Prieto LZ TG2 REVIEW1 2

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Let’s Review Units 1 and 2

1 Complete the information about you. Draw your picture.

First name
Last name
Answers will vary.
City Country
Hair Eyes
Parents and
Home phone

2 Write sentences.

art ✓ social
studies ✗
Tom Sue music ✓ computer
PE ✗ class ✗ science ✓
English ✓ math ✗

1. Tom doesn’t like social studies. He likes art.

2. Peter doesn’t like PE. He likes music.

3. Jill doesn’t like math. She likes English.

4. Sue doesn’t like computer class. She likes science.

26  Let’s Review Units 1 and 2

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Let’s Review Units 1 and 2

Materials 1 Complete the information about you. Draw your

Units 1 and 2 flashcards,
Tell students to first draw the picture of themselves and show it to a partner.
students’ vocabulary cards
Then have them complete the information about themselves.

Build Oral Skills

Have students walk around to ask each other about the information on their ID
cards. Give them some example questions first by asking individual students, e.g.,
What’s your first name? What’s your last name? What color hair/
eyes do you have? What are your parents’ names? What’s your home
phone number?

2 Write sentences.
Go over the example for Tom. Remind students that a check mark means like
and an X means doesn’t like. Then have students write sentences about the
other children. Ask for volunteers to read their completed sentences aloud, and
have students make corrections as necessary.

Build Reading Skills

Divide students into two groups and have them alternate reading aloud the
sentences in Exercise 2.

Build Writing Skills

Tell students to look at the list of school subjects in Exercise 2 and write four
sentences about themselves in their notebooks. Give an example if necessary, e.g.,
I like PE. I don’t like music. Check that students used end punctuation and
capitalized English and PE.

Progress Test
Units 1 and 2 page 26
Answer Key
1 1. Hill, 9
2. Jones, 9328-0811
3. Grady, 6583-9925, 8
2 a. 1. 3 erasers
2. 2 scissors
3. 1 ruler
4. 6 pens
5. 4 crayons
6. 7 pencils
b. Color accordingly.

Let’s Review Units 1 and 2 T-26

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Review 1 and 2

3 Write four things in your schoolbag and four

things in your lunchbox. Write the colors.
Tell students to look through their schoolbags and decide on four things to write
about. If English class is after lunch and lunchboxes are empty, or if students
don’t bring lunch from home, have them write what they had for lunch in the
school cafeteria or at home.

Build Listening Skills

Hold up your own schoolbag/bag and look inside it. Tell students to draw the
things that you say you can see, e.g., I have a green pen, a black notebook,
two red pencils, a purple tablet. When students finish drawing, take the
things out and have students compare their drawings with the real objects.

4 a. Count and write how many candles.

Suggest that students mark each candle as they count so that they can keep
track. Tell them to write the number words in the blanks under the cakes. Ask
volunteers to give answers. Check that everyone is in agreement.

b. Listen and match the people to the cakes. A


Play the track and have students write the letters a to d for the people in the
boxes next to the cakes. Ask them to check in pairs. Then play the track again
for another check.
Audio Script
The baby is one year old.
The man is twenty years old. Progress Test
The boy is eight years old.
The girl is fourteen years old.
Units 1 and 2 page 27
Answer Key
c. Look, listen, and complete the sentences. A
19 3 1. f
Play the track one or two times before students complete the sentences. Play it 2. b
again to check and/or have students read their sentences aloud. 3. d
4. a
Audio Script 5. c

1. The baby has blond hair and blue eyes. 6. g

2. The man has blue eyes and brown hair. 7. h

3. The boy has black hair and brown eyes. 8. e

4. The girl has green eyes and red hair. 4 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday,
Build Oral Skills 5 a. 1. g
Divide the class into small groups. Hand out students’ sets of vocabulary cards 2. c
(if you are keeping them for students). Tell them to take turns showing one card, 3. c
and the others in the group say a sentence about the card using to have or to 4. g
be, e.g., You have a blue car. Your motorcycle is green/big/ old. b. 1. Color orange.
2. Color blue.
3. Color red.
4. Color green.

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Review 1 and 2

3 Write four things in your schoolbag and four things in your

lunchbox. Write the colors.

Schoolbag Color Lunchbox Color

Answers will vary. Answers will vary.

4 a. Count and write how many candles.

c a
d b

twenty eight
one fourteen

b. Listen and match the people to the cakes. 18

a. b. c. d.

c. Look, listen, and complete the sentences. A


1. The baby has blond hair and blue eyes.

2. The man has blue eyes and brown hair.
3. The boy has black hair and brown eyes.
4. The girl has green eyes and red hair.

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Review 1 and 2

5 Look at the pictures and write answers. Listen and check. A


What is he doing? What are they doing?

He is sleeping. They are reading.

6 Complete the sentences. Listen and check. A


1. We go to school on foot. It is raining today. We are going

to school by train.
2. Sarah takes the bus to school. It is sunny. Today,
she is riding her bike to school.
3. My mother drives a big truck. Today, she
is driving a small truck.
4. My father rides a motorcycle to work. It is
snowing. Today, he is driving his car.
5. I walk to school with Mom. Today, Mom is
at Grandma’s house. I am walking with Dad.

7 Complete the table.

Adjectives and comparative adjectives
tall taller big bigger slow slower new newer
small smaller long longer fast faster old older

28  Let’s Review Units 1 and 2

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Review 1 and 2

5 Look at the pictures and write answers. Listen

and check. 20A
Ask students what is happening in the pictures. Ask a few questions, e.g., Is the
baby walking? Is the baby driving? What is he doing? Repeat for the
second picture, e.g., Are they riding bikes? Are they eating breakfast?
What are they doing? Have students write complete sentences below each
picture. Play the track and have students check their answers.
Audio Script
What is he doing?
He is sleeping.
What are they doing?
They are reading.

Build Oral Skills

Invite volunteers to the front of the room to pretend to be doing something. Their
classmates have to say what they are doing. If necessary, you can whisper an
instruction to each volunteer, e.g., You are walking. You are driving a truck.

Build Writing Skills

Place the flashcards for cross, walk, ride, and drive around the classroom
word-side up. Tell students to draw a picture and write a sentence in the present
continuous using these actions. Give one example, e.g., The girls are walking
to school.

6 Complete the sentences. Listen and check. A


Tell students that each blank requires either an action in the present simple or
present continuous, depending on the context. Have students work individually.
Then play the track, pausing after each sentence so that students can check
answers. Have them make any necessary corrections. Then play the track again
as students listen and follow in their book.
Audio Script
1. We go to school on foot. It is raining today. We are going to school by train.
Progress Test 2. Sarah takes the bus to school. It is sunny. Today she is riding her bike to school.
Units 1 and 2 page 28 3. My mother drives a big truck. Today she is driving a small truck.
4. My father rides a motorcycle to work. It is snowing. Today he is driving his car.
Answer Key 5. I walk to school with Mom. Today Mom is at Grandma’s house. I am walking
6 1. b with Dad.
2. c
3. a 7 Complete the table.
4. e Remind students that they know a lot of adjectives and that many adjectives add
5. d er at the end to make comparisons. Have them complete the table. Then draw
7 1. Sally is taking the bus. your own table on the board, and ask volunteers to come up and complete it
2. John is walking to school. with their answers.
3. Gail is going to work on foot.
4. Mike is going to school by

Let’s Review Units 1 and 2 T-28

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Review 1 and 2

8 Look at the pictures and circle the correct

statements. Listen and check. 22A
Tell students that only one of the statements for each pair is correct. Have them
circle the correct one. Play the track and have students listen and check their
Audio Script
1. The car is faster than the bicycle.
2. The train is longer than the boat.
3. The truck is bigger than the van.

Build Oral Skills

Divide the class into six groups and assign each group an adjective: long, tall,
big, small, old, new. Each group creates and practices a mime to demonstrate
a comparative concept with their assigned adjective, e.g., pointing at a girl’s long
hair and another girl’s shorter hair. The other groups have to say a meaningful
comparative sentence, e.g., Nan’s hair is longer than Silvia’s hair.

Build Reading Skills

Write these sentences on the board and have students say which are true or false.
A pencil is bigger than a book.
A book is bigger than a pencil. Progress Test
A chair is taller than a desk.
A desk is taller than a chair. Units 1 and 2 page 29
The teacher is shorter than the students. Answer Key
The students are shorter than the teacher. 8 1. longer
2. older
N OW I K N O W… 3. faster
Tell students that they are going to confirm what they learned in Units 1 4. slower
and 2. Read aloud the first item, adjectives, and show students where 5. bigger
in the book they learned about it before they check (√) the box. Then ask 6. shorter
them to work in pairs to find where they learned adjective order and so 9 1. a
on for the other items so that they can write check marks. 2. b
3. a
4. b
Divide the class into seven groups. Assign one of the items to each group to 10 a. 1. bat
find the page number(s) the material is found on and share with the class. 2. coat
The other groups find it in their book and look at it before they check (√) 3. pin
the box. 4. rake
5. bus
6. mule

b. 1. short
2. long
3. short
4. long
5. short
6. long

T-29 Let’s Review Units 1 and 2

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Review 1 and 2

8 Look at the pictures and circle the correct statements. Listen A

and check.

1. The bicycle is bigger than the car.

The car is faster than the bicycle.
The car is slower than the bicycle.

The train is longer than the boat.
The boat is bigger than the train.
The boat is faster than the train.

The van is longer than the truck.
The truck is shorter than the van.
The truck is bigger than the van.

Mark boxes accordingly.
adjectives present continuous
adjective order comparative adjectives
verbs to be and to have long and short vowel sounds
present simple

spell out and say phone numbers
talk and write about things I like and don’t like
describe people
talk about school subjects and supplies
use comparatives
talk about things that are happening now
identify hard and soft c and g

Let’s Review Units 1 and 2  29

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