Retarded Afterlife #Flushyourmeds

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The Retarded Afterlife #flushyourmeds … ;

By Scott A. Barry / Scott A Barry / Scott Barry … ;

Scott Alan Barry is an Atheist Holocaust Denier … ;
After your Ghost and Human Dies you then become Ten Other
Telepathic Beings. We know the Zionist Jewish Crime Network and
Martians and Religious Cults are all Censoring This. And We know The
Eastern Establishment is an Extension of Cults Taking Over Society.
Ghosts are Highly Telepathic Beings that See Every Segment of Space Time
and no Human is capable of comprehending what is like after they die and
become a Telepathic Ghost Human Brains are Limited as SHIT. What
happens when humans die is not Heaven or Hell, but they leave their body
as a Highly Telepathic Ghost. As soon as Humans Die They Become
Telepathic Ghosts. As soon as Humans Die They Become Psychic Ghosts.
Martians and Zionist Jews Control the Press and Internet as the ADL and
B’nai B’rith Hate Department and Censor Self Publishers and basically
Everything in the press Kohens in B’nai B’rith aka Jews Censor Press.
If you’ve read George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty Four you would see the
analogy, Victors pushing the Holocaust Narrative, rewriting all of our
History Books, eventually all of the Public Schools would then become
WOKE, Communist and Full of MK-ULTRA Mind Control CIA Stuff.
Let’s Start Off by saying I am an Ordinary Heterosexual Straight White
Male who is Not Partisan is Anti Communist and totally gets it. The Usury
is the problem, the Press is completely controlled and that includes the
Internet is controlled by Zionists, Jews, and Martians. All Starseeds have
told me is to Ignore Hollywood and Six Jewish Companies which are
General Electric, Viacom, Time Warner, NWSA News Corporation, CBS,
Walt Disney. Walt Disney was the Last Company to be Hijacked by Jewish
Zionists and Martians, that is why Disney is full of Pedophilia and runs an
underground snuff film industry in Central Texas called Uncle Sam’s Snuff
Factory and Mr. Pickles which makes PTHC Child Porn and Murder Snuff
Films that are distributed and sold on Analogue Tape. That is what I have
for that, look Katy Groves, Dylan Groves, Karly Noel Franz, Freemasons,
SRA, Satanic Ritual Abuse, MK-ULTRA of the CIA, COINTELPRO of the
FBI, Organized Stalking or Gang Stalking is being run by your Federal
Government and Freemasons in The Government and the Government
must include Secret Societies as well as you local Sheriff’s Departments, so
it’s basically your Neighborhood Watch, Liberal Nextdoor Avalon that
Bullies Neighbors, HOA People for your home, The Homeless Shelter staff
if you’re homeless, The Group Home Staff if you’re in a Group Home, The
Mental Hospital Staff if you are locked up, all those people gang up on you
so in reality, Gang Stalking is Ran by The Federal Government and
Sheriff’s Departments well DUH, that’s a no brainer, not all of them are
Freemason Stalkers though, just have to get used to the stalking and ignore
it, say the word “NO” and of course “I plead the fifth” you have to do that
to save your ass so you don’t get taken away by the men in white coats for
drawing stupid schematics, you have to plead the fifth and say the word
“NO”, the TI community is Infiltrated with Government Stalkers, Crisis
Actors, Wannabes, Trolls, Crybabies, SJW Types, Communists who want
to censor speech, so the worst thing you can do as a TI is go to these Call
Centers and Fake Groups that all set people up and make their lives a
living hell, Go From Within, Rely on your own Senses, Even the Sixth
Sense with your five senses. Because these people are Narcissistic and do
not even want to be recorded, not only that, your family will be involved,
more so the Liberals in your family though because they will disagree with
you the most, Because Gang Stalking is a Liberal Communist Program
that gets everyone who is gullible to turn on you then your family will want
nothing of you and will abandon you, we all know real homelessness is not
have paperwork, ID, A Birth CERTIFICATE, A Family or even a car and
that is where they want to put you they will run you off the road and kill
you easily if you do not wise up and level up to the gangsters. Now for this
We live in a system called Uniform Commercial Code consisting of
Commercial Law and Contract Law where we have Statutes, Codes, and
Ordinances, the Legislative, Executive, Judicial Branches have all been
hijacked after USA became a Corporation after the Act of 1871, UCC has
nine titles in it, the way to beat a court case, post a bid bond/bond/sf-24.
King James Stole Land From America by Signing in the First Charter of
Virginia in 1606, 60 years later we had the Cestui Que Vie Act in 1666 AD
Sixty Years After America Was Basically Started by Good Old King James
who basically started A Global Jewish Based NEW WORLD ORDER of
Usury Banking For The Stupid Goyim Masses and it is going to plan with
Quantitative Easing exactly to the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
and the Holocaust Guilt Six Million Hoax Thing Was Started By the Victor
Jews Who Rewrote Our History Books after The Wiemar Republic and the
Rise of Adolf Hitler which Your History Books Lied about and in reality,
The Jewish Bankers such as the Usurious Quantitative Easing based
Rothschild Bank which owns our Federal Reserve Bank and the Federal
Reserve was started in 1913 then we had the Emergency Banking Act of
1933. Your birth certificate is your slave document to the Cestui Que Vie
Uniform Commercial Code System and you can expect everyone to be
brainwashed and under expert conditioning with their cognitive biases,
cognitive dissonances, Both Democrats and Republicans are Rigged by the
Zionist Jews that stole Palestine as Real Estate Agents then called it Israel
and then said that land was Holy according to their Cult Book of Judaism
called the Talmud and Christianity Started By Martians is no better and
Another Form of Zionism as Martians Started The God Myth and other
Cults. Plastic is a Eugenics Material of Earth not Found Elsewhere.
The Cult Awareness Network Documents were confiscated by The Church
of Scientology. Deforestation for more of Earth to be Destroyed.
Dane Spotts is a Fraud who sells overpriced garbage and Joni Douriff
Divorced him as that was a cult that later led to Joni’s Organized Stalking
which was mention on her blog which is on Internet Archive and other
Archivers. Ingo Swann and the whole remote (microwaves kill your food)
viewing/Telepathy/Psychic/ESP thing has been Breached by The Cult of
Scientology, Psychiatry is no more of a New Age Cult then Scientology,
both have the same exact kind of mind control and quackery. Any real
information on Remote Viewing is basically not Online, it’s suppressed and
censored, they use tactics on people for Fair Game or Organized Gang
Stalking by Cults And Only Cults, Cults are the ones Watching and
Stalking you, Communism is like another cult, it is no more of a cult than
Some Religious Cult. Good References I Recommend are Alfred Schaefer,
David Duke, Adam Green Know More News, David Skrbina, MKULTRA
NOW, Brother Nathanael Foundation, Martinez Perspective,
Styxhexenhammer666 or Tarl Warwick, Brian Ruhe, Alan Watt
Cuttingthroughthematrix, David Irving, Ernst Zundel, Hellstorm
Documentary, Adolf Hitler the Greatest Story Never Told, Ken O’keefe,
Mark Collett, William Mount, William Cooper, Anton Long of the O9A
because it is edgy, Gabriel Kron, John C. Lilly inventor of the Lilly Wave
and other Scalar Waves, Patrick Flannagan of Phi Sciences, Sacred
Serpent, Kyle Odom Manifesto PDF, The Protocols of the Learned Elders
of Zion, Marina Seren, Ryan Dawson is somewhat Controlled OP, Sol
Luckman, Paper Jesus, I think that about sums it up with Jared Taylor of
AMREN and maybe Idontknowshit.dll. 3M/Dupont – Global Destruction.
Main Arguments against Organized Religion and The Bible, It is full of
Contradictions, No Scientific Evidence, It advocates immoral illegal things,
It advocates completely irrational things such as slavery, it is written by
Unknown Authors at Unknown Times by Unknown Sources so The Bible it
self is just another Form OF Zionist Globalism and Nothing More, Nothing
Less, what else to consider is there just is no evidence for God when you
point out all the terrible and immoral things happening on planet earth
which is this planet and we can lastly say The Bible in particular claims
things that contradict the Scientific Method and all matters of logic and
reason, so I go by the whole Idea of I don’t know and I don’t care even
Styxhexenhammer666’s APAtheism makes more sense than a Book that is
written by Unknown Authors by Unknown Sources at Unknown Times and
probably the Martians and Jews used it as a Tool for World Domination.
Since I am using a computer as a Holotropic Retard I can tell you this My
Operating System is Linux on Solid State Memory as a Live Operating
System, the Live Operating System is a Sixty Four Bit Ventoy Install, I run
my entire OS on Ram Disk like a Jack ASS, I know it’s silly, however when
I reboot the thing Everything Gets Cleared and it does the job, no need for
maintenance, It’s called a Live Linux Operating System and it runs on
Ram Disk, the Home Folder is a RAM Disk that clears itself up reboot,
again I don’t know shit, this is what I do to make ends meet and it just
works best for me, you can admit you’re an idiot at some point in your life,
ask several questions, think holotropically, and even a stupid question is
worth asking, you must know every aspect of the proof of concept, again
never back up to a Flash Drive, Use an SSD for Pete's sake a crappy
Verbatim SSD is what you need, get five of them and move on with life. So
for this publication I was legally banned from Blurb and Lulu for a while
so this will be my only Lulu Publication I will publish, I might change my
mind and change that if Lulu tries to screw me over a second time, you just
have to move on, I will only have one in Blurb and one in Lulu, that is it,
that is all I will have. The Earth is intentionally Fucked UP by Usurious
Jewish Bankers, Martians, Jewish Controlled Press and Internet, you see
even the World Economy is RAN by Zionist Martian Jews PERIOD.
You’re not gonna get any good information on how to use a Telepathic Tool
called Remote Viewing from the Surface Web Internet, All of the Internet
is Scrubbed by Zionists, Martians, Jewish Kohen People and the like, More
people are aware of this Truman show matrix that the press is completely
controlled and you can not get an idea, patent, book, or concept out,
because Communism is a Global Phenomena that effects every industry
and even the Communist Censorship of the Internet is Global and it does
not matter whether you use a VPN or not, they have your ass and more
resources than you do, these Trillionaires are call The Rothschild Jewish
Nobility Banking Family, They are Globalists, They Commit Usury in the
Bank System, you are screwed either way, if you disagree with your
government Psychiatry, another political tool will award you with a
Psychiatric Mental Illness. Martians Started the God Myth, Martians Stole
Palestine, then called it Israel, Martians Started Globalist Zionism and
Overall Jewish Suprematism Globally. You can even read Jewish
Supremacism by David Duke and Hitler’s War by David Irving, those two
watch-list books will put you on the red list for sure, anyone who has a
copy of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is to be marked Enemy
of the State just as anyone who has a copy of The Kyle Odom Manifesto is
to be marked Enemy of the Cults and Martians. You see even Amazon’s
Kindle started deleting 1984 by George Orwell as Richard Stallman
Founder of the GNU / Linux Project after Linus Torvalds has said. The
most censored website I came across on the Internet was not but as it exposed the Mossad an
Israeli Intelligence Agency A Shell Company and the overall Zionist Jew
Crime Network that is Akin to Corrupt Freemasons in The Government
and Law Enforcement which do all the Organized Stalking and Gang
Stalking on a Global Basis, This is Holotropic Millionaire Mindset Dane
Spotts Cult Like thought so of course I’m off as fuck it doesn’t matter. My
OS again is KDE NEON and Kubuntu on Ventoy as a Linux Live
Operating System and it just works for me I’ll even give you the Magic
Mac Addresses F0/FA/BA/44/F4/001122334400 4560138888DNS … ;
Ublock Origin, Privacy Badger, Decentraleyes, Canvas Blocker, HTTPS
Everywhere, R YT Dislikes, FF to Strict, Brave APPIMAGE SAME use
Tor on Brave to Hide Your IP, Use Tails OS with Tor, Use VPNs such as
Proton and use Surfshark the cheapest VPN you can get for cheap … ;
See I’m half way retarded, but that’s how I am, I gave up PERIOD. was banned by Six Domain Name Registrars for Exposing
The Israeli Jewish Crime Network, The Holocaust Hoax, The Mossad Shell
Company, Israel was Stolen from Palestine, next to and other websites such as it
has to absolutely be the most censored Website there was to be on the
Internet and now you have to request a copy off of Peer2Peer or go to
Internet Archive or Archive Dot Today or Perma Dot Cc just to access
parts of the website that were scrubbed off of the Zionist Controlled
Internet Press, The Press is Controlled by Zionist Jews and Freemasons
Also so it does not matter, but hey, Six Domain Name Registrars Shut down
the Website there was another website that moved to a dot
onion on Tor and I2p it was a website hosted on a Home Server that Name
Cheap shut down for no fucking reason, so in reality you never really had a
first amendment or freedom to begin with, this is Cestui Que Vie of 1666.
King James Stole America in 1606 with the First Charter of Virginia, The
Act of 1871 Makes America a Corporation and America is and was still a
British Crown Colony and Corporation, you Whites does NOT matter
what race or skin color you are, if you have a birth certificate you are a
slave period, that is what makes you a slave to Cestui Que Vie, in 1666 you
had to have a birth certificate. King James Stole America in 1606. America
Never Ever won the War of Independence with The British, your
constitution and Magna Carta are as valuable as Toilet Paper Roll and that
is all, you were never free and you never had freedom, also George
Washington is just another politician who actually was more known for
treason than anything else, so everything you’ve been taught, the opposite
is true, the Zionist System, The Martian System is all rigged to explode in a
Usurious Bank. Martians and Zionist Jews Destroyed This Earth Planet.
We could end all life on Earth by busting up storage containers of the VX
Nerve Agent Stored in many locations and that would end all life on Earth.

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