Prieto LZ TG2 UNIT3

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UN I T 3 Our Town

Lesson A
1 Listen and point. 23

Main Street

2 Match the parts of the sentences.

1. The library a. has flowers and trees.
2. The park b. has books, CDs, and DVDs.
3. The hospital c. has desks and telephones.
4. The police station d. has fire trucks.
5. The fire station e. has letters and packages.
6. The post office f. has many rooms and beds.

3 Talk about the places in your town or city with a classmate.

There is a fire station

in my town. The fire station
has fire trucks.

30  UNIT 3  Our Town

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U N I T 3 Our Town

Lesson A
Objectives Prepare
Talk about typical places in a community by having students focus on the
Language scene in Exercise 1 and comparing it to where they live. Get them started by
The library has books, CDs, having them find the place you are in (school) and tell you 1) what students do
and DVDs. there (have classes) and 2) the vehicle in front of it (school bus). Then ask
The post office has letters students if they have been to the other places and/or what happens there. Accept
and packages. any reasonable responses, and tell students that they are going to listen to a
description of the town in the picture.
ambulance, bus depot, fire 1 Listen and point. A
station, fire truck, hospital, Play the track and have students read along and look at the places and vehicles.
lawn mower, library, mail Play the track again and have students point to each place as it is mentioned.
delivery van, park, police car, Play again and have them point to the vehicles and make the sounds that they
police station, post office, hear (sirens, motors, horns, etc.).
school bus, town
Audio Script
Materials Main Street in our town is busy. One side of the street is noisy. You can hear the
ambulance. It takes sick people to the hospital. You can hear the police car. The
colored pencils or markers, police officers go to help people. You can hear the fire truck at the fire station.
flashcards, index cards The firefighters go to put out fires. You can hear the bus. It takes students to
school. Then the bus goes to the bus depot.

The other side of the street is quiet. The mail carriers deliver mail. The post office
is quiet. People read at the library. It is quiet. The students are in class. The
school is quiet. The park is quiet, too. I like the quiet side!

Build Oral Skills

Play the track and have students say the vehicles and/or places along with it.

2 Match the parts of the sentences.

Read the places aloud and have students point to them in the Exercise 1 scene.
Then ask them to draw lines to the matching part of the sentence. Ask individual
students to read their answers aloud to check.
Workbook page 30
Build Listening Skills
Answer Key Describe places, and students tell you the places. Say sentences similar to
1 1. c Exercise 2 but starting with a definition, e.g., This place is quiet. It has
2. d books, CDs, and DVDs. (the library) This place is noisy. It has fire
3. a trucks. (the fire station)
4. b
2 1. library 3 Talk about the places in your town or city with a
2. post office classmate.
3. hospital Model the conversation with an advanced student. Then put students in pairs
4. park and have them discuss places in their town/city.
5. school
6. fire station

Lesson A T-30

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UN I T 3 Lesson A
Prepare Multi-Intelligence Zone
Tell students that you are going to say something about the places in this lesson,
and they should say true or false, e.g., The hospital has fire trucks. Bodily/Kinesthetic: Miming
(false) The post office has police cars. (false) The park has trees and a place
flowers. (true) The library has many rooms and beds. (false) The Divide the class into small
police station has desks and telephones. (true) groups and assign them a
place each – hospital, park,
4 Match the places and vehicles. police station, etc. Tell them to
Have students compare the pictures of the vehicles with vehicles in Exercise 1. prepare and practice miming
Tell them to point to each pair of like vehicles, e.g., both fire trucks, and say the actions and sounds they
fire truck each time. Ask which vehicle in Exercise 4 is not in Exercise 1 (mail see and hear in that place.
delivery van). Then have students write the letters a to e in the correct boxes Have each group perform their
under the vehicle pictures. mime for the others. When
they finish, have them ask the
Build Reading Skills question Where are we? The
other students should guess
Play Uncover the Word. Ask students to close their eyes as you select the
the place.
following flashcards: ambulance, fire truck, fire station, hospital,
library, park, police car, police station. Cover the word side of one of Spatial: Our dream town
them completely with a book or magazine, and tell students to open their eyes.
Materials: large paper,
Show them the word little by little, moving the book from left to right. Have
colored pencils or markers
students guess the word. Repeat with the remaining flashcards as time permits.
Divide the class into groups
and tell them to design their
Build Writing Skills
perfect town, including all the
Give out the index cards and each student’s zip-lock bag with their vocabulary cards.
places they would like, e.g., a
Have students work in groups making vocabulary cards for each of these words:
big park, a swimming pool, a
hospital, library, police station, park, fire station, fire truck, ambulance,
beach. Have them draw and
post office. They write the word, their name or initials, and a small number 3 in a
label their town, and display
corner on one side and draw the picture on the other side. Collect the cards to check
their work on the walls.
spelling. Return the cards for students to put into their zip-lock bags.


IL Finding things in the library

Have students look at the pictures in the Social Studies Zone box. Ask
them what kind of place has these things for people to look at or take home
without paying money. (library) If students say store, music store, or
bookstore, emphasize that no money is involved – the things are free.
Then read the text aloud and have students follow in their book. Give an Workbook page 31
example of alphabetical order on the board, e.g., fire station, hospital,
Answer Key
park, police station, school. Then have students look at the books and
3 a. Across: police car, fire truck
DVDs and indicate alphabetical order by writing 1, 2, and 3 in each set.
Down: lawn mower, school
bus, ambulance
Language Expansion
b. 1. school bus
Practice more alphabetical ordering by having students work in pairs to put
2. mail delivery van
their Unit 3 vocabulary cards in alphabetical order. Circulate to check that
3. lawn mower
the two- or three-word phrases go by the first letter of the first word, e.g.,
4. police car
the p in post office.
5. ambulance
6. fire truck

T-31 Lesson A

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4 Match the places and vehicles.

c fire truck a ambulance b police car

a. hospital b. police station c. fire station d. post office e. school bus depot f. park

d mail delivery van f lawn mower e school bus

Finding things in the library


In a library, you can search for things by author name,
title, or subject. Books, e-books, CDs, and DVDs are usually
in alphabetical order, and there are special numbers for
different subjects. The librarian can help you find things.

Put these books in alphabetical order by the author’s last name.

3 1 2

Put these DVDs in alphabetical order by the first word in the title.

2 1 3

UNIT 3  Our Town  31

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Lesson B
1 Listen and number the pictures. A

4 1 2 6
doctor mail carrier teacher police officer

7 3 5
bus driver firefighter gardener
2 Listen and sing. 25

Doctors and nurses are busy, busy, busy.

They help the sick and keep us healthy.
Police and firefighters are busy, busy, busy.
They keep our town safe and happy.
Everybody is busy, busy, busy. Sch
Busy, busy, busy! Busy, busy, busy!
Everybody is busy, busy, busy.
Busy helping, busy working, busy, busy!
Bus drivers are busy, busy, busy.
They drive the buses all over the city.
Teachers and gardeners are busy, busy, busy.
They make learning and growing easy.
Hosp Po

32  UNIT 3  Our Town

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U N I T 3 Lesson B
Objectives Stick on the board the picture side of the flashcards for bus driver, doctor,
Language firefighter, gardener, mail carrier, police officer, and teacher. Point
A doctor works at a hospital. to the teacher card and say I am a teacher. You are my students. Ask
I want to work at the fire if their parents do any of the jobs shown on the cards. They can talk about any
station. other jobs their parents do. Help with vocabulary as necessary.
Do you want to be a police
officer? 1 Listen and number the pictures. A
No, I want to be a doctor.
Tell students that they will hear the people they see talking about their jobs, starting
He / She wants to be a
with the mail carrier, who is numbered 1. Students should number the rest of the
jobs in the order they hear them. Play the track once as students listen. Repeat a few
times and stop at the end of some of the statements if students need time to number
Vocabulary the pictures. Check answers and have students make corrections as necessary.
bus driver, doctor, firefighter,
gardener, mail carrier, police Audio Script
officer, teacher 1. My name is Paul Brown. I’m a mail carrier. I deliver letters and packages in
our town.
2. I’m Sally Lewis. I’m a teacher. I work at the school. I help students to learn.
Materials 3. I’m Sara Williams. I’m a firefighter. I put out fires and teach people about
flashcards, index cards, fire safety.
4. I’m Peter Tan. I’m a doctor. I work at the hospital. I help sick people.
colored pencils or markers
5. I’m Bill Johnson. I’m the park gardener. I plant flowers and trees, cut the
grass, and water the plants.
6. I’m Tania Sanchez. I’m a police officer. I help people and keep our town safe.
7. I’m Ellen Jones. I’m a bus driver. I take students to school.

Build Oral Skills

Play the track again and have students repeat loudly as a group the second
sentence each speaker says I’m a __.

2 Listen and sing. A


Play the track and have students follow in their book. Play the track again several
times, and ask students to start joining in. Then divide the class into groups and
have them sing a verse each.
Workbook page 32
Audio Script
Answer Key Doctors and nurses are busy, busy, busy.
1 1. teacher They help the sick and keep us healthy.
2. police officer Police and firefighters are busy, busy, busy.
3. mail carrier They keep our town safe and happy.
4. doctor Chorus
5. gardener Everybody is busy, busy, busy.
6. firefighter Busy, busy, busy! Busy, busy, busy!
7. bus driver Everybody is busy, busy, busy.
Busy helping, busy working, busy, busy!
2 1. doctor
2. police officer Bus drivers are busy, busy, busy.
3. mail carrier They drive the buses all over the city.
4. bus driver
Teachers and gardeners are busy, busy, busy.
They make learning and growing easy.
5. gardener
6. teacher Chorus

Lesson B T-32

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UN I T 3 Lesson B
Multi-Intelligence Zone
Tell students again that you are a teacher and that you work at a school.
Then do the first item in Exercise 1 together. Read the sentence aloud, pausing Intrapersonal: Favorite job
before saying a place name, but make an incorrect choice, e.g., A doctor Materials: colored pencils or
works at a … bus depot. Students should tell you no. Have them tell you the markers, paper
correct place name, i.e., hospital.
Tell students to look back
at Exercise 4 and draw a
3 Complete the sentences. picture of what they would
Have students write the correct place names in the blanks. look like doing the job they
wrote down. Have them
Build Oral Skills write sentences to describe
Read the completed sentences in Exercise 3 aloud and have students repeat. themselves in the job – where
Emphasize the final s in works. they work, what they do,
etc. They can present their
Build Writing Skills drawings in groups.
Give out the index cards, and have students work in groups making vocabulary Logical-Mathematical: Most
cards for these words: bus driver, doctor, firefighter, gardener, mail popular job
carrier, police officer, teacher. They write the words, their name or initials,
Tell students to ask at least
and a small number 3 in a corner on one side and draw the picture on the other
ten classmates what they want
side. Collect the cards to check spelling. Return the cards for students to put into
to be and to take notes on
their zip-lock bags.
their answers. When they have
a complete list, have them
4 a. Write about you.
figure out which job is most
Give students time to decide on a job they want and to complete the sentences. popular, second most popular,
and third most popular. Have
b. Ask your classmates. them share their findings
Model the conversation with a few advanced students. Then have everyone get into with the class to see if others
small groups to ask and answer following the model in the book. got similar results. Then have
the class work out which job
5 Look at the pictures. Write sentences. overall is the most popular job.
Point out that the boy and girl are dreaming about their ideal job. Have students
complete the first sentence and write the second sentence. Ask individual
students to read their answers aloud. Workbook page 33
Answer Key
Language Expansion
Hand out paper and ask students to draw large speech bubbles and write 3 1. No
inside them a conversation they had with a classmate. 2. Yes
3. No
4. No
5. Yes
6. Yes
7. No
4 1. No, I want to be a teacher.
2. Yes, I do.
3. Yes, I do.
4. No, I want to be a police

T-33 Lesson B

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3 Complete the sentences.
1. A doctor works at a hospital . bus depot

2. A police officer works at a police station . hospital

3. A firefighter works at a fire station . post office

4. A mail carrier works at a post office . fire station

5. A teacher works at a school . park

6. A bus driver works at a bus depot . school

7. A gardener works at a park . police station

4 a. Write about you.

Answers will vary.
I want to work at the .
I want to be a .

b. Ask your classmates.

No, I want to be a
Do you want to be a
doctor. I want to
police officer?
work in a hospital.

5 Look at the pictures. Write sentences.


He wants to be a She wants to be a doctor.

teacher .

UNIT 3  Our Town  33

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Lesson C
1 Match the workers and the things they use.

a. doctor b. mail carrier c. teacher d. gardener

c g b a

f e d

e. bus driver f. firefighter g. police officer

2 Listen, read, and answer. A


1. I use a whistle and wear a badge. I wear a dark uniform and hat.
Who am I? I am a police officer .
2. I use a long hose and a tall ladder. I wear a helmet to keep me safe.
Who am I? I am a firefighter .
3. I use a shovel and a rake. I work outside. I take care of plants.
Who am I? I am a gardener .
4. I take X-rays and help sick people. I work in a hospital.
Who am I? I am a doctor .

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U N I T 3 Lesson C
Objectives Show students some of the things you use in your job, e.g., books, pens,
Language notebooks, a board, a computer, a tablet, flashcards, posters, and other real
I use a __. I wear a __. objects. Explain that these are things that teachers use. Ask students what things
I work outside. I take care of their parents use in their jobs. Then call their attention to the pictures in Exercise
plants. 1, and ask them what they think their task will be.
I take X-rays and help sick
people. 1 Match the workers and the things they use.
Who am I? Review the types of workers in the pictures. Students do not need to know the
Who takes care of teeth? words for the things, but they can use their general knowledge to match the
Who helps sick animals? workers (letters a to g) to the things. If students have difficulty with the worker-
Who cuts hair? equipment associations, e.g., the hat, point out that some of the workers already
Who makes bread? have a hat in the pictures, and so students can narrow down the picture choices
Who fixes cars? to doctor, teacher, bus driver – none of whom wear special hats – leaving
Who flies airplanes? the police officer.

Vocabulary 2 Listen, read, and answer. A

baker, dentist, hairdresser, Play the track and have students first listen as they follow in their book. Play it
mechanic, pilot, vet again and pause after each statement to give students time to write the answer.
Then play the track, pausing after each question Who am I? for students to tell
Materials you their answers.
flashcards, index cards, Audio Script
colored pencils or markers 1. I use a whistle and wear a badge. I wear a dark uniform and hat.
Who am I?
2. I use a long hose and a tall ladder. I wear a helmet to keep me safe.
Who am I?
3. I use a shovel and a rake. I work outside. I take care of plants.
Who am I?
4. I take X-rays and help sick people. I work in a hospital.
Who am I?

Build Reading Skills

Have pairs check each other’s answers in Exercise 2, comparing spelling with the
workers in Exercise 1.

Workbook page 34 Build Writing Skills

Write on the board the headings Workplace and Worker. Have students
Answer Key copy the headings in their notebooks. Then say either a place or person for
1 1. a, b, d students to write the word in the correct category, e.g., teacher goes under
2. a, c, d Worker, school under Workplace. Have students turn in their notebooks for
3. b, c, d assessment, and give feedback as necessary.
4. a, b, c
2 1. post office
2. police officer
3. school, Answers will vary.
Sample answers: books,
4. firefighter, fire station

Lesson C T-34

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UN I T 3 Lesson C
Multi-Intelligence Zone
Write the question Who__? on the board. Ask students a few questions about
the jobs they already know from this lesson and others, e.g., Who works at a Naturalistic: Nature workers
hospital? Who drives a school bus? Who uses a lawn mower in the Mention that most of the
park? You could stick some of the worker flashcards that students know on workers they have talked about
the board as hints or as confirmation, saying, e.g., Yes, a doctor works at a so far work in towns and help
hospital. the community. Ask students
which job has something to
3 Look at the workers. Answer the questions. do with nature (gardener),
Ask students what they think these workers do based on what they see in the and ask if they can think of
pictures. Stick the corresponding flashcards on the board and compare details any others, e.g., forest ranger,
in each pair, e.g., the vet is helping an animal, the hairdresser has scissors. zookeeper, farmer, marine
Then look at the questions and help with any vocabulary as necessary, e.g., biologist. Help students with
students may not know all of the actions, but words such as teeth, bread, and vocabulary if they don’t know
airplanes are clues. Finally, have students answer the questions by writing one the words in English. Talk
of the jobs. Have them check their answers in groups. about where these workers
work and what they do.
Build Writing Skills Intrapersonal: When I grow
Give out the index cards and zip-lock bags, and have students work in groups up …
making vocabulary cards for each of these workers: pilot, vet, baker, mechanic, Materials: paper, colored
hairdresser, dentist. They write the word, their name or initials, and a small pencils or markers
number 3 in a corner on one side and draw the picture on the other side. Collect the
Ask students to draw a picture
cards to check spelling. Return the cards for students to put into their zip-lock bags.
of what they want to be
when they grow up. Then
4 Play a guessing game with your classmates. have them write the name
Model the conversation with an advanced student. Then put students in pairs of that job and a sentence
and tell them they are going to play the same game, one talking about a job and about what someone in that
the other guessing the job. Then they swap roles. job does. When they are
finished, either have them
Build Oral Skills tell classmates about their
Tell students to choose a worker from their vocabulary cards. Have them pictures, or display them
walk around the class asking and answering questions to find out other and let students look at one
students’ “jobs.” another’s work.
Protective clothing

Workbook page 35
Explain that many jobs are dangerous and that people need to wear special Answer Key
clothing to avoid getting hurt. Ask students if they can think of any jobs like 3 a. 1. Who cuts hair?
this. Write the jobs they tell you on the board. Then focus on the Health Zone 2. Who makes bread?
information and ask students to circle the protective clothing on each worker. 3. Who flies airplanes?
4. Who takes care of teeth?

Language Expansion b. 1. b, hairdresser

Put all the flashcards of workers around the classroom. Ask students to walk 2. d, baker
around in pairs and talk about the pictures, e.g., She is a mail carrier. 3. a, pilot
She works at a post office. He is a vet. He helps sick animals. 4. c, dentist
She is a pilot. She flies airplanes. 4 1. mechanic; Draw accordingly.
2. vet; Draw accordingly.

T-35 Lesson C

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3 Look at the workers. Answer the questions.

pilot vet hairdresser dentist baker mechanic

1. Who takes care of teeth? the dentist

2. Who helps sick animals? the vet

3. Who cuts hair? the hairdresser

4. Who makes bread? the baker

5. Who fixes cars? the mechanic

6. Who flies airplanes? the pilot

4 Play a guessing game with your classmates.

I use pens and You are a

notebooks. Who am I? teacher. I fix
cars. Who am I?

You are a mechanic.

Protective clothing

Many workers need special clothing to do their job. The
clothing helps and protects them.
Circle the protective clothing for these workers.

UNIT 3  Our Town  35

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Lesson D
1 Look at the map and complete the sentences.
Use these words between behind in front of

1. The library is between the post office and the park.

2. The park is in front of the fire station.
3. The bus is behind the bus depot.

2 Look at the map and circle the correct words.

1. The post office is next to the school / library.
2. The park is between the library and the school / hospital.

3. The ambulance is behind / in front of the hospital.

4. Where is the dog? It is between / behind the school.

3 Ask your classmate.

Mark sits next
Who sits next to me. Who sits
to you? behind you?

Linda. Who sits in front of you?


36  UNIT 3  Our Town

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U N I T 3 Lesson D
Objectives Prepare
Take three classroom objects, e.g., a book, an eraser, a pencil case. Place them
Language on a table up front or on another surface where students can see them. Change
The library is between the position of the items and say sentences using the prepositions between, behind,
post office and the park. in front of, next to, e.g., The book is behind the pencil case. The
The park is in front of the eraser is between the pencil case and the book. The pencil case is in
fire station. front of the book. The eraser is next to the book. Emphasize and repeat
The bus is behind the bus the prepositions.
The post office is next to the 1 Look at the map and complete the sentences.
Have students look at the map. Review the names of the places and have
Who sits next to / in front of
students point to them. Then ask them to choose the correct preposition to write
/ behind you?
in each sentence.
2 Look at the map and circle the correct words.
Students look at the map again and circle the correct words.
Build Listening Skills
flashcards, index cards, Tell students you will talk about the buildings on the map, and they should say
colored pencils or markers the place or thing, e.g., It’s in front of the fire station. (the fire truck)
It’s next to the hospital. (the police station) It’s behind the bus depot.
(the bus) It’s between the school and the library. (the park)

Build Oral Skills

Display all the place flashcards picture-side up. Have volunteers come up and
arrange two or three cards in positions practiced in Exercises 1 and 2. The others
say what the cards show, e.g., the volunteer places the fire station card in front
of the post office card. Classmates say either The fire station is in front of
the post office. or The post office is behind the fire station.

3 Ask your classmate.

Model the conversation with an advanced student, and then have two students
practice it in front of the others as well. Then put students in pairs to ask and
answer questions about where their classmates sit.

Language Expansion
Workbook page 36 Write a sentence on the board describing where a student sits, but do
not write his/her name, e.g., __ sits next to Juan and behind Endo.
Answer Key Have students look around the classroom and choose a classmate to write
1 1. between about using these prepositions. Remind them not to write the name of the
2. next to “mystery” student but to leave a blank. When they finish, put them in small
3. behind groups to read their sentences aloud and guess the name.
4. in front of

2 1. 3
2. 6
3. 9
4. 1

Lesson D T-36

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UN I T 3 Lesson D
Teacher Tip
A blend is two consonants sou
Multi-Intelligence Zone
nded together so that
Beginning Consonant each letter is heard. This part of Linguistic: Concentration
the lesson practices
some beginning consonant blen Materials: students’
Blends ds. If students find
it difficult to pronounce beginnin vocabulary cards
g blends, have them
practice by saying the letter sou
Prepare nds slowly and Pair students and have them
separately, then gradually faster
Write the words tree, plants, and closer together, each sort out the cards for
e.g., sp: Have students say the
black, brother, and clothes /s/ sound, then change the workers/occupations for
to the /p/ sound. It should sound
on the board. Explain that often something like this which there is a corresponding
progression: sssssssp, ssssp,
two consonants are together at ssp, and finally sp. workplace card, e.g., gardener
the beginning of a word, like and park. Help each pair make
the words on the board, which students are probably a grid with the cards, with the
familiar with. Write a few more examples and have students notice the blends: word side facing up. Partners
store, flag, cloud, and sweater. Leave the words on the board for reference. take turns picking one worker
card and one workplace card.
1 Listen and circle the beginning consonant blend. A Allow students to get creative
as long as the matches are
Have students identify the pictures of words they probably know, e.g., crayon,
possible, e.g., police officers are
tree, plane (which is another way to say airplane). Suggest that students
not always at the police station
sound out the blends aloud before circling.
but out in the community, e.g.,
Audio Script at a park or school.
1. clown 2. frog 3. prince 4. crayon
Interpersonal: Job survey
5. snail 6. tree 7. plane 8. spider
Ask family members about the
first job they ever had, and
2 Circle the consonant blend at the beginning of
what they liked and didn’t like
each word. about it. Share the information
Read the words aloud. Have students notice the first sounds before they circle. with classmates, and discuss the
kinds of jobs their relatives had.
3 Listen and write the blend to complete the words. A

Play the track and have students complete the words.

Audio Script
1. Dan likes to swim in the river. 5. Sam has a pet snake.
2. 6.
The frog is in the water The prince has a blue coat.
Workbook page 37
3. Jill is playing in the snow. 7. May went up the steps.
4. The plane is in the sky. 8. The clown has a red nose. Answer Key
1 1. br 2. bl
Build Listening Skills 3. cr 4. pl
Put students into groups and give each group four index cards. Ask them to 5. pr 6. tr
write sm, sn, sp, and st on the cards. Say words from Exercises 1–3 or other 7. gl 8. fl
familiar words, and have students hold up the correct sound card, e.g., sm:
2 1. a, c
small; sn: snack, snail, snake; sp: spade, sports; st: star, steak, steps.
2. b, c
3. c
Language Expansion 4. a, c
Demonstrate with a volunteer, who comes up to the front of the room, 3 1. spider, glass
places a finger on the phonics page, and closes his/her eyes. You move the 2. brown, snake
finger around and stop on a random picture. The volunteer says the word, 3. glue, crayon
and the rest of the class agrees or tells you the correct word. 4. clowns, blue

T-37 Lesson D

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1 Listen and circle the beginning consonant blend. 27

1. 2. 3. 4.

cr cl tr tr pr fr pr cr br tr cr gr
5. 6. 7. 8.

sk sn sm cr tr pr pl bl fl cl st sp

2 Circle the consonant blend at the beginning of each word.

glass glue star spade brown blue

3 Listen and write the blend to complete the words. A


1. Dan likes to sw im in the river. 2. The fr og is in the water.

sk sw sn fl tr fr
3. Jill is playing in the sn ow. 4. The pl ane is in the sky.
st sn sp pl pr bl
5. Sam has a pet sn ake. 6. The pr ince has a blue coat.
sn sw st bl br pr
7. May went up the st eps. 8. The cl own has a red nose.
sk st sp cr tr cl

UNIT 3  Our Town  37

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Lesson E

1 Listen and read the story. A

Jack and the oldBertha, look at that

man! He is carrying
Beanstalk a gold stick. He is wearing
rainbow-colored clothes
Moo! and a star hat.
What is he?

Look at the map,

Bertha. The cow store
is next to the horse
store and the sheep
store. Let’s go! I can hear you, young man!
I am a teacher. I work at
the Magic School. This is
This is a very nice cow. my magic stick. That is my
I want this cow. Here superpower hat.
are five magic beans.
Plant them in front of Wow! Magic beans.
your house. Thank you, sir.
Good-bye, Bertha!


38  UNIT 3  Our Town

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U N I T 3 Lesson E EP

Tell students that a new character is going to appear in the story. Have them
Language look at the story for twenty seconds and then close their book. Can they describe
The cow store is next to the the man? What job do they think he has?
horse store and the sheep
store. 1 Listen and read the story. A
He is carrying a gold stick.
Play the track and have students listen and follow along in their book. Play it
He is wearing rainbow-colored
again and pause occasionally. Ask students to point to that part of the story.
clothes and a star hat.
That is my superpower hat. Audio Script
Jack and the Beanstalk: Episode 3
Vocabulary Jack: Look at the map, Bertha. The cow store is next to the horse store and the
beans, magic, plant sheep store. Let’s go.
Bertha: Moo!
Materials Jack: Bertha, look at that old man! He is carrying a gold stick. He is wearing
rainbow-colored clothes and a star hat. What is he?
paper, colored pencils or Old man: I can hear you, young man! I am a teacher. I work at the Magic School.
markers This is my magic stick. That is my superpower hat. … This is a very nice cow. I
want this cow. Here are five magic beans. Plant them in front of your house.
Bertha: Mooooooo!
Jack: Wow! Magic beans. Thank you, sir. Good-bye Bertha!

Build Reading Skills

Have students look for words with beginning consonant blends in the story:
picture 1: store, sheep; picture 2: stick, clothes, star; picture 3: Plant,
front; picture 4: none. Explain any words that they don’t know.

Build Writing Skills

Have students write a description of the teacher in their notebooks. Tell them to
describe his hair, clothes, workplace, and work tools.

Build Literacy
Tell students that each episode has a main idea. Give them an example by
writing the main idea of Episode 2 on the board: Jack and Bertha ride to
the market in a truck. Have students look back at Episode 2 to confirm this.
Then write these two main-idea choices for Episode 3 on the board: 1. Jack
arrives at the market with Bertha. 2. A magic teacher at the market
gives Jack some magic beans for Bertha. Ask students to discuss in groups
which one is the better choice. (number 2)

Workbook page 38
Answer Key
1 Read accordingly.
2 1. b
2. a

Lesson E T-38

04_Prieto_LZ_TG2_UNIT3.indd 38 06/02/14 21:14

UN I T 3 Lesson E
Multi-Intelligence Zone
Check comprehension of the story by asking students these questions: Is the
magic teacher young or old? The teacher gives Jack some beans – is Spatial: Mime a scene
Jack happy or sad? Bertha is going with the teacher. Is she happy or Materials: paper, colored
sad? How many beans does Jack have? pencils or markers
Ask students to imagine what
2 Read and mark True (T) or False (F). will grow when Jack plants
Tell students to look at each sentence and look back at the story to check if it is the five magic beans. Have
true or false. Then they write a check mark in the correct box. them draw a picture of their
ideas. Volunteers can come
Build Writing Skills to the front and explain their
drawing. Display the pictures
Have students write one more true sentence and one more false sentence about
around the classroom.
Episode 3 or the story up to now. Go around the room and check their work,
but accept incomplete sentences as long as they are meaningful “chunks” and Musical: Bean chant
students know they are true or false, e.g., the old man nice (T) a star cow Teach students this chant:
(F), ten old beans (F).
One bean, two beans, three
beans, four.
3 Circle the correct words. Five beans, six beans, seven
Have students focus on the first sentence and tell them to choose either behind beans, more!
or next to. Then have them complete the rest of the sentences.

4 Find the magic beans. Complete the sentence.

Have students trace a route first with a finger from the arrow to the magic beans
and then mark it with a pencil when they are sure. Tell them to write a word in
each blank to complete the sentence.

Build Oral Skills

Ask students Who questions that they can answer about their classmates, e.g.,
Who has brown hair? Who has two books? Who has one sister? Who
has a dog?

Build Reading Skills Workbook page 39

Say a random word or phrase from the sentences in the story and have students Answer Key
find it in the sentence, e.g., rainbow-colored clothes in the second frame; I
3 1. F
want this cow. in the third frame.
2. F
3. F
Language Expansion 4. T
Play the track and have students raise their hands each time they hear a 5. T
different speaker (Bertha included!). Then invite them to draw their favorite 6. F
part of the story and include the speech bubbles as well.
4 a. 1. library
2. park
3. post office
4. school
b. 1. school
2. park
3. fire station

T-39 Lesson E

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2 Read and mark True (T) or False (F).
1. Jack is taking Bertha to the cow store. T ✓ F
2. The old man is a teacher. T ✓ F
3. The teacher works at the hospital. T F ✓

4. Bertha is a sheep. T F ✓
5. The teacher has a magic stick. T ✓ F

3 Circle the correct words.

1. The cow store is behind / next to the horse store and the
sheep store.
2. The old man is wearing blue / rainbow-colored clothes and

a star / moon hat.

3. The old man teaches at the Magic School / the library.

4. The old man doesn’t want / wants Bertha.

5. The old man gives Jack three / five magic beans.

6. The old man tells Jack to plant / eat the beans.

4 Find the magic beans. Complete the sentence.

The magic beans are between the horse and the chicken .

UNIT 3  Our Town  39

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Lesson F G R A M M A R Z O N E

Use the simple present to talk about what people usually do.
She is a doctor. She helps sick people.
She doesn’t work at the library. She works at the hospital.
Are you a doctor? No, I’m not. / Yes, I am.
Use prepositions to talk about where someone or something is.
The house is next to the park. The boy is in front of the house.
The girl is behind the house. The cat is between the boy and the girl.

1 Complete the sentences using the prompts.

1. Pat is a gardener. She plants trees. (plant)
2. We are firefighters. We fight fires. (fight)
3. I am a student. I study English. (study)
4. You are a doctor. You help sick people. (help)
5. Lenny is a bus driver. He works at the bus depot. (work)
6. Are they police officers? Do they have whistles? (have)

2 Complete the sentences.

Use these words next to between

behind in front of

1. The bus is behind the school.

2. The school is in front of the bus.
3. The ball is between the park and the school.
4. The park is next to the school.

40  UNIT 3  Our Town

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U N I T 3 Lesson F
She is a doctor. She helps
Prepare Teacher Tip
Tell students you are going to say some
sick people. When describing occupation
sentences that cover the grammar points s, it is common to say
She doesn’t work at the that a person works at a
and vocabulary of the unit, but they place. It is not wrong
library. She works at the to say works in, but works
should tell you if the sentences are true or at emphasizes the
hospital. fact that a person works
false after each one: I’m not a teacher. (ha s his/her job) there.
Are you a doctor? No, I’m There is no need to explain
I teach English. I don’t work at this to students, but
not. / Yes, I am. remember that the third-p
the hospital. I work at this school. erson singular in the
simple present requires an
This school is next to the market. s or es at the end of
Vocabulary the verb, e.g., She likes tre
Mr. Brown drives a school bus. es. He goes to the
behind, between, in front of, school next to the park.
He doesn’t drive an airplane.
next to Gardeners don’t like plants.
Police officers help people.
Materials A mechanic works at a park.
none Then draw students’ attention to the Grammar Zone information and look at
the example sentences together. Point out that the true/false statements discussed
previously are more examples that talk about what people usually do (simple
present) or about the location of someone or something (prepositions).

1 Complete the sentences using the prompts.

Do the first item as a class. Point out that students should write the correct form
of be in the first blank and the simple present of the verb in parentheses in the
second blank. Have individual students read their answers aloud.

Build Reading Skills

Read the completed sentences from Exercise 1 aloud, but don’t say the job.
Have students tell you which job it is.

Build Oral Skills

Have students talk about their family members’ jobs in small groups. Give them
an example from your own family (invent if necessary), e.g., My brother is a
Workbook page 40 dentist. He looks after people’s teeth.
Answer Key
1 a. 1. b; fights
2 Complete the sentences.
2. d; plant Draw students’ attention to the picture. Ask them to read the sentences and think
3. a; helps about what they see in the picture. Students can work in groups if they wish, but
4. e; fixes go around checking that they really understand which preposition goes in the
5. c; make blank to correlate with the picture. To check answers, you can read the completed
sentences aloud, have different students read their completed sentences aloud, or
b. 1. Yes, she is.
write the sentences on the board for students to tell you what to write in the blanks.
2. He is a firefighter.
3. No, he isn’t.
Language Expansion
2 1. between Have students write one or two sentences about the work their family
2. behind members do and where they do it. Write your example from the Build Oral
3. next to Skills activity on the board as a model.
4. in front of

Lesson F T-40

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UUNN I I TT 33 Lesson
Multi-Intelligence Zone

Jobs at our school

Intrapersonal: Your favorite
Prepare school job
Draw students’ attention to the bullet Culture Note Give students time to decide
list of jobs at a school (other than One of the most important which of the jobs in the posters
jobs at a school
teacher). Have them discuss what is that of the person who they would most like to do.
does all the jobs
people need to carry out these jobs. that make the school safe Have them talk in groups and
and clean – jobs
Tell them they are going to make a like replacing lightbulbs, fixi tell each other which job it is
ng broken things,
poster showing one of these people cleaning floors, taking out and why. Have a few volunteers
the trash, closing
in action. Let them look at the small windows, locking doors. In come to the front and talk
American English,
pictures of posters in their book to he/she is the janitor or cus about their favorite job.
todian. In British
give them some ideas. English, this person is the
caretaker. Logical-Mathematical:
School jobs survey
Do the Project
Have students divide a page
• Have students work in groups. Give out all the materials, or have group
in their notebooks into five
leaders come to the front and collect enough for a group.
columns and write these
• Go over the instructions for the project. Tell students that within their groups
headings at the top: CC, CP,
they should each make a poster of a different job.
PF, BNP, HP (abbreviations
• As students are planning their posters, give them some time to talk in their
of the five jobs listed in the
groups and decide which job each one wants to work on.
project). Ask them what they
• Allow students plenty of time to draw, color, and decorate their posters. Walk
think these letters mean, and
around to offer help where needed.
give hints if they don’t know:
• Make sure students write a message on their posters. Encourage them to add
1) Tell them to look at the list
useful information, such as an email address or phone number.
of jobs on the project page;
• When students have finished, they can share with their group.
2) If necessary, tell them to
• Ask for volunteers to come to the front, greet the class, and show their poster
look at the first letters of the
to everyone.
job descriptions. Then tell
• Put the posters up around the classroom.
students to walk around the
classroom and ask everyone
Reflect on the Unit
what their favorite job is
At the end of the unit, ask yourself: Are all my students familiar with the and put a check mark in the
vocabulary words? Do they need extra practice? Different material? New appropriate column. When
strategies? Was my pace too slow or too fast? Did I make sure all students had they are finished, ask for the
the opportunity to speak? Did the students enjoy doing the project? Answer all results and tally them on the
questions and jot down in your teaching journal what you need to change. board.

Workbook page 41
Have students play the game for Unit 3.
Answer Key
See the Unit 3 test on the Test Pack CD.
3 Paste accordingly.

T-41 Lesson F

04_Prieto_LZ_TG2_UNIT3.indd 41 06/02/14 21:14

OJ Materials
Jobs at our school

• poster paper
Make a poster showing jobs • color markers
people can do to make school crayons, pain
a good place: • pictures from
cleaning classrooms magazines

cleaning the playground • scissors

planting flowers • glue

• being nice to people
• helping people
1 Choose a topic. Cut and paste
pictures, or draw them.
4 Display your posters!

2 Write a message in large letters
so everyone can read it.
Talk about the different jobs
people can do at school.

cleaners A safe
pick up and playground is a
3 Write other information in put away.
smaller letters. You can include
fun playground.
an email or phone number.

We help younger
students with
UNIT 3  Our Town  41

04_Prieto_LZ_TG2_UNIT3.indd 41 06/02/14 21:14

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