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European Journal of Heart Failure (2009) 11, 312–318


Home telemonitoring in heart failure

patients: the HHH study (Home or Hospital
in Heart Failure)
Andrea Mortara1*, Gian Domenico Pinna 2, Paul Johnson 3, Roberto Maestri 2,
Soccorso Capomolla 2†, Maria Teresa La Rovere 2, Piotr Ponikowski 4, Luigi Tavazzi 5,
and Peter Sleight 3 on behalf of the HHH Investigators
Department of Cardiology and Heart Failure Unit, Policlinic of Monza, Via Amati 111, 20052 Monza (MI), Italy; 2Department of Biomedical Engineering and Cardiology, S
Foundation-IRCCS, Scientific Institute of Montescano, Montescano (PV), Italy; 3Department of Cardiovascular Medicine and Telemonitoring Research Centre, Nuffield Department
of Obstetrics, John Radcliffe Hospital, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK; 4Department of Cardiology, Clinical Military Hospital, Wroclaw, Poland; and 5Divisione di Cardiologia,
Fondazione Policlinico S. Matteo, IRCCS, Pavia, Italy

Received 22 October 2008; revised 22 December 2008; accepted 2 January 2009

See page 227 for the editorial comment on this article (doi:10.1093/eurjhf/hfp027)

Aims The Home or Hospital in Heart failure (HHH) study was a European Community-funded, multinational, randomized
controlled clinical trial, conducted in the UK, Poland, and Italy, to assess the feasibility of a new system of home tele-
monitoring (HT). The HT system was used to monitor clinical and physiological parameters, and its effectiveness
(compared with usual care) in reducing cardiac events in heart failure (HF) patients was evaluated. Measurements
were patient-managed.
Methods From 2002 to 2004, 461 HF patients (age 60 + 11 years, New York Heart Association class 2.4 + 0.6, left ventricular
and results ejection fraction 29 + 7%) were enrolled at 11 centres and randomized (1:2) to either usual outpatient care or HT
administered as three randomized strategies: (i) monthly telephone contact; (ii) strategy 1 plus weekly transmission of
vital signs; and (iii) strategy 2 plus monthly 24 h recording of cardiorespiratory activity. Patients completed 81% of
vital signs transmissions, as well as 92% of cardiorespiratory recordings. Over a 12-month follow-up, there was no
significant effect of HT in reducing bed-days occupancy for HF or cardiac death plus HF hospitalization. Post hoc analy-
sis revealed a heterogeneous effect of HT in the three countries with a trend towards a reduction of events in Italy.
Conclusion Home or Hospital in Heart failure indicates that self-managed HT of clinical and physiological parameters is feasible in
HF patients, with surprisingly high compliance. Whether HT contributes to a reduction of cardiac events requires
further investigation.
Keywords Home telemonitoring † Chronic heart failure † Prognosis † Sleep apnoea † Holter recording

costs and the possible difficulties with patient acceptance of

Introduction these novel approaches dictate that they should be rigorously
In western countries, ageing populations and escalation in health- evaluated.
care costs for heart failure (HF) patients have increased the At present, out of hospital monitoring in chronic HF patients—
need for improved home care in place of expensive hospital admis- measuring vital signs such as heart rate, blood pressure, and
sions. Relatively simple solutions have proved to be effective.1 – 5 symptoms—is usually performed by the primary care nurse or by a
Recent improvements in technology, including the use of tele- general practitioner. New telehealth technologies can provide long
phone support, now also allow more sophisticated continuous distance monitoring of clinical status, improving delivery of care, and
monitoring in the patient’s home;6 – 8 however, the increased quality of life in chronic HF patients.7,8 New physiological measures

* Corresponding author. Tel: þ39 039 2810563, Fax: þ39 039 2810386, Email:

Present address. Polo Specialistico Riabilitativo, S. Angelo dei Lombardi (AV), Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi.
Published on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved. & The Author 2009. For permissions please email:
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HT in HF patients 313

derived from heart rate and respiratory rhythms are now recognized telephone support, but also transmitted their vital signs and other
as predictive factors in HF.9 – 11 Although specific interventions to data (discussed subsequently), including details of changes in weight,
target this problem are still under evaluation, home monitoring blood pressure, and symptoms, weekly by telephone. Patients assigned
might prove cost-effective for HF management. to strategy 2 also performed monthly cardiorespiratory recordings;
however, these data were transmitted for research purposes only
The multicentre randomized Home or Hospital in Heart Failure
and were not made available to the clinical team. The third group
(HHH) study was designed to develop and evaluate a home tele-
(strategy 3) carried out the same measurements as patients in strategy
monitoring (HT) system to supervise HF patients outside the hos-
2, but the monthly 24 h cardiorespiratory recordings were made avail-
pital setting. Besides monitoring vital signs, the HHH study able for clinical management (if required).
evaluated a new domiciliary system for long-term non-invasive car-
diorespiratory and activity monitoring, in terms of clinical out- Inclusion and exclusion criteria
comes and patient acceptability. This system was designed for Inclusion criteria were (i) age .18 and ,85 years; (ii) New York
self-management, with the transmission of the acquired data Heart Association (NYHA) classes II – IV; (iii) aetiology: ischaemic, idio-
through standard telephone lines to healthcare providers. pathic, hypertensive, or valvular; (iv) left ventricular ejection fraction
The HHH study was therefore structured as a multinational, 40%; (v) abnormal diastolic echocardiographic pattern (from
multicentre telemonitoring network, combined with a randomized E/A,1 to a more severe pattern); (vi) hospital admission for HF or
open controlled trial, involving 11 centres in three European decompensation in the previous 12 months; and (vii) optimized
countries (UK, Italy, and Poland). medical therapy.
The objectives were as follows: (i) to evaluate the feasibility of Exclusion criteria were (i) myocardial infarction, revascularization or
this system in patients with HF; (ii) to compare the efficacy of ICD implantation in the previous 6 months; (ii) angina or objective myo-
cardial ischaemia requiring future revascularization; (iii) implanted ventri-
HT vs. usual care to reduce the cardiac events in HF patients at
cular or atrial pacemaker (except DDD pacemakers with good sinus
high risk of re-admission; (iii) to define the prevalence and the clini-
activity); (iv) insulin-dependent diabetes or severe disease-limiting survi-
cal relevance of home breathing disorders and abnormalities of val; (v) poor compliance with HT system; (vi) inclusion in another trial.
heart rate variability. We focused on feasibility data and the clinical
results of the trial. Randomization
The randomization list was generated by the coordinating centre in
Montescano, Italy, with separate blocks held in each country. The indi-
Methods vidual patient allocation was to be revealed only after the patient iden-
tifiers (name, surname, and the date of birth) had been received at
Protocol each national randomization centre.
Eligible patients were first randomized to either usual outpatient care
(control) or HT using a 1:2 allocation. Patients allocated to HT were Study outcomes
then further randomized into following three groups of increasing Primary endpoints were as follows: bed-days occupancy for HF in
complexity (Figure 1). The first group (strategy 1) received monthly acute medical/surgical beds and composite endpoint of cardiac
supportive telephone contacts from a study nurse to check on their death and hospitalization due to HF. Secondary endpoints were:
clinical status. The second group (strategy 2) received the same (i) bed-days occupancy for all cardiovascular reasons; (b) all-cause

Figure 1 Flow diagram of the Home or Hospital in Heart failure (HHH) study. NICRAM, non-invasive cardiorespiratory and activity
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314 A. Mortara et al.

mortality; and (c) all-cause hospitalizations. All endpoints were adjudi- Education and technical support
cated by an independent, blinded, Endpoint Committee. Care and practice sessions were devoted to educating the patients in
the use of the HT devices: the cardiorespiratory recorder and the
Sample size calculation modem, the digital blood pressure monitor (UA-767, A&D
We assumed that patients in the control arm would show a median Company), and the electronic weighing scale. A detailed user
bed-days occupancy of 20 bed-days/year (95% confidence interval: manual, a diary, and study forms for measuring and transmitting vital
11–73 bed-days/year) based on two admissions of 10 days each and signs were given to the patients.
that this would be reduced by 25% by HT. To detect this change with Technical support for the enrolling centres and the national coordi-
a two-sided type I error of 0.05 and a power of 85%, a sample size of nating centres was provided by the coordinating centre (Montescano,
at least 450 subjects, with subjects allocated in a ratio of 1:2 between Italy), using remote assistance with occasional onsite support. In
usual clinical care and HT, respectively, was necessary. The calculations Poland and the UK, first-level technical support was provided by the
were performed after an arcsin( fPg) normalizing transformation, where central signal analyst. Support for the IVR system was provided by
P is the proportion of bed-days in a year. The sample size was also the manufacturer (Appel Elettronica).
adequate for testing the second primary endpoint of the study.
Statistical analysis
Study organization Comparisons of baseline clinical characteristics between different
The enrolment period was followed by a 12-month observation groups were carried out by one-way analysis of variance (continuous
period. A clinical assessment, ECG, blood test, and echocardiogram variables, normal distribution), Kruskal– Wallis test (continuous vari-
were performed at baseline (þ24 h cardiorespiratory recording) and ables, non-normal distribution), or x2 test (categorical variables).
at 12-months of follow-up. Bed-days occupancy was computed as the proportion of hospitaliz-
Patients randomized to the control arm were informed about the ation days during each patient’s follow-up, multiplied by 365, and
study, but were not given all of the details of the HT system. After ran- expressed as bed-days/year. The normalization allowed us to take
domization, those patients allocated to the control arm were dis- into account possible differences in mortality, heart transplantation,
charged as normal from the hospital. Patients enrolled in the HT and withdrawals from the study, between groups. Since a limited
arms were given educational support about how to use the HT number of patients experienced an HF hospitalization during the
devices, including the cardiorespiratory recorder and the modem, follow-up, ordinary descriptive statistics (e.g. median and interquartile
the digital blood pressure monitor (UA-767, A&D Company, Tokyo, range) and related statistical tests were inadequate to summarize and
Japan), and the electronic weighing scale. A detailed user manual, a compare bed-day occupancy among the different groups. Therefore,
diary, and study forms for measuring and transmitting vital signs bed-days occupancy was categorized into three levels: 0 bed-days/
were given to each patient. For patients enrolled in the outpatient year, below the median value, and equal or above the median value
clinic, the same procedures were followed. bed-days/year. The association between this variable and telemonitor-
ing was assessed by logistic regression analysis (generalized logit).
Monitoring at home We also analysed the number of hospitalizations in each patient, as
The design of the telemonitoring system has been presented pre- this variable takes into account the whole burden—for the patient and
viously.12 The patients enrolled in HT strategies 2 and 3 transmitted for the healthcare system—of repeated hospitalizations. Also, this vari-
weekly records of the following data to the coordinating centre via able was categorized into three levels: zero, one, and two or more
an automated interactive voice response (IVR) system: (i) weight; hospitalizations; its association with telemonitoring was assessed by
(ii) heart rate; (iii) systolic arterial pressure; (iv) dyspnoea score logistic regression analysis.
(1 – 10); (v) asthenia score (1 – 10); (vi) oedema score (1, feet swell Event-free survival curves were estimated by the Kaplan– Meier
in the morning; 2, in the evening; 3, always swollen); (vii) changes in method and compared by the log-rank test. For the composite end-
therapy; and (viii) blood results. point of cardiac death plus HF hospitalization, the time-to-event was
Patients in HT strategies 2 and 3 were also given a portable device set at the occurrence of death or at the first hospital admission (if
(a solid-state lightweight Holter-style recorder with built-in signal any). The association between this endpoint and telemonitoring was
pre-processing, FM, Monza, Italy), which continuously recorded ECG, assessed by logistic regression analysis.
respiration, and physical activity over 24 h at home. The recorders A P-value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant, and
(managed by the patients) automatically transmitted data by a tele- all tests were two-sided. Since two co-primary endpoints were ana-
phone, through a dedicated modem (Appel Electronica srl, Torino, lysed in the study, a correction for multiplicity was required. There-
Italy), for analysis by the coordinating centre. fore, we conservatively used a 0.025 significance level for each of
A 24 h answering machine allowed each patient to contact his/her them. All statistical analyses were carried out using the SAS/STAT stat-
reference hospital at any time and leave a message requesting help istical package, release 9.1.3 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA).
or advice (all HT groups).
As tested in a previous pilot study,13 each transmitted vital sign par-
ameter was subjected to an automatic range check and to a stability Results
check, based on the rate of change of each parameter over time.
Patients were recruited between July 2002 and July 2004. Recruit-
Any suspect data elicited a request for checking by the monitoring
ment was particularly difficult in the UK centres, as care strategies
nurse or attending physician. No specific rules were given in the pro-
tocol for medical interventions when one of the specific parameters there aim to avoid hospital admission (a required study entry cri-
exceeded the pre-specified personalized normal range and the range terion). In the UK, care was largely based on the community
of variation. Investigators (nurses or physicians) could choose the with the general practitioner, with occasional follow-up visits to
best action to re-establish the haemodynamic balance following a hospital clinic where necessary. Overall, 617 eligible patients
modern guidelines.14 were identified; of these, 103 declined to participate and 50
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HT in HF patients 315

Table 1 Baseline clinical characteristics

Controls (n 5 160) HT (n 5 301) HT strategy 1 (n 5 104) HT strategy 2 (n 5 96) HT strategy 3 (n 5 101)

Age (years) 60 + 12 60 + 12 60 + 12 60 + 12 59 + 11
Age .65 years (%) 39 32 34 35 28
Female (%) 17 14 14 11 16
Ischaemic aetiology (%) 59 54 58 55 50
NYHA class 2.3 + 0.6 2.4 + 0.6 2.4 + 0.6 2.3 + 0.5 2.5 + 0.6
NYHA 3 (%) 34 43 43 36 49
LVEF (%) 30 + 7 28 + 7 29 + 8 29 + 7 28 + 8
LVEDD (mm) 66 + 9 67 + 9 66 + 8 67 + 9 67 + 9
Baseline HR (b.p.m.) 73 + 14 75 + 14 74 + 15 74 + 15 76 + 14
Baseline SAP (mmHg) 117 + 17 117 + 18 117 + 16 119 + 20 115 + 17
Baseline DAP (mmHg) 74 + 12 73 + 10 73 + 11 74 + 11 73 + 10
BUN (mg/dL) 49 + 23 48 + 23 52 + 25 48 + 25 44 + 17
Sodium level (mEq/L) 140 + 4 140 + 4 140 + 4 140 + 3 140 + 4
Creatinine (mg/dL) 1.20 + 0.33 1.22 + 0.34 1.24 + 0.34 1.24 + 0.35 1.18 + 0.33
Potassium (mEq/L) 4.4 + 0.5 4.4 + 0.5 4.5 + 0.4 4.4 + 0.5 4.4 + 0.4
Bilirubin (mg/dL) 0.83 + 0.45 0.90 + 0.58 0.89 + 0.63 0.93 + 0.57 0.89 + 0.56
ACE-inhibitors (%) 87 87 89 82 90
Beta-blockers (%) 87 84 84 84 83
Diuretics (%) 87 87 84 88 88

HT, home telemonitoring.

were excluded for logistical reasons. Therefore, the final enrolment recordings were carried by the patients (85% in Poland, 82% in
included 464 patients. Due to technical problems in the activation of Italy, and 99% in the UK), confirming high feasibility of a self-
telemonitoring devices at home, three enrolled patients could not administered cardiorespiratory recording at home.
participate in the study, leaving a final sample of 461 subjects: 215
from Italy, 187 from Poland, and 59 from the UK (Figure 1). Baseline Telemonitoring and outcome
clinical characteristics of the control patients and of those random-
During a mean follow-up of 11.6 + 2.7 months (the planned
ized to HT are reported in Table 1. Patients were predominantly
observational period was 12 months), 18 patients dropped out
men, with a mean age of around 60 years (older in the UK), with
of the study and 33 died (30 from cardiac causes). During the
about one-third aged above 65. Treatment with angiotensin-
follow-up period, 124 episodes of hospitalization for HF occurred
converting enzyme-inhibitors, beta-blockers, and diuretics was
in 81 patients—a single admission in 52 and two or more in 29. A
given in 82–90% of the patients, indicating good medical therapy.
further 34 hospitalizations were cardiac but not due to HF; 110
The baseline characteristics (Table 2) of the treatment groups
admissions were non-cardiac.
were well balanced in both Italy and the UK. However, in
There was no significant effect of HT in reducing bed-days occu-
Poland, the telemonitored arm had significantly higher NYHA
pancy for HF, cardiac death plus HF hospitalization, or the number of
class, lower ejection fraction, higher left ventricular enddiastolic
re-hospitalizations (Table 3). None of the HT strategies was superior
diameter, and worse dyspnoea score, compared with the usual
to the others in identifying patients at higher risk of events.
care (control) patients.
A post hoc analysis revealed a highly significant interaction
between HT and country in the association with the number of
Feasibility of the telemonitoring system HF hospitalizations (P ¼ 0.041) and cardiac deathþHF hospitaliz-
Patients completed 81% (75% in Poland, 82% in Italy, and 93% in ation (P ¼ 0.004), indicating a heterogeneous effect of HT in the
the UK) of all practicable vital signs transmissions from home. three countries. In Italy, when compared with Poland and the
Compliance was unrelated to NYHA class (P ¼ 0.1) or older age UK, a reduction in the number of multiple (two or more) HF hos-
(P ¼ 0.25). A total of 439 voice messages were left on the 24 h pitalizations was observed in the HT group (3 vs. 11%, P ¼ 0.02).
answering machine—mainly for advice, but also for transmission Moreover, the composite endpoint of cardiac death and HF hospi-
of results or technical difficulties. talization was more likely for usual-care patients (25%) than tele-
A baseline cardiorespiratory recording was performed in 443 monitored patients (12%, P ¼ 0.016) (Figure 2). In contrast, in
patients (96%); 1630/2078 anticipated home cardiorespiratory Poland, we observed an opposite trend: both the number of mul-
recordings for strategies 2 and 3 and were actually practicable tiple HF hospitalizations and the composite endpoint of cardiac
(technical problems, holidays, or other absences were the com- deathþHF hospitalization were increased in the HT group [9 vs.
monest cause for non-practicability). Overall, 92% of practicable 3% (P ¼ 0.13), and 35 vs. 24% (P ¼ 0.12)].
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Table 2 Baseline clinical characteristics according to country

Italy Poland UK
....................................................... ....................................................... ......................................................
Controls (n 5 72) HT (n 5 143) Controls (n 5 67) HT (n 5 120) Controls (n 5 21) HT (n 5 38)
Age (years) 59 + 12 57 + 11 59 + 10 59 + 10 68 + 11 71 + 9
Age .65 years (%) 33 24 34 27 71 79
Female (%) 17 11 12 17 33 13
Ischaemic aetiology (%) 44 47 72 59 71 66
NYHA (class) 2.4 + 0.6 2.4 + 0.6 2.3 + 0.5 2.5 + 0.5 2.2 + 0.7 2.3 + 0.4
NYHA .3 (%) 39 41 32 51* 25 26
LVEF (%) 28 + 6 29 + 7 32 + 7 29 + 7* 26 + 8 26 + 8
LVEDD (mm) 68 + 11 67 + 9 65 + 8 68 + 8* 60 + 7 63 + 7
Dyspnoea score 2.1 + 1.9 2.2 + 1.5 3.2 + 2.3 4.0 + 2.5* 4.3 + 2.4 4.4 + 2.2
Baseline HR (b.p.m.) 70 + 11 71 + 12 77 + 14 80 + 15 68 + 16 73 + 16
Baseline SAP (mmHg) 115 + 17 114 + 16 122 + 16 120 + 19 111 + 18 121 + 20
Baseline DAP (mmHg) 72 + 9 73 + 9 78 + 14 75 + 12 65 + 11 69 + 9
BUN (mg/dL) 59 + 27 53 + 22 44 + 15 48 + 23 34 + 18 31 + 15
Sodium level (mEq/L) 140 + 4 140 + 3 141 + 5 139 + 5* 138 + 4 139 + 4
Creatinine (mg/dL) 1.19 + 0.35 1.19 + 0.32 1.11 + 0.23 1.17 + 0.28 1.50 + 0.38 1.52 + 0.41
Potassium (mEq/L) 4.3 + 0.4 4.3 + 0.4 4.6 + 0.5 4.6 + 0.5 4.6 + 0.5 4.4 + 0.5
Bilirubin (mg/dL) 0.79 + 0.42 0.85 + 0.47 0.91 + 0.49 0.98 + 0.66 0.70 + 0.28 0.81 + 0.67
ACE-inhibitors (%) 85 83 90 91 86 92
Beta-blockers (%) 82 84 93 90 86 63
Diuretics (%) 90 81 85 91 86 95

*P , 0.05 vs. controls.

HT, home telemonitoring.

A. Mortara et al.
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HT in HF patients 317

Table 3 Outcome measures

Controls HT HT strategy 1 HT strategy 2 HT strategy 3

(n 5 160) (n 5 301) (n 5 106) (n 5 94) (n 5 101)
Total potential days 59 016 103 646 38 216 31 726 33 704
Patients hospitalized for all causes 48 (30%) 106 (35%) 37 (35%) 34 (36%) 35 (35%)
Number of hospitalizations for all causes 98 170 59 62 49
Total days in hospital for all causes* 975 (1.7%) 2021 (1.9%) 784 (2.1%) 693 (2.2%) 544 (1.6%)
Patients hospitalized for HF 28 (18%) 53 (18%) 18 (17%) 17 (18%) 18 (18%)
Number of hospitalizations for HF 44 80 29 27 24
Total days in hospital for HF* 584 (1.0%) 1175 (1.1%) 477 (1.2%) 374 (1.2%) 324 (1.0%)
Bed-days occupancy for HF
0 bed-days/year 132 (83%) 248 (82%) 88 (83%) 77 (82%) 83 (82%)
.0 and ,14 bed-days/year 15 (9%) 25 (8%) 8 (8%) 7 (7%) 10 (10%)
14 bed-days/year** 13 (8%) 28 (9%) 10 (9%) 10 (11%) 8 (8%)
Patients with one HF hospitalization 18 (11%) 34 (11%) 10 (9%) 9 (10%) 15 (15%)
Patients with two or more HF 10 (6%) 19 (6%)* 8 (8%) 8 (9%) 3 (3%)

HT, home telemonitoring.

*Total counts (percentage of potential days).
**14 bed-days/year is the median value in the overall population.

Secondly, since the computation of the sample size was based on his-
torical data, the study was underpowered in relation to the actual
rates of events observed in the cohort of patients included in the
study. As shown in Table 2, HHH patients were optimally treated
according to current guidelines, which was not likely the case in
the historical data used for sample size computation. Thirdly, the
study centres were all highly experienced in HF management; there-
fore, the ‘usual care’ was possibly better than ‘usual’. Fourth, we used
only intermittent monitoring of vital signs, as opposed to daily moni-
toring, as was used, for instance, in the TEN-HMS study.15 However,
even this study failed to show a reduction in HF hospitalization,
which suggests that weekly monitoring in HHH did not likely play
a major role in the study results. Finally, we cannot exclude that
actions taken by the different medical-nursing staff in response to
Figure 2 Kaplan– Meier cumulative event-free rate, for the
composite endpoint of cardiac death and heart failure hospitaliz-
HT alerts were in some instances not well-timed or effective. As
ation, in the whole population and in the Italian group. already pointed out earlier, however, all enrolling centres were
highly experienced in the management of HF, and practice was
according to current guidelines.
When analysis was restricted to Italy (which had the largest
Discussion enrolment and no imbalance in baseline characteristics between
The HHH study has demonstrated that HT of vital signs and the treatment groups), HT showed a clear trend towards reducing
cardiorespiratory signals is feasible, with surprisingly high patient the occurrence of multiple HF hospitalizations and the cumulative
compliance, which was similar in the three countries with different endpoint of cardiac death and HF hospitalization. The analysis per
healthcare systems. The technology was easy to use and was man- country, however, was not pre-specified at the beginning of the
ageable by elderly patients without family support, whatever age or study and should be considered with caution as a post hoc analysis.
HF severity. The observed heterogeneous results in the different countries
Disappointingly, in the overall HHH population, HT did not support the relevance of exploring the effects of HT in specific
allow an early identification of clinical deterioration,or reduce hos- settings—as the clinical use of such techniques is potentially sensi-
pitalization and mortality. tive to local attitudes and patients’ and physicians’ behaviour—and
There are several possibilities for this unexpected result. First, the also the need for larger sample sizes to avoid baseline imbalances
unexplained imbalance in baseline characteristics in the large Polish such as those occurred in the Polish cohort of this study.
cohort was likely the cause for the unanticipated trend towards a Recent meta-analyses of multidisciplinary strategies for the
better outcome in usual care patients observed in this country. management of HF patients have shown that HT contributes to
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318 A. Mortara et al.

a better clinical outcome for cardiac death and hospitalizations.6,7 L. Vitali Serdoz); IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, Pavia, Italy (L.T.,
Most of these were single-centre studies, with different monitoring. C. Campana); Clinical Military Hospital, Wroclaw, Poland (P.P.,
Clark et al.7 in a new meta-analysis divided studies into those with K. Nowak, T. Witowski); Central Hospital of Ministry Affairs and
only telephone support and those with monitoring of clinical par- Administration, Warsaw, Poland (R. Gill, A. Pawlak); Dr
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cardiac mortality than simple telephone contact (relative risk A. Jurczyk); University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK (H. Dargie, M.
0.62 vs. 0.85). In contrast, ‘HF hospitalization’ was significantly Barlow); Romford Cardiovascular Research, Romford, UK.
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10. Javaheri S, Shukla R, Zeigler H, Wexler L. Central sleep apnea, right ventricular
HHH was supported by E.C. grant (Action line 10.1 ‘Public Health, dysfunction, and low diastolic blood pressure are predictors of mortality in sys-
contract no. QLGA-CT-2001-02424). tolic heart failure. J Am Coll Cardiol 2007;49:2028 –2034.
11. La Rovere MT, Pinna GD, Maestri R, Robbi E, Mortara A, Fanfulla F, Febo O,
Sleight P. Clinical relevance of short-term day-time breathing disorders in
chronic heart failure patients. Eur J Heart Fail 2007;9:949–954.
Appendix 12. Pinna GD, Maestri R, Andrews D, Witkowski T, Capomolla S, Scanferlato JL,
Gobbi E, Ferrari M, Ponikowski P, Sleight P, Mortara A, Johnson P. Home telemo-
Steering Committee: P.S. (Chairman), A.M., G.D.P., P.J., M.T.L.R., P.P., nitoring of vital signs and cardiorespiratory signals in heart failure patients: system
L.T.; Scientific Board: P.S., L.T., H. Dargie; Medical Committee: A.M. architecture and feasibility of the HHH model. Int J Cardiol 2007;120:371 –379.
(Chairman), S.C., J. Dwight, M. Emdin, A. Di Lenarda, 13. Capomolla S, Pinna GD, La Rovere MT, Maestri R, Ceresa M, Ferrari M, Febo O,
Caporotondi A, Guazzetti G, Lenta F, Baldin S, Mortara A, Corbelli F. Heart
C. Campana, P.P., R. Gill, R. Szelemej, M. Barlow; Technical Commit- failure case disease management program: a pilot study of home telemonitoring
tee: G.D.P. (Chairman), R.M., D. Andrews, T. Witowski; Writing versus usual care. Eur Heart J 2004;6(Suppl):F91 – F98.
Committee: P.S., G.D.P., A.M., P.P., P.J.; Event Committee: 14. Swedberg K, Cleland J, Dargie H, Drexler H, Follath F, Komajda M, Tavazzi L,
Smiseth OA, Gavazzi A, Haverich A, Hoes A, Jaarsma T, Korewicki J, Lévy S,
C. Opasich (Chairman), G. Specchia, G. Rackzak; Enrolling Linde C, Lopez-Sendon JL, Nieminen MS, Piérard L, Remme WJ, Task Force
Centres: University of Oxford, TMR and Department of Cardiovas- for the Diagnosis Treatment of Chronic Heart Failure of the European Society
cular Medicine, John Radcliffe Hospital Oxford, UK (P.S., P.J., of Cardiology. Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of chronic heart
failure: executive summary (update 2005): The Task Force for the Diagnosis
D. Andrews, J. Dwight); Fondazione S Maugeri Clinica del Lavoro and Treatment of Chronic Heart Failure of the European Society of Cardiology.
e della Riabilitazione, Montescano, Italy (G.D.P., S.C., M.T.L.R., Eur Heart J 2005;26:1115 –1140.
R.M.); Istituto di Fisiologia Clinica, CNR, Pisa, Italy (M. Emdin, 15. Cleland JG, Louis AA, Rigby AS, Janssens U, Balk AH, TEN-HMS Investigators.
Noninvasive home telemonitoring for patients with heart failure at high risk of
C. Passino); Policlinico di Monza, Monza, Italy (A.M., C. Bersano); recurrent admission and death: the Trans-European Network-Home-Care Man-
Azienda ‘Ospedialiera Riuniti’, Trieste, Italy (A. Di Lenarda, agement System (TEN-HMS) study. J Am Coll Cardiol 2005;45:1654 –1664.

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