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Name: Date: March 31, 2023


Artist Profile: Katrina Cabral

Katrina Cabral is a talented 20-year-old Filipina artist based in Bicol. Born and raised in
Naga City, she has been honing her artistic skills since she was seven with the use of
realist oil painting. With a keen eye for detail, she specializes in creating stunning
portraits that capture the essence of her subjects. But her artistic repertoire extends
beyond people, as she also
showcases the breathtaking
beauty of the region through her
masterful landscape paintings.
Whether working with a plethora
of art mediums, both traditional
and digital; Above all, her
favorites remain to be soft pastel
and oil paint. Katrina's art is a
testament to her passion and

She is indeed a gifted artist

whose paintings are
distinguished by their vibrant
hues and striking brushstrokes.
Her masterful use of a palette
knife enables her to create
sumptuous, multi-layered
textures that imbue her
landscapes with a remarkable
sense of depth and dimension. Katrina's style often leans on realism and surrealism,
whereas her sketchpads brimmed with the animal, plant, and human anatomic studies
and sketches, besides more seascapes., and she adeptly utilizes the interplay of light
and shadow to create a captivating atmospheric effect in her works of art. A few of her
art works that showed great display of her skill as an artist is her painting of Mt. Mayon,
“White Pebbles Beach Resort”, a portrait of Pancho Piano, “Mother’s Love”, and many

She has a diverse range of skills and abilities that have led her to work in various fields
such as medical assistance, secretarial work, graphic design, art, and journalism. She
has now developed an interest in life sciences and is pursuing a career in medicine as a
third-year BS Biology pre-med student at Bicol University. Despite her reserved
personality, she has demonstrated her capabilities as a confident speaker, journalist,
and scientist, and is particularly passionate about her artistic pursuits.

Assumptions of the Art Piece: “Mother’s Love” by Katrina Cabral

“Mother’s Love” is a realism type of painting created by Katrina Cabral. The artwork is an oil
painting on canvas, measuring 12 x 16 inch. The painting depicts the love between a mother
and her child. The painting shows maternal love, nurturing, protection, and sacrifice evoking us
of the care and responsibilities of a mother. Likewise, it also reminds us of the unique and
powerful connection between a mother and her child.

Art involves experience. The chosen artwork delves into the concepts or themes of maternal
love and sacrifice which conveying the importance of family values. The painting “Mother’s
Love” captures the essence of motherly love as the mother holds her child, conveying a strong
sense of protectiveness and prioritizing her presence with the child. However, beyond this
depiction of maternal love lies a deeper layer of sacrifice that the mother makes to provide for
both of them. The artwork implies that the mother - as observed in her facial expression - is
faced with tough choices and responsibilities, putting her child's needs above her own. This
conjected selflessness is a beautiful aspect of the art piece that portrays the mother's
willingness to prioritize her child's well-being above her own desires.

Art is cultural. In a similar perspective, the artwork also suggests cultural implications,
highlighting the significant role of parents in our society. It stands for that as parents, it is crucial
to prioritize their children's needs above their own, and this is a crucial aspect of family values.

Functions of the Artwork:

The functions of artwork are manifold, encompassing expressiveness, communication, and

personal significance. Art is expressive because it allows the artist to convey ideas and
emotions through self-expression. In this particular art piece, the artist depicts a mother's love
and sacrifice for her child's needs. It is showcasing their profound attachment and her
responsibility towards prioritizing her child's well-being.

Furthermore, the artwork is communicative as it effectively conveys a significant message

regarding our values and perspectives of Filipinos on familial love. It illustrates the mother's
willingness to endure hardship and problems in life to provide for her child's needs, thereby
emphasizing the sacrifice and dedication of parents to secure their children's brighter future.

The artwork is also personal in nature since it has the potential to hold a deep, significant, and
meaningful impact on the viewers. Likewise, as the painting depicts a mother's love and
sacrifice, it is likely to resonate with numerous viewers who have gone through similar
experiences or are currently undergoing such.
Relevance of the Artwork:

The artwork has two relevance, serving both as a source of entertainment and aesthetic
pleasure, as well as a means of expressing emotions and experiences. Firstly, the artwork's
aesthetic value is apparent in its well-executed composition and visually pleasing appearance,
drawing admiration for the artist's skill and creativity.
Additionally, the artwork's ability to entertain is
evident in the pleasure derived from experiencing its
beauty. Secondly, the artwork transcends its visual
appeal and conveys a deeper message, capturing
emotions and experiences beyond what meets the
eye. For instance, in "Mother's Love," the painting
portrays the unconditional bond between a mother
and child, evoking an emotional response from the
viewer. By expressing their emotions and
experiences through their art, the artist provides a
meaningful and thought-provoking experience for
those who engage with their work.

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