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orange hue

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/F
Fandom: Baka to Test to Shokanju | Baka and Test: Summon the Beasts
Relationship: Shimada Minami/Shimizu Miharu
Character: Shimada Minami, Shimizu Miharu
Additional Tags: au where miharu isnt the worst lesbian representation ever to exist,
Sunsets, Awkward Flirting, High School
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-07-09 Words: 546 Chapters: 1/1

orange hue
by wisteriapoisons


She tries to reach for Miharu's hand, but the other girl starts gesturing animatedly with it as
soon as Minami gets the courage.

"Aw, sweetie!" Miharu coos. "If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were flirting with
little ol' me! Are you cold?"


fellas is it gay to be a girl and sit on a rooftop w a girl (and youre both girls)


the anime ended like 10 years ago it's the perfect time to start writing fanfiction.

See the end of the work for more notes

Minami scoots closer to her friend (girlfriend? Friend? This would be easier in German), flushing
as their shoulders bump. She tries to reach for Miharu's hand, but the other girl starts gesturing
animatedly with it as soon as Minami gets the courage.
"Aw, sweetie!" Miharu coos. "If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were flirting with little ol'
me! Are you cold?"

That's part of Minami's confusion—Miharu would just act like they were dating no matter what,
making it really hard to tell what all their flirting meant. Did Miharu actually wanna date her or
what? She has half a mind to throw herself off the school roof in her frustration.

"Gimme your hand…" She mumbles, biting the inside of her cheek as soon as she says it. Her idea
is sounding stupider and stupider by the second.

Miharu complies, a tiny, lopsided smile growing on her face. It warms Minami's heart—in private,
Miharu's not exactly shy, but she's not always as extreme and outgoing as she seems.

Slowly, Minami raises their joined hands to point at the sun setting over the rest of the academy.

"The orange. Um," She turns her head to Miharu, but that's too daunting, so she jerks it back
straight ahead. "I mean, the sky matches your hair. It's a really pretty color."

Miharu lets go of her hand, and Minami's heart sinks, until the other girl wraps her arms around one
of Minami's, and rests her head on her shoulder.

"There's pink-ish-purple-ish, too. Like your hair—super cute!" It's almost uncomfortable how hard
Miharu's squeezing her arm—almost; instead it's endearing.

Minami wants to squeal, but she likes to think she has more class than that, so she stammers out,
"It's really more magenta."

"Whatever shade it is—" Miharu says. "—doesn't matter, I'm just gonna call it my favorite color
from now on!"

Minami laughs, and rests her head on Miharu's. It's strangely peaceful, and she's not sure how
much time passes until Miharu speaks again.

"Honey?" She says, her voice small, letting go of Minami's arms to face her.
"Yeah?" Minami says, a little too fast, but she's not used to such a timid tone from Miharu.

"Oh good, you respond to that... I was gonna ask if you preferred a different pet name." She says,
back to her confidence, even if she still sounds a little off to Minami. "Like, I could call you my
wife, or my queen, or my girlfriend, or—"

"The last one—" Minami manages. "Um, preferably. But—but only if I get to call you my

"Of course, darling!" Miharu's grinning. "Oh, Yoshii's gonna be so jealous."

"I… hope beating Aki-kun isn't your motivation here." Minami rolls her eyes.

"I'm kidding, hey!" She pouts. "I'm actually trying to show Kubo-kun that I got a date before h—"

"Miharu!" Minami wails, with faux-anger.

Miharu laughs, not-so-sneakily putting one hand back over Minami's. "Babe–e, I'm kidding,
kidding, kidding…"

After half a minute more of both of them wheezing out counters ("actually , it's to make Mizuki-
chan jealous" "actually , it's for Muttsurini to take pictures" "actu— "), they both settle down

"So, girlfriends?" Minami asks, still giddy, just wanting to hear Miharu say it again.

And she says it back, sing-songy. "Girlfriends."

End Notes
i dub them... minamiharu

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