QuantitativeReseARCH CHAPTER 3 TEST

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A. Fill in the blanks with the correct word.


The word ‘design’ has various meanings. But, in relation to the subject concern, it is a
or an outline of research project’s workings. It is the statement of essential elements of a study that
provides basic of conducting the project. It is same as the blue print of architect’s

The is similar to broad plan or model that sta tes how the entire research
project would be conducted. It is desirable that it must be in form and must be simple and
clearly stated. The real project is carried out as per the laid down in advance.

. is the framework of research methods and techniques chosen by a

researcher. The design allows researchers to hone in on research methods that are suitable for the
subject matter and set up their studies up for success.

B. Identify what type of research are the following.

Types of Qualitative Research Designs

7. This is a qualitative method often used in the social sciences particularly in anthropology and in
8. It is often employed in gathering data on human society to describe culture like origin, values
and roles in a particular group
9. It is a 20th century philosophical movement dedicated to describing the structure of experience
as they present themselves to consciousness, without resource to theory and assumptions from
other disciplines
10. The term means that the theory developed from the research has its roots from the data where it
was derived
11. Its purpose is to make people aware of what has happened in the past to learn of pasts failures
and successes; to learn how things were done in the past to see if such are applicable for the
present; to understand education practices and policies and to test hypothesis concerning
relationships or trends
12. Data collection strategies involve observations, interviews, documents, archival records and
participant observation.
13. Data collection in this type of design is done through observation, interview and questionnaires
14. It focuses on the lived experience for several individuals
15. This research design is a useful tool for investigating trends and scientific situations in many
scientific disciplines especially social sciences, psychology, anthropology, and ecology. This
method of study is useful for trying to test theoretical models by using them in real world
16. It emerged from the discipline of sociology
17. Its purpose is to rigorously understand the phenomenon by systematic examination and describe
18. It is an inductive technique developed for health-related topics by Glaser and Strauss
19. This refers to the systematic collection and objective evaluation of data related to past
occurrence in order to test the hypothesis concerning causes, effects that help to explain
present events and anticipate future events
20. It is an exploration of a bounded system or a case over time through detailed data collection
involving multiple sources of information within a context
C. Idenity what is being desrcibe.
21. Refer to the totality of objects, elements, person and characteristics under a given
22. The specific group that you will collect data from which also refers as the subset in a population.
23. The process of technique of choosing a sample from a population to participate in the study.
24. The goal of sampling is to get a representative sample size from a population to study and
create accurate generalizations based on the data that will be gathered.
25. How many is the suggested sample for Ethnography
26. How many is the suggested sample for phenomenology
27. He is the proponent of Grounded Thoery.
28. Method adopted by researchers where data is collected from a conveniently available pool of
29. Know as chain-referral sampling is defined as a nonprobability sampling technique in which the
samples have traits that are rare to find.
30. Defined as a non-probability sampling method in which researchers create a sample involving
individuals that represent a population.

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