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Name : Nyoman Darma Santosha

Class :G
NIM : 2201541155
Intermediate Reading

How to be a Good Storyteller

1. Know your audience: Understanding your audience is essential to crafting a story that
resonates with them. Consider their age, interests, and cultural background when
choosing your subject matter and the tone and style of your storytelling.
2. Be prepared: Before telling a story, think through the plot, characters, and setting.
Make notes if necessary to keep your ideas organized. Practice your storytelling skills,
paying attention to your pacing, tone, and gestures.
3. Engage your audience: A good storyteller knows how to capture their audience's
attention from the beginning and keep them engaged throughout the story. Use
descriptive language, ask questions, and use pauses for effect.
4. Create vivid characters: Characters are the heart of any good story. Bring them to life
by giving them unique personalities, goals, and motivations. Use dialogue and
descriptive language to create a vivid image in your audience's mind.
5. Use sensory details: Sensory details help your audience imagine the setting and
atmosphere of your story. Use sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures to create a
multi-dimensional experience for your listeners.
6. Have a clear message: A good story has a clear message or theme that resonates with
your audience. Consider what you want your listeners to take away from your story and
craft your plot and characters to reinforce that message.
7. Practice empathy: A good storyteller has the ability to empathize with their audience,
understanding their emotions and connecting with them on a deeper level. Use your
own experiences and emotions to help you connect with your listeners and create a story
that touches their hearts.

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