Taj Mahal Presentation

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The Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal is one of the most

touristic places in India. It stands
in the city of Agra, on the banks of
the Yamuna River. It was built in
the memory of the beautiful
Arjumand Bano Begum1, who won
the heart of a Mughal2 prince.

Their love story is the most

important factor behind the Taj
Mahal history. She was married at
21 to Emperor Jahangir’s third son,
Prince Khurram, and stayed loyally by his side through good times and bad.
In 1628, Khurram became king and he took the name Shahjahan or “King of the World” and
showered his beloved Begum with the highest titles. She became Mumtaz Mahal, “the
exalted of the palace” and Mumtaz-ul-Zamani, “the exalted of the Age”. But Mumtaz Mahal
was not destined to be queen for long.

In 1631, Shahjahan went on an expedition to the south and, as always, Mumtaz Mahal
accompanied him. But she died in childbirth at Burhanpur. She had borne Shahjahan
fourteen children, of whom four sons and three daughters survived. When Mumtaz Mahal
died, she was just 39 years old. Shahjahan was inconsolable and contemporary chronicles
tell of the royal court mourning3 for two years. There was no music, no feasting, and no
celebration of any kind. This is the sad chapter behind the Taj Mahal history.

Shahjahan, who was a passionate builder, now decided to erect a memorial to his queen in
pristine4 marble that the world would never forget. The site selected for the tomb was a
garden by the Yamuna River, unshadowed by any other structure. The site was also chosen
because it was located on a bend in the river, and so could be seen from Shahjahan’s
personal palace in Agra Fort, further upstream. This is why Taj Mahal history is still reminded
by the lovers all over the world.

Work on the mausoleum began in 1633 and 20,000 workers laboured for 17 years to build it.
The most skilled architects, inlay craftsmen, calligraphers, stone-carvers and masons came
from all across Indian and lands as distant as Persia and Turkey. Yemen sent agates, the
corals came from Arabia, the garnets from Bundelkhand, onyx and amethyst from Persia.
Mumtaz Mahal’s final resting-place was ornamented like a queen’s jewel-box.

It is said that the architects had their hands cut off, so that they couldn’t built such a building

Begum = Title given to the favourite wife of a sultan.
Mughal = Mogol
Mourning = Deuil
Pristine = immaculé

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