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Logistics Information Management

E‐commerce marketing strategies: an integrated framework and case analysis

Eric AllenJerry Fjermestad
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Eric AllenJerry Fjermestad, (2001),"E#commerce marketing strategies: an integrated framework and case analysis",
Logistics Information Management, Vol. 14 Iss 1/2 pp. 14 - 23
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Mohini Singh, (2002),"E#services and their role in B2C e#commerce", Managing Service Quality: An International Journal,
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Enrico Colla, Paul Lapoule, (2012),"E#commerce: exploring the critical success factors", International Journal of Retail
& Distribution Management, Vol. 40 Iss 11 pp. 842-864
G. Duffy, B.G. Dale, (2002),"E#commerce processes: a study of criticality", Industrial Management & Data Systems,
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E-commerce marketing Numerous strategic frameworks have been
strategies: an proposed to help organizations market
integrated framework themselves on the Internet (Kalakota and
Whinston, 1997; Rayport and Sviokla, 1994).
and case analysis Many of these strategic frameworks represent
new versions of familiar themes in the
Eric Allen and marketing process. This paper will show that
Jerry Fjermestad by integrating the new strategic frameworks
with the traditional marketing model a more
thorough framework can be developed. Then,
the integrated framework will be applied in
the analysis of e-commerce strategy for
Nabisco, an established consumer products
company that has begun to formulate its
The authors e-commerce strategy.
Eric Allen is a Graduate Student in the School of
Management, and Jerry Fjermestad is a Professor in the
Downloaded by Monash University At 08:53 06 December 2014 (PT)

School of Management, Center for Multimedia Research, Framework integration

both at New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark,
New Jersey, USA. Zwass (1996) suggests that the established
way to analyze and develop complex systems
(such as e-commerce) is to organize them in a
meaningful structure. As a means of
Electronic commerce, Marketing strategy, Marketing mix, comparing the frameworks presented, the
Consumer products, Internet, Grocery major concepts of each article will be
discussed as they apply to the traditional
Abstract marketing mix model of product, place, price
Demonstrates the usefulness of the traditional marketing and promotion. In addition to the four Ps
model in developing e-commerce marketing strategies. model, we will also discuss how each
Discusses four e-commerce frameworks and integrates framework addresses shifting consumer
them with the traditional marketing model (product, price, expectations. Table I summarizes four articles
promotion, and distribution) to develop a complete that provide strategic frameworks for thinking
framework. Discusses how the e-commerce strategies about online relationships between
could be applied to a real company using the integrated manufacturers, retailers, and consumers.
model. Table II shows how the major concepts of
each framework map to the traditional
Electronic access marketing model.
The research register for this journal is available at
A product is anything that can be offered to a
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is market for attention, acquisition, use, or
available at consumption that might satisfy a want or need (Kotler, 1991). In an e-commerce marketing
strategy it is important to remember that
information is now its own viable product.
Many of the frameworks reviewed addressed
this area. Rayport and Sviokla (1994) discuss
transactions where the actual product has
been replaced by information about the
product and Evans and Wurster (1999)
discuss navigation as its own business. This
Logistics Information Management
Volume 14 . Number 1/2 . 2001 . pp. 14±23 This research was supported by the New Jersey
# MCB University Press . ISSN 0957-6053 Center for Multimedia Research.
E-commerce marketing strategies: a framework and case analysis Logistics Information Management
Eric Allen and Jerry Fjermestad Volume 14 . Number 1/2 . 2001 . 14±23

Table I The e-commerce frameworks

Article E-commerce business framework Major consequences
Managing in marketspace Technology has allowed the information about a product or service to be Erosion of brand equity
(Rayport and Sviokla, separated from the product or service itself. This new market space has Physical products replaced with information
1994) three elements: based services
(1) Content is what is being sold (i.e. what you take delivery of). This Near-zero marginal costs of additional
can be information, a service or a physical product customers invalidates old concepts of
(2) Context is how the content is presented for sale. Key to consumer pricing
loyalty, once the consumer is loyal to a particular context, there is Companies must look to exploit the breadth
a large potential for related transactions of the electronic channel ± develop
(3) Infrastructure describes how the buyer and seller are brought context loyalty first, then exploit it with
together various content
Traditionally all three elements would be managed by a single player to
develop a brand. Now the three elements will be segmented and can be
managed separately to create brand value
The Internet and E-commerce will develop along two paths: information to transaction Technology (connection to the network) will
international marketing (established companies) or transaction to information (start-ups) become more important than size for
(Klein and Quelch, 1996) Web sites must be built to reduce costs for customers (e.g. customers' companies marketing on the Internet
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service, transactions) or to generate revenue from them (e.g. product Standard pricing
information, promotions, market research, transactions) Changing role for intermediaries
E-commerce should enable buyers and sellers to come together where Companies dominating markets
they previously could not. This is a critical area of growth for
international companies
Making business sense of Four business opportunities that are provided by the Internet: Replace intermediaries and value chain
the Internet (Gosh, 1998) (1) linking companies directly to customers, suppliers, and other members
interested parties Increased customers' loyalty
(2) allowing companies to skip other players in the value chain New competitors and customers
(3) using the Internet as a tool for developing new products and The emergence of category killers
services for customers
(4) allowing companies to dominate the electronic channel of an entire
industry or segment, control access to customers, and set business
Getting real about virtual Navigation is now a separate business with three aspects: reach, Brands, as a source of rich information
commerce (Evans and affiliation, and richness (particularly those based on fact based
Wurster, 1999) Reach refers to the number of different categories and products a beliefs), will lose much of their value
consumer interface (e.g. store, catalog, and Web site) can cover. Reach The value chain will break down in most
also refers to the number of customers a business can interact with industries
Affiliation refers to whose interests are most important to the merchant: Navigators will be able to capture most of
the customer's, the retailer's or the supplier's? the value in an industry as the other
Richness is how much information can be exchanged between a producer elements of the supply chain (e.g.
and consumer. Richness has two aspects: customer information and physical retailers, distributors, and
product information manufacturers) become commoditized

change has resulted from technology that has information at one particular store. A
brought down the cost of collecting and complete search of all offerings would be
disseminating information about consumers extremely expensive, time-consuming and
and products. Evans and Wurster (1999) practically impossible. Instead consumers rely
describe navigation as the process through on product suppliers and retailers to aid them
which shoppers collect information about in the search. This allows the suppliers and
products. In the physical world, a shopper providers to use the consumers' cost-of-
who wants to buy something has to manually search as a competitive advantage. However,
sift through the millions of choices. This on the Internet, consumers can search much
usually requires a shopper to travel to a store more comprehensively and at virtually no
and inspect the products. Unless they want to cost. Suppliers and retailers must realize that
travel to various stores, they are limited to the product information can be delivered to
E-commerce marketing strategies: a framework and case analysis Logistics Information Management
Eric Allen and Jerry Fjermestad Volume 14 . Number 1/2 . 2001 . 14±23

Table II The electronic commerce marketing framework

Framework Product Place Price Promotion Customer centered
Managing in Content ± what is Infrastructure ± how Pricing based on cost
marketspace (Rayport being sold (what do was the sale has no place
and Sviokla, 1994) you take delivery possible?
of?)? Context ± how is it
presented for sale?

The Internet and Global reach Standard pricing Global branding Understanding the
international marketing Market makers global consumers
(Klein and Quelch, 1996)

Making business sense of Tool for developing Companies can skip Links companies
the Internet (Gosh, 1998) and delivering new other players in an directly to customers,
products and services industry value chain suppliers, and other
to customers Companies are able interested parties
to dominate the
electronic channel of
an entire industry or
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segment, control
access to customers,
and set business rules

Getting real about Navigation as a Reach Richness Affiliation

virtual commerce (Evans separate business
and Wurster, 1999)

consumers by a third party. Indeed, pure reviewed addressed place. Klein and Quelch
navigators such as Yahoo! have already (1996) discuss the global reach of the Internet
become major players in this business (Evans in creating a larger marketplace and the
and Wurster,1999). strong growth of a network's utility based on
The Internet can also serve as a platform for Metcalf's law. Evans and Wurster (1999)
new product innovations. Companies can use discuss reach, the number of eyeballs that
the direct access to consumers to collect view a Web site. They claim that reach is the
information that will help them better develop most visible difference between e-commerce
products to meet the consumers' needs. For and the physical world.
international companies this can provide The Internet will allow organizations to skip
adaptations and customizations for local over parts of the value chain. Gosh (1998)
markets (Klein and Quelch, 1996) or create discussed how the Internet could be used to
niche products. Companies can also leverage pirate the value chain. Examples most often
their reach to consumers to sell advertising involve marketing the product on the Internet
during transactions (Gosh, 1998). in order to bypass the retailer. Computer
manufacturers such as Dell and Gateway
Place 2000 do this. UPS has a program to set up
For most companies the place aspects of the e-commerce sites for businesses that ship with
marketing mix involve marketing channels. them (Gosh, 1998). According to Evans and
Marketing channels can be defined as Wurster (1999), the navigational Web sites
interdependent organizations involved in the will allow small niche producers easier access
process of making a product or service to the markets. They will be able to skip over
available for use or consumption (Kotler, parts of the value chain that traditional
1991). suppliers have historically relied on for
Due to the size of its marketplace, the competitive advantage. Traditional suppliers
Internet will have the most profound effect on could respond to this by keeping their product
place in the marketing mix. E-commerce puts out of navigational Web sites to block their
the purchase decision anywhere a connection development. However, this strategy would
to the Internet exists. All of the frameworks be technically difficult and would only be
E-commerce marketing strategies: a framework and case analysis Logistics Information Management
Eric Allen and Jerry Fjermestad Volume 14 . Number 1/2 . 2001 . 14±23

successful if other large producers acted is ``located'' on some 25 million computer

similarly. Furthermore, it would be a screens. With the success of category killers,
tremendous advantage for a single producer some are starting to move outside their
to defect from the group and offer its product categories. now sells CDs and
and the only defense available to other toys among other things (Evans and Wurster,
producers would be follow to suit (this is an 1999). Gosh (1998) further suggests that
example of the tragedy of the common manufacturers need to figure out how to
economics principle). A more successful embed their products in these magnet stores.
strategy would be to enter into joint ventures This may be a key for the long-term survivors
or expand a supplier's Web site to offer over the next few years.
competitors' products (Evans and Wurster,
1999). Price
It is critical to quickly develop a large Price is the only element of the marketing mix
customer base in e-commerce. Rayport and to generate revenues. As Kotler (1991)
Sviokla (1994) describe the place of suggests, all other elements of a business
e-commerce in terms of two aspects: context operation represent costs. Internet pricing
in which the transaction occurs (e.g. an decisions will be just as important as they
electronic on-screen auction replaces a face- traditionally have been; however, most of the
to-face auction) and the infrastructure that frameworks did not discuss price.
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enables the transactions to occur (e.g. The Internet will lead to increased price
computers and communication lines replace competition and the standardization of prices.
car lots). Rayport and Sviokla (1994) claim Klein and Quelch (1996) point out two
that customer loyalty must be first gained in counteracting effects of the Internet on price.
the context dimension. The first mover First, a supplier can use the technology to
advantage is very important because Internet
discriminate pricing between consumers, for
standards could make the competitive
example, in different countries. However, if
advantages of a particular context difficult to
they do not take precautions the consumers
sustain. By their very nature, standards will
may be able to quickly find out about the
allow organizations to duplicate the design
price discrimination and object to it. Klein
and features of competitors' Web sites.
and Quelch (1996) suggest that taken
However, the courts may provide some
together these factors would lead to increased
protection for e-commerce store designs
standardization of prices across borders. Also,
(Reuters, 1999).
the ability to compare prices across all
Organizations that are first to offer a large
suppliers using the Internet and online
breadth of products to consumers will have an
shopping services will lead to increased price
advantage. The marketplace on the Internet
could consolidate quickly as many e-retailers competition. Finally, the price of providing
will attempt to become category killers, places Internet-based services often contains little or
where consumers can go for all their shopping no marginal costs. Economic theory predicts
needs. The success of category killers can be that the price of a product or service will
seen in the bricks and mortar world (e.g. Wal- approach its marginal cost as competition
Mart). Category killers on the Internet would intensifies.
have the following advantages: physical space Organizations will have to employ new
is less of a constraint, expansion would be pricing models when selling over the Internet.
easier on the Internet, and stores can Rayport and Sviokla (1994) point out that the
customize offerings to consumers. Instead of ability of technology to offer services at a
navigating hundreds of sites to find what they cheaper cost would make it difficult to
need, consumers will stay with the sites they determine the appropriate price for a
find convenient. Magnet stores or category consumer. Voicemail, for example, is solely
killers can be expected to form around a an information-based service, which provides
number of dimensions such as product, the consumers with a replacement for the
service, customer segment, and industry traditional answering machine. However,
(Gosh, 1998). For example, the largest consumers are willing to pay even more for
physical Barnes & Noble bookstore in the the service than they would for an answering
USA still carries only 200,000 titles. machine due to the convenience and added offers 4.5 million volumes and features (Rayport and Sviokla, 1994).
E-commerce marketing strategies: a framework and case analysis Logistics Information Management
Eric Allen and Jerry Fjermestad Volume 14 . Number 1/2 . 2001 . 14±23

Promotion programs allow consumers to prevent data

Promotion encompasses all the various ways from being collected. In addition, consumers
an organization undertakes to communicate may realize the value of this information and
its products' merits and to persuade target demand a premium for it (Evans and
customers to buy from them (Kotler, 1991). Wurster, 1999). However, Web marketers
Incumbent retailers and manufacturers have can use consumer information to create
certain advantages when promoting products substantial value for the consumer. As
and services on the Internet. Evans and consumers recognize this value they will be
Wurster (1999) discuss these advantages in more likely to share their information. In
relation to the richness of information they addition, when detachment, objectivity, and
can provide consumers. The Internet comprehensiveness characterize the purchase
provides a low cost way for the manufacturer decision, the richness of product information
to build a direct link with the consumer. provided does not provide as strong an
Incumbents can use their traditional sources advantage. Other problems for manufacturers
of consumer information (e.g. product presenting rich product information include
testing, focus groups) in addition to the the reach of their Web sites and the lack of
information that is easily collected from credibility in a single product Web site versus
e-commerce sites (e.g. sales information, an independent site that compares multiple
customer demographics). Using data mining products (Evans and Wurster, 1999).
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they can build customer profiles that allow

them to offer distinct promotions that are Customer centered
tailored to their customers. This advantage is Companies are changing how they market
at its greatest when the consumer is interested their products in order to better satisfy
in detailed product information or the consumers' needs. Traditional marketing has
product is marketed as state-of-the-art. Such become more expensive and less effective over
rich product information is most useful when time. The concept of brand management,
the consumer is evangelistic, enthusiastic and which was developed just after the Second
the product has a strong connotative context World War, was the last major advancement
(Evans and Wurster, 1999). in marketing practices. However, brand
Branding will continue to play an important management has become part of the problem.
role in Internet marketing. As Klein and Rival products differ so little that brands have
Quelch (1996) point out, new users tend to become hard to promote. Various attempts to
explore sites with familiar brands first. Recent re-organize companies or motivate sales
surveys have shown that 46 per cent of new forces have not solved the problem. Now
online shoppers prefer to buy from merchants companies can use the Internet to enter into a
they had previously bought from off-line. dialogue with their customers. They can
Even 34 per cent of repeat online shoppers replace the salesperson while increasing the
preferred the familiar off-line store sites level of service. In doing so they can use one
(Kane, 1999). Brands that equate their medium for the customer and exploit and
products with an experience (e.g. feelings, discover customers' individual interests
associations, and memories) will likely be (Sealy, 1999).
more effective than brands based on facts With the Internet it is possible to gain
about a product. Belief-based brands permission to discuss your products, as
associate themselves with attributes such as opposed to interruption marketing, such as
high quality or reliability. These attributes can television commercials. Advertising, research,
be easily proven by an impartial display of the sales, promotions, coupon distribution, and
facts on a navigator's Web site. Even if the customer support can all be done on the
facts confirm the brand, it may only be Internet. Eventually companies can develop
rendering the brand redundant. Brands that relationships with customers that will allow
are associated with a mixture of beliefs and them to continuously re-supply after initial
experiences should play up the experiential permission is obtained. Retailers will weaken
side of the brand (Evans and Wurster, 1999). in power and trade-marketing expenses for
There are important limitations to manufacturers will start to go away in favor of
promoting on the Internet. Privacy concerns improving products and promoting brands
may make consumers unwilling to give up (Sealy, 1999). The frameworks reviewed only
information. Technologies such as privacy touched on this important factor.
E-commerce marketing strategies: a framework and case analysis Logistics Information Management
Eric Allen and Jerry Fjermestad Volume 14 . Number 1/2 . 2001 . 14±23

The shifting importance of marketing developed to replace these competitive

mix elements advantages with new ones.
Besides changing the elements of the For established companies, doing business
traditional marketing mix in isolation, some of online risks damage to brands and
the most profound effects of the Internet will distribution relationships that currently
come in how the trade-off between elements represent key competitive advantages. New
of the marketing mix operates. Evans and strategies will often require a company's new
Wurster (1999) point out that traditionally businesses to compete against old ones
the amount of products a retailer could carry (Evans and Wurster, 1999). For example,
in one place (their reach) was inversely many conventional retailers have hesitated to
proportional to the amount of information embrace electronic commerce because they
they could present about the product in their fear that when consumers shop online, they
promotions (richness). The Internet has will make fewer impulse purchases and
eliminated that tradeoff. Internet retailers can become more price-sensitive (Maruca, 1999).
offer many more products than the largest Resistance to change in these areas will be
bricks and mortar retailer and provide great. The larger the organization, the greater
detailed product information at the same time trouble it may have. The Internet will reduce
(Evans and Wurster, 1999). Warehousing and the competitive advantage of scale in a
distribution are no longer part of navigation number of ways and global companies will
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and selection. Therefore manufacturers are have to coordinate the Internet strategies of
no longer limited in the size of their market all their subsidiaries to preserve their brands
and the amount of information they can and prevent confusion across markets (Klein
present to consumers through promotions. and Quelch, 1996).
Established companies must face up to the
challenge and determine the opportunities the
Nabisco: a case analysis Internet creates and how their traditional
Background business models are threatened (Gosh, 1998).
Almost every company has to rethink its The value chain for incumbent manufacturers
strategies due to the changes that the Internet and retailers is being deconstructed because
brings. For some, the implications are the value to consumers derived from entire
obvious, but for others they are not. As a segments of that chain can be achieved more
traditional manufacturer of packaged efficiently and effectively through the use of
consumer goods, Nabisco falls into the latter the Internet (Evans and Wurster, 1999). Even
category. Nabisco, a multi-billion dollar snack if the overall percentage of sales on the
food company, has major competitive Internet averages just 5 per cent across all
advantages in the traditional supermarket categories, that shift will still create
distribution channels. Its Biscuit division tremendous pressure on physical retailers,
currently spends 10 per cent of sales in trade particularly in the USA (Maruca, 1999).
(retail) marketing for items such as special To date Nabisco has established a
promotions and in-store displays. In addition, significant presence during the land grab
the Biscuit division maintains a fleet of trucks phase of the Internet referred to by Evans and
that provide direct store delivery, which is an Wurster (1999). For the US market, the
advantage that few competitors can afford. company currently has a number of Web
Direct store delivery and Nabisco's dominant sites:
market share in the biscuit category ensure . a corporate information site;
that Nabisco's products receive the most shelf . a recipe site that provides consumers with
space in stores and cross shoppers' paths recipes that feature Nabisco products;
more than competitor products. However, . each of its two domestic operating units
these competitive advantages will diminish in has Web sites that contain games and
a market dominated by online grocery promote the units brands;
shopping. Advantages critical for a bricks and . online shopping for Nabisco brand
mortar grocery manufacturer such as in-store merchandise (e.g. mugs, dolls, and
displays, product presentation and shelf space trains), along with specially packaged
do not directly transfer to an online food products;
environment. Strategies will have to be . various brand specific sites.
E-commerce marketing strategies: a framework and case analysis Logistics Information Management
Eric Allen and Jerry Fjermestad Volume 14 . Number 1/2 . 2001 . 14±23

Nabisco has also started an e-business group Product

to address the larger strategic issues presented Collected Internet information would provide
by the Internet. Nabisco with the ability to spot entirely new
markets. Nabisco may have to compete with
Growth of the online grocery business niche shops over the Internet and should start
The online grocery shopping industry is a business unit designed to compete in niche
positioned for tremendous growth in the markets. A niche business unit would be able
coming years. Although current sales are to respond to the marketing information that
estimated at $1.8 billion annually (Dykema, indicates a new product is desired by a smaller
1999), they are expected to reach $3.5 billion segment of the market. A niche business unit
by 2002 (Munarriz, 1999) and $37 billion, 4 would also help Nabisco respond better to
per cent of domestic sales, by 2004 (Dykema, international consumer needs. Finally, niche
1999). Some projections call for 20 per cent products would give the company's product
of all grocery orders to be placed online by the development labs a chance to use promising
year 2007 (Munarriz, 1999). developments that could not achieve the
The incentive for grocers to go online is to critical market mass required by today's cost
establish relationships with customers that structure.
will allow them to automatically replenish
homes regularly. This will result in a Place
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consistent cash flow (Dykema, 1999). Strategies designed to halt or slow the
Therefore, being the first to offer quality deconstruction of the value chain are unlikely
service through an expansive distribution to work. The company could work with bricks
system is critical to the industry. It will take and mortar retailers to try to preserve the
some time for the industry to reach its current way of doing business. Most likely
potential because distribution centers will strategies would be to keep Nabisco products
need to be established across the country. On- off online grocer sites or not support the
line grocers will also have to develop ways to online grocers. This strategy would only work
help consumers break their old habits of if other consumer product manufacturers
weekly shopping trips to local stores followed and also held out. However, none of
(Dykema, 1999). them would take the risk of being left behind
Despite the obstacles and what could be in the new channel. Nabisco would also find it
seen as slow growth projections for the difficult to compete by selling its product
immediate future (from $1.8 billion to $3.5 online because it would not have the reach
billion by 2002), it is clear that online grocers consumers would want. Consumers typically
will be a significant retail force in the industry do not purchase grocery items in isolation and
within the next five years. Beyond five years, they would be unlikely to pay the high
growth at a much greater rate cannot be ruled shipping costs to deliver such a low priced
out. The growth of online grocery shopping product for on demand consumption.
will clearly have an impact on packaged Nabisco needs to quickly develop an online
consumer product suppliers by changing the customer base and ensure that its products
business models they have operated under for are offered on sites that have all the products
decades. consumers want. Nabisco could form
alliances with other consumer products
Implications of the integrated framework companies (e.g. Heinz, Campbell's, P&G).
Nabisco's current corporate strategy is to However, only one brand of each item would
build total brand value. Total brand value be offered unless the industry as a whole
calls for satisfying customers faster and more decided to open its own online grocery. A
completely than the competition. As online more useful alliance on the part of
grocers become a significant force in the manufacturers would be to promote online
market this general strategy may still be retailing standards. To counteract the
useful, but the specifics of an Internet strategy ``sticky'' technologies that online retailers
will have to be developed. Using an Internet would be developing to retain customers,
strategy framework that has been integrated consumer products manufacturers should
around the traditional 4Ps marketing model, develop standards for technologies that would
some of the implications for Nabisco's allow consumers to switch online grocers
Internet strategy are discussed. easily. The industry would also want to
E-commerce marketing strategies: a framework and case analysis Logistics Information Management
Eric Allen and Jerry Fjermestad Volume 14 . Number 1/2 . 2001 . 14±23

encourage standards that would allow Price

consumers to select products from Nabisco should be prepared to respond to
manufacturers' sites even if the purchase and increased price pressures on the Internet.
distribution occurred through the online Services like and the potential
grocer. In order to gain leverage in enforcing for the consolidation of online grocery
these standards, the manufacturers, or services could bring the quick dissemination
Nabisco in particular, should provide an of competitive price information to
online service that allows consumers to consumers, increasing price pressures.
navigate their selection of online grocery Increased price pressures would play to the
providers. The site would provide benefit of the traditional large producers like
information about online grocers that Nabisco. In physical products there are still
consumers would be interested in such as the tremendous benefits in economies of scale
price of the service, service quality measures and incumbent companies have much more
and the geographic area the service is offered experience producing and selling their goods
in. Sponsoring manufacturers could embed under the constraints of intense price
themselves in the online grocer's site by pressures.
offering promotions through online grocers Nabisco should consider new pricing
who are complying with industry standards. models for its products. For example, it could
Nabisco will need to carefully manage start programs with online retailers that would
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changes in the industry's value chain. allow consumers to subscribe to a cookie or

Nabisco, like other companies, will have to be snack of the month. This would allow it to
careful not to damage its brands and its
better service existing consumers by
relationship with existing distributors and
introducing new products. Also, the
retailers. For a substantial part of the
subscription process would also allow for
company's business it provides the
identifying and establishing relationships with
distribution itself through direct store
its best customers.
delivery. A business model where consumers
buy groceries online, directly from large
regional warehouses, would negate the value
Nabisco should continue to aggressively
of direct store delivery. It would also cut into
promote its brands on the Internet,
the volume of product carried by direct store
particularly brands based on experience.
delivery, which is crucial for offsetting fixed
Most Nabisco brands are based on
costs (e.g. trucks). The company will have to
experience. For example, many of the brands,
determine a divestment strategy for its direct
such as Oreo, have a nostalgic appeal. In
store delivery assets as online grocery
addition, it would be difficult for any online
shopping grows in popularity. In addition,
grocery store to represent taste, the most
change management plans will have to be
developed to help management and critical piece of information for consumers
employees adapt to changes in business about Nabisco's products. The best
practices that have been competitive approximation of this would be publishing
advantages for decades. Online grocers will consumers' taste satisfaction surveys. The
do the navigation and distribution functions most effective way to use brands to
performed by supermarkets. Then online distinguish Nabisco's products in an online
grocers will split into delivery services and environment is to focus on presenting
grocery information sites. These sites could information about the experiences associated
link directly to manufacturer sites to provide with its brands. However, some brands, such
consumers with product information. The as SnackWell's, are belief driven. In that case,
rationalized distribution networks would be the belief is that SnackWell's products are
able to respond to consumer requests from healthier than other snacks. Consumers truly
manufacturers within days, even if the focused on health concerns could easily take
product was not already in the distribution advantage of information on an online
channel. This would allow Nabisco, in grocer's site to determine which products are
essence, to sell directly to its customers. the healthiest. This would either destroy the
Manufacturers will no longer need bricks and credibility of the SnackWell's brand or make
mortar retailers to provide their products to attempts to establish the brand as healthy
consumers. redundant.
E-commerce marketing strategies: a framework and case analysis Logistics Information Management
Eric Allen and Jerry Fjermestad Volume 14 . Number 1/2 . 2001 . 14±23

Customer centered Price

An online service that allows consumers to . The Internet will lead to increased price
navigate their selection of online grocery competition and the standardization of
providers would give manufacturers the prices.
opportunity to collect additional consumer . Organizations will employ new pricing
information. This would transfer models when selling over the Internet.
informational power from online grocers to
consumers and help in the deconstruction of Positioning
the value chain, which would allow . Incumbent retailers and manufacturers
manufacturers such as Nabisco to become have certain advantages when promoting
closer to consumers. Eventually the supply products and services on the Internet.
chain will break down in new ways. . Branding will continue to play an
Consumers will no longer rely on grocery important role in Internet marketing.
stores to help them narrow their choice of . There are some important limitations to
products and navigate through the promoting on the Internet, including:
selections. To operate successfully in this privacy concerns, limits to the ability to
environment Nabisco will have to develop promote certain brands and a potential
relationships directly with consumers. The lack of credibility from single product
opportunity exists for companies to know Web sites.
Downloaded by Monash University At 08:53 06 December 2014 (PT)

their customers' preferences so well that they In addition, the Internet changes the trade-
can predict their needs accurately enough to offs between elements of the marketing mix,
ship directly to them before they place an for example the dependencies between place
order. and promotion are not as strong on the
Internet. Also, companies are changing how
they market their products in order to better
Conclusion satisfy consumers' needs. With the Internet it
is possible to gain permission to discuss your
Although many of the e-commerce strategy products, as opposed to interruption
frameworks offer a unique contribution to marketing, such as television commercials.
strategic planning, integrating these models Based on an analysis that uses the
into the traditional product, price, place and traditional four Ps model and integrating
promotion framework can provide a more other online strategy frameworks, Nabisco
complete analysis of strategy. The should pursue the following online marketing
conclusions from this combined analysis are strategies:
summarized as follows: . Use the Internet to develop new products
and services.
Product . Help the consumer choose an online
. Information has become its own product grocer by encouraging standards and
on the Internet. disseminating information.
. The Internet will serve as a platform for . Prepare itself to operate in an increasingly
new product innovations. price competitive marketplace.
. Emphasize those brands that relate to
Place experiences over facts.
. The Internet has created the largest . Develop customer centered marketing
marketplace ever. It puts the purchase practices.
decision anywhere where a connection
. The Internet allows organizations to skip
over parts of the value chain.
. It is critical to quickly develop a Dykema, E.B. (1999), ``Online replenishers deliver'', The
large customer base in online Forrester Report, Vol. 11, pp. 114-18.
Evans, P. and Wurster, T.S. (1999), ``Getting real about
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