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Lyonel Feininger
( 1940 )

Muted tones representative of darker

times, and maybe witches and ghosts roamed the world around this image. Little people in black
hats and clothes symbolizing the mythical witches that remind me of Salem massachusetts.
History hides behind the colors and images in this page.I see trees that look like people. The
large giants of the world minding their own business not caring for the little witches below them.
It's hard to make out much from the chunky pastel smeared in vague shapes. Hardly
constructing a reliable image.I can see the subtle bridge below the witches, and the moon
seems to suggest it's night time. I wonder if these are the witches in the beginning of Macbeth.
All of them huddled together brewing up trouble. I wonder if this picture would be used to
convince little kids in the past of the reality of witches. Another painting that this image reminds
me of is manifest destiny made in 1872 because that one also has a giant walking above
everyone else and it also has a historical feel, although more sophisticated. The reason I am
related to 2 is because they have a similar construction, and colors. Both have muted tones and

Manifest Destiny:
1872 painting by John Gast

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