Tugas Bhs Inggris - Afifi

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Good Morning. Ladies and Gentlemen. I declare the meeting open.

I am very pleased to welcome you. Please allow me to give the

background to today's meeting. In this session we are going to
character building through mathematics learning. This topic is very
important to us today, because to shape the character of the
students so students can increase their faith and piety with the
philosophical values of mathematics Education.

Our first speaker today is PROF. IKLIL'S.

It gives me great pleasure to welcome PROF. IKLIL'S who is going to

talk to us today about the importance of mathematics, with
particular reference to Calculation. He is employed by Department
of Mathematics Education, STKIP PGRI Situbondo and his present
position is the Head of Department. He obtained a Bachelor’s
Degree from AirlanggaUniversity, Surabaya, in 1967, a postgraduate
certificate in Mathematics from the University of Indonesia in 1970,
Before becoming lecturer in this college, He worked in the Ministry
of Research and Technology, lecturer in University of Gadjah Mada,
Yogjakarta. and teaching assistant in Mathematics in University of
Indonesia, Depok. There will be time for questions after speakers
PROF. IKLIL'S presentation.

I’d now like to invite PROF. IKLIL'S to give his presentation on

character building through mathematics learning.

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