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Objective: Compare neural networks with social networks, Establish linkages between self and
the social networks under the DepEd Philippines K to 12 Curriculum Guide.
Code: HUMSS_MCT12-IIg-i-3, HUMSS_MCT12-IIg-i-4
Grade Level: Grade 12
Subject: Media and Information Literacy

(1) Review:

 The teacher will ask the students about their knowledge and experience with social networks.
 The teacher will give a brief lecture on social networks and neural networks.

(2) Motivation:

 The teacher will show a short video or infographic about the benefits and risks of social
networks and neural networks.
 The teacher will ask the students to share their thoughts and insights about the video or

(3) Activity:

 The teacher will divide the class into two groups: the social network group and the neural
network group.
 Each group will be given a set of questions related to their assigned topic.
 The groups will have to research and discuss their answers.
 The groups will present their findings to the class and compare their answers.
 The class will have a discussion about the similarities and differences between social networks
and neural networks.

(4) Analysis:

 The teacher will give a short lecture on the impact of social networks and neural networks on
the self and society.
 The students will be asked to analyze and reflect on their personal experiences with social
networks and neural networks.
 The students will be asked to share their insights with the class.

(5) Abstraction:

 The teacher will give a lecture on the importance of media and information literacy in navigating
social networks and neural networks.
 The students will be asked to brainstorm ways to promote media and information literacy in
their communities.

(6) Application:

 The students will be given a real-life scenario where they will have to apply their knowledge of
social networks and neural networks to make a decision.
 The students will be asked to present their decision and explain their reasoning.

(7) Assessment:

1. What are the similarities and differences between social networks and neural networks? Answer:
Social networks and neural networks are both networks that connect people and/or information.
However, social networks are created by people, while neural networks are created by machines.
2. How can media and information literacy help in navigating social networks and neural networks?
Answer: Media and information literacy can help in identifying credible sources of information,
avoiding fake news, and protecting personal data.
3. What are the benefits and risks of social networks and neural networks? Answer: The benefits of
social networks include staying connected with friends and family, while the risks include
cyberbullying and addiction. The benefits of neural networks include faster and more accurate
decision-making, while the risks include job displacement and loss of privacy.

(8) Assignment:

 The students will be asked to write a reflection paper on their personal experiences with social
networks and neural networks, and how media and information literacy can help them navigate
these networks.

Interactive activities:

1. Social network scavenger hunt - The students will be given a set of clues related to social
networks, and they will have to find the answers by exploring different social networks.
2. Neural network game - The students will be divided into teams, and each team will have to
create a simple neural network using everyday objects.
3. Media and information literacy poster-making - The students will be asked to create a poster
that promotes media and information literacy in their community.

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