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Alexandra Group Medical Practice

Glodwick Primary Care Centre

Patient Participation Group
Minutes of the Meeting of 3/09/2013

Present: Andy Reilly(Chair), Tim Kinder, Sue Fernley, Abdul Rashid, Dr. Ashfeen
Gulzar, Linda Trevillion, Alan Morton (Practice Manager), Rehan Tufail, Ronald
Vickers, Alva Collin
Apologies: None received
Minutes of last meeting: Agreed and signed by the Chair
Care Data Collection Alan gave an outline to what is being proposed and how
dangerous this information could be to the future of the NHS as we currently know it.
Ultimate knock-on effect could be a reduction in services provided by the Practice with
specific targeted Private Care providers setting up close by to provide services that
currently earn the Practice an income which is used to subsidise other necessary
We agreed that advice/warning posters would be displayed in the Practice to raise
awareness of the patients who enter the building.
Newsletters: Details of the content agreed and it will be produced and circulated in the
next few weeks.
Action --- Alan Morton

Patient Survey: As previously agreed, with the exception of adding a question

regarding the Walk- in-Centre/A&E attendance.
Action --- Alan Morton

The Future of General Practice: An article had been previously circulated highlighting
briefly the proposals from NHS England as the move towards final 'negotiations' on the
2014 GP Contract. There is supposed to be consultation with local communities, but
no-one had heard of any contact in the Greater Manchester area.
Action --- Tim

Future Contact/Meetings: The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 26th
November 2013 starting at 6pm.

The meeting closed at 7:35pm

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