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Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo

Facultad de Ingeniería
Ingeniería Civil
Name: Jordan Gavilanez

Date: 01/06/2023

Theme: Homework


High-Speed trains

¿What types of high-speed trains are there?

There are two main kinds of high-speed trains.

• mag-lev. - It uses electricity and magnetic power to move along at high speeds

• The Shinkansen. - The TGV train is also this kind of train, It can go up to 320

kilometers per hour

¿How is the shape of shinkansen trains?

Shinkansen trains are also called bullet trains. The trains are rounded like a bullet from a

gun. Their sides are very smooth. Their front end is often pointed. The Shinkansen

trains travel at over 200 kilometers per hour.

¿Where are high-speed trains used?

Japan, Germany, France, Spain and China have the most high-speed railways. But there

are plans for expanding the railways in the United States, Italy and Russia.

Governments are starting new high-speed railway systems in Morocco, Saudi Arabia

and Turkey.

¿When the mag-lev train and the TGT train started running?

• The Shanghai mag-lev train It began service in 2004

• The TGV opened in 1981

¿Who developed the first high-speed train system?

Japan developed the first large system of high-speed trains in 1964. This system of

trains is called the “Shinkansen.” In English this word means “new main line.”

¿Why high-speed trains are popular?


• It is faster and easier for passengers in the city to get to a train station than an


• travelling by train can be safer than travelling in a car or by airplane. In 50 years,

the Shinkansen in Japan has never had an accident!

Safety, environment and time are all reasons why high-speed trains are popular.

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