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Upon hearing the type of logic gate we were assigned, I feel excited by the fact that we were
gonna make a sort of experiment and a hands on since this kind of topic is new to us and we
need to conduct a deep research on how to do it because the materials that we will be using is
not that cheap to be put to waste.
Throughout the project, we encountered several obstacles as we dealt with the project as we
were not knowledgeable enough in terms of the logic gates, particularly the OR gate . These
obstacles allows us to think more critically and eventually dig deeper into our own
understanding in how this Boolean algebra works on our assigned logic gate.
We learned to solve our problems and rectify our issues by analyzing the circuit connections,
identifying faulty components and connecting the terms and conditions that needs to be met in
order to make our circuit work. This experienced shaped our ability to troubleshoot and find
solutions to our complex situations. The project required a collaboration among team
members, fostering communications within the group members as we dealt with the project.

AlthroUghout the project, we were able to complete it and solve the issues within the circuit. As
we dwelve to a deeper understanding of our project we learned how to make an OR GATE
circuit and we knew the exact patterns and the outcomes of our project. This enables to use
our innovative mind in terms of problem solving and apply it to real life situation.

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