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JavaScript Essentials 1, developed by OpenEDG JavaScript Institute

Last updated: October 29, 2021


1. Who is sponsoring the course? .................................................................................................................. 1

2. What are the main features of the course curriculum? ............................................................................ 1
3. Why should I learn JavaScript? .................................................................................................................. 1
4. What is JavaScript actually used for? ......................................................................................................... 1
5. Is there a Statement of Achievement? ...................................................................................................... 2
6. What jobs align with this course? .............................................................................................................. 2
7. Does the course align with any industry-recognized certification? ........................................................... 2
8. What is the value of the JavaScript Institute certification? ....................................................................... 3
9. Is there any discount for the JSE-40-0x certification exam? ...................................................................... 4
9.1. How to take the JSE-40-0x exam ............................................................................................................. 5
9.2. JSE-40-0x Exam FAQs ............................................................................................................................... 6
10. What are the prerequisites for this course? .......................................................................................... 7
11. Is instructor training or any certification required to teach this course? .............................................. 7
12. Is there a downloadable option for JavaScript Essentials 1? ................................................................. 7
13. Will the course be translated? ............................................................................................................... 7
14. What are the recommended browsers for the course? ........................................................................ 7
15. Do I need any additional equipment for the course? ............................................................................ 7
16. Are there any instructor materials available? ....................................................................................... 7
17. Does the course include labs, quizzes, or assessments? ....................................................................... 7
18. How does this course differ from other online courses? ...................................................................... 8
19. Who should I contact if I have questions about the contents of the course? ....................................... 8

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1. Who is sponsoring the course?

The course is sponsored by the JavaScript Institute – a project venture run and managed by
OpenEDG, whose aim is to support the education and industry sectors, and help them fulfil their
JavaScript needs, as well as support the development of the JavaScript language and its global
community. The OpenEDG JavaScript Institute has developed the course JavaScript Essentials 1 to
enhance, develop and support professional careers in JavaScript programming and related
technologies. The course is offered to Cisco Networking Academies at no cost. To learn more about
the JavaScript Institute, please visit

2. What are the main features of the course curriculum?

The JavaScript Essentials 1 course introduces the student to the basics of JavaScript syntax and
semantics, and the following computer programming concepts: data type system, type casting,
containers, comments, operators, conditional execution, loops, functions, errors, exceptions,
troubleshooting, and code debugging. The course guides the student step-by-step to understanding
and using the core JavaScript language to design, build, and improve simple JavaScript programs.

Students have access to hands-on practice materials, quizzes, and assessments to learn how to utilize
the skills and knowledge gained on the course, and interact with real-life programming tasks and

Students who complete the course should be able to accomplish coding tasks related to the basics of
programming in the JavaScript language, and to understand the fundamental notions and techniques
used in programming. Furthermore, they will be ready to attempt the qualification JSE – Certified
Entry-Level JavaScript Programmer (Exam JSE-40-0x).

3. Why should I learn JavaScript?

JavaScript is one of the most popular and fun programming languages to learn. It’s everywhere on
the Internet. According to survey results from Stack Overflow in 2020, nearly 70% of developers use
JavaScript, which makes it the most popular programming language in the world.

It is ideal for newbies and aspiring programmers, as it is already installed on every Internet browser
used today along with an interpreter and debugger. You can run your code in the browser,
experiment, and get instantaneous feedback, which helps you understand the language and learn

The JavaScript Essentials 1 course can be a great starting point to prepare you for jobs and careers
connected with software and web development, as well as building web applications, web servers, or
game development.

4. What is JavaScript actually used for?

JavaScript is primarily used for client-side programming, also called the front-end. About 95% of web
pages worldwide embed JavaScript code within them. Whenever you see a website doing something
more than just displaying static content – JavaScript was involved.

Here are some examples of how you can make a website more interactive and dynamic using

 showing or hiding information with the click of a button;

 changing the color of a button when the mouse hovers over it;
 giving suggestions of words when typing into a search bar;

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 displaying animations and resizing elements;

 using a drop-down hamburger menu;
 allowing a user to zoom in to or out of an image.

Have you ever played a browser game? Yes, they use JavaScript too (e.g. the World’s Biggest Pac-
Man, Bejeweled, or Candy Crush).

JavaScript is also used for web and mobile apps.

Among some well-known and respected companies which hire JavaScript professionals are: Cisco
Systems, OpenEDG, Siemens, Facebook, Microsoft, Google, LinkedIn, Netflix, Uber, Atlassian,
Wellmark, Capital One, Accenture, Bloomberg L.P., Citrix, PayPal, Bank of America, Morgan Stanley,
DocuSign, Elastic, and many more.

5. Is there a Statement of Achievement?

A Statement of Achievement will be issued to students who successfully complete the JavaScript
Essentials 1 course. The Statement of Achievement will acknowledge that the individual has
completed the course, and that they are ready to take the JSE-40-0x exam and attempt the
qualification JSE – Certified Entry-Level JavaScript Programmer certification from the JavaScript

To receive the Statement of Achievement, instructors must mark the student as having successfully
passed the course.

6. What jobs align with this course?

Completion of the course, with additional training in the indicated topics, can be the basis for starting
work and pursuing a career primarily in web development as a:

 junior front-end developer (junior positions associated with building and designing simple
programs – further training in the DOM model and basic HTML and CSS required)
 junior tester (junior positions associated with unit and integration tests – further training in
the specific testing environment required)

JavaScript is mainly used by front-end developers responsible for building the user-facing, visual part
of a website. Other jobs in which JavaScript skills are particularly useful include: Web Application
Developer, Web Designer, Full Stack Developer, UX Designer, and DevOps Engineer.

Since the popularity of JavaScript is constantly growing, and more and more opportunities are
opening for skilled programmers, the demand for JavaScript programmers is highly likely to increase
over the next decade.

7. Does the course align with any industry-recognized certification?

Yes, this course is aligned with the JSE – Certified Entry-Level JavaScript Programmer certification.

The JSE – Certified Entry-Level JavaScript Programmer certification is a professional credential that
demonstrates the candidate’s understanding of the JavaScript language core syntax and semantics,
as well as their proficiency in using the most essential elements of the language, tools, and resources
to design, develop, and refactor simple JavaScript programs.

Becoming JSE certified ensures that the individual is acquainted with the most essential means
provided by the core JavaScript language to enable them to start their own studies at an intermediate
level, and to continue their professional development.

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8. What is the value of the JavaScript Institute certification?

The OpenEDG JavaScript Institute certification program was designed following a rigorous process of
industry and market research to accurately determine the demand for specialized professionals in
the given sectors: through Job Task Analyses aiming to identify the work requirements and skills
sought by employers looking to hire JavaScript programmers; and an intensive examination of the
education system that lays out the foundation for the training and development of IT specialists,
web developers, managers, and aspiring programmers.

Open Education and Development Group (OpenEDG), in its certification development process,
adopts a meticulous, consultation-driven, and competency-oriented approach to test design,
utilizing quantitative and qualitative development frameworks, subject-centered design patterns,
and psychometric modelling.

The exam and certification development process is endorsed by Cisco, an OpenEDG strategic partner,
and accredited by Pearson VUE, the global leader in computer-based testing, and the biggest
provider of IT certification exams worldwide. OpenEDG certification holders work in a variety of
companies across multiple sectors.

Certification helps you get the job you want

A certificate is frequently the first screening tool used by a recruiter to help select those candidates
who will have a chance to show off their skills during an interview. Failing to get through the very
first selection process makes it impossible for even a great programmer to be noticed, and this is a
strong argument for a jobseeker to get certified and pay particular attention to their self-

Certification helps you get a higher salary

Certification can open doors to a better job and a better salary. It is a great motivator for self-
improvement and self-development. It is one of the key requirements set by an increasing number of
IT managers and, frequently, a standard criterion for candidates among recruiters.

Certification validates your skills, competencies, and engagement

JavaScript Institute certification is proof to the employer that a jobseeker/an employee possesses the
expertise necessary to fulfil certain duties. At the same time, it is a sign for them that the

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jobseeker/an employee is willing to expand their knowledge. And because certified individuals
directly contribute to an increase in a company’s efficiency, productivity, and profit-making capacity,
JavaScript Institute certification is an asset for every organization.

Here are some statistics to think about:

Sources: The College and Career Readiness report by Microsoft and the Get Your Foot in the Door report by CompTIA.

To read more about the value of JavaScript Institute certification, visit the Why Get Certified? page at

9. Is there any discount for the JSE-40-0x certification exam?

The JavaScript Institute offers participants of the Cisco Networking Academy® program who
successfully complete the JSE 1: JavaScript Essentials course a 20% discount on the list price for the
JSE – Certified Entry-Level JavaScript Programmer certification exam taken through the OpenEDG
Testing Service.

Students who successfully complete the entire course, i.e.:

 accept the course T&C;

 submit the Welcome Survey;
 complete the module assessments;
 complete the Satisfaction Survey;
 pass the Final Test (score 70% or more)

will receive a discount code that reduces the cost of the JSE – Certified Entry-Level JavaScript
Programmer certification exam by 20%.

The student can redeem the discount code at the OpenEDG Voucher Store.

Students who qualify for the discount will unlock the following exam code section in the course
interface on NetAcad: JSE-40-0x Discount Code Request Form. To request the discount code, the
student must click the Discount Code Request Form link, accept the Discount Code Policy, and submit
the application.

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The JavaScript Institute will automatically process the application and the candidate will see the
voucher and related information on the next screen.

9.1. How to take the JSE-40-0x exam

The candidate who wants to take the JSE – Certified Entry-Level JavaScript Programmer exam must:

1. Create an OpenEDG web account (

2. Sign in to their OpenEDG web account (
3. Open the Certify tab, and click the Take Exam button.

4. Enter the voucher code and click the Launch Exam button.

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5. Complete the admission process, diagnostics check, and begin the exam session. Good luck!

9.2. JSE-40-0x Exam FAQs

Question: Is the JSE-40-0x exam available online or offline?
Answer: The JSE-40-0x exam is an online exam available through the OpenEDG Testing Service, an
online exam delivery platform managed by the Open Education and Development Group.

Question: Is the JSE-40-0x exam administered in proctored or non-proctored format?

Answer: The entry-level certification exam (JSE-40-0x) is administered worldwide both in proctored
(local, customized, non-public, or limited sessions) and *non-proctored formats. The non-proctored
exam mode is the default global exam format offered to test candidates through the OpenEDG
Testing Service, an online exam delivery service owned, run, and managed by the Open Education
and Development Group.

*By non-proctored we mean that there is no real-time exam supervision or invigilation performed by
a human. However, the OpenEDG Testing Service, which is the default exam delivery engine for the
JavaScript Institute entry-level exams, employs a number of in-session auto-proctoring, monitoring,
and analytical tools that are used to ensure the security, integrity, and confidentiality of the exam.
The AI monitors the exam session, checks for any non-standard events, and marks those session logs
that indicate signs of deviation. These exam sessions are then manually reviewed by the Exam
Review Team, who decide upon the final status of the exam.

Question: How do I take the standard format JSE-40-0x exam?

Answer: When you are ready to take the exam, make sure that your testing environment is quiet,
well-lighted, and free from any noise or distraction. The standard, non-proctored exam does not
have to be scheduled in advance, as it is available through the OpenEDG Testing Service in the Test-
Now™ format, as part of your OpenEDG web account functionality. To take the exam:

 First, you need an exam voucher that will let you launch the exam session. If you don’t have a
voucher yet, you can purchase one in the OpenEDG Voucher Store (look for the JSE exam).
 Second, you should familiarize yourself with the JSE Testing Policies, to make sure you meet
the minimum technical requirements, understand the exam procedure, and follow the code
of conduct.
 Finally, you must sign in to your OpenEDG web account, click the Certify tab, and enter your
voucher code. Then click Launch, complete the admission process, and begin your session. If
you don’t have an OpenEDG web account yet, you will need to create one.

Question: What happens when I pass or fail the exam?

Answer: If you pass the exam – congratulations! We are happy to welcome you to the JavaScript
Institute certified community! Belonging to the community does not only show that you have
obtained a recognized benchmark of skills and competencies that can be aligned to industry
standards, but it also gives you access to some of the features and benefits reserved for members
only, such as your digital transcript and a Credly certification badge, which you can share with your
network to show your achievements; special offers for continued education tools and resources, as
well as access to events and limited offers selected by OpenEDG and its Education Partners.

If you fail the exam, you’ll receive a score report with your final result and the results across the
different exam sections. (Remember that exam items and sections may have different weights, so
the final score is not necessarily the sum of section scores divided by the number of sections.) You

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can retake the exam after 7 days – this is the required waiting period for the entry-level exam; if you
purchased a voucher with the retake option, you can use the same code for your next attempt; if you
purchased a single-shot voucher, then you need to acquire a new voucher for your retake.

10. What are the prerequisites for this course?

There are no specific prerequisites for this course except motivation and very basic knowledge in
mathematics. The main goal of the course is to introduce the student to computer programming
using JavaScript from the state of complete programming illiteracy to a level that will allow them to
start their own studies at an intermediate level and continue their journey with programming.

11. Is instructor training or any certification required to teach this course?

There are no formal requirements for instructors to teach JavaScript Essentials 1. However, the
JavaScript Institute recommends that instructors earn a JSE – Certified Entry-Level JavaScript
Programmer certification prior to teaching the class.

12. Is there a downloadable option for JavaScript Essentials 1?

No, there is no downloadable version of the course.

13. Will the course be translated?

The course is currently only available in English, but we are in the process of localizing it into Spanish,
and will be available soon.

14. What are the recommended browsers for the course?

We recommend using the most recent versions of Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Google
Chrome (preferred).

15. Do I need any additional equipment for the course?

No, there is no specific equipment required for the course, nor is any additional equipment

The course can be accessed online through any Internet browser, on computers with Linux,
Windows, or Mac OS, which means you only need a computer and a stable Internet connection.

All code examples can be run using Edube InteractiveTM – a tool integrated with the course in the
form of a browser-based sandbox that allows you to design, execute, test, and refactor the code
discussed throughout the course, as well as your own programs.

The minimum equipment recommended for this course is a desktop computer with an Internet
browser and active Internet connection, and a regular keyboard (the course does work on mobile
devices; however, there is a lot of code writing in this course, which is easier when you use a regular

16. Are there any instructor materials available?

Not at this time.

17. Does the course include labs, quizzes, or assessments?

Yes, all of them. The course includes labs for students to practice the concepts presented in each
module. As the students learn more concepts and techniques, the tasks become more complex,
covering multiple subjects.

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At the end of each module, the student is presented with a quiz that helps them organize their
knowledge and check if they are ready for a module test, which is the final stage of verifying and
testing what the student has learned.

18. How does this course differ from other online courses?
1. Learn from scratch: the JavaScript Essentials 1 course is an introductory self-contained
course, by which students with no prior background in coding can learn the fundamentals of
JavaScript, as well as the general concepts of computer programming.
2. Monitor your learning outcomes: the course contains quizzes, module tests, interactive
assessments, and lab exercises that facilitate the understanding of programming concepts
and the conversion of knowledge into practical skills.
3. Learn from industry professionals: the course has been designed and reviewed by
experienced faculty and industry professionals from OpenEDG and affiliated companies and
universities, with the goal of meeting current market trends, and equipping the student with
the fundamental knowledge for careers in front-end web development and application
4. Prepare for the JSE-40-0x exam: the course is fully aligned with the JSE – Certified Entry-Level
JavaScript Programmer certification exam. This way, the student does not only learn the
essentials of JS programming, but they also work toward earning an industry credential that
will prove their competency and capability.
5. Use the interactive tools to foster your programming skills: the course’s added value is that
the student can access all the resources online through any Internet browser, without having
to install any software applications – throughout the course they can use an interactive
online programming environment, Edube InteractiveTM, which allows them to test, modify,
and execute the code snippets provided in the course, and those they wrote themselves; and
to design, develop, launch, and test programs from a number of different lab scenarios.

19. Who should I contact if I have questions about the contents of the course?
Curriculum/LMS: Instructors are encouraged to address all their curriculum and LMS-related
questions to their local Cisco Networking Academy Support Centers and CSR managers.

Bugs: Students and instructors can use the Report a Bug button, available in the course interface, to
submit feedback to the JavaScript Institute for bugs, suggested edits, content typos, etc.

For questions not covered in this document, please contact the JavaScript Institute via the contact

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