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Supporting Lecturer: Devi Permata Sari, S.Kep.,Ns. man

Arranged by :
1. Alwi Fakhrul Razi (2001005 / 3A)
2. Devina Kusharjanti (2001010 / 3A)
3. Fitriana Nugraheni (2001017 / 3A)
4. Kantri Sepvi Astuti (2001022/3A)
5. Oktiaji Muamar M (2001027 / 3A)
6. Sofi Khusnul Latifah (2001032/3A)


There are 4 nurses and 2 teenagers who are doing gatherings in a youth posyandu. And the 4
nurses carry out health education activities regarding mental health so that teenagers can
express problems and get solutions to every problem they are experiencing because recently
many teenagers have been affected by mental health diseases.

1. Alwi Fakhrul Razi : As aNurses 1
2. Devina Kusharjanti : As anurses 2
3. Fitriana Nugraheni : As aNurses 3
4. Kantri Sepvi Astuti : As aTeenagers 1
5. Oktiaji Muamar M : As aNurses 4
6. Sofi Khusnul Latifah : As aTeenagers 2

Nurses 1 : Assalamu'alaikum Good afternoon, all friends, let's just share this afternoon,
how are college and school going, how are you all today, friends?
Teenagers 1 : Good morning midwife, still online ma'am, there has been no change to face-
to-face meetings at campus/school..
Nurses 1 : But you are still passionate about studying, right?
Teenagers 1 : Still, ma'am, but sometimes we feel bored and tired, ma'am, because this
pandemic prevents us from socializing directly at school or campus, ma'am
Nurses 1 : Well, is there anything else you want to share? After that we discussed
Teenagers 1 : I want to share, midwife, sometimes I feel mentally tired because there are
too many tasks at your house, which makes me often dizzy and makes my
eyes sore and my body feels more achy
Teenagers 2 : yes, that's right, midwife, that's right
nurses 2 : OK, I'll answer yes, all of my friends, I understand what all of you are feeling
during the current pandemic, but don't make tiredness a giving up word in
studying knowledge, make piling up your reference tasks as an obstacle to
achieve your dreams you in the future.
Nurses 3 : And feelIt's okay to be tired, but don't give up or give up. My advice is also
for you, before starting lectures, try to have breakfast first, and find a place as
comfortable as possible, and don't forget, friends, all of you to drink 1.5 liters
of water in 1 day.
nurses 2 : Yesyour efforts don't feel weak and dizzy, if you don't drink a lot it will
disrupt your learning and can make you not enthusiastic.
Teenagers 2 : May I ask, sir, is our mental health very influential in the current pandemic?
Nurses 4 : Well, I'm allowed to answer yes, mental health in adolescents is very
influential, especially during the current pandemic, as I said earlier that,
teenagers may be less motivated in doing homework, always feel anxious, and
this can lead to depression . And decreased motivation in doing hobbies.
Mental health can also influence negative perceptions of the future.
Teenagers 1 : May I ask again, sir, sometimes we feel like telling stories and venting, but
we are afraid to tell them, with the excuse that they don't want to listen to our
complaints, as a result we become introverts and keep everything to ourselves,
to reduce incidents like this what should we do? we do mom?
Nurses 1 : Ok, I said yes, there are things that can make you like this, the first is
interaction with bad parents, isolated from friends. Things to avoid in an
incident like this.
nurses 2 : Well kYou have to try to divert bad thoughts, by writing, reading, watching
and building good habits, for example by getting up early so that you can be
more productive and healthy. Because everyone is different in dealing with
their mental health.
Nurses 4 : I have a tip for all of you, the first thing is that you all have to realize that
your anxiety is normal. If your anxiety bothers you, you can tell your parents,
because this anxiety can lead to depression and it's hard to concentrate.
Nurses 3 : Andyou can divert your negative thoughts and focus on yourself and still
maintain good relations with other fellow friends. Finally, you must
understand your own feelings in any situation. Maybe that's what we can
explain to all of you, we hope that all of you will be well motivated.
Teenagers 2 : OK, sir, the explanation is clear, we are very grateful for the encouragement.
Youth: That's right, madam, we are even more enthusiastic about this.

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