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He is fred he is live London and he seventeen years old , i wake up at seven and heusually
get oup half past seven the he come downstairs and have breakfast ursually he has cereal
for breakfast with orange juice but sometimes he has a toast with usually jam or honey.

Them he pack my bag for school. He walk,because my school´s only…

Is only in the centre of the town where he live.

So it´s only minutes’ walk in the morning which is good because it means he can sleep later.

The school is quite old, it´s been a school for about four hundred and got about one thousand
students there in seven age groups and it´s only boys there.

School star at half past eight and then we have two lessons which go until ten a quatse past
ten a quater to we have break for fifteen minutes then eleven till twelve twenty to he have
two more lessons , and then lunchtime.
He can go town to get my lunch, but people have tu star in the school and eat the school
food and British school food isn´t veri nice.

Then we have two more lessons after lunch and we finish school al half past three .
Usually he come home and hace just sort of relax for a bit, and that´s usually for maybe and
hour. He read or he watch televisión..

My mum gets home about … usually between half past five and six and so we´ll usually eat
dinner about halfpast six.

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