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Thermochimica Acta 657 (2017) 66–71

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Thermal properties of centrifuged oils measured by alternative MARK

photothermal techniques

R. Carbajal-Valdeza, J.L. Jiménez-Pérezb, , A. Cruz-Oreaa, Z.N. Correa-Pachecoc,
M.L. Alvarado-Noguezd, I.C. Romero-Ibarrab, J.G. Mendoza-Alvareza
CINVESTAV-IPN, Av. Instituto Politécnico Nacional 2508, Col. San Pedro Zacatenco, Delegación Gustavo A. Madero, Código Postal 07360, Ciudad de México, Mexico
UPIITA, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Avenida Instituto Politécnico Nacional No. 2580, Col. Barrio la Laguna Ticomán, Gustavo A. Madero, CP 07340, Ciudad de
México, Mexico
CONACYT, Centro de Desarrollo de Productos Bióticos-Instituto Politécnico Nacional (CEPROBI-IPN), Carretera Yautepec–Jojutla, km 6. San Isidro, C.P. 62731,
Yautepec, Morelos, Mexico
ESIME, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Av. Instituto Politécnico Nacional Edificio 5, Unidad Profesional Adolfo López Mateos, Zacatenco, Delegación Gustavo A. Madero,
C.P. 07738, Ciudad de México, Mexico


Keywords: In this work, thermal characterization of centrifuged aromatic citrus oils was studied using thermal lens (TL) and
Thermal diffusivity open photoacoustic cell (OPC). The thermal diffusivity (D) was obtained by TL, fitting the critical time parameter
Thermal effusivity of the experimental curves to the theoretical values. An experimental arrangement of non-matched mode lasers
Citrus essential oils with a probe and an excitation lasers was used. On the other hand, the thermal effusivity (e) of the samples was
Thermal lens
obtained by using OPC. The thermal conductivity (k) was calculated from the relationship between D and e. The
Open photoacoustic cell
thermal parameters obtained were compared with theoretical values in the literature. UV–vis spectroscopy,
Attenuated Total Reflectance-Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) and 1H Nuclear Magnetic
Resonance (NMR) were used to determine the absorption coefficients and chemical structure of the citrus oils.
The importance of this research work was the determination of the thermal parameters of essential oils as an
alternative technique for quality control application.

1. Introduction esters, whereas the non-volatile fraction contains hydrocarbons, sterols,

fatty acids, waxes, non-volatile terpenes, carotenoids and flavonoids, as
Aromatic essential oils have been used since ancient times in cos- well as coumarins and furocoumarins. The non-volatile residue, which
metics, incense or perfumes, as well as for therapeutic, in medicine forms from 1% to 15% of the oil, contains hydrocarbons, sterols, fatty
(microbial and antispasmodic) and culinary applications [1–3]. Citrus acids, waxes, carotenoids, coumarins, psoralens, and flavonoids [7].
essential oils are complex mixtures of chemical compounds that impart Industrially, physical characteristics commonly used as the first para-
characteristic flavor and odor of the fruits. Such chemical compounds meter for certification are color, taste, odor, density and refractive
can be classified mainly into three groups: terpenes, sesquiterpenes and index. The importance of these substances and the variety of methods of
oxygenates. However, the chemical composition depends on cultivation preparation and purification, like the use of analytical techniques make
climate, harvest time, the biotype of plant and finally the process of necessary to determine their composition and characterize them for
extracting oils [4–6]. Therefore, it is necessary to determine a profile of authentication purposes. Among alternative techniques used for these
the constituents of essential oils, because the variability in chemical purposes, TL and OPC are important to determine the thermal prop-
composition determines their quality. Citrus essential oils are char- erties such as diffusivity, effusivity and thermal conductivity. In this
acterized by a volatile and non-volatile fraction, resulting in a complex work, four centrifuged essential oils were studied: lemon, orange,
product of several hundred compounds. Oils are typically composed of grapefruit and green mandarin. Our results were compared with the
a mixture of a significant volatile fraction (85–99%) that can be further values of the thermal constants of various essential oils from the lit-
processed by distillation and the remaining 1–15% non-volatile residue. erature, obtaining optimal values of new compositions of citrus oils
The volatiles are composed of mono- and sesquiterpene hydrocarbons using two alternative photothermal techniques.
and their oxygenated derivatives, aliphatic aldehydes, alcohols and

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J.L. Jiménez-Pérez).
Received 11 June 2017; Received in revised form 3 September 2017; Accepted 13 September 2017
Available online 15 September 2017
0040-6031/ © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
R. Carbajal-Valdez et al. Thermochimica Acta 657 (2017) 66–71

Table 1
Thermal lens experiment parameters.

Pe - Excitation laser power (at 514.5 nm) 30 mW

Pp - Probe laser power (at 632.8 nm) 1 mW
ωe - Excitation laser spot size 4.9 × 10−3 cm
ω1p - Probe laser spot size at cell 1.81 × 10−2 cm
m - Constant parameter 13.691
V - Constant parameter 1.22
Zc - Focal distance 6.56 cm
Z2 - Distance ∼2 m
L - Length of sample cell 1.0 cm
Fig. 1. Themal lens (TL) experimental setup. Sample Essential Oil

2. Experimental

2.1. Thermal lens (TL)

The TL spectrometry experimental setup is observed in Fig. 1. The

sample is exposed to an excitation laser beam to generate a local tem-
perature increase and to a probe beam that passes through the sample.
There is an increase in temperature because of the heat produced from
the absorbed energy in the sample generating a lens-like optical effect
detected by the probe. The propagation of the probe beam laser through Fig. 2. Open photoacoustic cell (OPC) experimental setup.
the TL results in either a defocusing or a focusing of the beam center.
Subsequently, the intensity of the probe beam is measured using a de-
tector [8,9].
The theory of the TL is expressed in terms of the Fresnell diffraction
theory based in the phase shift on the probe beam after passing through
the sample [9–11]. The analytical expression for the probe beam in-
tensity is as follows:
⎡ θ ⎡ 2mV ⎤⎤
I (t ) = I (0) ⎢1 − tan−1 ⎢
2 [(1 + 2m ) 2 + V 2] tc + 1 + 2m + V 2 ⎥ ⎥

⎣ ⎣ 2t ⎦⎥⎦ (1)
where, I(t) is the time dependence of the probe laser beam at the de-
tector. I(0), is the initial value of I(t) for t zero, θ is the phase shift of the
probe beam after passing through the sample due to the increase in
wp 2
; m= ( )
(2) where Zc is the confocal distance of the probe
beam, Z1 is the distance from the probe beam waist to the sample. wp is
the probe beam spot size and we is the excitation beam spot sizes at the
sample [9].
Pe Ae L ⎛ dS ⎞ Fig. 3. Cross section of the open photoacoustic cell (OPC).
kλ ⎝ dT ⎠ (3)
where Pe is the excitation beam power, Ae is the optical absorption to exchange heat with the environment. The technique consists of a
coefficient of the sample at the excitation beam wavelength, L is the modulated beam, obtained with a mechanical chopper, at an angular
sample thickness, k is the thermal conductivity, λ is the laser wave- frequency of ω = 2πf. The OPC experimental setup is observed in
length of the probe beam, and (ds/dT) is the temperature coefficient of Fig. 2. A detail of the cross section of the photoacoustic cell is shown in
the optical path length change at the probe beam wavelength. Fig. 3. In the photoacoustic cell, the liquid sample is placed on the
The characteristic time constant of the thermal lens tc depends on aluminum foil of known thermal effusivity. An electret microphone
the excitation beam spot size at the sample we, and thermal diffusivity D connected to the cell detects the heat generated due to the temperature
it can be expressed as: rise and then it diffuses into the photoacoustic (PA) gas chamber
modulating the pressure (acoustic waves) within the PA cell. A lock-in
we 2
D= amplifier interfaced with a data acquisition system measures the mi-
4tc (4)
crophone-response signal [13].
θ and tc can be determined by fitting Eq. (1) to the experimental For the calculation of the thermal effusivity the obtained photo-
data. The TL was calibrated with water to compare with the values acoustic signal of each sample is normalized, by using the photo-
reported in the literature. The experimental parameters of TL are acoustic signal when the sample is air, and the following equation is
summarized in Table 1. used [14]:
l 0 ρ0 c0
2.2. Open photoacoustic cell technique (OPC) es = ω
IR (5)
The Open photoacoustic cell technique (OPC) was used for the where ρ0 is the density of the used aluminum foil (2.7 g cm ), c0 is the
thermal effusivity measurements [12]. The thermal effusivity measures specific heat of the aluminum foil (0.9 Jg−1 °C−1), l0 is the thickness of
essentially the thermal impedance of the sample, or the samplés ability the aluminum foil (0.0016 cm), ω = 2 πf being f the modulation

R. Carbajal-Valdez et al. Thermochimica Acta 657 (2017) 66–71

frequency of the excitation beam in the sample, and IR is the slope of the
normalized photoacoustic signal, as a function of the square root of f.
The cell (Fig. 3) was calibrated with water to compare with the values
reported in the literature. The obtained value for distilled water was
(eH2O = 1487.05 ± 47Ws1/2 /m2°C) and the reported values are
eH2O = 1640Ws1/2 /m2°C and eH2O = 1595Ws1/2 /m2°C[14]). It can be
seen, that the obtained value was similar to the reported values. In the
case of the studied essential oils they contains, among others compo-
nents, ethanol and the reported thermal effusivity of ethanol is 0.0585
(Ws1/2/(cm2 °C)) [15].
Measurements of absorption coefficients and chemical structure
were determined by complementary techniques such as UV–vis spec-
troscopy, ATR-FTIR and 1H NMR.

3. Results and discussion

Different oil batches for the essential oils (lemon, orange, grapefruit Fig. 5. FTIR spectra of lemon, green mandarin, orange and grapefruit essential oil sam-
and green mandarin) were used (Chemical aromatic SA Mexico). ples. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is
Essential oils were obtained from the pericarp of citrus peel by scrap- referred to the web version of this article.)
ping or breaking the oil cells near the fruit’s surface and using water to
drag the oil in the form of an emulsion, which was centrifuged to obtain approximately 95% and in other citrus oils at 50–78%. Thus, the ATR-
the cold pressed oil [16]. Samples measurements were done at room FTIR spectra of these oils are mainly characterized by limonene vi-
temperature. A total of 10 measurements were made for each essential brational modes to be seen at 877 cm−1 (out-of-plane bending of the
oil under the same conditions. terminal methylene group), at 1442 cm−1 (δ CH2) and at 1644 cm−1
In Fig. 4, the UV–vis spectra of centrifuged citrus oils of lemon, [20]. The individual ν (C]C) stretching vibrations of both mono-
orange, grapefruit, and green mandarin oils can be seen. An absorbance terpenes are found at 1658 cm−1 (α −pinene) and 1640 cm−1 (β-
peak is observed in the region of 300–350 nm for the centrifuged citrus pinene), respectively. Also, α −pinene presents the characteristic signal
oils due to monoterpene alcohols (terpenes with OH). The bands at of the −CH at 787 cm−1, β-pinene shows the absorption band of the
400–450 nm and 660 nm are related to the presence of carotenoids and terminal methylene group at 873 cm−1 and of the cyclohexane ring at
chlorophylls that give the characteristic color to oil and fruit. The 853 cm−1. Finally, the bands at 800 and 950 cm−1 are associated to the
spectra were recorded for essential oils extracted by centrifugation. wagging vibrations of CH and CH2 groups.
Changes were observed due to differences in chemical composition of Among monoterpenes, numerous aldehyde derivatives can be well
the different oils [17,18]. recognized by ATR-FTIR spectroscopy where the intense IR band due to
In Fig. 5 the ATR-FTIR spectra for the different oils can be seen. Due the C]O stretching mode is seen between 1782 and 1569 cm−1 (blue
to the similar chemical composition of the oils, these spectra showed circle), and the increased of the peak at 1158 cm−1 (red circle) for
the typical characteristic absorption bands. The characteristic absorp- (C]C) in aromatics. These were observed only for lemon oil compared
tion bands for essential oils are present: the broad band between 3036 to the other essential oils.
and 2784 cm−1 that corresponds to the asymmetrical and symmetrical Fig. 6 shows the 1H NMR spectrum of lemon essential oil. The
stretching vibration of the aliphatic eCH in CH2 and CH3 groups and spectrum shows the resonances of limonene (Table 2). The signal at
eOH stretching for alcohol and phenols. At 1743 cm−1 the ester car- 0.66 ppm is attributed to a compound with a pinenic structure. Then,
bonyl functional groups of the triglycerides are assigned. The trigly- methylenic protons of all insaturated fatty chains were observed in the
cerides are the principal components in oils. The most relevant mono- ∼1.2 region. In 1.62 and 1.66 ppm there are the squalene and the li-
terpene components occurring in these oils are limonene and γ- monene signals, respectively. In the inset, the signals at 1.66 and 1.72
terpinene, but α − and β −pinene, myrcene, sabinene, octanal, de-
canal, citral, sinensal, and nootkatone can also be present [19]. In
lemon, orange and grapefruit essential oils, limonene occurs at levels of

Fig. 4. UV–vis spectrum of centrifuged citrus oils: lemon, orange, grapefruit and green
mandarin. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader
is referred to the web version of this article.) Fig. 6. 1H NMR spectrum of the lemon essential oil (CDCl3, 750 MHz NMR).

R. Carbajal-Valdez et al. Thermochimica Acta 657 (2017) 66–71

Table 2 experimental data is represented by the red line.

Signals present in 1HNMR lemon oil spectrum. The thermal diffusivity of the citrus oils was measured at room
temperature. From the best fit of Eq. (1) to the experimental data the
Signal ppm Lemon oil
obtained values were: D = (7.18 ± 0.05) × 10−8 m2 s−1, D =
Geranial/neral 9.7–10 9.88–10 (7.22 ± 0.03) × 10−8 m2 s−1, D = (7.33 ± 0.03) × 10−8 m2 s−1,
p-cymene 7.1 7.1 and D = (7.39 ± 0.04) × 10−8 m2 s−1 citrus oils: lemon, orange,
linalool 5.88
grapefruit, and green mandarin, respectively. These results are shown
limonene 5.3–0.62 4.63, 4.7, 1.73, 1.66,
1.47. in Table 3. These values are in agreement with the diffusivity values
terpene 4.53–4.60 4.60 obtained by other analytical techniques [18,22].
squalene 1.62 1.62 Thermal effusivity values for the samples can be seen in Fig. 9, as an
Methylenic protons of all insaturated fatty 1.25 0.23–1.25 example of the best fitting of Eq. (5). The obtained values of e were for
citrus oils of lemon, orange, grapefruit, and green mandarin are:
Methylenic protons of palmitic and stearic 1.20 1.18–1.23
fatty chains (0.0532 ± 0.0026) W s1/2 m−2 °C−1, (0.0508 ± 0.0016) W s1/
wax 0.98 0.97
m−2 °C−1, (0.0489 ± 0.0011) W s1/2 m−2 °C−1, and
Methyl of linolenic fatty chains 0.92 0.92 (0.0646 ± 0.0034) W s1/2 m−2 °C−1, respectively. The reported
Methyl of linoleic fatty chains 0.84
thermal effusivity of ethanol = 0.0585 (W s1/2 m−2 °C−1). These va-
lues agree with the effusivity values obtained with other techniques
shows the limonene contributions signals. Additionally, other sig- [22].
nificant correlations were also observed at 5.0 ppm and 2.0 ppm region. As can be seen, the thermal conductivity (k) is the result of the
It is noticeable that the intensity of 4.7 ppm corresponds to limonene thermal diffusivity (D) and the thermal effusivity (es) of the sample. The
signal. The sample contains p-cymene with its characteristic resonance obtained results from Fig. 9 are summarized in Table 3, where the
at ∼7.1 ppm. It is well known that limonene and p-cymene are com- values for thermal diffusivity (D) and thermal effusivity (e) were used to
calculate the thermal conductivity (k) using the relationshipk = es D
ponents of lemon oil. On area from 9.8 to 10.0 ppm and from 5 to
for the different citrus oils [23].
6 ppm signals were assigned to geranial and neral, two unsaturated
The obtained values of thermal diffusivity, effusivity and con-
aldehydes characteristic of lemon oil. As shown in Fig. 6, neral and
ductivity for the evaluated citrus oils are similar to the values reported
geranial displayed many overlapped signals, but they could be readily
in the literature with k ranging from 0.130 ± 0.006 to
distinguished by chemical shifts of the aldehyde proton (9.9 and
0.142 ± 0.007 W/m °C [19]. This slight difference can be related to a
10.0 ppm, respectively), the methyl in cis or trans position (1.98 and
variation in chemical composition of these essential oils related with
2.17 ppm, respectively) and the overlapping signals observed for CH2 at
the extraction process [5,6]. The measured values lie in the range of
2.23 ppm in geranial [21].
centrifuged essential oils samples, as observed in Table 3.
Fig. 7. shows the 1H spectrum for the different citric essential oils:
It can be seen from the properties in Table 3, that there is a tendency
orange, grapefruit and green mandarin. All citric essential oils shown
for the thermal properties, having lemon oil the lowest value of diffu-
similar spectra. Limonene has been also determined in the orange,
sivity, the highest effusivity and conductivity. On the other hand, the oil
grapefruit and mandarin oils. The 1H spectrum of these oils is char-
with the highest diffusivity was green mandarin, having the lowest
acterized by the presence of the resonance at 4.64 ppm due to ]CH2
values of thermal effusivity and conductivity, these two trends are ac-
protons of limonene. In the 1H NMR spectrum of mandarin oils, (see the
cording to the relationk = es D , respectively. From spectroscopic
signals in Table 2), the resonances of limonene (terpene) at 4.64 and
techniques: UV–vis spectroscopy, ATR-FTIR and 1H NMR results, some
5.37 ppm region and the signal at ∼0.7 ppm due to a pinenic structure
changes or differences were observed in characteristic peaks due to the
are present.
chemical composition of lemon oil, where the most relevant mono-
From Fig. 8, the transient thermal lens (TL) signal evolutions for
terpene components with respect to the other aromatic oils are present
citrus oils: lemon, orange, grapefruit and green mandarin are observed.
in its structure. It has been found in the literature that also the per-
A decrease of the signal as time passes is observed. The open circles
centage of heterocyclic and other compounds varies greatly among ci-
correspond to the experimental data and the best fit of Eq. (1) to the
trus species [26]. Then, the precursor oil used for photothermal mea-
surements must be taken into account. From ATR-IR and 1H NMR the
complex chemical structure of citrus oils and factors like pretreatment
of peels and different extraction process such as distillation must be
taken into account as studied by other authors [27].
It is important to highlight, that essential oils are the mixture of
different organic molecules. In the case of our studied citrus oils, che-
mical composition is similar being limonene the major component
followed by α-pinene, β-pinene and γ-terpinene, among others.
Difference between oils, arises from minority components, which, give
different properties according to their concentration in the essential oil.
For example, the group of aldehydes such as neral, geranial and de-
canal, among others. Fig. 4 shows the UV–vis spectra. As mentioned
before, the bands at 400–450 nm and 660 nm are related to the pre-
sence of carotenoids, which have many C]C groups in their structure,
and chlorophylls, which includes C]C and C]O functional groups in
different concentrations for the essential oils [18]. From ATR-FTIR
spectroscopy in Fig. 5, an intense band due to the C]O between 1782
and 1569 cm−1 (blue circle) was observed. Moreover, an increase of the
peak at 1158 cm−1 (red circle) for (C]C) is observed due to aromatic
Fig. 7. 1H NMR spectra of the different citric essential oils: orange mandarin, grapefruit, groups like limonene and γ-terpinene [28]. Some representative che-
and green mandarin. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, mical structures of essential oils are observed in Fig. 10. The presence of
the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) this chemical compounds were also confirmed by 1H NMR spectra from

R. Carbajal-Valdez et al. Thermochimica Acta 657 (2017) 66–71

Fig. 8. Transient thermal lens signal for citrus oils: a)

lemon, b) orange, c) grapefruit, and d) green man-
darin. Experimental data correspond to open circles.
The red line represents the best fit of Eq. (1) to the
experimental data. (For interpretation of the refer-
ences to colour in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article.)

Table 3
Dependence of thermal diffusivity (D), thermal effusivity (e), thermal conductivity (k) and fitting parameters (tc and θ) for the different citrus oils.

Essential Oils D(10−8m2/s) Literature [18,22,24] D(10−8m2/s) e(104Ws1/2/m2 °C) Literature [25] e(104Ws1/2/m2 °C) k(W/m °C) Literature [25] k(W/m °C)

Lemon 7.18 ± 0.05 7.17 ± 0.05 0.0532 ± 0.0026 0.049 ± 0.003 0.142 ± 0.007 0.134 ± 0.001
Orange 7.22 ± 0.03 7.31 ± 0.03 0.0508 ± 0.0016 0.048 ± 0.002 0.136 ± 0.004 0.132 ± 0.001
Grapefruit 7.33 ± 0.03 7.37 ± 0.02 0.0489 ± 0.0011 0.049 ± 0.003 0.133 ± 0.003 0.137 ± 0.002
Green mandarin 7.39 ± 0.04 7.43 ± 0.08 0.0478 ± 0.0022 – 0.130 ± 0.006 –

Fig. 9. Open cell photoacoustic spectrum of aromatic

essential oils thermal effusivities of a) lemon, b) or-
ange c) grapefruit and d) green mandarin. (For in-
terpretation of the references to colour in this figure
legend, the reader is referred to the web version of
this article.)

R. Carbajal-Valdez et al. Thermochimica Acta 657 (2017) 66–71

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