.
expertise Procurement can help

DELIVERY HERO - Global Procurement Policy – Version 1.1 – For Internal Use Only - Valid from 30 November 11
6. Approval and Revision Information

Contact Details Signature

Prepared by David Beyer

Policy Owner Vice President Global

Verified by central GRC Babak Mohtachemi

Senior Director GRC &

Primoz Novak
Director Compliance

Approved by the Emmanuel Thomassin

Management Board CFO

Pieter-Jan Vandepitte

Niklas Östberg

Policy Governance Framework

Type L1_DP

Revision period 1 year

Conflict of Interest policy
Treasury policy
Supplier Code of Conduct
Related documents Material Decision policy
Procedure on Contract Review
Vendor Security Requirements

DELIVERY HERO - Global Procurement Policy – Version 1.1 – For Internal Use Only - Valid from 30 November
Information Classification Policy

Confidentiality [For Internal Use Only]

Revision Log

Version Date of Release Description of Changes

1.0 2020-01-01 First Release

1.1 2021-11-30 Second Release:

Global Procurement Policy
is covered in one main
document with country-
specific or region-specific

DELIVERY HERO - Global Procurement Policy – Version 1.1 – For Internal Use Only - Valid from 30 November 13
Annex 1:
Template approval form for deviations from the Global Procurement

DELIVERY HERO - Global Procurement Policy – Version 1.1 – For Internal Use Only - Valid from 30 November 14
Approval form for deviations from the Global Procurement Policy

This form is required for the documentation of a deviation from the Global Procurement
Policy. In case of an intended deviation the requester has to complete this form and send it
for approval. The requester is responsible to check if the Company has an alternative
system-supported workflow in place. Other existing relevant documents related to the
potential deviation case need to be handed in by the requester together with the form.

Name of the requestor

Applicable cost center # for the purchase

Cost center owner

(Purchase requisition) PR number

In case a PR was not created, please raise a PR in the available e-procurement tool

Description and scope of the item/service procured

e.g., Chair for office renovation, Legal consultant to support with legal activities, etc.

Total order value

e.g., purchase price; giving the total net amount per month/year (e.g., rental agreement, leasing contract,
etc.) for permanent contracts, and total net amount per month/ hour for service fees, by means of an
estimate if necessary

Order currency

Procurement category

DELIVERY HERO - Global Procurement Policy – Version 1.1 – For Internal Use Only - Valid from 30 November 1
Category of the service/product purchased

Supplier name

Are you aware of the Global Procurement Policy?


Have 3 written quotations from different suppliers been obtained?


Has a Request for Proposal (RfP) been carried out?


Has the Request for Proposal (RfP) been documented?


Has the supplier already been awarded / contracted?


Responsible contact at Procurement [Optional]

Reason(s) for deviating from the Global Procurement Policy

DELIVERY HERO - Global Procurement Policy – Version 1.1 – For Internal Use Only - Valid from 30 November 2
Annex 2:
Delivery Hero SE specific annex to the Global Procurement Policy

DELIVERY HERO - Global Procurement Policy – Version 1.1 – For Internal Use Only - Valid from 30 November 3
Delivery Hero SE (“Company”) specific annex to the Global Procurement Policy

This document is an addendum to the Global Procurement Policy (2nd release) and is regulating the specific
thresholds and requirements for the Company in regard to all procurement-related processes as described in the

1. Approval structure
There are two main approval steps to be considered for every purchase request: Cost object approval and
Procurement approval.
The approval chain is defined by the type and net value of the purchase request.

a. Cost Object approval

Every purchase of goods or services requires a cost object approval before a procurement activity can be carried
out. This financial approval needs to be provided by the respective cost center owner as well as representatives
from subsequent hierarchy levels up to the CFO or CEO of the Company. The Company specific approval chain can
be found on the Oeconomicis website:

b. Procurement approval
After the Cost Object approval, the Procurement approval has to be provided before any purchase order can be
sent out to the supplier. The approval chains are defined as per the matrix below:

Threshold amount Threshold Approver


≤ 500 EUR None

> 500 - 250,000 EUR Procurement representative

(none for catalogue items below 50,000 EUR)

> 250,000 - 500,000 EUR + Category (Cluster) Lead

> 500,000 EUR + Global Procurement Lead

2. Sourcing Matrix

Besides the above approval regulations, all sourcing projects must follow a specific procedure based on the total
net value of the product or service. The matrix below is outlining the number of offers that must be obtained, the

DELIVERY HERO - Global Procurement Policy – Version 1.1 – For Internal Use Only - Valid from 30 November 4
requirements for the comparison, selection and decision-making, as well as the requirements for documentation.
The Company implements controls to detect attempts to avoid adherence to these thresholds.

Net value of ≤ EUR 50.000 > EUR 50,000 - 250,000 > EUR 250,000

Quotation At least 1 At least 3 quotations. RfP / RfQ process with at least 3

quotation. quotations required

Quotation Preferably Written form and centrally Systematic filing of all relevant
documentation available in stored. Final agreement to (sent and received) documents in
written form. be attached to the a written form: RfP documents,
Purchase Order. Offers, Evaluation, Decision
making. Final agreement to be
attached to the Purchase Order.

Evaluation, Negotiation Price Price comparison, evaluation

negotiation recommended comparison, qualitative matrix of quantitative and
evaluation helpful and qualitative criteria, negotiation
negotiation highly required

Contracting Procurement determines what contracting document to be used

and if Legal to be involved

3. Invoicing

It is mandatory that every invoice contains the Purchase Order number. Otherwise, the invoice will get declined
and not be paid. A Purchase Order always needs to be raised prior to the supplier invoicing us. All invoices have to
be issued to the Company and sent electronically to or via the Ariba network.

4. Contact Information

The procurement department of the Company can be reached via the Jira platform or by writing an email to

DELIVERY HERO - Global Procurement Policy – Version 1.1 – For Internal Use Only - Valid from 30 November 5

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