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Ośrodek Rozwoju Polskiej Edukacji za Granicą w Warszawie ul.

Wołoska 5, 02-675 Warszawa

Rok szkolny 2022/2023

PRACA KONTROLNA NR 3 – Termin przesłania do 31 stycznia 2023 r.


Liczba punktów …………../ 75

IMIĘ Podpis nauczyciela


Oświadczam, że pracę kontrolną wykonałem/am samodzielnie.
podpis ucznia………..…………………………………

Zadanie 1. (0 – 5 pkt.)

Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There are two extra words.

prospects path mind deadline potential task goal output

It’s important to speak your mind but make sure you don’t upset anyone.

1 Rebecca gave up her course and never reached her full _____________.

2 Taking an online course is a good way to improve your career _____________.

3 The factory owner is looking for ways to increase _____________ and be more

4 Simon enjoys working to a _____________, he finds it good motivation.

5 Achieving a _____________ feels great but it’s the effort and hard work involved
that’s important.

Zadanie 2. (0 – 5 pkt.)
Complete the sentences with the missing words.

It’s very important that you can think for yourself when managing a team.

1 You'll never ___________ your objectives if you don't believe in yourself.

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Ośrodek Rozwoju Polskiej Edukacji za Granicą w Warszawie ul. Wołoska 5, 02-675 Warszawa
Rok szkolny 2022/2023

PRACA KONTROLNA NR 3 – Termin przesłania do 31 stycznia 2023 r.

2 It's so easy to __________ up a new skill these days. There are so many courses you
can take online.

3 I’m not sure about entering the job _______________. I think I’ll go travelling first.

4 I can’t stand doing a job where you do the same thing day in, day ______________.

5 I put my _______________ into that project so I was very sad when it failed.

Zadanie 3. (0 – 5 pkt.)
Complete the sentences with the words formed from the words in capitals.

The first person we interviewed showed the most enthusiasm (ENTHUSIASTIC).

1 She is very ______________________ (KNOWLEDGE) when it comes to baroque


2 You have to show a lot of ______________________ (CONSCIENTIOUS) to get

ahead in this industry.

3 When people are ______________________ (WORK), they are too tired and do not
perform to the best of their abilities.

4 ______________________ (PUNCTUAL) is really important when attending a job


5 They seemed to work in a ____________________ (PURPOSE) manner all morning.

Zadanie 4. (0 – 6 pkt.)
Complete the sentences with the missing words. The first letters are given.

He has a very eye-catching style, everyone looks at him when he enters a room.

1 We had a great lesson on how to identify f____________ n____________ stories.

2 I had a g____________ f____________ not to trust him. Something just didn't seem

3 The careers fair was so helpful but we are a____________ with i____________ now,
I'm not sure I'm going to remember everything when I get home.

4 I think it's terrible how much people in power can m____________ the

5 Richard shows a c____________ c ____________ to his job and will go far.

6 If you don't e____________ s____________, you have no idea if what you are
reading is accurate or not.

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Ośrodek Rozwoju Polskiej Edukacji za Granicą w Warszawie ul. Wołoska 5, 02-675 Warszawa
Rok szkolny 2022/2023

PRACA KONTROLNA NR 3 – Termin przesłania do 31 stycznia 2023 r.

Zadanie 5. (0 – 5 pkt.)
Translate the parts in brackets into English.

He wanted to know if we were going to (czy zamierzamy) stay.

1 She promised _________________________ (że się ze mną zobaczy) the following


2 He explained ________________________ (że nigdy nie widział) anything like that before.

3 They asked _________________________ (czy mogą) do anything to help.

4 I told her _________________________ (że powinna pracować) harder.

5 She said she’d already gone to an interview __________________ (poprzedniego dnia).

Zadanie 6. (0 – 10 pkt.)
Rewrite the sentences and questions as reported speech statements.

‘I want to go there tomorrow,’ I explained.

I explained I wanted to go there the next day.

1 ‘Do you have any experience in graphic design?’ they wanted to know.


2 ‘Don’t worry about it,’ I told her.


3 ‘I saw her the day before yesterday,’ said Jim.

_______________________________________________________________ before.

4 ‘I won’t be late again,’ Tom says every week.


5 ‘You must put in a little more effort tomorrow,’ he said.


Zadanie 7. (0 – 5 pkt.)

Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use the words in

She insisted that she wear those shoes. ON

She insisted on wearing those shoes
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Ośrodek Rozwoju Polskiej Edukacji za Granicą w Warszawie ul. Wołoska 5, 02-675 Warszawa
Rok szkolny 2022/2023

PRACA KONTROLNA NR 3 – Termin przesłania do 31 stycznia 2023 r.

1 He claims that he is the owner of this building. TO

He claims ___________________________ the owner of this building.

2 She convinced me to visit her. SHOULD

She convinced me ____________________________ her.

3 The boy admitted breaking the window. HE

The boy admitted ____________________________ the window.

4 She recommended going to the Thai restaurant. THAT

She recommended ____________________________ to the Thai restaurant.

5 They proposed introducing a new motivational system in our company. WE

They proposed ____________________________ a new motivational system.

Zadanie 8. (0 – 5 pkt.)
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use

They would have got back for the exam, if they hadn’t had a flat tyre.
Had they not had a flat tyre, they would have got back for the exam.

1 If they hadn’t partied all night, they would have passed the exam.

_______________________________________, they would have passed the exam.

2 If I was a foreigner, I’d never learn Polish fluently.

________________________________________, I’d never learn Polish fluently.

3 If I should ever have a child, I’d have to change my lifestyle completely.

_________________________________, I’d have to change my lifestyle completely.

4 We wouldn’t have got lost, if you’d followed my directions.

________________________________________, we wouldn’t have got lost.

5 I wouldn’t support this team anymore if my favourite player was to leave.

____________________________________, I wouldn’t support this team anymore.

Zadanie 9. (0 – 12 pkt.)
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets so that they make
sense as hypothetical situations in the context provided.

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Ośrodek Rozwoju Polskiej Edukacji za Granicą w Warszawie ul. Wołoska 5, 02-675 Warszawa
Rok szkolny 2022/2023

PRACA KONTROLNA NR 3 – Termin przesłania do 31 stycznia 2023 r.

Real situation: I’m not a good student. That’s why I failed yet another test.
If I was/were (be) a good student, I wouldn’t have failed (not fail) yet another test.

1 Real situation: I’m not fit enough so I didn’t sign up for the advanced yoga class.

If I ______________ (be) fitter, I ___________ (sign up) for the advanced yoga class.

2 Real situation: You didn’t start working out daily so your stomach isn’t flat today.

If you __________________ (start) working out daily, your stomach ____________

___________ (be) flat today.

3 Real situation: He didn’t get down to work last week so he’s not finishing with it right

If he __________________ (get down) to work last week he __________________

(finish) with it right now.

4 Real situation: You haven’t been paying attention and that’s why you don’t know what
we’re talking about.

If you __________________ (pay) attention, you __________________ (know) what

we’re talking about.

5 Real situation: I’m a very keen reader, that’s why I bought so many books.

If I __________________ (not be) such a keen reader, I __________________

(not buy) so many books.

6 Real situation: We didn’t buy that last minute trip and that’s why we’re not swimming
in the ocean right now.

If we __________________(buy) that last minute trip, we __________________

(swim) in the ocean right now.

Zadanie 10. (0 – 7 pkt.)

Translate the words in brackets into English using phrasal verbs.

We got caught in a terrible downpour (ulewa) and we didn’t have an umbrella. We

were soaked!

1 I had a very good ____________________ (wychowanie) even though it was only me

and my mum.

2 Unfortunately, we’ve ____________________ (nie mamy już, skończyły nam się)

stamps. You could try the post office on the high street.

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Ośrodek Rozwoju Polskiej Edukacji za Granicą w Warszawie ul. Wołoska 5, 02-675 Warszawa
Rok szkolny 2022/2023

PRACA KONTROLNA NR 3 – Termin przesłania do 31 stycznia 2023 r.

3 I’m having a big ____________________ (generalne porządki) before I move house

next month.

4 My nephew is growing so fast. He’s ____________________ (wyrósł z) all the

clothes I bought him last year.

5 The film was a real ____________________ (rozczarowanie). The acting was very
poor and there was almost no plot.

6 Marta doesn’t really____________________ (dogaduje się z) the other girls in her

class. She’s always on her own.

7 I find it very ____________________ (odpychający) when people eat with their

mouths open.

Zadanie 11. (0 – 10 pkt.)

Read two texts about teaching certain skills and choose the correct answer, A,
B, C or D.

Text 1.
Grangeton in Derbyshire isn’t actually a real town but it has most things that you might expect
to find in one. When a new head teacher took over at the Grange Primary School, he found
that both students and staff had become demotivated and disinterested. He knew that the
school needed something special and Grangeton certainly is.
Grangeton has businesses and services like any other town but these are all run by and
for the school’s students, five days a week, every week of the school year. There is a town
council and a mayor, who is elected each year from the Year 6 students. The council makes
all the important decisions on how the town is run, just like in any normal town.
So, what can you find in Grangeton? There is a newspaper, a museum and two shops. A
café opens on two mornings a week but it is a Parisian café and French is the only language
that customers can use when ordering food there. There is another reason for Grangeton,
apart from motivating the students. Although they are only primary students, with a maximum
age of eleven, the school believes that they are the right age to gain some early work
experience. Normally, students have to wait until they are fourteen before getting any work
related experience, and even then, it depends on the school. The students of Grange School
are too young to go to companies to work but, with their own businesses to run, they don’t
have to leave the school premises. The school also invites guests to talk to the students and
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Ośrodek Rozwoju Polskiej Edukacji za Granicą w Warszawie ul. Wołoska 5, 02-675 Warszawa
Rok szkolny 2022/2023

PRACA KONTROLNA NR 3 – Termin przesłania do 31 stycznia 2023 r.

help them. The BBC helped them to set up a TV and radio station and local politicians talked
to them about democracy and decision making.
The school is able to find the time to do all this because the work the students are doing is
closely related to the school’s education curriculum. As well as practising a foreign language
in the café, the students use Maths when running their businesses, English when writing their
newspaper and even History in special projects such as when the council voted that the
shops should sell food from different past times.
Grangeton is now considered a great success and a model of how to use children’s
creativity to involve them in the learning process. Even people who you may expect to
be critical of such non-traditional education methods are unable to find fault with what the
students do.
1 Students at Grange Primary School
A leave the school to work in Grangeton.
B show a lack of interest in Grangeton.
C are responsible for what happens in Grangeton.
D only work in Grangeton when they reach Year 6.

2 Students at Grange School benefit from

A advice from local business leaders.
B more opportunities to visit companies than other primary students.
C earlier work experience than other students.
D the chance to learn a number of different foreign language

3 The businesses and services in Grangeton

A give the students a chance to practise their normal school subjects.
B take up time that could be spent learning.
C will provide employment for students when they finish their education.
D have received criticism from some people.

Text 2.
A recent survey of 3,000 companies has found that employers have a major concern. They
say that more and more young people do not have the basic skills necessary to get on
as employees. These skills include such things as being able to communicate effectively

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Ośrodek Rozwoju Polskiej Edukacji za Granicą w Warszawie ul. Wołoska 5, 02-675 Warszawa
Rok szkolny 2022/2023

PRACA KONTROLNA NR 3 – Termin przesłania do 31 stycznia 2023 r.

and work as part of a team. Because of this, many employers think it is risky to offer
work to inexperienced young people, preferring to hire staff who have already had
experience of a working environment somewhere else.
In order to help to prepare young people for work, business leaders and employers are
asking the government to include work experience as part of the curriculum in all secondary
schools. Some schools do offer work experience to their older students but they don’t have
to. As it can cause problems with timetabling and because schools are judged on exam
results rather than how well their students do once they leave education, work experience
is not seen as a priority by many head teachers.
Politicians of all parties have come out in support of these proposals and schools are
encouraged to invite business people to talk to their students and to offer more careers
advice but, so far, no laws have been changed. Not surprisingly, opposition party politicians
have promised bigger changes if they are voted back into power in the next election.
Whoever is in charge, it is clear that businesses are no longer willing to spend time and
money teaching young people how to communicate and cooperate with their colleagues.
Youngsters need help before they apply for their first job and schools and the government
should be doing all they can to provide this assistance.

4 Which of these is not true?

A Schools can refuse to offer work experience to their students if they wish.
B Political parties disagree about the importance of work experience for school
C Companies are often unwilling to take on young people who lack work experience.
D Academic achievement is the most important factor in determining whether a
school is performing well.

5 Both texts are about

A motivating school students to learn.
B the importance of work experience for school students.
C what business people think about young people they employ.
D school students running their own businesses.

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Ośrodek Rozwoju Polskiej Edukacji za Granicą w Warszawie ul. Wołoska 5, 02-675 Warszawa
Rok szkolny 2022/2023

PRACA KONTROLNA NR 3 – Termin przesłania do 31 stycznia 2023 r.


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Focus Second Edition 4

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100% 75 celujący
99% - 86% 74 – 64 bardzo dobry
85% - 71% 63 – 53 dobry
70% - 56% 52 – 42 dostateczny
55% - 40% 41 – 30 dopuszczający
39% - 0 % 29 – 0 niedostateczny

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