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Vertical metal cutting band saw machine which can be used for industrial applications and
workshops. Operating by motor 6.8kw and 375rpm the overall dimension of this machine is
1160mmx1760mm and it used for cutting of carbon steel which has 750mmx600mmx20
dimension. In the mechanism the gear is directly connected to the lower pulley which used to
transmitted power to the upper pulley by means of blade. The objective of the modal is using the
conventional mechanical process which plays a vital role. The main aim is to cut carbon steel in
curve, contour and straight shapes. The vertical band saw machine, which runs by electric power,
works on the principle of the conversion of rotational motion to linear motion. Importance of this
project lies in the very fact that it is preferable and helps us toreduce waste of time, materials and
energy.Secondly, this machine can be work in both sideof the blade rotation and take small area
to stand.


We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our advisor Mr. Chandra (Prof.) for providing
this interesting and exciting topic and then providing his guidance, assistance and encouragement
throughout the duration of the project. We appreciate his consistent support from the first day of
the project to these concluding moments. Sincere thanks to all staff of the Mechanical
Engineering Department who helped us in many ways and providing equipment and information
sources that assisted our studies and projects.Special thanks to our lovely parents for their
support, love, dream and sacrifice throughout our life. We would like to appreciate their
devotion, support and faith in our ability to attain our goals.Special thanks to our lovely parents
for their support, love, dream and sacrifice throughout our life. We would like to appreciate their
devotion, support and faith in our ability to attain our goals.

Table of Contents
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................1
1.1 Introduction ..........................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Background ..........................................................................................................................................1
1.3 Statement of problems .........................................................................................................................2
1.3 Objective of the project:.......................................................................................................................2
1.3.1 General Objective .........................................................................................................................2
1.3.2 Specific Objective .........................................................................................................................2
1.4 Significant of the project ..................................................................................................................2
1.5 Scope of project ...................................................................................................................................2
1.6 Limitation during working of the Project: ...........................................................................................2
1.6 Methodology ........................................................................................................................................3
1.7 Specification ........................................................................................................................................3
1.8 Organization Of The Paper ..................................................................................................................3
CHAPTER TWO :LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................................5
2.1 Historical back ground .........................................................................................................................5
2.1 Cutting by stone: ..................................................................................................................................5
2.2 Cutting by sickle: .................................................................................................................................5
2.3 Cutting by fax: .....................................................................................................................................5
2.4 Cutting by saw: ....................................................................................................................................5
2.5 Pedal hacksaw: .....................................................................................................................................5
2.6 Power hacksaw: ...................................................................................................................................5
2.7 Cutting by band saw machine: .............................................................................................................5
CHAPETER THREE:DESIGN ANALAYSIS ........................................................................................... 10
3.1 Design Considerations ...................................................................................................................... 10
3.2 Selection of Electric Motor ............................................................................................................... 10
3.3 Motor Speed ...................................................................................................................................... 11
3.4 Geometrical Analysis: ....................................................................................................................... 12
3.5 Working Principle ................................................................................................................................. 13
3.5 Design of gear ....................................................................................................................................... 13
3.6 Design of Shaft ................................................................................................................................. 17
3.6.1 Material Used for Shafts ............................................................................................................ 18
3.6.2 Stresses in Shafts........................................................................................................................ 18

3.7 Design of pulley ................................................................................................................................ 22
3.8 Design of Axle .............................................................................................................................. 25
3.9 Design of sunk key............................................................................................................................ 27
3.10 Design of blade ............................................................................................................................... 29
3.10.1 Selection of material for blade ................................................................................................ 29
3.10.2Coatings of high-speed steel ..................................................................................................... 30
3.10.3 Application of high-speed steel................................................................................................ 30
3.10.4 material cut by metal cutting bandsaw is carbon steel ............................................................. 31
3.10.5 General properties of carbon steel............................................................................................ 31
3.10.6.BladetoothTerminology ........................................................................................................... 32
3.10.7Tooth Set: .................................................................................................................................. 33
3.10.8 Tooth type ................................................................................................................................ 33 Standard or Raker.................................................................................................................. 33 Pitch (VP): ............................................................................................................... 33 Hook or Skip or Skip Tooth: ................................................................................................. 33 Claw ...................................................................................................................................... 34 Raker Set ............................................................................................................................... 34
3.10.9 Blade Breakage ........................................................................................................................ 35
3.10.10 Welding of blade .................................................................................................................... 36
3.11 Selection of band saw frame ....................................................................................................... 37
3.12 PULLEY House .......................................................................................................................... 38
3.13 Design blade guides .................................................................................................................... 38
3.14 Design of band saw table ............................................................................................................ 39
3.15 Design of table supportand table tilt ........................................................................................... 39
3.16 Design blade tensioning adjustmentlead screw.......................................................................... 40
3.17 Bearings:- .................................................................................................................................... 42
CHAPTER FOUR: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ................................................................................. 44
4.1 Basic results ...................................................................................................................................... 44
4.2 Discussion ......................................................................................................................................... 44
CHAPTER FIVE:MENTANANCE AND SAFETY .................................................................................. 45
5.1 Maintenance: ......................................................................................................................................... 45
5.2 Safety instruction for band saw machine: ......................................................................................... 45
CHAPTER SIX:CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDITION ................................................................. 47
6.1 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................. 47

6.2 RECOMMENDATION .................................................................................................................... 48
REFERENCE .............................................................................................................................................. 49

List of table

Title page

Table 3.4 Part names of machine……………...............................................................................12

Table 3.5 Service factor…..............................................................................................................14

Table 3.6 Values of load stress factor K…………………………………………………………17

Table 3.6.1 Mechanical properties steel used for shaft…………………………………...……...18

Table 3.9 Width, thickness and length of key……………………………………...…………….28

Table 3.10.1 high speed steel properties……………………………………………………...….30

Table 3.10.5 cutting speed rate recommendation for metal………………………………...…....32

Table 3.10.6 standard width, thickness and shape of blade……………………...……………....34

Table 3.16 Stanandared diameter of square thread…………………………...………………….41

Table 3.17 Standard dimension of bearing…………………………………………………….…43

Table 4.1 Results of component dimension………………………………………...……………44

List of figure

Title Page

Fig 2.1 Stationary work piece vertical bandsaw………………………………………………...…6

Fig 2.2 Moving work piece vertical bandsaw……………………………………………………..7

Fig 2.3 Lemuel Hdge band saw…………………………………………………………………....8

Fig 2.4 William Cary bandsaw ……………………………………………………………………8

Fig 2.5 sawmill maker Lemuel Hedge bandsaw…………………………………………………..8

Fig 2.6 William bandsaw ………………………………………………………………………….9

Fig 3.4 Geometric analysis……………………………………………………………………….12

Fig 3.5 Gear………………………………………………………………………………………16

Fig 3.6.1 force acting on the shaft………………………………………………………………..19

Fig 3.6.2 Reaction force on the shaft……………………………………………………………..20

Fig 3.6.3 Shaft……………………………………………………………………………...…….21

Fig 3.7 Pulley…………………………………………………………………………………….22

Fig 3.8 Axle shaft………………………………………………………………………………..26

Fig 3.10.6 Blade tooth terminology………………………………………………………………32

Fig 3.10.7 Tooth set………………………………………………………………………………33

Fig3.10.8Tooth type ……………………………………………………………………….…….33

Fig3.10.8.1Standared tooth set…………………………………………………………………...33

Fig3.10.8.2Variable pitch tooth ………………………………………………………..………...31


Fig3.10.8.4 Claw tooth…………………………………………………………………………...34

Fig3.10.8.5 Blade length ………………………………………………………………………...35

Fig 3.11 Frame………………………………………………………………………….………..38

Fig 3.13 Blade guide……………………………………………………………………………..38

Fig3. 14 Table………………………………………………………………………………...…..39

Fig 3.15 Table support and table tilt…………………………………………………………...…39

Fig3.16 Blade tension adjustmentscrew………………………………………………….………40

Fig3.17 Bearing ……………………………………………………………………………...…..43

Fig Assembly drawing of vertical metal cutting band saw machine…………………….……….46

1.1 Introduction
A saw machine is a machine tool designed to cut off bar stock, tubing pipe or any metal stock
within its capacity or to cut sheet stock to desired contours. The sawing machines function by
bringing a saw blade contains cutting tooth in contact with work piece. The saw machine is much
faster than hand saw is used principality to produce an accurate square or mitred cut on
rectangular or cylindrical materials.Metal cutting band saw fall into two basic categories:
horizontal band saw and vertical band saw machines. Vertical band saw machines are more
commonly used. On vertical band saw machines the blades cutting position is vertical and cut
into side of stock. The blade rotates on a fixed track between the idler wheel mounted above the
work table and drive and idler wheel mounted beneath the work table.

. The stock moves against the blade to make cut. On horizontal band saw machines the cutting
position of blades tooth is horizontal and cuts downward into the stock. On horizontal band saw
machines the stock is fixed down ward into work piece. The horizontal band saw machines is
used primarily for cutting stock to length, either at right angle or to any desired mitre angle. The
vertical band saw machines are more versatile and can be used for contours cutting, filing and
polishing as well as for single stock cutting.

A horizontal band saw machine holds the work piece stationary while the blade saw down falling
through the cut this configuration is used to cut long materials such as pipe or bar stock to
lengt.Thus it is an important part of the facilitates in most machines shop. The horizontal design
is not useful for cutting curve or complicated shape.

A vertical band saw machines also called a contoursaw. Keeps the blade stationary while the
work piece moves across it. This type of saw can be used to cut complex shapes angles.The part
may be fed into the blade manually or with power fed mechanism.

1.2 Background
The idea of band saw dates back at least 1809, whenWillian Newberry received patent for the
idea, but band saw remain impractical largely because of the blades constant flexing of the band
saw blade over the band saw pulleycurved the materials of the blade to fail.

bandsawblades so that it could with stand the rigors of sawing and bending
aroundbandsawpulley. She applied for patent in 1846 and soon afterward, manufacturedaper in
company of Paris, France, purchased the right to her innovation.

Combining Crepin’s welding method with new steel alloys and advanced temperature technique
Perini created the first modern bandsaw blades. The first American bandsaw patent was gained to
Benjamin Barker ofMaine in January of 1836.Aaccording to the source of the first factory
produced andcommercial available band saw the PaulPrybil’sband saw patent of cutting wood
power hacksaw(wire reciprocating blade)were one common in the metal working Industries,
butband saw and cold saws have mostly displaced them The blades either have fine tooth with
heat treated tripe or have plain cal loped knife edge.Metal cutting band saw 9 :

1.3 Statement of problems
Before a century human were used different types of cutting tools that used for cutting Metals
andothermaterials.Some of these tools that used for cutting are: power hacksaw, saw and
axeetc.Thesecutting tools are time consume, not give desired shape. Generally these cutting tools
are not suitable for cuttingcontour,angular and curved shape. Simply straight cut only. In order
to reduce the above problems we deigned vertical metal cutting band saw machine.

1.3 Objective of the project:

1.3.1 General Objective

The general objective of this project is to design vertical band saw machines that used to cut
carbon steel in different shape straight, curve and contour.

1.3.2 Specific Objective

The specific objective of this project is to design vertical metal cutting band saw machine
to cut carbon steel in straight line, curve and contour.
It can use for complex shapes than horizontal band saw machine and power hacksaw.
To reduces wastes of materials and energy.

1.4 Significant of the project

Any type of projects have its own benefits in terms of solving problems.Thisproject also has its
own benefits as following

The main benefits of this projects is to increase industries and other works area
It reduce the waste of time, energy and materials.
To cut different shapes by one machine.

1.5 Scope of project

The scope of this project is to design vertical metal cutting band saw machine which solve the
problem in the industrial and other work shope by cutting different shape instead of power
hacksaw and horizontal band saw machine. This project is starts with literature review and
product specification in order to satisfy the project objective.

The design includes material selection, mechanism design, dimension analysis, power
requirement. Strength analysis, part design and component selection.

1.6 Limitation during working of the Project:

There are some drawbacks that will limit this project may restrict the desired out-come.
Among these limitations, the following are

The time that given for doing of the project

Lack of information and resource materials
Academic overload.

Limited access to internet as due to absence of laptops or arranged internet room
Provided by the institute.

1.6 Methodology
To successfully work on this project different method of analysis and different typesof work are
done. To do these analysis works we were used the following source: We will start gathering
primary data by asking our advisor and other person that are helpful to this project and collecting
secondary data by referring different books and search different website. When we collect data
from different sources.

Books which relate this project work.

Internets accessories which relate this project
By compaireothere type which relates with band saw machine.

1.7 Specification
The material being cut by this band saw machine is carbon steel
The maximum thickness being cut by this band saw machine is 20mm
The cutting speed recommendation fore carbon steel is 60-108m/min
Materials used for band saw blade is high speed steel(HSS)
Table will be tilt 10 to the left and 10 to right
Work table length 76cm
Work table width 76cm
Over all height of band saw machine is 176cm
Overall length of band saw machine is 116cm
Over all width of band saw machine is 100cm
Depth of throat is 66cm
Length of work piece is 75cm
Width of work piece is 60 cm
The working height is 50cm
The distance from center of lower pulley to upper pulley 100cm

1.8 Organization Of The Paper

This project paper is consist/organized different chapters which flows and classified

according to the approach used to study and solve the problems raised in their concept
order. The idea of the previous chapter is useful base for the next chapter. Our paper
isorganized as follows with chapters respectively:

Chapter 1: is about introduction of vertical band saw machine background, problem of

Statement, objective, methodology, scope, limitation and benefit of the project.

Chapter 2: will content literature review using resource from books, websites about vertical
band saw components and functions of individual elements.

Chapter 3: explains the detail design each component of the vertical band saw machine

Chapter 4: (result and discussion) these chapter contains the main results of the design project and
discussion about the result that we get from detail analysis.

Chapter 5:These chapter

Chapter 6:(conclusion and recommendation) these chapter contains conclusions parts of the
general design and recommendation for whom it concern related to the design of the machine.

2.1 Historical back ground
For centuries, people were used deferent types of cutting tools that used for cut plastic, wood,
metal and other materials. From these tools which are used for cutting materialsare stone, faxes,
sickle, and sawetc.These cutting tools consumed more time, not give desired shape, take more
energy and become causes for waste of materials.

Due to the above reason human forced to design and manufactured another cutting tools or
machines and also the expansion of work shop and Industries in the world are another cause for
forced human to design and manufactured another cutting tools or machines which used for
eliminate the waste of time, energy, money and materials in work place.From these new
machines which used for cutting materials includes, pedal hacksaw, power hacksaw, cold sawand
others. These machines also have their limitations. Such as they cut simply straight line, mostly
they designed for wood, have no different speed for cutting different materials and the blade
moves backward and forward direction. Generally these machines can not give desired shape.To
avoid the above problems we designed vertical band saw machine which used for minimize
waste of time, energy, materials etc and to get required shape.

2.1 Cutting by stone: This is the first tool which used for cutting materials in human life. this
tools used for cutting wood, metals, and other materials.It is consume more time,energy,materials
and also not give desired shape.

2.2 Cutting by sickle: This is also the oldest types of cutting tools which used for cutting wood
and plastic type materials. This tools waste more time, energy, money, materials and not give
desired shape only cut straight lines.

2.3 Cutting by fax: This is also the oldest type of cutting tools which used for cutting wood and
plastic type materials. It is also consume more time, energy, moneyand materials and also not
give desired shape.

2.4 Cutting by saw: this is the newest type of cutting tools which used for both wood metals
.But not has different blade speed that used for cutting different materials. It is operates manually
so it waste time, energy, money and materials.

2.5 Pedal hacksaw: This machine used for cutting wood and metals by using human power. It
can use in small work shop and cut only in straight lines.

2.6 Power hacksaw: It used electric or motor power for cutting of metal or woods. It is also
cuts in straight lines in shop.

2.7 Cutting by band saw machine: This is modern and more suitable cutting machine. This
machine is used for cutting wood or metals in required shape (straight, curve and contour).The
vertical band saw metal cutting machines have a flexible contours blade that in one direction .The type of
bladespeed depends on the work pieceo,feed rate and the form of cut.The idea of the bandsaw dates
back to at least 1809, when William Newberry received a British patent for the idea, but

Band saws for cutting metal are available in vertical and horizontal designs. Typical band speeds
range from 40 feet (12 meters) per minute to 5,000 feet (1,500 meters) per minute; however
specialized band saws are built for friction cutting of hard metals and run band speeds to 15,000
feet per minute. Metal-cutting band saws are usually equipped with brushes or brush wheels to
prevent chips from becoming stuck in between the blade's teeth. Systems which cool the blade
are also common equipment on metal-cutting band saws. The coolant washes away chips and
keeps the blade cool and lubricated.

Horizontal band saws hold the work piece stationary while the blade swings down through the
cut. This configuration is used to cut long materials such as pipe or bar stock to length. Thus it is
an important part of the facilities in most machine shops. The horizontal design is not useful for
cutting curves or complicated shapes. Small horizontal band saws typically employ a gravity feed
alone, retarded to an adjustable degree by a coil spring; on industrial models, the rate of descent
is usually controlled by a hydraulic cylinder bleeding through an adjustable valve. When the saw
is set up for a cut, the operator raises the saw, positions the material to be cut underneath the
blade, and then turns on the saw. The blade slowly descends into the material, cutting it as the
band blade moves. When the cut is complete, a switch is tripped and the saw automatically turns
off. More sophisticated versions of this type of saw are partially or entirely for high-volume
cutting of machining blanks. Such machines provide a stream of cutting fluid recirculated from a
sump, in the same manner that a machining centre does.

Fig 2.1 stationary work piece vertical bandsaw

A vertical band saw, also called a contour saw, keeps the blade's path stationary while the work
piece is moved across it. This type of saw can be used to cut out complex shapes and angles. The
part may be fed into the blade manually or with a power assist mechanism. This type of metal-
cutting band saw is often equipped with a built-in blade welder. This not only allows the operator
to repair broken blades or fabricate new blades quickly, but also allows for the blade to be
purposely cut, routed through the center of a part, and re-welded in order to make interior cuts.
These saws are often fitted with a built-in air blower to cool the blade and to blow chips away
from the cut area giving the operator a clear view of the work. This type of saw is also built in a
woodworking version. The woodworking type is generally of much lighter construction and does
not incorporate a power feed mechanism, coolant, or welder. Advancements have also been made
in the bandsaw blades used to cut metals. The development of new tooth geometries and tooth
pitches have produced increased production rates and greater blade life. New materials and
processes such as M51 steel and the cryogenic treatment of blades have produced results that
were thought impossible just a few years ago.

Fig 2.2 moving work piece bandsaw

bandsaws remained impractical because of the blades. No-one could make a bandsaw blade that
could withstand the constant flexing until Frenchman A. Perin introduced a viable blade in the
early 1860s. Band saws quickly became popular in England and the rest of Europe. By the late
1860s the blades had made their way to North America and the first manufactured American
band saw sappeared.

Before that, though, there were a surprising number of patents as inventors either anticipated the
eventual development of better blades, or were so impractical as not to notice that blades were
not available. Check out some of these patents and then make up your own mind.
The first American bandsaw patent was granted to Adam Stewart of Baltimore, in July of 1817.
Stewart's patent was lost in the 1836 patent office fire, and so far we have not been able to find
any information on Stewart's patent other than the title ("Band or belt saw").
The next American bandsaw patent was granted to Benjamin Barker of Ellsworth, Maine, in
January of 1836. Barker patented the basic concept of the bandsaw. There was obvious prior art,
but before July 1836 there was no review process for patent applications. Barker's machine used
a blade 34 feet long, 9 inches wide, and one twelfth of an inch thick, or about the thickness of a
thin-kerf circular saw blade. The wheel's diameter was five feet. Notice how the frame of the saw
is not a C-frame but more of an I-frame.

In 1851 Hedge received another bandsaw patent, this time for a radically different design.ut with
five-foot wheels it hardly matters..There are two odd things about this saw. First is the use of
several small wheels instead of a single upper wheel. Second is the driving mechanism: a
secondary belt wraps around the bottom of the lower wheel and drives the blade. The intent is to
only tension the straight part of the blade that is in the cut; the rest of the blade is

Fig 2.3 Lemuel Hdge band saw

The next bandsaw patent came along only a month later, granted to one William Cary of
Poughkeepsie.We are not sure what Cary was thinking with this bandsaw design, but it looks
wildlimpractical.Given the problems with blades, some applied their throbbing brains to
alternative approaches to making a continuous-cutting scrollsaw replacement. Here's one solution
from 1838:

Fig 2.4 William Cary bandsaw

This type of saw was common enough to merit its own name: the annular saw. One was
manufactured by Goodspeed& Wyman ca. 1870, just in time to be knocked off the market by the
newly practical bandsAfter those two 1836 patents, the next true bandsaw patent came in 1849,
granted to rule maker and sawmill maker Lemuel Hedge. This design looks pretty normal. The
saw has upper guides, albeit odd-looking.

Fig 2.5 sawmill maker Lemuel Hedge bandsaw

In 1857 Hedge's patent was reissued. Hedge was deceased by that time, and the reissued patent
was assigned to William P. Wood and Samuel De Vaughan of Washington DC. 10 .

Fig 2.6 William bandsaw

3.1 Design Considerations
Sometimes the strength required of an element in a system is an important factor in
thedetermination of the geometry and the dimensions of the element. In such a situation we say
thatstrength is an important design consideration. When we use the expression design
consideration,we are referring to some characteristic that influences the design of the element or,
perhaps, theentire system. Usually quite a number of such characteristics must be considered and
prioritizedin a given design situation. Many of the important ones are as follows:

Safety Functionality
Utility and life
3.2 Selection of Electric Motor
Three phase AC motor are generally used as source of power in machine tools. The power rating
of electric motor in generally purpose machine tool is calculated by the formula; 5

Nm = η KW


Nm=power rating of the electric motor (kW)

=Total power required for removing of metal

η= Coefficient of the efficiency of the drives.90% for gear drive

N =F ×v

F =Cuttingforce

V=cutting speed

From above equation the cutting force will be

F = Ksfd 1 + Kr + Kw ,where

Ks=the specific cutting resistance for the working materials

d= depth of cutting mm/rev

f=feed rate mm/rev

Kr and Kw are the allowable the rake angle and wear resistance respectively

So we calculate cutting force (Fc) as follow

1+ + !

K "# For carbon steel=500N/mm2



Kr =0.1

K $ =0.15

F =500N/mm × 1mm/rev × 1mm/rev (1+0.1+0.15)

,F = 625

Then from the above equation

; )# -./0 1!,

2 #-0)/)34

= 6.1271!

)= 9 , η=90%

: = 0.>0 = 6.81!

The motor power=6.8kw and the cutting power=6.127kw.

3.3 Motor Speed

The speed of a motor is the number of revolutions in a given time frame, typically revolutions per
minute (RPM). The speed of an AC motor depends on the frequency of the input power and the
number of poles for which the motor is wound. The synchronous speed in RPM is given by the
following equation, where the frequency is in hertz or cycles per second:
./0×*@ABCA4 D
Synchronous Speed (RPM) =
Indian motors have synchronous speeds like 3000 / 1500 / 1000 / 750 / 600 / 500 / 375 RPM
Corresponding to no. of poles being 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16 (always even) and given the mains
frequency of 50 cycles / sec.By considering and analyzing the above motor speed we take 375Rpm
for our motor.

3.4 Geometrical Analysis:
It describes the geometrical arrangements of component parts with the relation to each other and
how these parts fit in order to fulfill the required assembly of the machine. It also tells us the all
over dimension of the machine such as length, width and height.By considering and analyzing of
working mechanism of vertical band saw machine, ergonomics factor, the position which the
machine will be stand(work place) and safety condition of the operator, the geometrical
arrangement of the vertical bandsawmachineis will be as following figure and it’s over all
dimensions are 1760mmx1160mm height and length respectively.

Fig 3.4 geometric analysis

Table 3.4 parts of machine

Component No Part name Quantity

1 Pulley 2
2 Axle shaft 1
3 Frame 1
4 Blade 1
5 Table 1
6 Blade guide 4
7 Bladtension 1

8 Support of blade 1
tension adjustment
9 Shaft 1
10 Table support and tilt 1
of table
11 Gear 2

3.5 Working Principle

The motor which is mounting at the bottom of the machine then connected with the gear and
lower pulley (driving pulley) mounted on one shaft. And this pulley also connected to upper
pulley (driven pulley) by means of blade which rotates on the two pulleys. The blade has
60m/min speed which is the cutting speed of carbon steel.The work piece hold and feed manually
in order to rotate work piece in required direction. Work piece is supported by table. The table
will be tilt about 100 JKℎM NO 100 PQ M in order to get required shapes.

3.5 Design of gear

A mechanical drives defined asmechanize, which is intended to transmit mechanical power over
a certain distance, usuallyinvolving a change in speed and torque. Ingenerally the mechanical
drive is required between the prime mover such as electric motor and a part of operating
machines. Mechanical drive is used on account of following reason;The torque and speed of the
machine are always different than that of electric motor or engine. Machine usually run at low
speed and required high torque.In certain machines variable speed are required for operation,
whereas motor runs at constant speed. The selection of proper mechanical drive for a given
application depend upon number of facts such as, centerdistance, velocityratio, shaft
arrangement, maintenanceconsiderations and cost.For this design we select gear drive because of
it has the following advantages over belt and chain drives.

It is positive drive and velocity ratio remain constant

The center distance between the shaft is relatively small, which result in compact construction
It can transmit power, which is beyond the range of belt or chain drive.
It can transmit motion at very low speed, which not possible with the belt drive
The efficiency of gear drive is very high even up to 90% for spur gear.
Gears are broadly classified in to four groups; spurgear, helicalgear, bevel gear and worm
gear.By considering and analyzing the function properties of four gears we select spur
gear for thisdesign.Spurgears: The teeth are cut parallel to the axis of the shaft. It is used
for only the shafts are parallel. Theprofile of the gear tooth is in shape of an involute
curve and remains identical along the entire width of the gear.
Let given R. = 16 teeth
Assume gear ratio6:1
J = ST = 6 = .-U , R/ = 96 teeth.

SU 4T >- W;5@G)
= = = , O. = 375 YZ
ST 4U .- 4U
O/ = 63 YZ
Material used for gear cast steel for both gear and pinion.
Step 1:To identify wear number since the material the same for both gear and pinion.But
pinion is wearer than gear.Then the design is based on the pinion 3 .

Step2: Design

a) Tangential tooth load,

>.55×.0×\ ×]×^_

P=power in kW

`I =Service factor for light shocks

aT )bT .-)
N=rpm of pinionr= = = = = 8Z for pinion
/ / /

Table 3.5 of Service factor(cs)

Types of 3 hours/day 8 to 10 24
service/Types Intermittent hours/day hours
of load operation
Steady 0.8 1 1.25
Light shocks 1.00 1.25 1.50

Medium 1.25 1.50 1.80

Heavy 1.5 1.80 2.00

9.55 × 10- × 6.81! × 1.25 2705.8

cd# = … … … … … … … … … . . Qf 1
375 × 8Z Z
b) Lewis equation for tangential tooth load

cd =g0 × h × i × Y × 1

Where,gE = 138jYN

Assume width=10m ,(m=modules),

Y= Lewis factor for 200 full depth involute

0.>./ 0.>./
Y=0.145 − bT
= 0.145 − .-


b=face width =10m, m=2.5

m# Velocity factor

cd#no × h × i × Y × 1p = 138 × 10Z × q × Z × 0.097 × 1p

cd = 433.32Z/ 1p…………………………………….AB /

From the equation (2) and equation (1)

433.321p = = 433.32ZW 1p = 2705.8
ZW 1p = = 6.245
ZW 1p = 6.245

But, 1p for full depth involute

W y×a.×6. )bT 6.
Forvt u;.5v , x) = -000
=q -000

qZ 16 × 375
2) = = 0.314Z
Trial (1) Assume m=2. 5 for standard values of module recommended serves of modules forgear
x) = 0.314 × 2.5 = 0.785

3 3
1p = = = 0.8
3 + x) 3 + 0.785 )

ZW 1p = 6.24

ZW 1p = 2.5 × 0.8 = 12.5

If the left hand side >right hand side the selection module is suitable.Then,

ZW 1p > 6.24That means

12.5>6.24 then 2.5 modules adopt.

Fig 3.5 spur gear

Step three: dimensions

Pitch diameter(d. ) for pinion d1=mz.# = 2.5 × 16 = 40mm
The gear diameter(d/ )=mz/ = 2.5 × 96 = 240mm
|T}~U •0r/•0
Center distance(a)= /
= /
= 140mm
Face width(b)=10m=10×m=10x2.5=25mm
/;05.€# /;05.€
Tangential tooth load cd =
) /.5
Tooth depth(h)= hf+ha=3.125+2.5mm=5.625mm
Tooth thickness(t)=/=πm/2=3.925mm
For full depth involute dedendum diameter
Addendum(ℎ• )=1× 2.5 = 2.5ZZ
Dedendum ℎF = 1.25 × Z = 1.25 × 2.5 = 3.125

Addendum diameter

For pinion •. = . + 2ℎ• = 40 + 2 × 2.5 = 45

For gear •/ = / + 2ℎ• = 240 + 2.5 = 245ZZ

Dedendum diameter

For pinion F. = . − 2ℎF = 40 − 2 × 3.125 = 33.75ZZ

For gear F/ = / − 2ℎF = 240 − 6.25 = 233.75

Step fourteeth dynamic load and wear resistance load

/.m * rƒ
a )Dynamic load (ca = cd + /.mr„…*

rƒ †

cd = 1082.02
x = 0.785

For full 200 depth involute steel and cast iron.

0.125=99.57KN/mm for full depth, at 2) = 0.758
f=0.124, where f=permissible error in mm

99.57 × 0.124
F=0.124, C=x

`= = 987.7 /ZZ
/.×0.;€5 .0€/.W/r/5×>€;.;
Fd= 1082.32 + /.×0.;€5r√.0€/.W/r/5×>€;.;
= 3482.46

b) Wear resistance load F$

F$ = d. × b × Q × K Where,

2 × Z/ 2 × 96
Q = ratio factor = = = 1.714
Z. + Z/ 16 + 96

b = 25mm

d = 40mm

F$ = 40 × 25 × 1.714k = 1714.28k

For safe design F$ > F|

Table 3.6 values load stress factor K.

Brinell NO Brinell NO δfc(Mpa) Load stress factor K at

Pinion Gear
400 300 896.63 1.7521
350 350 896.63 1.8963
400 350 962.89 2.1935
400 400 1034.47 2.5241

Then,1714.28K > 3482.46

at K > 2.03 from table for K>2.03 at ’=20o the recommended hardness at K=2.19

Fw=1714.2x2.19=3754.3N,then Fw >F| ,so design safe.

foe the pinion=400BHN and for gear =350BHN

3.6 Design of Shaft

A shaft is a rotating machine element which is used to transmit power from one place to another.
The power is delivered to the shaft by some tangential force and the resultant torque (or twisting
moment) set up within the shaft Permits the power to be transferred to various machines linked

up to the shaft. In order to transfer the power from one shaft to another, the various members
such as pulleys, gears etc., are mounted on it. These members along with the forces exerted upon
them causes the shaft to bending. In other words, we may say that a shaft is used for the
transmission of torque and bending moment. The various members are mounted on the shaft by
means of keys or Splines.

3.6.1 Material Used for Shafts

The material used for shafts should have the following properties :
1. It should have high strength.

2. It should have good muchinability.

3. It should have low notch sensitivity factor.

4. It should have good heat treatment properties.

5. It should have high wear resistant properties.

The material used for ordinary shafts is carbon steel of grades 40 C 8, 45 C 8, 50 C 4 and 50 C
12.The mechanical properties of these grades of carbon steel are given in the following
table.jQ“ℎNOJ“NPY ”YQ MJQ ” MQQP • Q ” ℎN M . 1

–NhPQ3.6.1 ZQ“ℎNOJ“NPY ”YQ MJQ ” MQQP • Q ” ℎN M

Indian standard designation Ultimate tensile strength, Yield strength, Mpa

40 C 8 560 – 670 320

45 C 8 610-700 350

50 C 4 640-760 370

50 C 12 700 390
3.6.2 Stresses in Shafts
The following stresses are induced in the shafts:

1. Shear stresses due to the transmission of torque (i.e. due to tensional load).

2. Bending stresses (tensile or compressive) due to the forces acting upon machine elementslike
gears, pulleys etc. as well as due to the weight of the shaft itself.

3. Stresses due to combined torsional and bending loads

Maximum Permissible Working Stresses for Transmission ShaftsAccording to American Society

of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) code for the design of transmission shafts, the maximum
permissible working stresses in tension or compression may be taken asFor shafts purchased
under definite physical specifications, the permissible tensile stress (σt)may be taken as 60 per

cent of the elastic limit in tension (σel), but not more than 36 per cent of the ultimate tensile
strength (σu). In other words, the permissible tensile stress,

σt= 0.6 σelor 0.36 σu, whichever is less

For shafts purchased under definite physical specifications, the permissible shear stress (τ)
May be taken as 30 per cent of the elastic limit in tension (σel) but not more than 18 per cent of
the ultimate tensile strength (σu). In other words, the permissible shear stress,
τ = 0.3 σelor 0.18 σu, whichever is less 1

• In designing shafts on the basis of strength, the following cases may be considered:

(a) Shafts subjected to twisting moment or torque only,

(b) Shafts subjected to bending moment only,

(c) Shafts Subjected to Combined Twisting Moment and Bending Moment

(d) Shafts subjected to axial loads in addition to combined tensional and bending loads.

Apulley B gear

Fig 3.6.1 force acting on the shaft

Ultimate tensile strength (Mpa) =560Mp.

Yield strength Map=320Mpa.
The permissible tensile strength gd = 0.6gAd ” 0.56 g— .
The permissible shear stress(τ )=0.3gAd ” 0.18g— .Then,

˜ = 0.3gAd = 0.3 × 320 = 96jYN

˜ = 0.18g— = 0.18 × 560 = 100.8jYN.

Then takes smaller value which is 96Mpa.

˜ = 96jYN

The total vertical acting upward on pulley Calculate as follow. Assuming the mass of pulley is
two (2kg).So its weight is 19.62N.

The total load acting on pulley A,

–. + –/ − ™ = 0,where
–. is tension in tight side of blade
–/ is tension in slack side of blade
W is weight of pulley.
–. + –/ − ™ = 011158 + 4358 − 19.62 = 15.496 .

Tangential force acting vertical upward on the gear B:
Assuming weight of gear is 16N
cd = Where,

T = torque of shaft

R = radius of gear

cd =tangential force on gear

cd =
1031 × 10W ZZ
cd = = 6805
Since the tangential force acting vertical upward is 6805N.Then,the total vertical up ward load
acting on gear B.

cd − ! = 6805 − 16 = 6789


Fig 3.6.2 reaction force on shaft

Find the reaction force at point C.

The sum of vertical force

∑Fž = 0, R + R ¡ − R ¢ , R = 15.496KN

R¢ = R + R¡

R ¢ = 15. 496KN + 6.789KN = 22.285KN.

Bending moment at A and B = 0

The bending moment at C

∑m = R × 400mm + R ¡ × 42.5mm

= 15.496 × 10W N × 40mm + 6789N × 42.5mm = 908372Nmm = 908.372Nm.

T© = √M / + T2 Where,

T is torque on shaft

M is maximum bending moment

T© is equivalent twisting moment

… 908.372 Z / + 1031 Z / = 1374.082Nm

From the shear stress theory 1

1 32j / 16– /
˜)•« = ¬- W ® + 4 - W®
2 q q

= ¯…j/ + – / °
q W

× dW = √M / + T / ,ButT© = √M / + T /
.- t±²

16T© 1374082 × 16
dW = =
πτt±² 96 × π

= 41.78ZZ

The standard sizes of transmission shafts are : 25 mm to 60 mm with 5 mm steps; 60 mm to

110 mm with 10 mm steps ; 110 mm to 140 mm with 15 mm steps ; and 140 mm to 500 mm
with 20 mm steps.The standard length of the shafts are 5 m, 6 m and 7 m. d=42mm as

Fig 3.6.3 shaft

Factor of safety

According to the maximum normal stress theory;

F.S= n )•«where, F.S is factor of safety.

gDd =yield stress

g)•« = maximum normal stress or working stress.

1 32j 1 32j / 16– /

g)•« = × + ¬- ® + - ®
2 q W 2 q W q W

32 1
g)•« = × ¯j + …j/ + – / °
q W 2
32 1
g)•« = × ¯908372 ZZ + … 908372 ZZ / + 1031000 ZZ / °
q × 42ZZ W 2

g)•« = 156

n³‚ W/0:G•
= = 2.051
ns´µ .5-:G•
F.S= 051It is safe.

Length of shaft =width of gear+length of hub pulley+width of bearing +clearance


3.7 Design of pulley

Pulleys are used to transmit power from one shaft to another shaft by
by means of belt or rope.In
this design in blade of band saw used in steady of belt . In band saw machine,
pulleyprovidepower, as support and guidancee for the blade. The upper pulley can be raised and
lowered to tension the blade.The
.The lower pulley,
pulley which is drives the blade,
e, connected to the shaft
whichisusedd to transmit the power from the motor by means of pinion and gear.The
gear. principal part
of pulleys is: hub, arms and rim.

Fig 3.7 pulley

Diameter of pulley may be obtained either from velocity ratio or by considering centrifugal or
hoop stress. From the two methods we use the velocity ratio to get pulley diameter as follow 1

Let say the,N is the rpm

pm of the lower pulley or gear.
2 60 , this is thee cutting speed of carbon steel

63.7œYZ , this is the cutting rpm

r of carbon steel.

D=the diameter of lower pulley

2 q ¶
60)34 3.14 ¶ 63

¶ 303.3ZZ

Therefore D 303.3ZZand upper pulley and lower pulley have the same diameter. For large
pulley arm used.Thenumber
number of arm depends on the size of the pulleys ifnumber
if umber of arm 4, for the
pulley diameter from 200 to 600mm

6, for the pulley diameter from 600 to 1500mm

8, for the pulley diameter for large pulleys.

From these results our pulley has four arms. The arm can be straight or curved.The straight arm
is lighter and stronger than curved arms we select straight arm for thispulley. Indesign, each arm
is considered as cantilever beam, fixed at the hub and loaded at the rim. For safety design, the
length of arm may be taken as equal to the radius of the pulley. Further, it is usual to assume that
about half number of arms is loaded, since the arm of blade is around 1800

Let T1 torque transmitted

R= Radius of pulley

n= Number of arm

Tangential load act on each arm

š š
cd# ›×4 = ›4Where

– = 1031 Z, ”ZY•PPQi,

R is radius of pulley.

1031 Z
cd = = 1701 Z
151.510·W × 4
Maximum bending moment.

2– 2– 1031 Z × 2
j)•« = ל = = = 515.5 × 10W ZZ
œO O 4
If the width of the blade is known, then width of the pulley or face of the pulley (B) is taken
25% greater than the width of blade 1 .
B = 1.25 b ; where b = Width of blade


Power transmitted by the pulley (P) 1

¸ = –. − –/ 2, Where

,–. is the tension in the tight side of the blade

T/ is tension in the slack side of the blade.

V is the speed of the pulley

¸ = –. − –/ 2 = 6.8 × 10W = –. − –/ 1

¸ = –. − –/ = 6.8 × 10W … … … … … … … … … … … … … . Qf•NMJ”O 1

We know that the power transmitted

= ¹º×» where,¼ is the angle of contact the pulley and blade.

½ is cofficient of friction between blade and pulley.

¾ = 180 − 2’ ¿NÀ

@T ·@U
JO’ =
where,r is radius of pulley.

X is center distance between the pulleys. But, . = /, then

JO’ =0
. /
JO’ = 0

’ = JO·. 0 = 0
¾ = 180 − 2 × 0 × N
¾=q ’

 = 0.3

= ¹º»

= ¹0.W×y

= 2.56 … … … … … … … … … … … … Ãf•NMJ”O 2

From equation (1) and (2)

–. = 2.56–/………………… /

–. − –/ = 6.8 × 10W … … … … … … 1

2.56–/ − –/ = 6.8 × 10W

1.56–/ = 6.8 × 10W

6.8 × 10W
–/ = = 4358.9
–. − –/ = 6.8 × 10W

–. − 4358.9 = 6.8 × 10W

–. = 11158

Since the velocity of the blade(pulley) is less than 10 .Therefore the centrifugal tension need
not to be considered.

Pulley bore size:The pulley bore size is equal to the diameter of the hub on which it is to be
mounted. The inner diameter of the hub is equal to the shaft diameter; Ä3 = IÄ. the outer
diameter of the hub is will be determined as follow, outer diameter of hub ÄE = 2 , for small
shaft diameter, where d is shaft diameter.

= 40ZZ =, ”Z ℎN M “NP“•PNMJ”O

So we calculate outer diameter of as follow;

Åa = 2 = 2 × 40ZZ = 80ZZ

Length of hub: The length of hub is equal to the key length. It may be taken as
Length of hub Æℎ = /
, where d is diameter of shaft,which equal to 40mm.

q × 40ZZ
ÅH = = 62.8ZZ
Let us now check the induced shear stress for the hub materials which is grey cast iron with
permissible stress 30Mpa. Considering the hub as hollow shaft .we know that maximum torque
which equal to,Tt±² = f. s × T = 2.051 × 1031Nm = 2114.58NZ

q ¶/ − /
–)•« = ט Ç È
16 ¶

q 80/ − 40/
2114.58 × 10 = W
×g Ç È
16 80

2114.58 × 10W
g = = 22.4jYN
It safe because shear stress less than permissible stress.

3.8 Design of Axle

An axle similar in shape to the shaft,is stationary machine element and used to transmission of
bending moment only.It is simply acts as supported for some rotating body.

The material used for the axle is carbon steel grade 45c8.

Cd 610 M” 700jYN

gAH = 350jYN

Maximum permissible working stress for transmisstionshafts,according to American Engineering

(ASME) code for the design of transmission shaft, the permissible tensile stress s gƒ 1

gd = 0.6gAH ” 0.36gC

gƒ = 0.6 × 350 = 210jYN

Axle subjected to bending moment only then the maximum stress(tensile or compressive stress is
given by the bending equation 1

j gƒ
= … … … … … … … … … . Qf•NMJ”O 1

M=bending moment.

I=moment of inertia of cross sectional area the axle.

gƒ =bending stress.

Y=distance from neutral axis to the outer most fiber.

É= × •
NO Ê =
64 2
Substituting in equation(1) pulley
M=W/ gƒ W

W=total tension by the lower pulley=15.496KN

The maximum bending moment act on the pulley.Therefore maximum bending moment
y W/:
j = ™ × Æ = 15.496 × 10W × 75ZZ = 1162200 ZZj = W/ × gƒ × W
= =
= 37.78 = 40ZZto the standard.

Fig 3.8 axle shaft

3.9 Design of sunk key
Key: After deciding the key length from proportion, the width and thickness of key the key are
determined by considering the shearing and crushing failure of the key.

These are the standard form of keys used in practice and may be either square, rectangular or
circular in cross section. The ends may be square orround. Generally half the thickness of the key
fit into the shaft key ways and the remain half is in hub key ways. These keys are used for heavy
duty as they fit between the key and the shaft is positive.

Sunk keys may be classified as taper, parallel, and woodruff keys.

Taper sunk key: These are in the form of square, rectangular and circular in cross section. The
keys are uniform in width but tapped in the thickness. The bottom surface of the key is straight
and the top surface taped.

Parallel or feather key: Is the type of sunkkey, uniform in width and thickness as well.

From the above types of sun keys we select tapped (rectangular) for this design.

Tapped sunk key.

Let, T, torque transmitted

D, diameter of shaft

L, length of key

B, width of key

T, thickness of key

g =permissible compressive stress in the key material.

˜=permissible shear stress in the key material

Ì /Ì /×.0W. t
Ft= ~ = = = 51550 × 10W NmZ
| 0.0•t

The effect of force on the key is to induced two possible mode of failure i.esheaeing and crushing
.It is assumed that the half thickness of key in the shaft and the remain half in the
hub.Considering shearing failure

c= = Ph

2– c
˜= =
a Ph

Considering crushing failure

2– M
c= = × Pg
4– 2c
g = =
Table 3.9 width,thickness and length key way

Shaft Width Thickness of

diameter(mm)up key(mm) key(mm)
to and incuded
6 2 2
8 3 3
10 4 4
12 5 5
17 6 6
22 8 7
30 10 8
38 12 8
44 14 9
From the table,width,thickness and length will be for the shaft diameter =40mm

Width of key =12mm


Length of key P = 1.5 = 1.5 × 40 = 60ZZ

Since the crushing stress for the key materials is twice its shear stress (i.e,g < = 2˜< , therefore
tapped key used.The material used for key is grey cast iron with permissible stress is 450Mpa.

Let us now check the induced stress in the key by considering it in shearing and crushing stress.

Considere the key in shearing.We know that maximum torque=2114.58Nm

˜)•« = P × h × × ˜< =
2114.58 × 10W ZZ = 60 × 12 × × ˜<
2114.58 × 10W
˜< = = 146.8jYN
Now considering the key in crushing stress. The material used for the key is grey cast iron which
has permissible stress of 450Mpa.We know that maximum torque of shaft is 2114.58 ×
10W ZZ.

–)•« = P × × ×g
2 2 <

8 40
2114.58 10W ZZ = 60 × × ×g
2 2 <

2114.58 10W
g = = 440.5jYN
So the key is safe because of crushing and shearing stress less than permissible stress.

3.10 Design of blade

A saw is a tool consisting of a hard blade with a toothed edge. It is used to cut through relatively
hard material, most often wood and metals. The cut is made by placing the toothed edge against
the material and moving it force fully. This force may be applied by hand, or powered other
power source. The saw produce a shearing force along a narrow face. Ideally, the edge of the tool
needs to be harder than the material is being cut or else the blade will become damage with
repeated use. But even resilient tools will require sharpening, which is the process of removing
deformation wear from the edge.

3.10.1 Selection of material for blade

Material used for cutting high speed steel is carbon steel at a much higher cutting speed than
ordinary carbon tool steels. The carbon steel cutting tools do not retain their sharp cutting edges
under heavier loads and higher speeds. This is due to the fact that at high speeds, sufficient heat
may be developed during the cutting operation and causes the temperature of the cutting edge of
the tool to reach a red heat. This temperature would soften the carbon tool steel and thus the tool
will not work efficiently for a longer period.The high speed steels have the valuable property of
retaining their hardness even when heated to red heat. Most of the high speed steels contain
tungsten as the chief alloying element, but other elements like cobal High speed steels are alloys
that gain their properties from either tungsten or molybdenum,often with a combination of the
two. They belong to the Fe–C–X multi-component alloy system where X represents chromium,
tungsten, molybdenum, vanadium, or cobalt. Generally, the X component is present in excess of
7%, along with more than 0.60% carbon. The alloying element percentages do not alone bestow
the hardness-retaining properties; they also require appropriate high-temperature heat treatment
to become true HSS.

The addition of about 10% of tungsten and molybdenum in total maximises efficiently the
hardness and toughness of high speed steels and maintains those properties at the high
temperatures generated when cutting metals.In general the basic composition of T1 HSS is 18%
W, 4% Cr, 1% V, 0.7% C and the remainder Fe. Such a HSS tool could machine (turn) mild steel
at speeds of up to 20~30 m/min (which was quite substantial at the time). 11

A sample of alloying compositions of common high speed steel grades (by %wt)

Table 3.10.1 high speed steel properties

M2 is molybdenum based high-speed steel in tungsten–molybdenum series. The carbides in it are

small and evenly distributed. It has high wear resistance. After heat treatment, its hardness is the
same as T1, but its bending strength can reach 4700 MPa, and its toughness and thermo-plasticity
are higher than T1 by 50%. It is usually used to manufacture a variety of tools, such as drill bits,
taps and reamers. Its decarburization sensitivity is a little bit high.M35 is similar to M2, but with
5% cobalt added. The addition of cobalt increases heat resistance. M35 is also known as HSSE or
HSS-E.M42 is a molybdenum-series high-speed steel alloy with an additional 8% cobalt. It is
widely used in metal manufacturing industries because of its superior red-hardness as compared
to more conventional high-speed steels, allowing for shorter cycle times in production
environments due to higher cutting speeds or from the increase in time between tool changes.
M42 is also less prone to chipping when used for interrupted cuts and costs less when compared
to the same tool made of carbide. Tools made from cobalt-bearing high speed steels can often be
identified by the letters HSS-Co.So that select from the above M35 due to high heat resistance.

3.10.2Coatings of high-speed steel

To increase the life of high-speed steel, tools are sometimes coated. One such coating is TiN (titanium
nitride). Most coatings generally increase a tool's hardness and/or lubricity. A coating allows the cutting
edge of a tool to cleanly pass through the material without having the material gall (stick) to it. The
coating also helps to decrease the temperature associated with the cutting process and increase the life of
the tool.

3.10.3 Application of high-speed steel

The main use of high-speed steels continues to be in the manufacture of various cutting tools:
drills, taps, milling cutters, tool bits, gear cutters, saw blades, planer and jointer blades etc.,
although usage for punches and dies is increasing.High speed steels also found a market in fine
hand tools where their relatively good toughness at high hardness, coupled with high abrasion

3.10.4 material cut by metal cutting bandsaw is carbon steel
Carbon steel is by far the most widely used kind of steel. The properties of carbon steel depend
primarily on the amount of carbon it contains. Most carbon steel has a carbon content of less than
1%. Carbon steel is made into a wide range of products, including structural beams, car bodies,
kitchen appliances, and cans. In fact, there are 3 types of plain carbon steel and they are low
carbon steel, medium carbon steel, high carbon steel, and as their names suggests all these types
of plain carbon steel differs in the amount of carbon they contain. Indeed, it is good to precise
that plain carbon steel is a type of steel having a maximum carbon content of 1.5% along with
small percentages of silica, sulphur, phosphorus and manganese.

3.10.5 General properties of carbon steel.

Generally, with an increase in the carbon content from 0.01 to 1.5% in the alloy, its strength and
hardness increases but still such an increase beyond 1.5% causes appreciable reduction in the
ductility and malleability of the steel.
Low carbon steel or mild steel, containing carbon up to 0.25% responds to heat treatment as
improvement in the ductility is concerned but has no effect in respect of its strength properties.
Medium carbon steels, having carbon content ranging from 0.25 to 0.70% improves in the
machinability by heat treatment. It must also be noted that this steel is especially adaptable for
machining or forging and where surface hardness is desirable.

High carbon steels, is steel-containing carbon in the range of 0.70 to 1.05% and is especially
classed as high carbon steel. In the fully heat-treated condition it is very hard and it will
withstand high shear and wear and will thus be subjected to little deformation.
Moreover, at maximum hardness, the steel is brittle and if some toughness is desired it must be
obtained at the expense of hardness. Depth hardening ability (normally termed as hardenability)
is poor, limiting the use of this steel.
Furthermore, as it has been seen that hardness, brittleness and ductility are very important
properties as they determine mainly the way these different carbon content steels are used.
Considering the microstructure of slowly cooled steel; for mild steel, for instance, with 0.2%
carbon. Such steel consists of about 75% of proeutectoid ferrite that forms above the eutectoid
temperature and about 25% of pearlite (pearlite and ferrite being microstructure components of
steel). When the carbon content in the steel is increased, the amount of pearlite increases until we
get the fully pearlitic structure of a composition of 0.8% carbon. Beyond 0.8%, high carbon steel
contains proeutectoidcementide in addition to pearlite.
However, in slowly cooled carbon steels, the overall hardness and ductility of the steel are
determined by the relative proportions of the soft, ductile ferrite and the hard,brottle cementite.
The cementite content increases with increasing carbon content, resulting in an increase of
hardness and a decrease of ductility, as we go from lowcarbontohigh carbon steels.By
considering the above properties of carbon steel we select it.

Cutting speed rate recommendation for metal

Table 3.10.5 of general guidelines for blade selection and speed chart.


Fig 3.10.6 Blade toothTerminology

A. Kerf: The amount of material removed by the blade during cutting.
B. Tooth Set: The amount each tooth is bent left or right from the blade.
C. Gauge: The thickness of the blade.
D. Blade Width: The widest point of the blade measured from the tip of the tooth to the
backedge of the blade.
E. Tooth Rake: The angle of the tooth facefrom a line perpendicular to the length
F. Gullet Depth: The distance from the tooth tip to the bottom of the curved area (gullet).
G. Tooth Pitch: The distance between toothtips.
H. Blade Back: The distance between the bottom of the gullet and the back edge of theblade.

I. TPI: The number of teeth per inch measured from gullet to gullet.
3.10.7Tooth Set:Three common tooth sets are standard, wavy,andraker each removing
materialin a different manner to make the kerfintheworkpiece.

Fig 3.10.7 tooth set

Alternate: An all-purpose arrangement of bending the teeth evenly left and right of the
blade.Generally used for milder metals.
Wavy: Generally three or more teeth in a group that are bent one way, followed by a non-
settooth, then another group bent the other way.Recommended for straight cuts in thin metals or
thin-wall tubing.
Raker: Three teeth in a recurring group—one bent left, next one bent right, and then a non-set
tooth. The raker is ideal for most contour cuts
3.10.8 Tooth type
The most common tooth types are described below Standard or Raker: Equally spaced teeth set a "0" rake angle. Recommended

Fig Standard or Raker Pitch (VP):Varying gullet depth and tooth spacing, a "0" rake angle, excellent
chip and recommended for non-ferrous and recommended for non-ferrous emovingcapacity,and
smooth cutting.

Fig Pitch (VP) Hook or Skip or Skip Tooth:Wide, flat gullets, a "0" rake angle, equally spaced teeth,
and recommended for non-ferrous

Fig Pitch (VP)

Fig claw Claw: Wide gullets (round or flat), equally spaced teeth, positive rake angle, and fast cut
with good surface finish. Raker Set
In the raker set, one tooth is set to the left, one tooth is set to
the right, and one tooth (raker) is unset. This set type is used
on most evenly pitched blades such as regular and hook. It
is also used for contour and friction cutting blades on vertical bandsaw machine .3851 for
vertical metal cutting band saw for cutting various types of materials, from aluminium to
stainless steels.Strong tooth design gives maximum cutting performance.Tooth
styles are related to the different applications.
Table3.10.6 standarwidth,thickness and shape of blade 6

From the above table select 3851-13-0.6-10/14

Thickness of blade=0.6mm

Width of blade=13mm

Tooth per inch=14 Length of saw blade(L):Length of bladeis twice of center distance between two pulley
and add it one pulley circumference.

blade length=2(CD)+(πD)where,
CD=center distance
D=diameter of pulley

Fig blade

Cutting Overview
The vertical metal cutting bandsaw has a flexible continuous blade that cuts in one direction. The
type of bandsaw blade and the speed of the blade
to be used depends on the workpiece material and the type of cut required.
This type of bandsaw can be used for straight cuts,angular cuts, and curved or contour cuts.
Straight cuts are made using workpiece fixtures and with a light, even pressure against the blade.
Angular cuts are made with the table and workpiece tilted at an angle other than "0".When an
internal contour cut is to be made, a hole must be drilled in the workpiece. The blade is then cut,
fed through the hole in the workpiece, welded together again using the welding station,
and re-installed on the bandsaw to make the cut.The welding station can also be used to fabricate
new blades and repair broken blades.
The blade is supported by upper and lower tungstensteel blade guides that keep the blade
fromwandering during the cut.
The efficiency of the cutting operation can be easily checked by examining the form and color of
the metal chips.
3.10.9 Blade Breakage
Many conditions may cause a bandsaw blade to break. Blade breakage is unavoidable, in some
cases, since it is the natural result of the peculiar stresses that bandsaw blades must endure. Blade
breakage is also due to avoidable circumstances.

Avoidable blade breakage is most often the result of poor care or judgement on thepart of the
operator when mounting or adjusting the blade or support guides.
The most common causes of blade breakage are:
Faulty alignment or adjustment of the blade guides.
Forcing or twisting a wide blade around a short radius.
Feeding the workpiece too fast.
Damaged teeth.
Very tensioned blade.
3.10.10 Welding of blade
Brazing is a joining process wherein metals are bonded together using a filler metal with a
melting (liquidus) temperature greater than 450 °C (840 °F), but lower than the melting
temperature of the base metal .Filler metals are generally alloys of silver (Ag), aluminum (Al),
gold (Au), copper (Cu), cobalt (Co) or nickel (Ni) .
Brazing used for the following purposes
Components can be batch processed
Brazing is production and cost efficientComponent distortion is minimized or eliminated
Base metal dilution is low
Process thermal cycles are predictable
Joining of dissimilar materials can be achieved
Thin-to-Thin or Thin-to-Thick members can be joined
Small and wide gap sizes can be filled
Specialized labor is not required
Braze metal considerations
Coefficient of expansion
Potential metallurgical
Melting point
Service conditions
Desired joint properties
Corrosion resistance
Service temperature
Joint configuration
Joint gap size
Heat Sources for Brazing
Induction brazing
Electric coils, which are designed for specific joint geometries, are used to heat the part and the
brazing filler metal until the liquid metal flows via capillary attraction into the joint. This
process is primarily used for brazing with copper nickel and silver alloys.

Base metals: The metal to be welded, brazed, soldered or cut .The use of this term implies that
materials other than metals are also referred to, where this is appropriate.
Braze filler metals: The metal which fills the capillary gap and has a liquidus above 450 °C (840
°F) but below the solidus of the base materials.
Braze filler metal alloying elements: Various elements are added to braze filler metals .The
purpose and behavior of these alloying elements are listed below .But for this blade brazing we
choose the Nickel because it has the following properties.

Nickel (Ni) Provides desirable high temperature chemical and physical properties .Very
compatible with other alloying elements. Brazing temperature ranges for Nickel is
925“ 00 , 1085“ 0 NO 1150“ 0

Available forms of braze filler metals

Braze products can be purchased in a variety of forms .Where available,customers can choose the
form that is most convenient and efficient for their particular production needs.

Braze pasties: Composed of one or more braze alloy powders and a neutral, flux-free binder
.The binder content ranges between10 and14 percent by weight, which results in a consistent,
easily extruded braze paste . Binders may be water or organic based, producing pastes that are
slow drying or fast drying .Syringes and cartridges are available.

Binder: A liquid material used in the application of powders that cause the powder to compact
and stay in place, even after the binder is removed during brazing.

3.11 Selection of band saw frame

All band saws are essentially the same, regardless of size. They are relatively simple machines
with easily accessed parts that serve obvious functions. Take some time to familiarize yourself
with the location and names of the various parts.

The frame is the most important part of a band saw. It supports the pulley, guides, table, and the
motor. A strong, rigid frame is essential to adequately support the tension of the blade and
provides a sturdy mount for the blade guides. The frame material also has to remain stable
throughout temperature and humidity changes to ensure accurate alignment of the wheels and
guides. There are three basic types of frame material: die-cast, cast iron, and welded steel.
From the above three band saw frames welded steel frame is selected for this band saw machine.
Welded-steelframesare composed of sheet steel that is folded and welded to produce a rigid
frame. Once exclusive to large industrial bandsaws, welded-steel frames are becoming the norm
for many midsize saws and bench top models. Welded steel is ecologically friendlier than cast
iron and eliminates the need to “season” castings to ensure dimensional stability. Although
rigidity (especially of the upper guidepost mount) has been a problem on some models, these
saws generally represent good value, often costing much less than comparably sized cast-iron
machines. Welded steel is lighter than cast iron, which offers a tradeoff of lower freight rates for
less vibration-dampeningWeight.
The overall height of this frame is 176cm.
The overall length of this frame is 116cm and

The thickness of this frame is 1cm

Fig 3.11 frame

3.12 PULLEY House
Enclosures for the pulley are referred to as pulley houses. On welded-steel band saws, they are
integrated into the frame. pulleyhouse doors on the front of the saw cover the top and bottom
pulley for safety.

3.13 Design blade guides

The blade guides provide side-to-side support to help keep the blade straight while cutting.Properly
adjusted blade guides are essential to making accurate cuts. Blade guide assemblies above and below
the table confines the blade to maintain an accurate cutting path. Each assembly consists of a side
guide on either side of the blade and a thrust guide directly behind the blade. The side guide
prevents lateral blade twist, while

Fig 3.13 Blade guide

guide supports the back edge of the blade to resist feed force. Thrust guides are essential for
maintaining the strength of the blade. They keep it in a straight line to prevent deflection, which

causes inaccurate cuts. The upper guide is mounted to upperframe that allows positioning the
guides’ above the workpiece for maximum blade control and safety.
A guard covers the section of the blade between the guides and the upper pulley house. Some
guards must be removed when changing blades, while others have hinged panels that swing open
to allow access to the blade.
The height of two upper guide 10cm
The height of two lower guide is 7mm
The width and diameters of the two upper and lower guides rollers are 10 mm and 32mm
3.14 Design of band saw table
The band saw table supports the work being seen. It has a removable throat plate and a slit that
runs from center to edge to allow blade changes. To keep the table sections aligned at the slit, a
small, tapered pin is typically inserted into a hole bored in the
edge of the table. Band saw tables are usually made of cast iron.
The dimension of band saw blade is given as follow from this specification;
the length of table 76cm
width of table 76cm and
thickness of table 1cm

Fig 3.14 Table

3.15 Design of table supportand table tilt

The table support used for support the band saw table which used to carry work piece.
The table support has the following dimensions.
the length 40cm.
the thickness 2cm
the height from the lower frame to table 10cm.

Fig 3.15 table support and table tilt

3.16 Design blade tensioning adjustmentlead screw
The lead screws (also known as translation screws) are used to convert rotary motion into
translator motion. There are different power screws from that select square thread.

Square thread.A square thread is adapted for the transmission of power in either direction. This
thread results in maximum efficiency and minimum radial or bursting pressure on the
nut.material selection of power screw is plain carbon steel in grade 30c8 and Sut=400N/mm2
because of the screw subjected to axial force and torsional high strength material
needed.Generally the properties of screw material are
It should have sufficient strength
It should have high wear resistance

The body of the screw is subjected to axial force (W) and torsional moment (T)
g^ = ÎÏU
where w is lifting load=15496N

g allowable stress=160 M pa

=Minor diameter of screw

!×4 15496 × 4
=¬ =¬
qg q × 160

= 12ZZ

Fig 3.16 Blade tensionadjustment screw

From the table standared square theard 1

Table3.16 standard square threaddiametre

at = 12ZZ

0 = 14 ZZouter diameter of screw

Pitch (P)=2mm

(h) depth of tread=1mm

a+ raÑ ./r.•
mean diameter ) = /
= /
= 13ZZ

G /
tanN= ya = y×.W = 0.0489

Torque required for the screw is

– = !MNO N + Ò

N =helix angle

μ =coefficient of friction

)= minor diameter of screw

T= torque

 = MNOÒ = 0.15

MNO·. 0.15 = 8.2

N = 2.8

– = ™MNO 2.8 + 8.2 ×


– = 15496 MNO 11 = 20182 ZZ
Torsion shear stress given by

16– 16 × 20182
˜= = 46.8jYN
q / q 12ZZ /

Principal shear stress is given by

˜)•« = Óg /
+ 4˜ /

1 160 /
˜)•« = ¬- ® + 46.8 / = 92.68jYN
2 2

The pressure between the contact surface of screw and the nut important consideration in design.
The area between the screw and nut for tread is

„ 0
− /
†There fore

gƒ = Î
„aÑ U ·a+ U †4

n= number of tread engagement with nut

.;6 .5•>-ו
gƒ =the permissibleof value of unit pressure which equal to ,O = TÔÕ =
))U y .•)) U · ./)) U × U
= 5

Length of blade tension lead screw=radias of pulley+thickness of frame=151.5mm+10mm


3.17 Bearings:-Bearing is machinery element which support another moving element it permit
a relative motion between the contact surface of the members, while carry the load. Moving parts
in machinery involves relative sliding or rolling motion. Most bearing are used to support
rotating shafts in machines.Appropriate bearing design can minimize friction and wear as well as
early failure of machine. The most important objectives of bearing design to extend bearing life
in machine, reduce energy loses and wear, and minimize maintenance expenses and down time of
machinery due to frequent bearing failure.

Rolling element bearing over the sliding or journal bearing are as following
low starting and good operating friction torque
ease of lubrication
generally taking both radial and axial loads rapid replacement

ood low temperature starting
select ball bearing for this design due to:

ow coefficient of friction
ood wear qualities
ability to with stand bearing preserve
easy to lubricate
For this design we use the standard bearings which
which are available in the market:The
standard dimension of bearing 2
Table 3.17 standard dimension of bearing

Bore diameter(mm)(d)
(d) Ouside diameter(mm)(D) Width(mm)(w)
14 35 11
22 47 14
12 40 12
25 52 15
30 62 16
35 72 17
40 82 18

B=width of bearing

d=bore diamet

D=ouside diameter

Fig 3.17 bearing

4.1 Basic results
Table 4.1 results of component dimensions
Comp Component name Dimension(mm)
Length Diameter Width Thickness
1 Gear 240 25 2.925
2 Pinion Gear 40 25 2.925
3 Shaft 115 40
4 Pulley - 303.3 16.25
5 Axle Shaft 107 40
6 Table 760 - 760 10
7 Key 60 - 12 8
8 Frame
9 Bearing - 82 18
10 Blade tension lead 156.5 14 - -
11 Blade 2953.6 - 13 0.6
12 - 32 10 -
Guide blade

The cutting force of carbon steel= 625N
Speed of blade for carbon steel= 60m/min
Specific cutting resistance carbon steel= 500N/mm2
Total power required for removing=6.127KW
Total height of machine=1.76m
Total length machine=1.16m
4.2 Discussion
The above results are the basic design parameters of vertical band saw machine that are used to
assemble or manufacture the machine. the dimensions each components are based on the design
calculation and the standards of the component from the standard tables.

5.1 Maintenance:
(1)Disconnectmachine from power source when making repairs.
(2).Check damaged parts. Before further use of the tool , a guard or other part that is damaged
should be carefully checked to ensure that it will operate properly and perform its intended
function check for alignment of moving parts, binding of moving parts, breakage of parts,
mounting, and any other conditions that may affect its operation.
A guard or other part that is damaged should be properly repaired or replaced.
(3). Disconnect toolsbefore servicing and when changing accessories such as blades.
(4). Make surethat blade tension and blade tacking are properly adjusted.
(5). For long blade life alwaysrelease blade tension at the end of each work day.
5.2 Safety instruction for band saw machine:
1)Blade condition: Do not operate with a cracked or badly worn blade that can break during
operation or decrease the performance of the band saw. Inspect blades for cracks and missing
teeth before each use.
2) Blade replacement: Wear gloves to protect hands and safety glasses to protect eyes when
replacing the blade. When installing the new blade, make sure teeth face forward and down
toward the table in the direction of blade travel.
3) work piece handling: Always keep your hands a safe distance away from the moving blade.
Spilled cutting fluid invites slipping hazards.
4) Hazards: Always keep the blade guard correctly positioned and pulley doors closed and
secured when band saw is in operation. Loose clothing, jewelry, long hair and work gloves can
be drawn into working parts.
5) Maintenance/service: All inspections, adjustments, and maintenance are to be done with the
power offand the power disconnected. Wait for all moving parts to come to a complete stop.
6) Always wear leather gloves when handling saw blade.
7) Be sure that the blade is not in contact with the work piece when the motor is started. The
motor shall be started and you should allow the saw to come up to full speed before bringing the
saw blade into contact with the work piece.
8) Remove any cut off piece carefully while keeping your hands free of the blade area.

Assemblly of vertical metal cutting band saw machine

Fig Assemblly of vertical metal cutting band saw machine

In this project, the design of vertical band saw machine for cutting carbon steel, we conclude that
there are a number of engineering problems encountered in a certain engineering institution; but
major problems occur in the Industries and workshops. We conclude that design of a carbon steel
cutting vertical band saw machine solve the problem in the Industries and workshops and can be
solution for cut the carbon steel in desired shapes. Such as contour, straight, curve.

From the general design analysis and results we get, recommend that whenever there is a design
of carbon steel cutting vertical band saw machine, it will be better to utilize. The carbon steel is
very hard and always work by rotating of pulley which are cause for rotating of blade; so at
operation time properly use the saw because the saw teeth is easily damaged. Also we
recommended that this vertical band saw carbon steel cutting machine.

1 Text Book of Machine Design R.S.KHURMI, J.K.GUPTA, 2005.

2 Design of machine elements second edition VB Bhandari Rezired Professor and head
dIepartment of mechanical engineering.

3 Design of machine elements (volume-2) T.Krisha Rao B.E, MS (T-M), ph.dMBA Gandhiji
Institute of Science and Technology.

4 Fundamental of metal cutting and machine tools second edition B.L.Juneja department of
mechanical engineering.

5 Machine tool design and numerical control NK Mehta formerly Professor Indian institute of
technology ,etc..


7 vertical metal cutting band saw.

8 www.lenox tools .com


10 Band saw.ashx.html

11 Roberts, George (1998) Tool Steels, 5th edition, ASM International, ISBN 1615032010

12 Barker, Benjamin. "Band Saw Mill". Patent. Directory of American Tool and Machinery
Patents. Retrieved 27 June 2013.


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