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Bend your knees slightly, bring your torso forward, keep the back straight
until it is almost parallel to the floor. Keep the head up. The barbell is in
front of you as your arms hang perpendicular to the floor and your torso.

Lift the barbell as you breathe out, keep the elbows close to the body and
not using your forearm to lift the weight. Lift with your back muscles.

After selecting the correct weight, stand a couple feet back with wide
stance. Arm extended, shoulder forward.

Retract the shoulder, flex the elbow and as you pull, supinate the wrist, and
turn the palm upward as you go.

Torso at 90-degree angle from your legs, back straight, chest slightly sticking

Keep your torso stationary, pull the handles back towards your torso and
push your hand till they touch your abs. Squeeze your shoulder blats
together. Don’t swing your torso back and forth.

Use the left hand lift the weight up to the side of your chest and keep your
lower back straight.

Concentrate on squeezing the back muscles once you reach the full
contracted position. Your torso should stay stationary and only the arms
should move.


Don’t arch your back past a straight line and don’t round your back. Do not
swing your torso.
Chest forwards, chin up, you should feel it in your whole lower back section.

Grab the bare or the rope and stand a couple feet back from the cable. Lean
slightly forward from your hip, keep your back straight with arms extended up
in front of you.

Keep your arms straight and extend the shoulder to pull the rope down to
your thighs.

Make sure to squeeze your lats.

Stand over the bar, wide stance with your hips back and your chest up.

Pull the weight to your upper abs by retracting the shoulder blades and flexing
the elbows.

Grab the bar with the palms facing forward spaced out at a distance wider than
shoulder wild.

Bring your torso back around 30 degrees, chest out.

Bring the bar down until it touches your upper chest by drawing the shoulders
and the upper arms down and back

Squeeze your shoulder blades together and slowly raise the bar back to the
starting position.

Same as previously with different grips


Lie back on a flat bench. Use a 90 degree angle grip in the middle of the
movement between the forearms and the upper arms.

From the starting position, come down slowly until the bar touches the
middle of your chest, then push the bar back to the starting position.
Squeeze your chest at the top of the motion.

Don’t hesitate to ask for assistance for this movement !

Same as previously excepted you are using dumbbells.

You can lift the dumbbells one at a time so that you can hold them in front of
you at shoulder wide.

Dumbbells is just to the sides of your chest, and your keep a 90 degree angle
with your arms. Make sur to maintain full control of the dumbbells at all

Same as previously excepted you are using an incline bench (it works
different part of the chest muscles, that’s why it’s always important to vary
your exercises)

Hands facing forward, slight bend in your elbows (to prevent stress in the
biceps tendon)

Control the movement and you should feel the stretch in your chest. Don’t
forget to breathe. Slow and control movement here.


Palm facing forward, elbows close to your torso.

Hold the upper arms close to your torso, curl the weights forward while
contracting the biceps. Only the forearms should move !

Hold the contracted position for a second and slowly brings the bar down..

You can vary this exercises by switching the bar, the grips, and the palm facing.

Keep your elbows close to your torso the whole movement. Curl the weights
while contracting your biceps. Don’t swing with your body. Only the forearms
should move ! Hold the contracted position for a second.

You can vary this exercises using a bar and different grips.

Stand on the back side of an incline bench. You have a dumbbell in one
hand, your other hand can be at the side of your bench.

When you perform the movement, the upper arm is stationary. Curl the
dumbbell upward and contract the bicep. Only the forearms should move !

It’s a hard movement, focus on the form, not the weight ! Use light weight on
this one.

Stand up straight with a dumbbell in each hand. Elbows close to your torso.
Rotate the palms of your hands until they are facing forward. Curl the weights
while contracting your biceps till shoulder level.

Slowly lower the dumbbells back to the starting position.

You can vary this exercises a lot by switching palm position.


Grab the rope with both hands, extend your arms with your hands directly above
your head and palms facing each other. Elbows close to your head and arms are
perpendicular to the floor.

Hold the upper arms stationary and raise the robe up. Squeeze your triceps at the
top. This technique works for each overhead triceps move.

You can use dumbbells, barbells, use one arm at a time, doing It sited.

Grab the rope (or bar, Vbar, …) with palms facing down.

Stand with small inclination forward, keep your elbows close to your torso. Use
your triceps to bring the bar down till your arm is fully extended.

Control and contract your triceps the whole moment, even when you bring the
bar up to the starting position.

Hold your body at arm's length with your arms nearly locked above the bars.

Slowly lower yourself down and keep your torso straight until 90degrees with
your elbows. Chin up. Elbows stay close to your body.

Then push your torso back up using your triceps to bring your body back up.

You can use an assisted dips machine or bench dips. Technique is the same.

Dumbbell in each hand, palms facing your

torso. bend your knees slightly and bring
your torso forward until almost parallel to the
floor and keep your back straight. Upper
arms close to your body and slowly use the
triceps to lift the weight. Your upper arms
stay stationary.

You can use one hand at a time or using



Sit a bench with two dumbbells in front of you at upper chest level with palms
facing your body and your elbows bent.

Raise the dumbbells as you rotate the palms of your hands until they are facing

Continue lifting the dumbbells until your arms are extended above you in straight
arm position and the dumbbell touch each other.

Lower the dumbbells to the original position by rotating the palms of your hands towards you.

Stand on the right side of a low pulley row. Grab a single handle with your left
hand, grab the machine with your right hand for a better support.

Feet shoulder stand, use the left hand to raise up your shoulder, until it is elevated
to shoulder height.

Slowly lower the weight back down to the starting position

Grab your dumbbells and sit on a bench

Palms facing forward, push the dumbbells up until they touch at the top. Then
slowly come down back to the starting position as you inhale.

Stand straight, palm facing your torso, lift the dumbbell with your elbows till
shoulder level. Hold for a second and slowly go back down.

Variation : using cable, barbell, one arm at a time.

(This can be perform external or internal – great warm up – do not go heavy with
this one)

The cable is at the same height as your elbow.

Grab the cable with your right hand, keep your elbow pressed firmly to your
torso at 90degrees. Reach away for your torso with your hand, rotate your arm in
a forehand motion, do not move your elbows.


Face a high pulley with a rope pull the weight directly towards your face,
separate your hands and pull them in front of your face.

Squeeze your shoulder blade together at the top.

Arms extended in front of you, back straight, neck in line with your body (don’t
look up like on the picture)

Legs should straight with slight bend in the knees and the elbows, move the
weights out and away from each other to the side in an arc motion.

Squeeze your shoulder blades together at the top and then slowly back down.

Back straight and stationary (no swinging), hand facing down, lift the right
dumbbell to the front with a slight bend on the elbow and the palms of the hands
always facing down. Continue to go up until your arm is parallel to the floor.

Lower the dumbbell back down and lift the left dumbbell.

Variation : you can use a barbell, cable, doing two arms at the time.

Stand straight, palms facing your torso, feet shoulder part, lift the weight out to
your side, elbows slightly bend till shoulder level.

Slowly lower the weights back


Lye on your side, flex the hips to 45 degrees and the knees to 90 degrees. Your
right leg is directly on top of your left. Abduct your right leg and think about
pushing your knees away from the midline of your body.

Don’t move your torso during the whole movement.

Place a band around your ankles (or your knees) and make baby steps between
left & right

Sit on the ground with a bench behind you, lean against it at shoulder blades.

You can use a pad to reduce the hip pain because of the bar.

Roll the bar above your hips, drive through your feet, extend your hips vertically
through the sky. Squeeze your butt at the top and control the movement back.

Barbell on top of your traps, chest up,

head facing forward. Start with a width
hip stance with your feet (you will be able
to vary the stand of your feet once you
will be comfortable with the exercise)
You can turn out your feet a little bit if
you need it.

Lower yourself, butt out, make sure your

knees don’t pass your toes, and push with
your heels when you raise up ! (push more with your toes if you want to target your quads) Keep your torso
upright the whole movement.

Tips : squeeze your butt at the end of the movement to engage your glutes more.


Back foot on a bench or a box, chest high, drop your back knee to the floor.
Make sure to not let your knees pass your toes. Go down as far down as you
can. Repeat.

The farther you place your front leg in front of you, the more emphasis you place
on your glutes. The right position vary a lot from people to people, find what’s
work for you !

Face the cable, hold on to the

column to stabilize yourself.

Keep your head up, move the

attached leg back while keeping the
knee straight, and slowly return the
leg to the starting position.

Few variations for this one, use the

one you feel the most in the muscles
you want to work.

You can do it on the size, lean your back more, bend your knees, … But make sure to always have a flat back.

Hold a dumbbell (or katelbel, or smith machine if you don’t have enough
balance) in one hand (or both hand), stand on one leg, slight bend in your
knee, start to lowering your weight until parallel to the ground and return
back by squeezing your glutes.

Sit down on the machine and place your legs on the platform directly in front
of you at shoulder stance first (you can vary the foot stance to target different
part of your legs)

Make sure you do not lock your knees, torso always against the machine
(don’t arch your back)

Slowly lower the platform until your legs make a 90-degree angle.

Push with your heels to go back to the starting position.

Caution : ensure to lock the safety pins properly once you are done.

Variation : using one leg at a time, in front of you or on the side.


Adjust the machine lever to fit your height and lie face down on the leg curl.

Keep your body flat on the bench during the whole movement, and then curl
your legs up as far as possible without lifting the upper legs from the pad. Once
you hit the fully contracted position, bring the legs back.

Start standing, barbell in your hands, keep a straight back, slowly push your butt
as far back as you can and lower the weight. Don’t go as low as on the drawing,
a little lower than the knees is find but it depends from people to people. Never
arch your back, knees partially bend.

You should feel it in your hamstrings and butt. The lower you go, the more you
will targeting the hamstrings.

Place a bar on the ground. Feet wide, bend at the hips and grip the bar. Pull your
shoulder blades together, don’t round your back, look forward and start lifting the

Return the weight to the ground by bending at the hips and controlling the weight
on the way down.

Caution : please make sure to perform this exercise perfectly before adding more
weight, don’t hesitate de ask for help to correct your posture.

Place a kettlebell between your feet. Keep a flat back and start swinging the
kettlebell between your legs. Use your hips to initiate the movement and not
your arms !

Thigh Abductor

1. Position your legs properly, grip the handles on each side, and press against the machine with your legs. Make sure
to keep your entire upper body stationary.

2. Once you are comfortable with the conventional way to use this machine, you can switch things up by elevating
your butt out of the machine or to do it reversed.

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