Question.2 (10 Marks)

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Answer all questions:

Oil field with daily production of 100000 bbl/day, and can deliver 150000
bbl/day, the line with a length of 300 km and the properties of transported
crude is:
Density 850kg/m3, viscosity: 8 cp
1. Optimum pipe diameter?
2. The pressure losses and the power needed with the current flow rate?
3. The maximum thickness if the used steel is X-42?
4. Draw the characteristics curve of the line?

Question.2(10 marks)
The structure of gas pipeline in the following figure illustrates that the gas is
transported from two fields A and B to the terminal C, with the pipe
dimensions and the additional required data is as the following:

Composition FieldA FieldB

CH4 85% 90%

C2H6 15% 10%

The temperature of the line is 100F.

1. The gas flow rate at field A and B?
2. Gas composition at the terminal
3. The line D-C diameter
Question.3(10 marks)
Two phase pipe line needs to be designed with a length of 400 m, internal
diameter of 15 cm, the design information is as the following:
• Flow rate: 1 tone / hr
• The volumetric percentage of gas in the mixture: 15%
• Liquid density:820 kg/m3
• Gas density: 3 kg/m3
• Liquid viscosity: 4 cp
• Gas viscosity: 0.0015 cp
• Liquid Interfacial tension : 15 dyne/cm
1. The flow pattern in the line
2. The pressure drop in the line by Baker method

Question.4 (20 marks)

A- Oil field with daily production of 100000 bbl/day, and can deliver 150000
bbl/day, the line with a length of 300 km and the properties of transported
crude is:
Density 850kg/m3, viscosity: 8 cp
1. Optimum pipe diameter?
2. The pressure losses and the power needed with the current flow rate?
3. The maximum thickness if the used steel is X-42?
4. Draw the characteristics curve of the line?

B- Pressure vessel need to be designed with a volume of 30000 ft3, for natural
gas storing,
• the design pressure is 200 psia ,
• the steel stress is 21000 psia,
• the allowable corrosion rate is 3/16 inch
• welding efficiency : 0.80
1. The optimum vessel dimensions?.
2. The vessel thickness
3. The used steel volume?
Question1. (15 marks)
Crude oil pipeline has a length of 180 km, needs to be designed to transport
1500 m3/hr with the following data:
• :0.86
• The inner diameter = 0.478 m
• Viscosity : 6 cp
• The used steel is from commercial steel type x-52
• The allowable corrosion rate is 3mm.
• The absolute roughness : 0.00457 cm
1) The optimum pipe diameter?
2) If the line transport 850 m3/hr of crude oil with the viscosity of 4.5 cp
determine the following:
a) Pressure drop in the line (the minor losses is considered
as 20% from main losses)
b) Draw the hydraulic gradient curve of the line
c) Determine the pumping power (the pump efficiency
d) Determine the mechanical thickness of the pipe

Natural Gas pipeline has the following composition and data:

CH4 : 94% C2H6: 6%
• The line length :250km
• The amount of transported gas :150 MMSCFD
• Gas mixture viscosity 0.035 cp
• The initial pressure of the line :800 psia
• The initial temperature is 150 F
• The used steel is commercial steel ( = 0.00015ft , S=32200 psia)

1. Optimum pipe diameter
2. Draw the hydraulic gradient curve of the line.
3. Discuss the formation of hydrates in the line?

Two phase pipe line with the following information:

• Line length: 40 mile
• Line diameter 19 inch
• The all highs( ƸH= 200 ft)
Gas data: Liquid data:
• Flow rate: 12000 Lb/hr Flow rate: 100000 bbl/day
• Gas density: 1 lb/ft3 Liquid density: 50 lb/ft3
• Gas viscosity: 00.012 cp Liquid viscosity: 6 cp
• Liquid Interfacial tension : 16 dyne/cm
• The absolute roughness : 0.00015 ft
If the Pressure drop for the gas phase( Δp gas )= 0.0152 psi/ft

1. The flow pattern in the line
2. The pressure drop in the line by Baker method

A. Storage tank with capacity of 98700 bbl needs to be designed find the
1) Tank dimensions
2) Tank cover thicknesses

Std. thicknesses inch

0.25, 0.30, 0.32,.0.34, 0.34, 0.36, 0.38, 0.4 ,0.44 , 0.48,.0.50, 0.54, 0.58 , 0.60,
0.64,.68, 0.70, 0.74,0.78
B. Pressure vessel need to be designed with a volume of 30000 ft3, for natural gas
• The design pressure is 250 psia ,
• The steel stress is 21000 psia,
• The allowable corrosion rate is 3/16 inch
• Welding efficiency : 0.80
1. The optimum vessel dimensions?.
2. The vessel thickness

Question1. (10 marks)

B- Crude oil pipeline has a length of 200 km, the standard diameters 30 inch
and, the transported crude oil properties are as the following:
• :0.875
• Viscosity : 6 cp
• The used steel is from commercial steel type x-52
• The allowable corrosion rate is 3mm.
• The absolute roughness : 0.00015 ft
A- The oil rate that can be transported in the line?
B- The characteristic curve of the line?

Question.3(20 marks)
Two phase pipe line with the following information:
• Line length: 115 km
• Line diameter 33.25 inch
Gas data: Liquid data:
• Flow rate: 460 MMSCD Flow rate: 10000 bbl/day
• Gas density: 0.046 lb/ft3 Liquid density: 37 lb/ft3
• Gas viscosity: 0.014 cp Liquid viscosity: 0.11 cp
• Liquid Interfacial tension : 12 dyne/cm
• The absolute roughness : 0.00015 ft
If the Pressure drop for the gas phase( Δp gas )= 0.0152 psi/ft

1. The flow pattern in the line
2. The pressure drop in the line by Baker method

Question.4 (20 marks)

• Storage tank with capacity of 268000 bbl. needs to be designed find the
following, (Welding efficiency : 0.80)

3) Tank dimensions
4) Tank thicknesses
5) The volume of used steel
Standard. thicknesses in inch
0.25, 0.30, 0.32,.0.34, 0.34, 0.36, 0.38, 0.4 ,0.44 , 0.48,.0.50, 0.54, 0.58 , 0.60,
0.64,.68, 0.70, 0.74,0.78, 0.80,0.88,0.90 ,0.96,0.98,

A- Pressure vessel need to be designed with a volume of 30000 ft3, for natural
gas storing,
• The design pressure is 250 psia ,
• The steel stress is 21000 psia,
• The allowable corrosion rate is 3/16 inch
• Welding efficiency : 0.80
1. The optimum vessel dimensions?.
2. The vessel thickness

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