Program For Saturday

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Program for Saturday

(July 23rd, 2022, Saturday)
主持人:Shirley Wang, Leigh Corrigall, Leena An, Sydney Nsoesie, Justin Hay
Host (MC):Shirley Wang, Leigh Corrigall, Leena An, Sydney Nsoesie, Justin Hay

Performance program for Saturday

At 11:00 am
开场序幕:锣鼓喧天的舞龙舞狮大秧歌 (渥太华多个华人社团)
Opening show: Dragon-lion dance and yangko with the sound of gongs and drums, given by
several Chinese communities.

At 11:20 am
1. 器乐合奏:彩云追月,梁祝,送别,一剪梅 (Merivale高中乐队)
Instrumental ensemble: Colorful Cloud Chasing the Moon, Butterfly Lovers, Farewell, A
Bunch of Plum Blossoms (Merivale High School Band)

At 11:45 am
2. 小提琴独奏:    海阔天空, 青花瓷   (Claire Qiu)
Violin solo: As Boundless As the Sea and Sky, Blue and White Porcelain (Clair Qiu)

At 12:00 pm
3. 舞蹈:西班牙大摆裙 
  Dance: Spanish Swing Skirt

At 12:05 pm
4. 韩国舞蹈: 让我心碎    (Alicia Wen, Julia Khanyukova)     
Korean dance: Break My Heart Myself (Alicia Wen, Julia Khanyukova)     

At 12:10 pm
5. 韩国舞蹈: O.O  (Julia Khanyukova)     
Korean dance: O.O  (Julia Khanyukova)         
At 12:20 pm

6. 歌曲演唱: 天使之城  (Wankun Elva Liang)     
Song: City of Angel  (Wankun Elva Liang)     

At 12:30 pm
7. 嘻哈街舞:   Wannabe, 韩国女团ITZY的歌舞 (Cindy Shi, Cynthia Yu, Nicole Shi)
Hip-hop dance:  Wannabe - Itzy  (Cindy Shi, Cynthia Yu, Nicole Shi)

At 12:35 pm
8. 小提琴独奏: 查尔达什舞曲   (Aleena Long)     
Violin solo: Csárdás - Vittorio Monti (Aleena Long)     

At 12:45 pm
9. 艺术体操表演:暑假    (Flora Liang, Yizhi Zhang, Emily Zhang, Carol Zhou, Emma Lyn
Neustadter, Michelle Liu, Phoenix Wang, Fiona Tong)
  Rhythmic gymnastics show: Summer Vacation   (Flora Liang, Yizhi Zhang, Emily Zhang,
Carol Zhou, Emma Lyn Neustadter, Michelle Liu, Phoenix
Wang, Fiona Tong)
At 12:50 pm
10. 吉他演奏:  园中玫瑰  (Oliver Long)  
Guitar solo:  The Rose in the Garden  (Oliver Long)  

At 1:00 pm
11. 器乐吉他和四弦小吉他二重奏 (Ella, Bea)
Guitar and ukulele acoustic duet (Ella and Bea)

At 1:20 pm
12. 舞蹈:站在草原望北京  (日健广场舞班) 
Dance: Looking into Beijing Standing on the Prairie (Rijian Square Dance Group)     

At 1:30 pm
13. 歌曲演唱:宽容待我 (Ella Liu)
Song: Easy on Me (Ella Liu)

At 1:40 pm

14. 中国舞蹈:渥太华船歌 (亚菲舞蹈团)
Chinese dance: Ottawa Barcarolla (Yafei Dance Group)

At 1:45 pm
15. 吉他指弹: 像星星一样 (Andy Xie)
Plucking the strings of a guitar with fingers: Like a Star (Andy Xie)

At 1:55 pm
16. 藏族舞蹈:格桑拉   (仁爱艺术团)                               
Tibetan dance: Gesangla (Renai Art Troupe)  

At 2:00 pm
17. 韩国流行音乐K-pop 舞蹈:你多喜欢
K-pop dance: How You Like That

At 2:05 pm
18. 藏族舞蹈:玛尼情歌,格桑拉 (亚菲舞蹈团)
Tibetan dances: Mani love song, Gesangla (Yafei Dance Group)

At 2:10 pm
19. 腰鼓表演(随意轩艺术学院)
Waist drum show (Suiyixuan Art College)  

At 2:20 pm
20. 吉他指弹: 像星星一样 (Andy Xie)
Plucking the strings of a guitar with fingers: Like a Star (Andy Xie)

At 2:25 pm
21. 探戈舞:  女士 (Ren Zhang)   
 Tango:  Senorita   (Ren Zhang)   

At 2:30 pm
22. 街舞: 狂欢 (Eric Zhang, Ella Zhong)
Street dance: I Kick It  (Eric Zhang, Ella Zhong)

At 2:55 pm
23. 舞蹈: 与你一起看夕阳 (爱华舞蹈队)                                   
Dance: Watching the Sunset with You (Aihua Dance Group)

At 3:10 pm
24. 韩国流行音乐K-pop 舞蹈:逆奥之城:HIT
K-pop dance: NEO CITY: HIT

At 3:15 pm
25. 舞蹈:沧海一声笑 (亚菲舞蹈团)
Dance: A Laughter from the Seas (Yafei Dance Group)

At 3:20 pm
26. 舞蹈: 可可拖海牧羊人,  八段锦  (新桥舞蹈俱乐部)
Dance: Koktokai Shepherd, Eight-Section Brocade (Xinqiao Dance Club)

At 3:30 pm
27. 街蹈: 信徒   (Eric Zhang, Ella Zhang)       
Street dance: Believer  (Eric Zhang, Ella Zhang)       

At 3:40 pm
28. 新疆舞蹈: 帕米尔之春 (天天舞苑)
Xinjiang dance: Spring on the Pamir Plateau  (Tiantian Dance Centre)

At 3:45 pm
29. 波兰歌舞
Polish song and dance

At 4:10 pm
30. 京腔歌曲:梨花颂  (天天舞苑)
  Beijing-tune song: Ode to Pear Blossom (Tiantian Dance Centre)

At 4:20 pm
31. 海盗船Bethany Papadopoulos and Carolane Brisson
Pirate Ship Show, Bethany Papadopoulos and Carolane Brisson

At 5:00 pm
32. 舞蹈:彩云追月 (金玉舞蹈团)
Dance: Colorful Cloud Chasing the Moon (Jinyu Dance Troupe)

At 5:05 pm
33. 陈式太极   (渥太华太极拳协会)    
Chen-style Taichi (Ottawa Taiji Boxing Association)    

At 5:15 pm
34. 太极拳表演 (渥太华太极拳学会 Amy Wong等)
Taichi boxing show (Ottawa Taiji Boxing Association)    

At 5:25 pm
35. 舞蹈:欢聚 (金玉舞蹈团) 
Dance: Happy Reunion (Jinyu Dance Troupe)

At 5:30 pm
36. 教授太极  (Eduardo Molon)    
Taichi boxing class (Eduardo Molon)    

Dragon-lion dance and yangko

At 6:35 pm
37. 乡土爵士乐: 正值青春年华 (东方舞蹈团 )
Jazz funk: #Twenty (Dongfang Dance Troupe)

38. 藏族舞蹈:次真拉姆 (Jing Liu)

Tibetan dance: Cizhenram (Jing Liu)

39. 芭蕾舞:唐吉诃德 丘比特变奏   (Addie Zhang)

Ballet:Cupid Variation from Don Quixote  (Addie Zhang)

40. 中国舞:萱草花  (枫舞蹈学校)

Chinese dance: Daylily (Maple Dance School)

41. 扇子舞:沂蒙情  (东方舞蹈团) 

Fan dance: Yimeng Emotion (Dongfang Dance Troupe)

42. 舞蹈:  醉太平 (枫舞蹈学校, Nicole Sun)

Dance: Drunk in Peace (Maple Dance School, Nicole Sun)

At 6:55 pm
43. 独唱 : 永远的朋友  (杜桂湘)
Song solo: Friend for Ever (Guixiang Du)

At 7:00 pm
44. 韩国流行音乐K-pop 舞蹈: SALJA Dance    
K-pop SALJA Dance    

At 7:10 pm
45. 波兰歌舞
Polish song and dance

At 7:30 pm
46. 拉美音乐,排箫,竹笛和吉他 (Willy Gamarra)
Latin American music, panpipe, bamboo flute and guitar (Willy Gamarra)
At 7:40 pm
47. 葫芦丝二重奏:月光下的凤尾竹 (李婷婷, 李贝贝)
Cucurbit flute duet: Bamboo under Moonlight (Tingting Li, Beibei Li)
At 7:45 pm
48. 器乐萨克斯风演奏:青花瓷 (Sarah Li)
Saxphone solo: Blue and White Porcelain (Sarah Li)
At 7:50 pm
49. 韩国流行音乐K-pop 舞蹈: SALJA Dance    
K-pop SALJA Dance    

At 8:00 pm
50. 歌曲混唱,因纽特喉音唱法, 法语,英语,西班牙语 (Quattuu, Jessy Lindsay, Edra Silva,
City Music Industry Coalition, CSIC)
Song duo, Inuit throat singing, French, English, Spanish (Quattuu, Jessy Lindsay, Edra
Silva, City Music Industry Coalition, CSIC)

51. 杂技表演 (Joey Albert)       

Acrobatics (Joey Albert)

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