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24 people below! @ ike music and dram, often go tothe theatre cor the cinema ike to know where ather people 9 or funin the evening oc atthe weekend. This is YOUR page! We want to hear from YOU. Send us your comments and photos like the I had 3 new computer form birthday, I want to read about CT and how kt can help usa school. aso lke toknow how other chideen use ICT around the word. | wasn't at schoo today, but heard abou your magazine. want towrite about sports andleaen how to stay happy and heathy My favourte subjects Natural Science Hove learning about animals small ‘animals ike bees and birds; and big animals ike tigers and elephants. | went te 8 museum nthe haldays and now want toknow more sbout what places were fikein the past. ny want to write about rave! good places to visit, what totake, and what to do ‘there My parents traveled a lotwhen they were younger 1's important to Hove clothes, but! stopped |_ learn about people fam buyingnew cothesiast different countries and vear.We should think about | cultures. ‘why we have diferent clothes and where out clothes come from, ‘like to read adventure stores and leara what todain an emergency, Last summer we went hikingin the mountains and we got ost. Sometimes family fe is difficult. ike some tps for ahappy fe at home. © Look and read. Match the res to the WOW! Magazine ideas. 1426.24.46 5662. 76.9h91 {© head the ideas again and answer the questions. 1. Who had an adventure last year? rant 3. Who changed how they shop? Aleisha 2. Which gil wants to know more about 4. Which boy has some problems at home? Mohammed placesiin the past? Ruby 5 Why does Kenny think travel is important? Because i's portant to lear abou people rom diferent countries and cultures © QwWhat would you like to read or write about in the WOW! Magazine? Why? Talk to your partner. ~ @ Finishing the lesson ‘Open the Pupils Book to Unit Ask ss what they think the unit will be about and what they expect to learn init ‘+ © Put ss in small groups. Use the Three facts and a fib technique to discuss the lesson. Next lesson Ask ss to bring in a small photo of themselves.

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