The Remembering 121129

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Temi Esan

© 2023



“Afinju Eiye Oloja gboro gboro
Yèyémi Odundunlade Peregun Eiye ajimo
Yèyé Nla Elewu Osun Ajibewaji Eiye Ibaka
Elewu efun Yèyémi, mojuba ba Re, Iba she o, oye, oye o, Iba ni
Alaso aro
Yèyémi mor’iba Re, Iba she o, oye, oye o, Iba ni
Eiye sooro moga t’Ìmólè.”
Eiye moga moga sooro
Olólá aájín
“Every Life is a life. Everybody has a right to life
Olókìkí òru and to the preservation of physical integrity”.
Afenu gbonì lógànjó Article 4. Kurugan Fuga. Ca. 1235
Ako ajá aboru mérin “The children of the Gods have gone under,
Abo ajá aboru mérin because they failed to remember the law their
awe worthy ancestry had bequeathed them... the
Ako ajá aboru méjo African...continent has one thing to offer, namely,
Abo ajá aboru méjo real puzzles whose eventual solution is merely
deferred and a question of time.”
Ako ajá aboru mérindínlógún
Leo Frobenius, German Explorer in “The Voice of
Abo ajá aboru mérindínlógún Africa” (1913)
Olojongbodi Obirin Igúnugún tí balè ajori
Àkàlà balè ajedo
Early in the 13th century, according to the present
Yèyémi Onígbá eiye Gregorian calender, Sundiata, the Lion of Mali led
a successful revolution to overthrow and drive out
Al’Awodi, Ol’Owiwi
the foreign invaders, infiltrators and religion that
Alapandede Eiye agbagba had devastated the Ancient Ghana Confederacy of
which Mali was part of.
Yèyémi Eleiye Agbe
Getting his inspiration from ancient Africa’s
Ol’Odidere, On’Iwo
knowledge systems and relying on a vast network
Òráninísé fàyà tí of this knowledge system – now domiciled in The
Hunter’s society – for intelligence, equipment,
Olójúmòràn lóríta
organisation and personnel, he won an astounding
Iba, Iba, Iba ni moju, victory at the Battle of Kirna in 1235 after some 13
Yèyé kaare, olowo ide years of war.

Yèyé dee, ibigbogbo lona On winning, Sundiata did not become emperor.
This was not what he fought for; liberation, only
E wo Yèyé loke, lodo by Osumare to now continue the alien ways of the oppressors
Arogidigba, Abaraminijojo and invaders. No, he revived Ancient Africa’s way
of social organisation, one that guaranteed its
survival and built the splendour that was the stuff “Five and a half centuries before the Declaration
of myth in the Ancient world and created the of the Rights of Man and Citizen of 1789, of
notion of the Blameless Aethiopians whose land the most original and important texts in the
was the favourite of the Greek gods; history of political thought appeared.”

“....for Zeus went yesterday to Oceanus, to the 800 years ago and for millenia before then, Africa
blameless Aethiopians for a feast, and all the gods knew how to constitute itself into constituent
followed with him.” units and groupings and how to efficiently manage
these for social cohesion. The Mande Charter and
Homer’s Iliad Book I, 422.
its successor document, the Kurukan Fuga,
More than a thousand years later, in the 10 th encompassed all the principles that are now being
century AD, Africa’s brilliance still had not touted as modern and hence need to be taught to
dimmed; Ibn Hawqal, Islamic writer, geographer Africans.
and chronicler, wrote of the Black Africans he had
In its 4th article, it enshrined the inviolability of the
met along his journeys:
human being and the principle of fundamental
“They are well bred in their actions and perfect in human rights;
morals and deeds. In their manners, they do not
“Every life is a life. Everybody has a right to life
share the pettiness of other people of the Maghrib
and to the preservation of physical integrity.”
in their dealings and customs, but act with great
frankness. They are known for their ready charity In its 5th article, it banished unemployment and
and show great concern for one another... They institutionalised full employment;
put aside all feuds and quarrels...out of nobility,
“To win the battle of prosperity, the Kon Gben
forgiveness and natural generosity”.
Wolo has been established in order to fight
Back to Sundiata. On winning victory, he against laziness and idleness.”
convened, what in 21st century parlance will be a
In its 7th article, free and universal education is
Sovereign National Conference, known then as
guaranteed to every child;
The General Assembly of The People, on the plains
of the battlefield, in a place called Kurugan Fuga “The children’s education behoves the entire
near the present day town of Kangaba in the society. The parental authority in consequence
Koukikoro region in the Southwest of present day falls to everyone.”
In its 6th article, it enshrined social cohesion;
Here the people deliberated and agreed on the
system of government, established the “It has been established among the Mandekans,
confederation that would eventually become The the Sunankunya (the joking relationship) and the
Great Mali Confederacy (erroneously called an Tanamanyoya (The Kinship Pact). Consequently,
“empire”) that would become world famous, both any contention that occurs among these groups
in its time and in the present, and laid down should not degenerate; respect for one another
society’s structures and the laws guiding the being the rule...tolerance should be the principle.”
society so structured. In its 12th to 14th articles, women’s rights are
This incredible document which Nick Nesbitt of enshrined;
Princeton University described in an article as: “Do never offend the women, our mothers

Do never beat a ...woman.

Women, apart from their everyday occupations He invites us to remember Basil Davidson’s words
should be associated with all of society’s of deep wisdom:
“It may be fairly easy [to say that Africans] have to
This was in the 13 th century AD...1235... some 788 modernize their institutions… Very well. But why
years ago. then adopt models from those very countries, of
systems that have oppressed and despised you?
Why not modernize from the models of your own
In one of a recent series of a spectacular history, or invent new models?”
outpouring of pure Energy from a source deep
Òkédìji sings that the mirror is not for self
within Africa’s memory bank, in an intriguing self
preening vanity – because what we will see then
portrait, Moyo Òkédìji invites into an incredible
will only be delusions invented by the desperate
journey of remembrance, restoration, renewal
ignorance of rapacious invaders – but to truly see
and rejuvenation.
our selves as who we truly are... an extension and
With bold strokes, striding across time and space descendants of a fecund and intellecting heritage;
to a time before the Seasons of Anomie to throb to look at our forbears, own and know them and
with the rhythms of celestial harmonies, he takes who they truly were and not what we have been
the viewer on an intoxicating journey into the told about them by looting destroyers.
pathways of ancient systems – now mostly
So how exactly were African societies structures
forgotten but whose faint trails remain for those
before the Seasons of Anomie began?
with eyes that see, ears that hear, endowed with
Ojú Onà – that lead to The Awakening. The figure in Òkédìji’s piece, on one level,
represents an installation/the initiation of the
The androgynous figure sits cross-legged and in
Guardian/Leader of a society.
Òkédìji typical style, with its chiselled face. With
the urgency and weightiness of the message, he Before the deluge, Africa had its excellent
dispenses with his usual mind bending, brain educational system. It is how knowledge,
teasing multiple optical illusions to focus the mind condensed and encoded over a hundred millenia
on the seriousness of his message. has managed to survive the vicissitudes of time
and come down to us still in the present time.
Beside the figure is a golden mirror. Non
reflective. A puzzled viewer wonders why the The main figure itself is an embodiment of coded
mirror is non reflective until one sees that the and compacted knowledge swimming in an ocean
mirror is not a mirror at all but a metaphor for the of time.
past...the ancestors.
In ancient Africa’s philosophical system, the
“Iya ni wura, Baba ni jingin” – Mother is gold and Universe emerged as a great and continuing
Father is the mirror – Òkédìji combines both Becoming. From the Source, the Primordial
proverbs to invoke Sankofa; a return to the Source, emerged the Great Becoming;
Ancestors, to the deep heritage, to seek, to know,
“This Primordial Matter, was elevated to the level
to acquire the tools with which to build a better
of Divinity (called Nun in Egyptian cosmogony),
[Odù or Yèyé Nlá The Great Mother in the
Embedded into the mirror are the faint shapes of cosmogony of those now know as the “Yoruba”
the Ancestors calling out to us to a remembrance and all the other Great Mother Divinities of
of The Way. Africa].
Thus from the start, each principle of explanation replicate this by creating a symmetrical, beautiful,
of the Universe is doubled as a Divinity. harmonious and balanced and hence just society.

... Primitive Matter also contained the Law of Each society was a creation of Ojú Onà in the
Transformation, the principle of evolution of plural guided by the leading Ojú Onà of that
Matter through time, equally considered as a generation in conjunction with the entire society.
Divinity: Khepera. It is the Law of Becoming, that
Each society was a work of “art”, bringing
acting on Matter through time, will actualise the
together different materials (peoples), integrating
archetypes, the essences, the beings who are
and balancing all their energies to form a
therefore already existing in potentiality, before
harmonious and balanced society. It is therefore
becoming in actuality.”
only natural that the “leaders” of this system and
Cheikh Anta Diop type of society must be the leading, most
endowed and best trained and best learned
Civilization or Barbarism: An Authentic
leaders of intellection and creativity.
This is the real meaning of “Igbakeji Òrishà” (the
This Source and The Becoming duality is what is in
second in command of the Òrishà) that is part of
Yorùbá cosmogony, the Yemoja-Eshu duality.
the Oríkì of current Obas in Yorùbá country. The
“It is I the Becoming of Khepera, when I Became distortions translate it to mean domination and
the Becoming of those who became after my oppression – the supposed authority to wield
Becoming...the Becoming of my numerous “power” to suit his whims. This was not the
Becomings of my Becomings in the becomings of original meaning. This is the lie that the original
the children, and in the Becomings of their has been reduced to with the invasions and
children” infiltration of traditional African ways of being and
Chapter 17, The Book of The Coming Forth at
Dawn. Ca. 3,000BC Ancient Egypt Furthermore, each member of the society was a
practitioner of Onà (intellecting creativity) or
And hence in Ancient Africa, society itself was a training to be one. A member of any of the many
continual Becoming, continually being guilds and specialisations of Onà; brass-workers,
created/recreated by its people led by the ironworkers, beads makers, weavers, etc.
Guardians – Mothers who are the earthly
representatives of the Universe’s Becoming. The famous Benin bronzes were not created by
“artists”, but by expert Artist-Engineers skilled in
Just as the Energy Eternal in a perpetual cycle of metal technology with specialisation in alloys of
creativity creates the Universe; of symmetry, copper. The works of wood were not made by
beauty, harmony and balance – in the first sculptors but by those skilled in botany and
instance and in continuity in the present instance biology with deep understanding of different trees
– just so the eternal Guardian embodied in the and their attributes and how to utilize wood to
current guardian of the society who is a create materials which serve different functions in
continuation of all guardians that have come the society which must be intrinsically beautiful. A
before – and hence all creativity that has come door cannot just be a door, it must serve the
before – but is the embodiment of the present functions of the functionality, the aesthetics as
creativity. In striving to be like the Energy Eternal, well as an illustrated repository of knowledge to
the work of the Guardians of society must be to pass on to the next generation.
It was therefore only natural that the
leaders/Guardians of such societies were the
And just as the Universe is beautiful, the society
Vanguard Ojú Onà - those specially gifted and
hoping to replicate it must be beautiful too.
rigorously trained to assume the task and burden
African societies were built on the principle of Onà of Igbakeji Òrishà in the proper sense of the
itself. All members of the society were Onà phrase.
practitioners and the Society itself was a work of
To be an Igbakeji Òrishà – to continue the work of
Onà as it is the Universe which it is supposed to be
perpetual creation – the individual must be
a copy of.
endowed with the natural intuition of an Ojú Onà;
Beauty in Africa is not really about aesthetics or one who is able to appreciate and connect to
just the visual. That thing, for it to be beautiful, creativity. But this natural intuition is not enough.
must also be good, be balanced; referencing
In the African Philosophical and Knowledge
equity. So for instance, a society with poor people
System, an Onà – that is a deep thinker, an
is an ugly society as is one with criminals. This is
intellectual – must produce, must create; and
why when the Europeans appeared on the coast
whatever is created must be Beautyful. It was not
of Africa from the 15th century, they continually
just enough to be just an intellectual. That
wrote about the orderliness and lack of criminals
intellectual has to be part of the creative process
in those societies they encountered that were still
of life and the process of creating a harmonious,
largely untouched by the Seasons of Anomie.
just, balanced, activated society which, of course,
This is why as late as the 19 th century, Felix Dubois will then be a Beautyful society of diverse
in his book “Timbuctoo The Mysterious”, could intellecting components. Diversity is encouraged
still quote a Djenne elder; and celebrated in such a society because it leads
to an expansion of knowledge. A yearning for
“It is a disgrace to beg here, for among us, it is sameness is a yearning for an ignorant society and
possible for everyone to earn a living. However hence dead one.
poor he may be, a man has but to work to become
rich.” Each member of the society was educated to be
an Onà in diverse disciplines along each
Every epoch was a new becoming from exactly the individual’s talent. This is why “ori” (the head) is
same matter as the becomings that came before. premised by the Yoruba. It is not progeny that is
Like Òkédìji’s optical illusions, in which the same most important but the gifts and ability that each
components rearrange themselves to form new individual came equipped with. This ability/talent
becomings, this was/is how societies were/are needs to be developed and the best way to
and the work of its Guardians, the Vanguard Ojú develop it is by studying with the Ojú Onà, the
Onà, working with its people was that of arranging Emeritus Professors of the particular knowledge
the Becoming on earth in tandem and consistent stream; eventually called High Priestesses and
with that of The Great Becoming of the Universe – Priests because there was no equivalent system in
the societies thus created being works of Onà the strange languages we have been having to
themselves – what is present day referred to, for bend our tongues to....all these two thousand
want of an appropriate translation, as works of seasons of drought, of loneliness.
“art” – a concentration of different peoples,
talents and energies to form a harmonious and From the age of 4, immediately after weaning,
balanced society. each child, male or female, enters into the
educational system, becomes a member of the
society of the specialisation of knowledge in which and all other leading Professors of that knowledge
the child has a special affinity. stream are gathered.

The vast corpus of knowledge itself was divided Udile/Idile Ogun, (depreciated to Idile Alagbede)
into 16 main streams – 16 divisions of the body, originally those that work with metals and their
the heavens, the earth, all living beings, all alloys but now simply said to be blacksmiths; Udile
knowledge – with thousands of sub disciplines and Alaro, House of the knowledge of the chemistry of
specialisations and each child born was initiated plants, pharmaceutical sciences, textile science
into wherever his gifts lie. and arts, gynecologists; Udile/Idile
Jakuta/Arara/Shango, Udile/Idile Olosun,
This division of 16 is maintained all over African
Udile/Idile Oramfe, Udile/Idile Obaluaye etc, etc.
traditional Knowledge systems and in the Kurugan
Fuga itself, the very first article divides the society Udi-Ile/Idi Ile: Udi/Idi is known to be the gathering
not along lineage lines but along the 16 place of Awon Iyami, of the Odù; hence Udile/Idile
knowledge streams, the 16 Ojú Onà, known as the – the House of Gathering for Knowledge
Quiver Carriers; referencing Ancient Egypt’s Per Ankh; The House
of Life.
“The Great Society is divided into 16
communities/clans of Quiver Carriers” This was what the Universities and training
institutes and hence the societies of Ancient Africa
The 16 streams/books/disciplines that Ancient
were called. In the Season of Anomie, the Life was
Africa’s knowledge system was coded into for easy
thought to be place of birth. Lineage thus replaced
education and transmission.
knowledge as the fundamental principle of
The Quiver originally stood for the Alápò (the organising society.
satchel carriers) – a direct equivalent of the scribal
This structure based on knowledge systems and
satchels of Ancient KMT (Egypt) – of the Ona and
creativity is the most intelligent way to promote
Ojú Onà of the different knowledge streams who
innovation and development.
always carried a pouch/satchel containing basic
instruments for learning and documenting and Ancient Africa cities and hence societal
serves as a container for any new plant/natural organisations were not built around lineage or
object they see to take back home for further family blood lines. They were built as knowledge
investigation. The satchel eventually became used based coming together of like minds with shared
for other purposes as the Season of Anomie set in interests and abilities.
but always as a repository of knowledge. The
Even today, this system still proves to be most
famous Akan goldweights, with their intrinsic and
effective; The Silicon Valley and Hollywood are
incredible mathematics were stored and carried in
both examples of communities built up and
these satchels.
structured based on specialisation.
The term Alápò is still used in the Odù Ifa to
This is the really the only way to have ensured the
describe Agba Awos...elders of the secrets.
continuity and innovation that attended Africa’s
The training of the future Onà begins in the ancient systems. Only people with a passion for
particular stream of the many streams of any particular skill or knowledge stream can
knowledge as the streams on Òkédìji’s figure advance it. For it to have survived these thousands
indicate. The child moves to live in the Udile – the of years, it could not have been trusted to Ebi.
University Faculty – where the Emeritus Professor
Once societies became conglomerate of lineages Oshogbo was a university/society built around the
as opposed to knowledge, the degradations knowledge stream deified as Osun which included
started and halted Africa’s development systems. the expertise in the chemistry of Indigo and its
many pharmaceutical streams and hence became
None of the children may be interested, nor have
known not only as a centre of the “worship” of
the passion or aptitude. In three generations, the
Osun but also as Ìlú Aró – The City of Indigo. Next
knowledge stream is already diluted, being kept
door is Ede, “awon onise ide” – those that work
alive only through rigorous repetition and the
bronze/brass – also associated with Òshun.
mandatory Ancestor worship . And eventually
even this is not enough. Nobody in Ife today Those however that would be future leaders,
remembers how they made beads from sand nor either political or academic travelled wide and
even know which sands to use and nobody in Igbo spent time in different cities/universities seeking
Ukwu has any bronze casting skills. With the more knowledge to eventually become Emeritus
disruptions in Benin, as is obvious from the Benin Professors or Guardians of societies.
Bronzes, workmanship depreciated over the ages.
The ones with the sharpest minds and
Once it becomes limited to lineage, creativity
administrative skills go through all the streams of
knowledge so they can have a panoramic – a
The Dogon maintain the memory of the ancient bird’s eye view and deep knowledge in
ways. The groupings in Dogon society is based not preparation for eventual guardianship.
on land or family ties but on PURPOSE: a purpose
For anyone to be qualified for the position of
of knowing; a specialised study of a particular
guardianship, they must have undergone rigorous,
discipline of knowledge.
extensive and intensive training in all the different
The so called “tribes” are subdivided according to departments of the larger society which they must
intellectual activity and specific knowledge. It has administer.
now been gradually codified into familial
The position of Guardianship itself was dual,
relationships but this is only because of the
referencing the duality of nature. There was at the
calamities of the past millenia. And so, according
same time a Male and a Female Guardian. At
to Professor Cheikh Anta Diop,
initiation, the female is ritually transformed into a
“the Ono study Venus; the Dommo, Orion’s male and the male is ritually transformed into a
Shield; the Aru, the moon; and the Dyon, the sun” female. Balanced, they work together, the
weaknesses of one being balanced by the
Other branches of the some 250 Dogon groupings
strengths of the other.
specialised in different branches of knowledge;
biology, mathematics, chemistry of plants and Requiring incredible self discipline and self denial,
animals etc, etc. and a deep, extensive and intensely rigorous
training in all branches of knowledge, its onerous
Africa, remember your awe-inspiring heritage.
responsibility ensured that it was not an attraction
Most children become life long members of these to be fought over. Only those gifted with the spirit
university/societies in which their innate abilities of selfless sacrifice were eligible and in the very
are developed and guided to bloom. These spirit of selfless sacrifice, none of those qualified
societies acquire renown as centres of excellence were interested nor capable of struggling or
for particular streams of knowledge. fighting to attain the position.
The many privileges that are now taken as power. Honour was now bestowed by birth and
“natural rights” of those that occupy the position no longer by ability, rigorous training, discipline
in its degraded form – the kings – were originally and high education and intellection honed by
“bribes” by the community to soften the hardships study and discussions – the Age of The
and the burdens of the position of Philosopher- Guardian was over. Banditry and
Guardians/Mother of Society. violence now installed “dynasties” imbued with
“royal blood”.
These rights and benefits were not God made, the
better the Guardians performed their duty, the And gradually society passed from highly educated
more the community bestowed its gifts and and in tune with Odù to one of ignorance. The
rewards. Any deviation from the strict obligations Seasons of Anomie had begun.
of the position led to a corresponding withdrawal
In one hand, Okediji’s figure holds a bird – present
of those same rights and benefits by the
at all initiations including those of Kings even
today – the Symbol of The Odù.
The Ebi system in the Yoruba and all the other
In the context of the Guardian, it represents in the
lineage based groupings all over the continent, for
first instance, the beginning of the dual
example is a recent degradation of the original
stewardship. Balancing this is the bird on the
systems after the Seasons of Anomie had began
figure’s head, the Akalàmàgbò and/or Agbigbo
with the initial invasions, about 1,200 years ago,
(both hornbills) signifying in one context death,
from the desert with their religion. They couldn’t
the end, the transition; to remind the Guardians
conquer the people on ground so they decided to
of the eternal cycle of beginnings and transitions
give them their daughters to marry.
and of the accounting of stewardship that is to
To extricate and destroy the political and come.
knowledge systems, it was gradually changed to
The iconography of the bird also represents the
Ebi system so that the invaders could get a
Igba Ìwà. The Calabash of both The Mothers as the
foothold and control power.
source and repositories of all knowledge which of
If only Ojú Onà trained in the traditional systems course leads to wisdom, as well as The Calabash of
could lead societies, there can be no “royal Wisdom.
families” and the invaders needed royal families
The Oríkì of Yèyé Nlá/ The Mothers celebrates and
so that the descendants of the children now born
encodes their deep mysteries.
by their daughters will be able to claim a right to
rule, fossilising the “reign” of the Vanguard that Odù/The Great Mother is the Embodiment and
was in charge at the time of their intrusions. The Source of all knowledge and all knowing and
the Children of Odù, the Beautyful Ones are
Furthermore, the knowledge and political systems
repositories of knowledge on earth.
can now be distorted and gradually diluted and
infiltrated since it is now on the authority of “my My Mother, The Mothers of the 200 birds.
father told me” and citizens will no longer aspire
to know. Being born to a particular family is Birds in most cultures have always been accorded
enough to lord it over the rest of the citizens. special status and across Africa, they are signifiers
and identifiers of The Great Mother; The Mothers
Education was no longer the path to honour, just Great. Awon Yèyémi, Iyon Iyèmi, The Fundamental
as happened in Ancient Egypt at the collapse of Ìmólè, the Foremost Imolè, The Source...The Odù.
the First Kingdom; bandits and vagrants had taken
The birds of Odù are deep symbols of the Agbe; lo l’aro, the Great Blue Turaco, owner of the
attributes of each specific bird, the scientific study pots of Indigo.
of these birds by the Ancient Ojú Onà hence
served as encoded textbooks of knowledge;
“A mind attacked and conquered is guided away
Odidere; the parrot and its fidelity to the Truth.
from the paths of its own soul...Where I come
Iwo; the super intelligent Raven, (together with its from revolution is the only creation and the
close cousin, the Crow) historically the bird of the revolutionary the only artist...Disgust with
Mothers. With their large brains they have the injustice may sharpen the desire for justice.
capacity to transmit information about objects Readers who don’t see this connection merely
distant in space and time. wish to be entertained, and I have neither skill nor
desire to turn the agony of a people into
Ravens and crows stand for Community, Truth,
Equity, Justice, Wisdom, Intelligent Creativity,
Transformation and Prophecy. Ayi Kwei Armah

Insightful and mysterious, these intelligent birds Òkédìji works invokes and calls us to see beyond
with their large brains create and manipulate our present labels and divisions imposed upon us
tools. They abhor cheating of any kind and they by ravaging invaders to conquer, divide and rule;
have been observed to stop cooperating with first by the rampaging hordes from the north and
other ravens that they observe cheating in group then other hordes from the Oceans in the south,
tasks. turning us into museum pieces and labelling us in
ignorance and greed. He calls us to reclaim our
Awodi; the large and powerful Eagle,
higher selves and not to fulfill the aspirations and
Ologiri; alubembe, alubata, Alukírìnjìngìnígí Odù, dreams of our rapists.
the beautiful Palm Cockatoo; now no longer seen
What if we remember our fundamental essence
in Southern Nigeria as the population of its
and The Fundamental Essence and strive to be
favourite palm tree, that which produces the
one with The Great Becoming, Every LIFE will –
special palm nuts used for divination, has been
once again – be a LIFE....
decimated by foreign religionist who deemed the
tree “evil”. And Òkédìji asks again, do we know who we are
that we now bicker like confused orphans,
Àkàlàmagbo; the long lived – with an average life
deranged and stranded in a jungle of modernity.
span of about 40 – 70 years – Ground Hornbill
associated with longevity as well as death sits atop Vibrating and Activated with and by the Energy
the figure’s head. While invoking long life for the Eternal, packed full with Love, bursting at the
Guardian, also a reminder of the day of death and seams with creativity, filled with knowledge
the accounting of stewardship to be done whose source is deeper than memory, regal,
afterwards. strong, silent and confident, Africa sits, gazing
beyond the now, into the far horizon, far beyond
Alapandede; the swallow, with its long pointed
and above the raging fires and turmoil of the now,
graceful shimmering wings and slender and
into the far future, in the characteristic repose of
streamlined body for greater maneuverability and
endless sages; waiting for its children to wake up,
take the bird in hand and lift Africa up for the
dancing to begin anew.....
We are not coming from “primitivism”....we have In adire semiotics, the chameleon’s tail is usually
descended from a place of awesome beauty and depicted as up and usually curled. In traditional
splendour – from a state of Onà. Yoruba mythology, Ògà’s tail and tongue are said
to hold up the Sun and the Moon. Indigo workers
Òkédìji reminds us to look into our jingin and wura
need the sun and no rain for the leuco-indigotin to
(our mirror and our gold; our ancestors) and
effectively combine with oxygen in the air and fix
reclaim our broken and forgotten selves in order
the resultant Indigo to produce a faster and
to heal and then restart the work of creativity,
deeper Indigo colour.
regeneration, rejuvenation and progress; to
recapture, transcend and improve – to create new Òkédìj’s Ògá’s tail is down – the rains are here...
ways of being, firmly rooted in the ancient, deep finally...
and accumulated expertise and sophisticated
knowledge systems.

Òkédìji’s androgynous Ojú Onà sits alone, in the

desert, resting in the ever flowing river of the
Ancestors on which the pot of the desert plant
sits. The Ancestors who fertilise the desert plant,
which has had to develop deep, deep roots to
reach life giving waters, deep under the punishing
sands of the desert.

The water storing desert plant is the only

nourishment for our Ojú Onà all these seasons.

The figure is in restraint and not relaxed. The

viewer can feel the tautness, the holding in, the
vibrating stillness of the figure. It is contained but
brimming full. It needs release but it is holding
itself aloof, waiting for the children of The
Becoming to remember and relieve it of its
burden; to start again the cycle of Eternal
creation; Eternal Becomings.

With the golden sky behind, having been

energized by the Sun, the primal Source of Energy,
having looked deep into the mirror and learnt as
much as can be learnt, the figure sits, filled with
knowledge and knowing, alone in the desert
where the knowledge of Nwn, Odu, Awon Iya,
Yemoja-Eshu has been covered by a millenia of
desert sand, waiting for the rain.

But there is hope, Òkédìji exults. On the right hand

of the figure is the adire symbol for the Ògá – the
Chameleon – also another of Yèyémi Odù’s pet

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