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In Vitro Cell.Dev.Biol.

—Plant (2012) 48:469–477

DOI 10.1007/s11627-012-9439-y


In vitro propagation of purple pitahaya (Hylocereus costaricensis

[F.A.C. Weber] Britton & Rose) cv. Cebra
María Viñas & Mainor Fernández-Brenes &
Alvaro Azofeifa & Víctor M. Jiménez

Received: 18 September 2011 / Accepted: 3 April 2012 / Published online: 16 May 2012 / Editor: John W. Forster
# The Society for In Vitro Biology 2012

Abstract Limitations to large-scale propagation of purple larger height and increase in stem diameter than equivalent
pitahaya (Hylocereus costaricensis [F.A.C. Weber] Britton plants from the same genotype, derived from stem segments
& Rose), a potential source of betalains for the food indus- (the common clonal propagation system utilized for this
try, can be overcome through utilization of in vitro culture species) that were simultaneously planted.
technologies. In this work, successful in vitro propagation
from areoles of adult purple pitahaya plants is reported. Keywords Acclimatization . Climbing cactus . Clonal
Factors affecting culture initiation, bud sprouting and propagation . Dragon fruit . Pitahaya
growth, shoot multiplication, rooting, and acclimatization
were studied. Best results for culture initiation were
obtained from the central region of new joints by disinfec- Introduction
tion of large (5–7 cm in length) explants that were subse-
quently divided. Explants were sequentially treated with Pitahayas (Hylocereus spp.) are perennial climbing cactus
Extran® alkaline detergent for 10 min, followed by immer- plants native to tropical areas of North, Central, and South
sion in 70 % (v/v) ethanol for 15–30 s, a mixture of the America (Morton 1987). Main countries producing pitahaya
fungicide Benomyl and the bactericide Agrymicin (2 gl−1 fruit (commonly known as dragon fruit) are Vietnam,
each) for 30 min, and disinfection in sodium hypochlorite Colombia, Mexico, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua and, to a
(1.0 %w/v) for 15 min. Culture of sectioned individual lesser degree, cultivation occurs in Australia, Israel, and
areoles, without removing thorns, on Murashige and Skoog Reunion Island. The European Union and Asia, especially
medium supplemented with 15 or 30 μM N6-benzylamino- China, are the largest import markets (Le Bellec et al. 2006).
purine (BAP) for 3 mo with monthly subcultures, followed Fruits from most Hylocereus species have red-purple pig-
by transfer to the same medium with reduced BAP mented skin, while the pulp color ranges from white (in H.
(0–2 μM), induced bud sprouting in over 80 % of explants, undatus) to red and purple (in H. polyrhizus and H. costar-
adequate growth of the shoots, with production of lateral icensis; Esquivel et al. 2007a).
shoots, and spontaneous rooting within 160 d. These plants Red-fleshed pitahaya fruits have gained importance over
were successfully acclimatized in vermiculite and peat moss recent years through increased fresh fruit consumption and
(1:1), or perlite and peat moss (2:1) in the greenhouse, with also as a source of natural pigments in food processing, due
over 90 % survival rate. One hundred percent of the in vitro- to their high content of betalains. This nitrogen-rich group
derived plants were successfully transferred to the field. of pigments, derived from tyrosine, has advantages over
Furthermore, these plants showed higher survival rates, anthocyanins (plant pigments with similar color variations)
especially in low-acidic and neutral-pH foods, due to their
higher stability in pH range 3–7 (Stintzing and Carle 2007).
M. Viñas : M. Fernández-Brenes : A. Azofeifa : Usually, propagation of pitahaya is conducted by using
V. M. Jiménez (*)
cuttings from field plants. However, multiplication rates are
CIGRAS, Universidad de Costa Rica,
2060, San Pedro, Costa Rica very low and it is difficult to obtain enough planting mate-
e-mail: rial because of the large size (∼50 cm lengths) of the cuttings

required (Le Bellec et al. 2006). Despite acceptable seed produced new joints. At least 3 wk before each experiment,
germination efficiencies of between 71 and 83 % for H. the plants were sprayed weekly with an equal mixture of
undatus (El Obeidy 2006), such propagation is not commer- 2 gl−1Agrymicin (bactericide with active ingredients strep-
cially feasible, because seed-derived plants have a long tomycin and oxytetracycline; Pfizer, Mexico City, Mexico),
juvenile period, delaying fruit production for several years and 2 gl−1Benomyl (fungicide with active ingredient beno-
(Le Bellec et al. 2006). Vegetative propagation of pitahaya myl; Piscis, San Jose, Costa Rica).
can be improved, however, using biotechnological tools
such as in vitro tissue culture. This technique could enable Preparation of explant material. For Experiment 1, young
production of large numbers of clonal plants in relatively joints (10–20 cm in length) were collected from sprayed
short time periods using very little starting material (Rubluo greenhouse plants and cut into lengths of 1–2 cm (with only
et al. 1993). one areole per section). Explants were subsequently washed
Many studies evaluating adequate in vitro conditions for with running tap water for 15 min. Pre-treatment to disin-
propagation of several cactus species have been conducted fection started with immersion in an alkaline solution (0.1 %
using in vitro-germinated plants, to avoid disinfection of w/v) of Extran® MA 01 (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) for
explants, because of extreme sensitivity to common disin- 10 min, followed by 15–30 s in ethanol (70 %v/v) and,
fection procedures and subsequent low survival rates (Pérez- finally, in the mixture of Agrymicin and Benomyl described
Molphe-Balch and Dávila-Figueroa 2002; Santos-Díaz et al. above, for either 15 or 30 min. Disinfection as such was
2003). However, clonal propagation from adult material, conducted with either 1.0 or 1.5 %w/v sodium hypochlorite
through activation of areoles, should be the preferred way (NaOCl), supplemented with one drop of Tween 20 (Sigma,
to reproduce genotypes with promising characteristics for St. Louis, MO) per 100 ml, for 15 min. Finally, the explants
commercial plantations (Brasil et al. 2005). This has been were washed three times with sterile distilled water in a
successfully conducted with members of the following cac- laminar flow cabinet. Explant borders, usually damaged by
tus genera: Mammillaria (Rubluo et al. 1993; Ramirez- the disinfection procedure, were removed by trimming,
Malagon et al. 2007), Schlumbergera and Rhipsalidopsis leaving individual areoles with little surrounding tissue.
(Sriskandarajah and Serek 2004), Nopalea (Brasil et al. Eighteen areoles for each treatment were used.
2005), and Opuntia (García-Saucedo et al. 2005; Khalafalla Experiment 2 followed the same sequence of steps as
et al. 2007), among others. for Experiment 1, but used larger tissue sections (5–
To our knowledge, there are two reports for in vitro micro- 7 cm lengths and with five to six areoles per section),
propagation of Hylocereus spp. from somatic tissues (Drew only one pre-treatment (Agrymicin and Benomyl for
and Azimi 2002; Mohamed-Yasseen 2002), but both refer to 30 min) followed by disinfection with 1.0 %w/v NaOCl
H. undatus (white-fleshed pitahaya), a different species to that for 15 min. Explants were subsequently dissected, after
used in this study. Developing efficient micropropagation sterilization, into smaller sections, similar in size to
procedures for particular species generally requires detailed those of Experiment 1.
studies to define specific composition of mineral salts, plant
growth regulators, and organic compounds in the culture Culture conditions. Explants were cultured upright on basal
medium. Therefore, the aim of this study was to develop a medium composed of Murashige and Skoog (1962) mineral
protocol for in vitro establishment and vegetative propagation salts (MS), supplemented with thiamine·HCl (0.1 mg l−1),
of Hylocereus costaricensis cv. Cebra, a violet-fleshed pita- pyridoxine·HCl (0.5 mg l−1), nicotinic acid (0.5 mg l−1),
haya rich in betalains (Esquivel et al. 2007b), using areoles as glycine (2 mg l−1), myo-inositol (100 mg l−1), sucrose (5 %
explants. Moreover, it describes an efficient procedure for w/v), and plant growth regulators as described below for
successful acclimatization and transfer to the field of in each experiment. The pH was adjusted to 5.80 (±0.01) with
vitro-generated plants. KOH, and the medium was gelled with 0.8 % (w/v) agar
(Riedel-de Haën, Seelze, Hannover), poured into 25 ×
150 mm culture tubes, sealed with polypropylene closures
Materials and Methods (wall thickness: 0.79 mm, Sigma), and autoclaved
(1.05 kg cm−2; 20 min). Explant cultures were placed under
Plant material. Stem segments (ca. 50 cm in length) from a photoperiod of 12 h (10.2–20.5 μmol m−2 s−1, Sylvania
adult pitahaya plants (Hylocereus costaricensis [F.A.C. Supersaver Cool White, 32 W, F48T12/CW/SS) at 24–25°C.
Weber] Britton & Rose cv. Cebra), grown organically in Basal medium in Experiment 1 was supplemented with
Barranca, Puntarenas, Costa Rica (N 9° 57.566′; W 84° 0.5 μM naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) and 0.5 μM thidia-
43.217′), were rooted and cultivated in pots containing a zuron (Mohamed-Yasseen 2002). Due to lack of response (as
mixture of peat moss (V-J Centroamerica, San Jose, Costa described below), 45 d after establishment, explants in this
Rica) and Andisol soil (1:1) in a greenhouse, until they experiment were transferred to basal medium supplemented

with 10 μM N6-benzylaminopurine (BAP), based on previous Transfer to the field. After 4 mo in polyethylene bags,
results of Escobar et al. (1986) with Opuntia spp. plants were transferred to the field in Cañas, Guanacaste,
Following results from Experiment 1, explants from Ex- Costa Rica (N 10° 19.580′; W 85° 08.342′). Due to the
periment 2 were cultured directly on basal medium supple- climbing behavior of pitahaya, plants were planted in
mented with BAP (0, 5, 15, 30, 45, or 60 μM). They were mounds next to a living support (approximately 2.0–
transferred monthly to the corresponding culture medium 2.5 m in height) of Gliricidia sepium or Erythrina berter-
for 3 mo. Every 7 d, the number of initiated areoles was oana (frequently used for this purpose in the region).
recorded, as well as the shoot height at day 77. Ten areoles Planting distance was 2×2 m and each plant was tied to
for each treatment were used. the corresponding living support. For comparison purposes,
rooted stem cuttings 30–70 cm in length, derived from field
Effect of areole position in the joint. In order to study the growing plants of the same Cebra genotype [clonally prop-
effect of the position of the areoles on bud sprouting, joints agated using conventional methods (Merten 2003; Le Bel-
from donor plants were cut into three sections: distal, central lec et al. 2006)], were planted simultaneously following the
and basal and used as explants. These sections were initially same procedure. After 4 mo in the field, the number of
prepared and disinfected as described for Experiment 2, and surviving plants, plant height and stem diameter were
the areoles of each section were cultured on basal medium evaluated. Twenty in vitro-derived and 20 conventionally
supplemented with 30 μM BAP. Explants were transferred propagated plants were transferred to field conditions in
to the same medium every month for 3 mo. After 80 d of this experiment.
culture, the number of sprouted buds and calli developed
were evaluated. Eighty-four areoles for each treatment were Statistical analysis. Percentage of areoles that produced
used. shoots, explants that formed callus, explants showing apical
death, and explants surviving in vitro conditions were eval-
Effect of lower BAP concentrations on shoot prolifera- uated as presence or absence (frequencies), by chi-square
tion. To determine the effect of lowering BAP concentra- analysis using Infostat statistical program, version 2008
tions during the shoot proliferation phase, a new batch of (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina).
explants was disinfected and only central sections were Shoot height, number of shoots per explant, size of the
cultured, as described for Experiment 2, but the basal me- plants, and stem diameter were analyzed with one-way
dium was supplemented with only 15 or 30 μM BAP. After analysis of variance, followed by Tukey’s test for mean
3 mo culture, sprouting explants were transferred, without comparison, using the statistical program Statistica 6.0
any further dissection, to basal medium supplemented with (StatSoft Inc., Tulsa, Oklahoma).
0, 1, 2, 5, 15, or 30 μM BAP contained in baby food jars
(5×7 cm). Between 16 and 64 explants were used in each
case, depending on the treatment. All explants were subcul-
tured monthly to the corresponding culture medium for
3 mo. After a further 80 d culture on media with lower Results
BAP levels, the number of shoots per areole, shoot height,
development of apical necrosis, and callus formation were Culture initiation and axillary bud growth. In Experiment
evaluated. 1, 100 % contamination was observed when the
explants were pretreated with the mixture of Agrymicin
Acclimatization of plants in the greenhouse. For acclimati- and Benomyl for 15 min, irrespective of the NaOCl
zation, agar was carefully removed from roots with tap concentration employed for subsequent disinfection.
water and the plants were placed in 24-well trays (each well Complete disinfection of the explants was only achieved
measuring 6×6 cm; V-J Centroamerica) under mist irriga- with 30 min washes in Agrymicin and Benomyl solu-
tion (4 s every 15 min). The following substrates were tion (Table 1). However, 61 % of explants were severe-
tested: vermiculite (medium coarse, J. P. Austin, Inc., Bea- ly damaged, presumably due to the disinfection process.
ver Falls, PA) + peat moss (V-J Centroamerica; 1:1), perlite Therefore, in Experiment 2, larger explants (5–7 cm
(W. R. Grace & Co., Cambridge, MA) + peat moss (2:1), length) were sterilized with the most successful treat-
perlite + peat moss (1:1), and perlite alone. After 60 d in the ment used for Experiment 1 as follows: alkaline deter-
greenhouse, the number of surviving plants and plant sizes gent for 10 min, followed by immersion in 70 % (v/v)
were evaluated. After 4 mo, the plants were transferred to ethanol for 15–30 s, a mixture of fungicide and bacte-
polyethylene bags (13×18 cm) in a substrate composed of ricide (2 g l−1 each) for 30 min, and disinfection in
peat moss + Andisol soil (1:1). A total of 192 plants were sodium hypochlorite (1.0 % w/v) for 15 min. This
acclimatized in the greenhouse. resulted in a significant reduction in the level of

Table 1 Contamination and tissue damage suffered by explants after pre-treatment and disinfection, 1 mo after in vitro culture initiation

Experiment Explant length (cm) Total no of explants Agrymicin+Benomyl (min) NaOCl (%) Contamination (%) Damage (%)

1 1–2 20 15 1.0 100 n.e.

1.5 100 n.e.
20 30 1.0 0 61
1.5 0 61
2 5–7 18 30 1.0 0 16

n.e., not evaluated (due to contamination)

damage, to just 16 % of explants, and no contamination The effect of varying BAP concentrations (0, 5, 15, 30,
was observed (Table 1). 45 or 60 μM) on bud sprouting is presented in Fig. 1A.
Buds from surviving explants from Experiment 1 had not Areoles cultured on a medium free of plant growth regula-
sprouted on basal medium supplemented with NAA and tors failed to initiate shoots during the 84-day evaluation
thidiazuron after 45 d in culture. It was only after they were period. On the contrary, explants on medium containing 15,
transferred to medium containing 10 μM BAP that sprouting 30, or 60 μM BAP behaved similarly, with over 60 % of the
initiated. Therefore, several alternative BAP concentrations areoles sprouting. An intermediate group (5 and 45 μM
were tested in Experiment 2. In all experiments, buds sprouted BAP) producing 20–30 % of sprouting buds was also iden-
directly from intact areoles, without an intermediate callus tified. The first axillary shoots were observed approximately
phase. Using areoles without thorns or eliminating the thorns 28 d after culture initiation in treatments using 15, 30, or
of the areoles prevented bud sprouting (data not shown). 60 μM BAP. While in the treatment with 45 μM BAP,
Fig. 1 Effect of BAP
concentration on A the
percentage of areoles that
produced shoots over time and
B on shoot height and callus
formation after 84 d in culture.
Values followed by the same
letter are not significantly
different at the p≤0.05
according Chi-square analysis
(A) and Tukey’s test (B).

Table 2 Effect of the position of the areole in the original joint on medium containing lower doses of BAP. For this experiment
areole sprouting and callus formation after 80 d of culture
new explants were initially grown on medium supplemented
Position Number of Areoles that produced Callus with 15 or 30 μM BAP for a period of 3 mo, and transferred
non-contaminated shoots (%) (%) to medium containing 0, 1, 2, 5, 15, or 30 μM BAP for a
explants further 80 d culture. In media with the lowest BAP concen-
Distal 84 61.9b 52.4a
trations (0, 1 or 2 μM), actively growing shoots, without
abnormalities or apical necrosis, were produced. Further-
Central 63 82.5a 46.0a
more, reduced BAP supplementation did not affect the rate
Basal 65 67.7b 40.0a
of new shoot development (ranging between two and five),
Values followed by the same letter within a column are not significant- or shoot height (1.3 to 2.3 cm) at the end of the culture period
ly different at the p≤0.05, according Chi-square analysis (Table 3). BAP supplementation, however, promoted callus
formation at the base of the explants, compared to the control
axillary shoot growth was observed after 42 d, and in the without BAP. Callus growth was more substantial at higher
treatment with 5 μM BAP shoots developed later, approxi- BAP concentrations, which coincided with abnormal appear-
mately 63 d after culture initiation (Fig. 1A). ance of developed plantlets (Fig. 2), and most of these
Only one shoot per areole was observed with treatments plantlets eventually died. More remarkable is the fact that
using 5, 15, or 30 μM BAP. However, medium containing the lowest BAP concentrations (0, 1, and 2 μM) significantly
45 or 60 μM BAP eventually produced two to three growing reduced apical death (Table 3), and produced normal and
shoots per areole, but they displayed abnormal morphology healthy plantlets.
and apical necrosis. From day 77 onwards, no new shoots Shoot clumps developing from a single areole were
were produced from areole explants and the height of the maintained together during all subcultures. Root production,
sprouted shoots was assessed at that time. Shoots growing in the form of basal and aerial roots, initiated spontaneously
on medium containing 15 or 30 μM BAP were longer than for 100 % of explants. They were subsequently considered
those on medium without BAP or with 45 μM BAP as true plants. In the last subculture, all callus at the base of
(Fig. 1B). Callus frequently developed at the base of the the shoots was carefully removed, without damaging the
explants in all treatments supplemented with BAP (Fig. 1B). roots, and the plants were maintained in vitro for an additional
However, such callus formation did not affect the growth of 30 d before acclimatization commenced. No additional
shoots already formed. growth or new shoots were observed during this period.
Explants from the central section of the joints sprouted
more profusely than either basal or distal sections on medi- Acclimatization of plants in the greenhouse. After 60 d in
um containing 30 μM BAP after 80 d in culture (Table 2). the greenhouse, more than 75 % of the in vitro-derived
The position of the explant did not, however, influence the plants had survived. Acclimatization was especially suc-
degree of callus formation. cessful with the combination of vermiculite and peat moss
(1:1) or perlite and peat moss (2:1), showing 92.9 and
Effect of reduced BAP concentrations on shoot proliferation. 96.4 % survival rates, respectively. Largest plants were also
As indicated above, shoots that grew continuously on high obtained with these soil substitutes (Table 4).
concentrations of BAP (15 or 30 μM) resulted in apical
death. Therefore, to test whether further growth of formed Transfer of plants to field conditions. Greenhouse plants
shoots was possible, explants were transferred to the basal were transferred to the field when they were approximately

Table 3 Effect of reduced BAP supplementation on several growth and development parameters of pitahaya explants after 80 d culture on media
with lower BAP concentrations

BAP concentration Number of surviving Number of new shoots Shoots height Explants with callus Explants with apical
(μM) explants per areole (cm) (%) death (%)

0 39 2±0.2b 2.3±0.2a 41.0b 0.0b

1 23 3±0.3ab 1.7±0.2a 87.0a 0.0b
2 46 2±0.3b 2.0±0.1a 78.3a 8.7b
5 10 4±0.5ab 1.9±0.1a 80.0a 100.0a
15 3 4±1.2ab 1.9±0.2a 100.0a 66.7a
30 8 5±0.8a 1.3±0.2a 75.0ab 75.0a

Values followed by the same letter within a column are not significantly different at the p≤0.05, according Chi-square analysis and Tukey’s test

Fig. 2 Appearance of pitahaya

shoots on different BAP
concentrations after 80 d in
culture. Bars01 cm.

30–40 cm in height. Simultaneously, rooted stem cut- in vitro culture of pitahaya is illustrated in Fig. 3,
tings derived from field grown plants were planted for including the approximate time required for each step.
comparison. In the field, the main stems of all in vitro-
derived plants dried out, but were soon replaced by
growth of new lateral shoots. After 4 mo in the field,
the in vitro cultured plants showed the highest survival
rate (100 %) and were larger in size than the plants Discussion
derived from stem cuttings (Table 5). The final diameter
of the stem was similar in both groups (3.1–3.4 cm), Culture initiation and axillary shoot growth. Explant disin-
indicating a greater recovery of in vitro-derived plants, fection of cacti is difficult due to the softness of the tissue
which were initially thinner (∼1–2 cm in diameter) and the presence of thorns, which entrap air bubbles and
compared with conventionally propagated plants which prevent good contact with the disinfecting agent (Skirvin et
were 3–4 cm. After 17 mo in the field, some in vitro- al. 1999). Thorns cannot be removed from explants other-
derived plants had started to flower, while none of the wise axillary shoot growth does not occur, as observed in
conventionally propagated plants had reached that level this study. Drew and Azimi (2002) reported that for Hylo-
of maturity (data not shown). The complete process for cereus undatus only intact areoles produced axillary shoots.
As demonstrated in the present study, pitahaya tissue is very
sensitive to disinfection treatment with NaOCl. To reduce
damage, it was necessary to initially treat larger explants,
Table 4 Effect of soil substitute on size and survival of pitahaya in with five to six areoles each, prior to cutting into smaller
vitro plants after 60 d in the greenhouse segments for in vitro culture. Large explants were also
Substrate Number of Survival Size successfully employed for other cactus species with good
plants (%) (cm) disinfection and bud sprouting rates (Brasil et al. 2005;
Ramirez-Malagon et al. 2007), and their use has been the
Vermiculite + peat moss (1:1) 60 92.9a 1.9±0.2a preferred way to initiate H. undatus in vitro cultures as well
Perlite + peat moss (2:1) 58 96.4a 1.7±0.2a (Drew and Azimi 2002; Mohamed-Yasseen 2002). Contam-
Perlite + peat moss (1:1) 24 87.5ab 0.6±0.3b ination rates with our disinfection method (producing over
Perlite 24 75.0b 0.3±0.1b 80 % healthy explants) are comparable with best results
Values followed by the same letter within a column are not significant-
published for in vitro cactus bud cultures using field or
ly different at the p≤0.05, according Chi-square analysis and Tukey’s greenhouse explants (Juárez and Passera 2002), and are
test considerably better than others in which only 20 % of

Table 5 Growth performance of pitahaya plants 4 mo after transfer to the field, according to their propagation method

Propagation method Number of plants Survival (%) Height (cm) Stem diameter (cm)

In vitro culture 21 100.0a 46.1±5a 3.1±0.3az

Field cuttings 19 78.9b 29.7±4b 3.4±0.3ay

Values followed by the same letter within a column are not significantly different at the p≤0.05 level, according Chi-square analysis and Tukey’s test
Stem diameter when initially transferred to the field was 1–2 cm for in vitro cultured plants
Stem diameter when initially transferred to the field was 3–4 cm for field cuttings

explants were successfully established in vitro (Ramirez- pectinifera, Pelecyphora aselliformis, and O. ficus-indica).
Malagon et al. 2007). However, the use of BAP below 10 μM has been also
In the present work, axillary shoot growth did not occur reported for other cacti (Brasil et al. 2005; García-Saucedo
when the basal medium was supplemented with NAA plus et al. 2005), revealing species-specific requirements, as ob-
thidiazuron, but only when BAP was used. However, the served in other plant families (Machakova et al. 2008).
use of NAA plus thidiazuron for shoot initiation was The shortest time required to initiate bud development,
reported to be successful for H. undatus cultures in the present study, was 28 d after explant establishment
(Mohamed-Yasseen 2002). There are many published exam- in treatments supplemented with 15, 30, or 60 μM BAP.
ples in which closely related species, and even different Only 20 d were required for bud sprouting of H. undatus
cultivars from a single species, respond differently to the areoles with 5 μMN6(Δ2-isopentenyl) adenine, which
same culture medium and conditions, probably due to ge- extended to 26 d on hormone-free medium (Drew and
netic conditioning (Machakova et al. 2008; Shen et al. Azimi 2002), while after 25 d Opuntia amyclaea buds
2008). According to Aliyu and Mustapha (2007), sprouting had already sprouted on media with 10 μM BAP (Escobar et
of cactus axillary bud requires low levels or no auxin, but al. 1986). Faster response (1 wk after establishment) was
always high levels of cytokinins. This was also observed in observed for the cactus Schlumbergera (Sriskandarajah and
Nopalea cochenillifera (Brasil et al. 2005), in several Mam- Serek 2004).
millaria species (Ramirez-Malagon et al. 2007), and in With BAP concentrations of 5, 15, or 30 μM in the media
Opuntia ficus-indica (Khalafalla et al. 2007). In the present only one shoot per areole was observed, however with 45 or
study, inclusion of BAP for axillary bud sprouting of pita- 60 μM of BAP two to three shoots per areole were observed
haya cv Cebra was essential (Fig. 1). (data not shown). Growth of only one shoot per areole was
BAP concentrations, similar to the best found in this also reported in Opuntia lanigera and H. undatus
study for bud sprouting and shoot growth and proliferation (Mohamed-Yasseen 2002; Estrada-Luna et al. 2008), while
(15 and 30 μM, respectively), were also used by Giusti et al. in other cactus species, such as Schlumbergera and Rhipsa-
(2002) and Khalafalla et al. (2007), with good results for lidopsis, 6 and 15 shoots were produced per areole, respec-
other cactus species (Escobaria minima, Mammillaria tively (Sriskandarajah and Serek 2004).

Fig. 3 Complete process for in Plants in greenhouse Establishment (0 months) Bud induction (+2 ½ months)
vitro propagation of pitahaya
from the source of explant
material to establishment of in
vitro-derived plants in the field.

Transfer to field conditions

(+4 months) Acclimatization (+8 months)
Proliferation of shoots (+2 ½ months)

More areoles from the central region of the joint pro- which are usually very sensitive to water stress (Orea and
duced shoots, reaching 82.5 % in contrast to 61.9 % and Medrano 2007; Chandra et al. 2010).
67.7 % from the apical and basal sections, respectively.
Utilization of the central section of Sulcorebutia alba cla- Transfer of plants to field conditions. Survival rate and
doles was also employed by Dabekaussen et al. (1991) to average plant height were higher in in vitro-derived
obtain explants, because basal and distal sections showed plants than for plants derived from traditional field cut-
irregular bud sprouting. This might be related to distribution tings (Table 5). It has been observed that in vitro con-
of endogenous hormones within the stem, as noted by ditions can enhance growth of cactus plants, probably
Brukhin and Morozova (2011). due to alterations of the CAM metabolism and because
the plants can fix CO2 continuously, in the light and dark
Effect of lower BAP concentrations on shoot proliferation. (Malda et al. 1999a, b). Continuation of an altered CAM
Transfer of growing shoots, sprouted on medium containing metabolism after the in vitro phase might have afforded
15 or 30 μM BAP for 3 mo, to medium with low concen- an advantage due to the high plasticity of CAM plants
trations of BAP (0–2 μM) promoted development of normal for carbon assimilation (Kluge et al. 2001), and was
shoots without symptoms of apical necrosis, and also induced reflected by increased acclimatization values.
development of more than one shoot per areole (Table 3). Having developed reliable protocols for in vitro culture
Successive subcultures on medium with high levels of BAP and acclimatization of purple-fleshed pitahaya cv. Cebra, the
(15 or 30 μM) promoted callus formation at the base of the next step will be to evaluate whether these procedures also
explants, possibly at the expense of the formation of new work with other purple-fleshed pitahaya genotypes, already
shoots from each areole. Callus formation on BAP- studied for their desired physico-chemical characteristics,
supplemented medium has been reported for other cactus such as cv’s Rosa, San Ignacio, Lisa and Orejona (Esquivel
species (Wyka et al. 2006; Shishkova et al. 2007). Even low et al. 2007a).
BAP concentrations (8.8 μM) have promoted callus formation
at the expense of shoot proliferation in P. aselliformis (Santos-
Díaz et al. 2003). Acknowledgments This investigation was partially funded by the
Spontaneous formation of roots has been reported for H. University of Costa Rica (project number VI-734-A5-029). Authors
undatus (Drew and Azimi 2002) and Notocactus magnificus wish to thank R. Crespo, F. Brenes-Alvarez, and E. Arias-Bustos for
kindly providing the starting plant material used in this work. More-
(de Medeiros et al. 2006). Reduction of BAP levels during over, we are grateful to D. González from the National Technical
the shoot proliferation phase might have been the trigger for University in Costa Rica for providing facilities for field experiments.
rooting, as observed in other studies (Brasil et al. 2005). Assistance of A. Murillo-Williams, A. Monge and E. Rodríguez during
Spontaneous rooting is especially important to accelerate field work is also acknowledged. Authors specially wish to thank
journal editor for the critical reading of the manuscript, very valuable
acclimatization thereby avoiding an extended in vitro comments and improvements.

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