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At the end of the lesson, the pupils are expected to able to:

 describe the characteristics of each of the three major rock types (Igneous,
Metamorphic and Sedimentary;
 trace how the three main rock types—igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic—
change from one type to another; and
 cite importance of rocks to living things on earth.




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MATERIALS: Projector, DLP, laptop, manila paper, marker




Checking of attendance

Setting – up the Classroom

Review of prior knowledge/past lesson

The teacher will ask students the following question:

Give a short summary about what you have learned in our past lesson. Give a small idea
about the new topic.


The teacher will ask the pupils to arrange the scrambled letters.


- Rocks are constantly changing in 


- Any natural mass of the mineral matter that make up the Earth's crust


- made when sand, mud and pebbles get laid down in layers. 


- types of rocks that are formed when molten rock (rock liquefied by intense heat and
pressure) cools to a solid state. 


-  a rock formed from pre-existing rock that has changed through heat and pressure.



1. The class will be divided into five (5) groups.

2. Each group will be given a manila paper and a pentel pen.

3. The group will be tasked to list down on their manila paper minimum of 3 and maximum of 5
characteristics each type of rock.

4. They are given 5-10 minutes to discuss with their groups.

5. Every group will choose only 1 representative to discuss their topic in the class within
2-3 minutes.

6. Their report will be written in a manila paper.

7. The students will use English or Tagalog language in presenting.


The teacher will ask the following questions:

a. What have you learned from the activity?
b. Why is it important to know the rock cycle and each type of rock?
c. How does determining the characteristics of the types of rock helpful?

Where do rocks come from?
Rocks can be formed in many ways, including being erupted from volcanoes or compacted from
sand. The rock cycle describes how any type of rock can become any other type of rock. The
three rock types are joined together by the processes that change one to another.

The Rock Cycle

There are three rock types: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. All of these rocks can
change. In fact, any rock can change to become any other type of rock. These changes usually
happen very slowly. Some changes happen below Earth’s surface. Some changes happen above
ground. These changes are all part of the rock cycle. The rock cycle describes each of the main
types of rocks, how they form, and how they change.

What are Igneous Rocks?

Igneous rocks are defined as types of rocks that are formed when molten rock (rock liquefied by
intense heat and pressure) cools to a solid state.

Igneous rock Texture

The texture is a description of a rock’s constituent parts in terms of their sizes, shapes and
Rule of Thumb
The size of mineral crystals in an igneous rock may indicate the rate at which the lava or magma
cooled to form a rock. Crystal size can also be affected by the number of gases or the availability
of the chemicals in the molten rock that are required to form the crystals.

Characteristics of Igneous Rocks

1. The igneous form of rocks does not include any fossil deposits. If there are any chances
of fossil deep inside the crust, it erupts out of the Earth’s surface and gets destroyed due
to the sheer heat these rocks produce.
2. Most igneous forms include more than one mineral deposit.
3. They can be either glassy or coarse.
4. These usually do not react with acids.
5. The mineral deposits are available in the form of patches with different sizes.

Types of Igneous Rocks

Igneous rocks can look different based on the cooling conditions and they can have different
compositions based on the lava they cool from. The main two categories of igneous rocks are
known as extrusive and intrusive rocks.

Intrusive Igneous Rock

Intrusive igneous rocks are rocks that crystallize below the earth’s surface resulting in large
crystals as the cooling takes place slowly. Diorite, granite, and pegmatite are examples of
intrusive igneous rocks.

Extrusive Igneous Rock

Extrusive igneous rocks are rocks that erupt onto the surface resulting in small crystals as the
cooling takes place quickly. The cooling rate for a few rocks is so quick that they form an
amorphous glass. Basalt, tuff, pumice are examples of extrusive igneous rock.

What are Sedimentary Rocks?

Sedimentary rocks are created by accumulating existing rocks or fragments of extinct organisms
on the Earth’s surface. Deep sediment burial causes sediment to get compressed and cemented,
resulting in sedimentary rock.

How Are Sedimentary Rocks formed?

Sedimentary rocks are formed by the deposition and subsequent cementation of the material at
the Earth’s surface within the bodies of water. These rocks are formed in four ways:
1. Deposition of weathered remains of other rocks
2. Accumulation and the consolidation of sediments
3. Deposition of the results of biogenic activity
4. Precipitation from solution.

Some common sedimentary rocks are:

 Limestone
 Chalk
 Clay
 Sandstone
 Shale
These rocks cover 75% of the earth’s surface.

Types of Sedimentary Rocks

The sedimentary rocks are classified into three different types: Organic, Clastic and Chemical
Sedimentary Rocks.
This rock type mainly comprises coal and limestones, which are formed due to the accumulation
and deposition of dead plants and animals in rock layers.

Clastic Sedimentary Rocks

This type of rock is formed when rock layers are formed due to the mechanical weathering of
different rock types.

Chemical Sedimentary Rocks

This type of rock is created when minerals that are present in rock forms undergo a chemical
reaction that causes them to cool as precipitates over time before changing back to rock form.
Characteristics of Sedimentary rocks

 Sedimentary rocks are formed at earth's surface by the hydrological system.

 The formation of sedimentary rocks involves the weathering of pre-existing rocks.
 Sedimentary rocks contain fossils.
 Sedimentary rocks typically occur in layers.

What is Metamorphic rock?

Metamorphic rocks are formed when rock changes over a period of time due to a lot of physical
changes like pressure, heat and different chemical activity. When sedimentary rocks or igneous
rocks go through the physical process such as pressure exposure, heat changes, and tectonic plate
movement at the plate edges. These rock changes occur when these rocks are exposed to an
Due to thermal metamorphism, the materials of rocks are chemically modified and recrystallised.
The thermal metamorphism is classified into:

 Contact metamorphism
 Regional metamorphism
Contact metamorphism
When rocks come in contact with hot intruding magma and lava, the rock recrystallize under
high temperatures.
Regional metamorphism
Recrystallization of rocks takes place because of deformation created by tectonic shearing
together with high temperature or pressure or both.
Types of Metamorphic Rocks
Types of metamorphic rocks are:
 Foliated Metamorphic Rocks

 Non-Foliated Metamorphic Rocks

Foliated Metamorphic Rocks

On these rocks, one can witness the arrangement of certain mineral grains appearing like parallel
stripes. Foliation occurs when pressure forces compress minerals within a rock to align in an
elongate or flat way. These rocks form a sheet-like structure which reflects pressure applied
Examples of foliated metamorphic rocks are granite, gneiss, and biotite schist.
Non-Foliated Metamorphic Rocks

These types of rocks are formed of minerals that are not flat or elongated. Here, the grains will
not be aligned when pressure is applied. Layered or banded appearances are not seen on non-
foliated metamorphic rocks.
Examples of foliated metamorphic rocks are skarn, novaculite, marble, hornfels, and quartzite.
Characteristics of Metamorphic Rock

 Cataclastic metamorphism occurs along with the tectonic plate faults where the rocks get
rubbed with each other which results in the grain size reduction.

 Transformation of these rocks are classified as one which could not form non foliated
rock and is of low grade.

 Circulation of rock results in huge number of mineral water chemical reactions which
results in different kinds of precious metals and stones.
Generalization: The students know how to determine the basic parts of the human body
including their importance and functions.

Application: CAN YOU TELL?

Direction: Write 2 characteristics of each type of rock. Each definition contains 1-2
sentences. And cite at least two importance of rocks to living things on earth.

Type of Rock Characteristics Importance of rocks




IV - Evaluate

DIRECTONS: Analyze the sentence and identify if what type of rock (Igneous,
Sedimentary or Metamorphic) is being defined each item. Write your answer in the blank
provided before the number.

__________1. Rocks that form at erupting volcanoes and oozing fissures.

__________2. Form when rocks are subjected to high heat, high pressure, hot mineral-
rich fluids or, more commonly, some combination of these factors.
__________3. One of three main types of rocks, along with igneous and metamorphic.
__________4. Composed of crystals or is glassy.
__________5. Formed when other rocks are affected by great temperatures and

V – Assignment

Write an essay reflecting on your knowledge gathered from the topic discussed. Write it in
a ½ crosswise with 4-5 sentences.

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