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I. Discuss the following issues referring to the texts done in class(20p).

1. What does marriage mean to you and your culture?

Marriage is just a document and I could live with someone without getting married.

2. What constitutes a good marriage or partnership?

A good partnership is when both sides can do anything for each other, sometimes even get
in a risk of death for them.

3. What would you value in a ‘partner for life’? Why?

I would definitely value love, sacrifice and trust. There are a fundamental values of living for

4. Have the ideas presented in this unit changed your views on any of these
issues:same-sex marriage, purity pledges, gender differences, expectations in
No, I still have the same opinion about these issues. However, I learned some interesting

5. Do people need to take vows/make promises/make commitments to enjoy long-term

relationships? Why? Why not?
In my opinion they don’t have to do that, the most important thing is trust, if they really love
each other, then it’s not necessary; and the time will show what will come.

II. How would you explain the meaning of the following words:
1. split up- to end the relationship
2. unconditional love- to love smbd even if they hurt you
3. have a short fuse- to have a quick temper
4. taboo- the topic that people are not talking about, because it is controversial or just
uncomfortable to talk about
5. bachelorette- a single lady
6. next of kin- nearest relative
7. dependent- they are not responsible for themselves (niesamodzielny, zależny)
8. pledge- on the wedding promise of loving someone forever
9. courting- be in the relationship with someone who you want to marry
10. a fair-weather friend- false friend
11. sympathise- to feel for smbd
12. cavalierly- cocksurely
13. pick up after somebody- clean up after someone
14. begrudging - to be jealous
15. sanctity- holiness

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