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Name: Anwar Silston

Date: Monday May 15, 2023

Title: Testing foods for Lipids

Aim: To test the presence of Fats/Lipids

Apparatus: Small transparent water bottles, a table spoon

Materials: Cooking oil, water, rubbing alcohol

Procedure: A table spoon of cooking oil was bored into a water


Two table spoonful of alcohol where add to the bottle,

the bottle was then shaken and allowed to settle

The mixture from the top of the bottle was then

poured into another bottle with the spoonfuls of water

The results were observed and recorded


Samples Colour change

Vegetable oil with Once the alcohol and vegetable oil
alcohol combines the there was no colour
change and the mixture remained clear
Alcohol and Once the water was added the mixture
vegetable oil formed an emulsion and changes colour
emulsion with to a cloudy white.
Analysis: An emulsion is solution of two immiscible liquids that
have been forcefully mixed together. Two uses for
Lipids in living things are storing energy (Lipids may
broken down to yield large amounts of energy) and
Lipids also form the structural components of cell

Conclusion: When in alcohol the lipids dissolve but because lipids

are insoluble in water it turns cloudy white indicating
the presence of Lipids

Reflection: After preforming the experiment twice I have noticed

that lipids are soluble in alcohol and insoluble in water

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