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Hair loss in women

Healthy, full hair - especially for women, this is also a sign of attractiveness. Worse, if the hair
down. In many cases, hormones or an inheritance to blame.

While suffering more men than women under hair, but women suffer much more underneath.
One reason is surely the social acceptance of little or no hair in men as opposed to hair loss in

However, it is not like any loss of a few hairs hair loss. Disease by a hair, the so-called
Effluvium will only talk when more than 100 daily hair out.

Hair loss has many faces

Apart from a hereditary predisposition for hair loss, women are especially their hair more
frequently, if they become pregnant or in menopause or during a pill break. The reason:
Estrogens increase the growth of hair, while androgens inhibit it. In such times of hormonal
special is the production of the female gonads throttled, and it comes at a relative
preponderance of male hormones.

Therefore, it is understandable that just when a change of the hormone homeostasis occurs,
increasing the hair may fail. Other factors such as age or the season also play a major role.

Causes of hair loss in women

* Hereditary factors (inherited female hair loss)

* Postponement of the hormonal balance after giving birth
* Declining estrogen levels during menopause
* Dysfunction of the thyroid
* Severe infections, poisoning
* Metabolic diseases such as diabetes mellitus
* Stress, lack of nutrition, lack of appearances by diets
* Iron deficiency (Ferritinspiegel examined) Missing Women memory iron (ferritin),
increasing their risk for hair loss.
* Medication, for example, against high blood fat levels, blood pressure medications (ACE
inhibitors, beta blockers) and drugs for cancer treatment

In order to effectively combat hair loss, you should know the causes. Diagnostic clarification
is a visit to the dermatologist and - for women - when Gynecologists recommended. Hair by
stress, nutrient deficiency, hormonal imbalance or medication is usually a temporary
phenomenon, which is reversible. Who even wants to be active, you should know that it is in
the pharmacy prescription drugs against diffuse hair loss is the hair root with sulfur-
containing amino acids and B vitamins supply.
Hair loss after pregnancy

after a pregnancy or lactation can lead to hair loss - the so-called postpartum Effluvium -
come. This is no cause for concern, because the hair grows as a rule, even without therapy,
after several weeks to months after return. What happened? During pregnancy, the oestrogen
level in the blood is very high. Therefore observe the most beautiful women initially, thick
and shiny hair and smooth skin. With the birth of oestrogen levels decline, however, what the
sudden transfer of hairs in the growth stage in the resting stage and lost the result. These hairs
are then typically 2-3 months later.

Hair loss during menopause

During and in the menopausal years, not a few women have a permanently raised hair
Exchange. This phenomenon is known as chronic telogen Effluvium (CTE) refers.
Corroborated the suspicion of CTE by over months or years, increased Telogenhaarraten (ie
30-40% of hairs are in the stage that in the next 2-4 months or fail to be replaced, root of the
hair analysis, the trichogram To be identified. Trichogram This is a frequently used method to
measure the extent of hair loss or the effect of therapeutics to collect hair. These are a pair of
tweezers 50 to 100 hairs out by just anyone and under the microscope, the hair roots and
assess the various growth stages assigned. Normal would be a maximum of 20%
Telogenhaire.. Another measurement method, which are increasingly used by dermatologists,
is the so-called TrichoScan procedures, with no hair epiliert be.

What to do when hair loss occurs?

It is important to know that times change with increased hair, which usually does not lead to a
permanent hair-clearing in the sense of androgenetic alopecia lead. For special assistance is
available in the pharmacy prescription medicines freely available to the hair with all the
important nutrients, which are required for healthy hair growth needed supplies. If the hair
longer to change or go the hair suddenly in larger volumes, should be an expert for advice.

Hair Surgeries

Meanwhile, there are in Germany so-called hair Surgeries for those affected. In the hair Office
hours are dedicated to the intensely physicians forms of hair loss and diseases of the scalp.
For the diagnosis and therapy are at different methods available. A list sorted by state, you
will find in the hair office hours.

The so-called complementary medicine will include on the administration of zinc, selenium
and iron or rub with specially fermented vitamin extracts.
A balanced diet is the basis for strong and beautiful shiny hair. Tonic effect especially trace
elements, but also antioxidants influence the quality hair positive. An extra dose of
antioxidants and omega-3-fatty acids in pill form appear benefit hair and scalp. (eg. inneou
hair fullness pharmacy doses 24 days) the funds dietary least 3 months should be taken. Often
underestimated the stress as a negative factor. Those who once suffered under hair loss must
be s patience. Until density and stability again increase, experts estimate at least 3 months.

Strong and beautiful hair needs to grow specific vitamins, amino acids and trace elements. A
balanced diet helps other factors, in addition to the fact that hair roots in the new hair cells are
formed. Support your hair growth actively through a healthy diet.
Hair need nutrients

Hair root cells are among the the dividingcells of the human body. The divisions require a
high metabolic turnover, many of the nutrients such as vitamins and trace elements are
needed. As the bodies of many of these substances can form no depots, it must be in sufficient
quantities on the diet record.
Healthy diet for your hair

A variety of trace elements and vitamins, which are particularly beneficial to the hair growth,
you will already have the basic daily food. Try several times a day, a small extra portion of
our diet tips listed foods in your meals to integrate - your hair will thank you for it.

In times of increased hair loss should be added with a cure Pantovigar capsules. Important
vitamins, amino acids and trace elements in concentrated form of care for stimulating hair
Tips for a balanced supply of nutrients for your hair:

Vegetables and fruit


Contain mainly the precursor of vitamin A (provitamin A), which is necessary for the
development of body cells and tissues, and thus also for hair growth.


Are rich in antioxidants, such as Vitamin C and lycopene, a special dye tomato, and thus
protect against environmental toxins and strengthen the immune system. Lycopene is fighting
in the cells, even in the hair cells, an influence from cell destructive.
Green leafy vegetables

Many lettuces contain vitamin E, folic acid and vitamin C. Vitamin C is radical scavengers
and strengthens the immune system so it is important for bone and connective tissue
formation. Also for skin and hair is the ability of vitamin C, iron intake in the hair cells to
promote important because iron deficiency is a frequent cause of diffuse hair loss in women.

Citrus fruit:

Contain much vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system and beyond the Iron
Absorption promotes. Brittle hair is prevented and the luster of the hair increased.

Other fruits:

Especially bananas contain the metabolism of vitamin B6, which promotes hair growth and
smoothes the skin, but (as all the B vitamins) only in small quantities by the body can be
Therefore, vitamin B6 daily new record if one deficiency
wants to avoid appearances. Strawberries also stimulate hair growth - with its high percentage
of vitamin C and folic acid.

Nuts / cereals / Oils

Are rich in vitamins of the B complex, which provides important metabolic

processes in the cells, as in the hair root, and thus activate skin and hair strengthening. The
vitamins of the B complex bow beyond inflammation and ensure a healthy scalp.

Distinguishes itself as a supplier of silicic acid, B-complex vitamins and zinc. Particularly
oats and barley are rich in silica, which strengthens the connective tissue and skin and
strengthens hair.
Wheat, however, is rich in B vitamins and thus also strengthens skin and hair. To protect
against brittle hair necessary Zink needs
Allows you to a great extent on yeast (included in Pantovigar) as well as rye and wheat germ

Vegetable oils (such as olive oil):

The vegetable oils found in vitamin E begins harmful free radicals in the body. It also reduces
the moisture loss of skin and contributes to a good flow with. Furthermore, there is a anti-
inflammatory effect on the scalp.

Fish and meat


Contains especially vitamin A and vitamin D. Vitamin A is for the regular development of
tissues important and protects cells from damaging free radicals. Vitamin A prevents
dehydration and scaling of the skin, and provides for strong hair and fingernails. Particularly
fatty fish such as mackerel and salmon are good sources of vitamin A. In addition, most fish
supply our cells with the reinforcing B-vitamins.


Is the best supplier of iron and zinc. Iron and zinc are essential trace elements that the body
for example, his metabolic
processes required. Even for a healthy cell growth and the resilience of hair, skin and nails is a
sufficient iron and Zinc needs necessary. Zinc may be in an active complex with the amino
acid histidine well by the body, what example in poultry, beef and pork available.
Dairy products:

The basic substance of the hair is protein. For healthy hair, the man therefore 0,8-1,2 grams of
protein per kilogram of body weight with the diet. A large part of which can of milk or dairy
products are covered. Besides dairy products supply the body e.g. with biotin, is important for
the fat and protein metabolism and thus to the formation of the protein structure of hair is


Cocoa contains the trace elements chromium, manganese and copper. By trace elements,
many metabolic processes in the body regulate. The addition of e.g. Copper hair structure
prevents damage (thin, brittle hair) and pigment disorders of the skin and hair before.

Green tea:

The polyphenols are contained for their antioxidant and thus cell-protective properties known.
In addition, polyphenols have an inflammatory effect, which also extends to the scalp.

Anatherum mur
Carb potassium (potash)
• Gabe: daily from D12 3 * = 5-10 or 5-10 drops globules or 1 tablet
Immediately with effect
Thallium aceticum + sulf thallium.
Alopecia Areata,
• Gabe: D12 = 3x daily 5-10 drops or 5-10 globules or 1 tablet
Thallium metallicum (thallium)
Alopecia Areata, especially after infectious diseases. Must be for months. Beginning with D 6,
3 * daily 2 weeks, then D 12, 2 * bid
Note D Prescription up to and including 3 / C 1



* High doses
* For women and men capable
* Well tolerated


Traditionally used as a mild-acting drugs for diffuse hair loss and brittle fingernails. For risks
and side effects read the leaflet and ask your doctor or pharmacist.

The slow hair formation and the nature of growth disorders require a regular income over a
certain period. Therefore, for 3 x Daily 1 capsule Pantovigar take 3-6 months.
Package sizes and prices (recommended retail price):

You can Pantovigar prescription in pharmacies receive:

Month packaging with 90 capsules / Kur packaging with 300 capsules

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