EAS458 - Deflection

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EAS458 – Deflection

Outcome from this topic:

1) Able to identify the short term and long term deflection requirements.

2) Able to calculate the short and long term deflection based on each cases.

3) Able to determine the total deflections for short and long term deflection.

4) Able to check the deflection limit based on the suggested requirements

EAS458 – Deflection

EC 1990
EAS458 – Deflection
EAS458 – Deflection

EC 1992
EAS458 – Deflection

EC 1992

Please refer to EAS 353 to obtain the creep coefficient ….for project
EAS458 – Deflection

Deflection versus Design Method

Loading supported by a PT beam Loading supported by a PT beam

and pre-stress forces for short and pre-stress forces for long term
term deflection:- deflection:-

1. Selfweight of the beam 1. Selfweight of the beam

2. Pre-stress force 2. Pre-stress force
* tendon profile * tendon profile
* eccentricity at anchorage * eccentricity at anchorage
3. Slab as Dead Load (maybe), if 3. Slab as Deal Load
it is a double –T beam, PT 4. Finishes to slab
building slab, for example. Not 5. Imposed load activated
for pre-cast slab. 6. Need to check deflection with
4. Not considering finishes load and without the application of
(normally applied on slab) Imposed Load (non-
5. Normally no immediate permanent)
imposed load 7. Reduction in the Young
6. No reduction in the Young Modulus of Elasticity
Modulus of Elasticity 8. Pre-stress loss need to be
7. No pre-stress loss accounted
EAS453 – Deflection

-Is calculated to satisfy a limit state of serviceability (hence using unfactored load)

- In post tensioned beam, the final deflection is checked due to the resultant of the :-

a. Gravity load (selfweight, finishes) – downward

b. Variable load (normally for long term and only a portion of the load is
considered) - downward

c. Due pre-stressed at anchorage – can be upward and downward, depending on

the location of the anchorage at beam end (above or below neutral axis)

d. Due to parabolic tendon - upward

EAS453 – Deflection

- Deflection of a pre-stressed structure tends to be larger since pre-stressed

concrete member is smaller in depth than an equivalent reinforced concrete

- Only the flexural deformation is being considered and any shear

deformation is neglected (shear deformation is included in other structures
such as deep beam and wall)

- Methods to calculate deflection:-

i. Double integration method

ii. Moment-area method
iii. Conjugate beam method
iv. Principle of virtual work
EAS458 – Deflection
Basic Concept

….to have balance

between the downward
and upward deflection…
PS beam:- long span
beam, carry significant
dead and live load

Susceptible to
downward deflection

Counter-balancing the
deflection due to dead
and imposed load
EAS458 – Deflection
The anticipated deflection of a pre-stressed member must always be checked
(by calculation) since :-

1. The ‘rule’ of basic span-effective depth ratios are not applicable to pre-
stressed members. No ‘quick’ check or rule of thumb.

2. Deflection due to pre-stress force at transfer (normally upward) can be

significant as there is only self-weight of the beam to counter the upward

However, the basic requirement which should generally be satisfied in respect

of deflections are similar to RC beam :-

1. Deflection under the action of the quasi-permanent load ≤ span/250

measured below the level of the support

2. Span/500 maximum movement after all other elements, which are

susceptible to damage by movement are applied.
EAS458 – Deflection
The deflection limits are based on the following requirements:-

1. Sensory acceptability – visual appearance, sensation of inertia force or

vibration .

2. Serviceability – water ponding or aesthetic issues.

3. Deflection must not cause damage to structural or non-structural members

EAS458 – Deflection
There are basically 2 (or 3) principal stages in the life of a pre-stressed member
at which deflections may be critical and need to be assessed.

1. At transfer : a check of actual deflection at transfer for comparison with

estimated is a useful guide that a pre-stressed beam has been correctly
constructed – short term deflection

2. Under full load (including Live Load) – to determine the subsequent

movement and assess the final appearance of the structure – long term
deflection. Considering pre-stress loss and creep.

Note : This lecture will consider a pre-stressed beam carrying only it’s own
selfweight under short term deflection. Other dead load (such as slab
and finishes ) and live load are considered
TH under long term deflection.
There are cases where dead load is being considered during short term
EAS458 – Deflection
Deflection must be evaluated at the following stages:- Upward Deflection

a) Short term deflection (at transfer),

• At transfer (pre-stressing force is applied to the member)

• Due to pre-stress
Parabolic tendon Po Po

Eccentric moment Po Po

and self-weight of the member (most of the time)

Downward Deflection

• Usually a net upward deflection is achieved at this stage

EAS458 – Deflection

a) Short term deflection (at transfer),

In most cases (for PT Beam), there is no other gravity load (except for
selfweight of the beam) to counter any upward deflection

PT beam can utilize the

PT Slab
weight of the PT slab to
counter upward deflection

PT Beam
EAS458 – Deflection
b) Long term deflection

1) Due to Permanent Load (including finishes) , Variable Load and when pre-stress
losses have taken place

• The Young Modulus of Elasticity for long term deflection or the effective Elastic
Modulus, Ec,ff can be calculated (refer Mosley pg 362)

Ec,ff = Ecm where

(1+ Ø(∞,t0))

Ecm = Secant Modulus of Elasticity

Ø(∞,t0) = creep coefficient

* At this stage, the loss of pre-stress is taken into account

c) Maximum movement after application of finishes

EAS458 – Deflection
Deflection due to the arrangement of tendon(s)

a) Straight tendon with uniform cross section.

Neutral axis

Po = Initial jacking force (no pre-stress loss if

at transfer)

δ = PoeL2 e = eccentricity
L = span

Remember : Force will move Ecm =Secant Modulus of Elasticity

towards the neutral axis
I = second moment of area
EAS458 – Deflection
Deflection due to the arrangement of tendon(s)

a) Straight tendon with uniform cross section.


Neutral axis


•Care should be taken on the position of the anchorage either below or above
the neutral axis

• anchorage above the neutral axis will cause downward deflection and vice-versa

• For simply supported beam, the deflection at mid span is normally critical

• this type of deflection is commonly known as the deflection ‘due moment at

EAS458 – Deflection
Example 1
Determine the short term deflection at transfer due pre-stressing for the beam
shown below. The cross section of the beam is 400 mm × 900 mm. Take Ecm = 26

Neutral axis
e = 325 mm
Po = 1800 kN

L = 20 m

Solution: I = 400 × 9003/12 = 2.43 x 1010 mm4

δ = PoeL2 = 1800 × 103 × 325 × 20,0002

8EcmI 8 × 26 × 103 × 2.43 × 1010

= 46.3 mm (upward)
EAS458– Deflection
Example 2
Determine the short term deflection at transfer due pre-stressing for the beam
shown below. The cross section of the beam is 400 mm × 900 mm. Take Ecm =
26 kN/mm2.

Po1 = 1000 kN
e = 200 mm Neutral axis
e = 325 mm
Po2 = 1800 kN

L = 20 m

Solution: δ1 = Po1eL2 = 1000 × 103 × 200 × 20,0002

8EcmI 8 × 26 × 103 × 2.43 × 1010

= 15.8 mm downward

δ2 = 46.3 mm upward

δT = 30.5 mm upward
EAS458 – Deflection
Deflection due to the arrangement of tendon(s)

b) Parabolic tendon – general case

Neutral axis

Due to parabolic tendon wp = 8Poh δ = 5wpL4 δ = 5PohL2

L2 384EcmI 48EcmI
EAS458 – Deflection
Deflection due to the arrangement of tendon(s)
c) Harped tendon – general case Singly harped tendon

Po e
h Neutral axis

wp = 4Poh δ = wpL3 δ = PohL2

L 48EcmI 12EcmI

Doubly harped tendon


Po e
h Neutral axis

wp = Poh δ = a(3-4a2)wpL3 δ = (3-4a2) PohL2

aL 24EcmI 24EcmI
EAS458 – Deflection

Regardless of parabolic, harped or straight tendon, deflection can also caused by

the location/position of anchorage at the end of the beam (similar to the case of
straight tendon)

Due to moment at anchorage (eccentricity, e), if any

δ = PoeL2
In this case, downward

In this case, no deflection due to

eccentricity at anchorage
EAS458 – Deflection
Example 3

Downward deflection Upward deflection

1. Dead/Permanent Load 1. Parabolic Tendon

2. Superimposed Dead Load/Finishes

3. Variable Load

Downward or Upward deflection

1. Anchorage with eccentricity

EAS458 – Deflection
Example 3
Determine the short term deflection at transfer for the beam shown below. The
cross section of the beam is 300 mm × 1200 mm Take Ecm = 28 kN/mm2. Assume
concrete density as 25 kN/m3.

Po =2000 kN
300 mm
Neutral axis
500 mm

20 m

Selfweight = 0.3 × 1.2 × 25 = 9 kN/m

I = 300 × 12003 /12 = 4.32 × 1010

Due s/weight = 5wswL4 = 5 × 9 × 20,0004 = 15.5 mm, downward
384EcmI 384 × 28 × 103 × 4.32 × 1010
EAS458 – Deflection
Example 3

Due moment at = PoeL2 = 2000 × 103 × 300 × 20,0002 = -24.8 mm downward
anchorage 8EcmI 8 × 28 × 103 × 4.32 × 1010

3 careful
Due parabolic = 5PohL2 = 5 × 2000 × 103 × 800 × 20,0002 = -55.11 mm upward
tendon 48EcmI 48 × 28 × 103 × 4.32 × 1010

Deflection = 55.11 – 24.8 – 15.5 = -14.81 mm upward

at transfer
EAS458 – Deflection
Example 4

Calculate the long term deflection of the beam in Example 3. At this stage,
the beam is supporting 5 kN/m variable (live)load and finishes load = 2.0 kN/m.
Assume 30% of the variable load contributes to the quasi-permanent action. Take
creep factor = 1.5. Take total pre-stress loss as 30%.

Ec,eff = Ecm/(1 + Ø(∞,t0) = 28 /(2.5) = 11.2 kN/mm2

Pe = Po × (1-0.3) = 2000 x 0.7 = 1400 kN (Pe is NOT the same as P × e)

wDL + LL = 9 + 2 + 0.3(5) = 12.5 kN/m

Due parabolic = 5PehL2 = 5 × 1400 × 103 × 800 × 20,0002 = -96.45 mm upward

tendon 48Ec,effI 48 × 11.2 × 103 × 4.32 × 1010
EAS458 – Deflection
Example 4 (long term deflection)

Due moment at = PeeL2 = 1400 × 103 × 300 × 20,0002 = 43.4 mm downward

anchorage 8Ec,ffI 8 × 11.2 × 103 × 4.32 × 1010

Due DL and LL = 5wLL4 = 5 × 12.5 × 20,0004 = 53.8 mm, downward

384Ec,effI 384 × 11.2 × 103 × 4.32 × 1010

Long-term def. = -96.5 +43.4 + 53.8 = 0.7 mm (downward)

Span/250 = 20000/250 = 80 mm > 0.7 mm …ok

Movement after application of finishes = 14.81 + 0.7 = 15.51 mm

Span/500 = 40 mm > 15.51….ok

EAS458 – Deflection
Example 4 (long term deflection)

Movement after application of finishes = 14.81 + 0.7 = 15.51 mm

Span/500 = 40 mm > 15.51….ok

Soffit of beam as datum

At transfer, upward deflection 14.81 mm

Long term, downward deflection of 0.7 mm


Total relative movement = 14.81 + 0.7

EAS458 – Deflection
Example 4 (long term deflection)

Class exercise

Soffit of beam as datum

At transfer, downward deflection 6 mm


Long term, downward deflection of 21 mm


Total relative movement = 21-6 = 15 mm

…this value is then checked against span/500

EAS458 – Deflection
Example 5

Determine the short term deflection at transfer for the beam shown below. The
cross section of the beam is 300 mm × 1200 mm. Take Ec = 28 kN/mm2. Assume
concrete density as 25 kN/m3.

Selfweight = 0.3 × 1.2 × 25 = 9 kN/m

I = 300 × 12003 /12 = 4.32 × 1010

Due s/weight = 5wswL4 = 5 × 9 × 20,0004 = 15.5 mm, downward

384EcI 384 × 28 × 103 × 4.32 × 1010
EAS458 – Deflection

Due moment at = PoeL2 = 2000 × 103 × 300 × 20,0002 = 24.8 mm downward

anchorage 8EcI 8 × 28 × 103 × 4.32 × 1010

Note that here is no deflection due moment at anchorage for the lower tendon.

Due parabolic = 5PohL2 = 5 × 2000 × 103 × (600) × 20,0002 = 41.3 mm upward

tendon 1 48EcI 48 × 28 × 103 × 4.32 × 1010

Due parabolic = 5PohL2 = 41.3 × (5/6) = 34.4 mm upward

tendon 2 48EcI

Total deflection =15.5 + 24.8 – 41.3 – 34.4 = 35.4 mm upward

at transfer
EAS458 – Deflection
Example 6

Determine the short and long term deflection of a 18 m pre-stressed Beam as

shown below. The dead load (slab and finishes ) and live load is 6 kN/m2 and 2
kN/m2 respectively. The total pre-stress loss is 30%. Take the Young Modulus of
Elasticity as 28 kN/mm2 and assume the creep coefficient as 1.8.

350 490
Po2 185 310

Area = 348650 mm2 w (self-weight of beam) = 8.49 kN/m

I = 23.02 x 109 mm4 Po1 = 200 kN

Po2 = 900 kN
EAS458 – Deflection
Short term/at transfer
Due s/weight = 5wswL4 = 5 × 8.49 × 18,0004 = 18.00 mm, downward
384EcI 384 × 28 × 103 × 23.02 × 109

Due moment at = Po1eL2 = 200 × 103 × 350 × 18,0002 = 4.4 mm downward

anchorage 1 8EcI 8 × 28 × 103 × 23.02 × 109

Due moment at = Po2eL2 = 900 × 103 × 185 × 18,0002 = 10.46 mm upward

anchorage 2 8EcI 8 × 28 × 103 × 23.02 × 109

Deflection = 18.00 + 4.4 – 10.46 = 11.94 mm (downward)

at transfer
EAS458 – Deflection
Long term
Ec,eff = Ecm/(1 + Ø(∞,t0) = 28 /(2.8) = 10 kN/mm2
Pe = Po1 × (1-0.3) = 200 x 0.7 = 140 kN, Po2 = 630 kN

wDL + LL = 8.49 + 6 + 0.3(2) = 15.09 kN/m

Due moment at = Po1eL2 = 140 × 103 × 350 × 18,0002 = 8.6 mm downward

anchorage 1 8Ec, effI 8 × 10 × 103 × 23.02 × 109

Due moment at = Po2eL2 = 630 × 103 × 185 × 18,0002 = 20.5 mm upward

anchorage 2 8Ec, effI 8 × 10 × 103 × 23.02 × 109

Due DL , LL = 5w TL4 = 5 × 15.09 × 18,0004 = 89.6 mm, downward

and finishes 384Ec,effI 384 × 10 × 103 × 23.02 × 109

Long-term def. = 89.6 + 8.6 - 20.5 = 77.7 mm (downward)

Span/250 = 18000/250 = 72 mm < 77.7 mm …not ok

Movement after application of finishes = 77.7 – 11.94 = 65.76

Span/500 = 36 mm < 65.76…. Not ok

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