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You are on page 1of 1 3.43 3.43.1 3.43.2 3.44 344.1 3.4.43 3444 Indications of maximum size less than 1. the m mm are allowed to be neglected regardless of imensions of examined welded joint. Elongated indications are impermissible. The num size of rounded indication should not exceed 4.8 mm regardless of the dimen- sions of examined welded joint, Four and more rounded indications positioned in line and spaced at no more than 1.6 mm distance are impermissible. Examination is performed as per GOST 18442, class 2 sensitivity. Magnetic Particle Examination. Magnetie particle examination shall be performed in compliance with the requirements of GOST 21105, OST 108 004 109, this Document and the applicable procedure specifica- tions in force at the factory. The acceptance standards applied for magnetic particle examination should be the same as for capillary exam GOST 21105. Radiographic Examination Radiographic Examination shall be performed in compliance with the requirements of GOST 7512 as per class 2 sensitivity. The quality of a weld is considered as satisfactory if there are no indications of eracks, incomplete penetration, lack of fusion, burns, pipes on the radiograph. The size, quantity and total area of isolated inclusions should not exceed the values given n Table 4. Any group of inclusions which can be inscribed in the rectangle with sides not exceeding the values of maximum permissible size and maximum permissible width of isolated in clusion can be considered as one continuous inclusion. Any group of inclusions which can be inscribed in the square with side not exceeding the value of maximum permissible size of isolated inclusion can be considered as one con tinuous inclusion If there are no isolated continuous inclusions or if their number is less than it is stipu- lated in Table 4, it is acceptable to have instead of the above inclusions a suitable num- ber (according to equivalent area) of isolated inclusions or isolated clusters of permissi- ble size, without consideration for total unit area of isolated inclusions and clusters when evaluating the results = 6 When welded joints with incomplete penetration or with remaining steel pads (includ- ing backing rings) are examined, the design gaps seen on the radiogrphs (including the gaps filled with slag or metal) are not considered as a factor for rejection.

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