OG Reflection Heena

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Bases of Power

The Bases of Power are a concept in the field of Organizational Behaviour that explains
how power is distributed within an organization. It is based on the idea that power is not held
by a single individual, but rather is based on the attitudes of the people within the
organization. Attitude refers to a person’s mindset or cognitive disposition, which can be a
combination of beliefs, values, and feelings. Thus, the Bases of Power are a measure of how
attitudes within an organization determine who holds power and influence.

Attitude is a key concept when discussing power in organizational behaviour. Attitude is

an important concept in the study of organizational behaviour. Attitudes are mental states that
can be positive or negative, and they can influence how people think and act in the
workplace. Attitudes are also related to power, which can be used as a tool to manipulate and
control others. The bases of power are the sources of power that an individual or group has to
influence the behaviour of another person or group. The three bases of power are reward
power, coercive power, and legitimate power.

Real life example:

One real-life example of reward power is the use of incentives to motivate employees.
Employers may use incentives such as bonuses, promotions, or other forms of recognition to
reward employees for their hard work or for meeting certain goals. This type of power
encourages employees to work harder and be more productive, which can result in increased
profits for the company.

Another example of coercive power is the threat of punishment to enforce compliance

with rules or regulations. Employers may use threats of reprimands, demotions, or
termination to ensure that employees comply with company policies. This type of power is
often used in hierarchical organizations to maintain order and discipline among employees.


Two recommendations for the use of power in the workplace are to ensure that there is a
clear understanding of the power dynamics between employees and their supervisors and that
there is a balance between reward and coercive power.

First, supervisors should communicate their expectations in a clear and consistent manner
and provide clear feedback when expectations are not met. This will help to ensure that
employees understand their roles and responsibilities and what is expected of them.

Secondly, supervisors should strive to create an environment that is supportive and

encouraging, while also ensuring that there is an appropriate level of discipline and
accountability. This balance between reward and coercive power will create an environment
in which employees feel motivated and empowered, which can lead to increased productivity
and improved morale.

By following these recommendations, organizations can ensure that power is distributed in

a fair and equitable manner, and that all employees are given the opportunity to contribute to
the organization’s success. This can lead to an increase in morale, productivity, and overall
success. Overall, attitudes play a major role in determining how power is exercised in the
workplace. It is important for employers to ensure employees feel empowered and valued to
foster a positive and productive workplace. By creating an environment of mutual respect and
providing employees with opportunities to develop their skills and knowledge, employers can
create an environment where employees feel confident and motivated to contribute.


Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2019). Organizational Behaviour (17th ed.). Prentice Hall.

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