OTP2 Level-2 Pulse-Magazine-Wkshts U5

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Unit 5


The Edinburgh Fringe

It’s August and our special columnist, Anthony Murphy, travelled to Scotland for the amazing
Edinburgh Fringe, the most exciting festival in the world!

This is Anthony Murphy reporting • Watch the fireworks from Princess Street
from Edinburgh. The best festival Gardens. They’re amazing and you don’t
in the UK is starting in a few days need to buy tickets.
and it’s going to be great!
Why is the Edinburgh Fringe special?
Last week, I bought tickets for the big acts and
this is my plan. On Saturday, I’m going to walk • It’s the biggest festival of theatre,
around the city. I’m going to see a lot of street comedy, music and dance in the
performers, circus acts, dancers and singers. world.
On Saturday night, I’m going to see a famous • Performers from all over
comedian at the Pleasance Theatre. I’m very the world take part in it.
excited and it’s an event you can’t miss! You There aren’t any rules to
can see comedy, art, dance, theatre and music participate in the festival.
for free. Anyone can put on a show.
• It takes place all over the city
Are you planning to come? Here are my tips:
of Edinburgh –
• You’re going to do a lot of walking, so wear at theatres, in the
trainers. The weather can be windy, rainy, streets, in cafés and in
cold, cloudy, warm and sunny, all in one day! people’s homes! A lot of
So bring an umbrella, a bottle of water and performances are free.
wear sunglasses. • It’s on for three weeks
• Go to the small cafés and restaurants in every August.
the city. Some of the best comedy is there
and it’s free!

1 Before you read > Look at the photos and read the title. Predict: What is the Edinburgh Fringe?

2 39   Listen and read about the Edinburgh Fringe. Check if your answer in Exercise 1 is correct
and mention three characteristics of this event.

3 Read again and write T (True) or F (False). Correct the false sentences.
1 Anthony Murphy travelled to England.

2 The festival is already on.

3 He has plans for the whole weekend.

4 He’s going to see artists performing in the streets.

On the Pulse 2nd Edition Level 2 © Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2021 P H OTO C O P I A B L E
Photo credits: iStockphoto
Unit 5


5 He’s going to see a comedy show in a restaurant.

6 The weather in Edinburgh is usually warm and sunny in August.

7 All the performances are free.

4 Answer.
1 Who can perform in the Edinburgh Fringe? 
2 Where can you watch the shows? 
3 When does the festival take place and how long does it last? 

5 After you read > Choose one of these activities.

1 Draw a poster to promote the Edinburgh Fringe. Include images and key phrases. Share your
work with the class.
2 Draw a mind map about the Edinburgh Fringe. Compare mind maps with a classmate.

Video-search activity

a) Find videos about a festival from your c) In pairs, role play a news report and
country or around the world that make a video. Imagine one of you
include this information: is taking part in a festival and the
other is the news reporter. Rehearse
• where the festival is;
the interview and then record a
• why people organize it;
video. Remember to use going to
• what happens at the festival and who
(affirmative, negative and questions)
goes there (children, young / older
and the present continuous for future
people, etc.)
arrangements. Include questions in
Try to cover at least one of the points
relation to the following items and your
per video.
own ideas:
b) Explain to your teacher and classmates: • where the festival is;
• what you learnt about the festival from • why it is special;
the videos; • what happens at it;
• whether you would like to go to the • how other people can get there;
festival (say why / why not); • what advice you can give people if they
• your reasons for choosing the videos. want to go to the festival.

Compare different videos and sources to check

the information they give is true.

On the Pulse 2nd Edition Level 2 © Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2021 P H OTO C O P I A B L E

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