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Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo

Facultad de Ingeniería
Ingeniería Civil
Name: Jordan Gavilanez
Date: 17/05/2023
Theme: Activity in class
Why can today’s scientists create revolutionary materials?

 They can create advanced materials because technology has evolved a lot
 Because they have carried out studies on the composition of matter of
 They can be created because they have done many experiments before
considering whether hey are useful and safe.
What are composite materials?

 Are smart materials that can anticipate failure, repair themselves and adapt to
the environment.
 Are materials that have a better molecular structure
 Have a more stable behavior
 Are complex combinations of fibres which are embedded in a matrix of plastic,
ceramic or metal.
when will ceramic engines probably be mass- produces?

 Ceramic engines will probably be mass- produced within two decades.

Composite materials have different applications

 In the aviation
 Satellite system
 In the construction
Ceramics play an important role in
Ceramics play an important role in engine efficiency and pollution reduction in
automobiles and trucks
Examples of structures built with intelligent materials are
Ladders will help to
Ladders that alert you when they overloaded
Explain in your own words.
Intelligent materials are smart materials that can anticipate failure, repair
themselves an adapt to the environment
This means that they are materials that can prevent many disasters due to the
behavior of these
We will soon ask structures how they fell and where they hurt.
This tells us that in a few years the materials could show where they have possible
failures and thus many disasters can be avoided and more money will also be saved.

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