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“Social media effect on mental health”.


Everyone nowadays is connected with each other through various social media platform,

so starting my search was easy. I started with the keyword for my research directly “Social

media effect on mental health”.

Reason for choosing this topic is because, Due to the rising importance of social media in our

lives, I decided to focus my research on how it affects mental health. It is crucial to research

how social media use may have an impact on mental health given the increased incidence of

mental health issues, particularly in younger individuals. Also, my own subject of study,

psychology, is absolutely crucial to this topic. I intend to learn more about the connection

between social media and mental health through this research, as well as to inform or maybe

build solutions that could aid persons who are dealing with mental health problems.

As I wanted my research study to be up to date, so I choose this exact Publication date

and Source type because it can easily narrow down my search assist my focus to search for

useful material during a research assignment. Because, of using this filter I got my assignment

work related articles narrow down to 25 results.


Bibliographic offers important facts about a source, like its author, title, publisher, and

publication date, these details are important for research. With the use of this knowledge, I can

better be able to find essential and trustworthy sources, judge their authenticity, and present

them in a consistent manner.


Since this minute task would cut into my research time. Because I was interested in learning

more about a specific topic so I can directly turn my research work there for example: If I

wanted to know about cyber bulling or mental health I can divert my reference work there.

The quotation in this a newsletter article helps me to understand the main idea of the

text. The abstract or summary states that the data was collected over a certain period of time,

you can see that this may also be relevant to your research. By reading the abstract, quotation

or summary, you can quickly determine if the text is relevant to your search.


Researchers from Creighton University Describe Research in Anxiety Disorders (College

students and cyberbullying: how social media use affects social anxiety and social

comparison) (p. 415–). (2023). NewsRX LLC.

The text I found contains research from the Researchers from Creighton University. A

reliable source, and as a result, it represents important sources of knowledge and ideas on my

chosen topic of how social media affects mental health. The text also presents about the

anxiety disorder amongst the youth specially related to cyber bullying, it also presents

prospective solutions for enhancing mental health through the use of social media, as well as a

thorough discussion of the risks connected with their use. Anyone who wants to learn more

about how social media affects mental health will find this information to be helpful.

The database at the library was reasonably simple to use. Finding the accurate data I

was seeking for was the serious obstacle I encountered. I overcame this difficulty by using the

library's search tools to focus my search and locate the exact information I required.

I would carry the following knowledge, abilities, and concepts away from this task:

1. Developing good time management techniques for conducting research and working on

a project.

2. Communication - Increasing my ability to communicate when presenting my project to

faculty, students, and library personnel.

3. Research - Mastering the use of the library's resources and doing research successfully.

4. Writing - Improving my writing abilities for papers and reports


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