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The chart below shows three different crimes and the number of cases committed between
1970 and 2005 in England and Wales.

Overall, the number of cases in all three forms of crimes had risenaised by 2005. A The same Comment [Dave1]: Great!
pattern was witnessed in terms of car thefts and house burgling, which climbed at first and fell
during the following years, while much less changes was seen in street robbery. Band 7-9 Comment [Dave2]: This is ok but it you
2. The line graphs show the size of ozone hole in Antarctic and three types of damaging gases already covered the trend – no need to talk
that damage the Antarctic ozone from 1980 to 2000. about the rise and fall – that’s a little too detailed.
You can use this acronym to rememeber: TSR
T- Trend
S – Speed
R – Ranking
Trend is the most important – cover that 100%
for all areas. After that you can just mention a bit
about the speed or ranking depending on the
graph. For example, in this one, it stands out
that car thefts were most common throughout
almost the entire period – and that they showed
the greatest increase.
Overall, the size of Antarctic Ozone Hole grew significantly during the period, although the speed
of growth slowed down in later years. When it comes to damaging gases, there is a similar upward
trend in production of NO2 and H2O2, while the production of Freon showed a downward trend
after peaking in earlier yearsearly on. Band 7-9 Comment [Dave3]: Perfect! Again, don’t
stress so much about peaks in the overview –
3. The chart below show the result of surveys asking undergraduates and postgraduates why just the overall from beginning to end but this
they chose Vaster University. one is great!!!
Overall, cost and reputation are the major factors taken into account both for undergraduates and
postgraduates, with location and accommodation the least. It is noticeable that personal
recommendation become less important for postgraduates compared with undergraduates. Band 6 Comment [Dave4]: You’ll notice for these
4. The chart below shows the number of international applicants from four countries that a there is not trend (because there is no time), so
European university had from 2004 to 2008. it is all ranking. Also mention other as having the
least along with location and accommodation.

Comment [Dave5]: With + ing or as + ed (as

the former increasing / with the former
Comment [Dave6]: Just saying fluectuated
Overall, aAn opposite trend is can be observed in the number of Chinese applicants and
isn’t enough and you will get band 5 – American
Japanese applicants, with the former decreasinged and the latter increasinged, whereas the number
and Russian applicants increased overall
of American applicants and Russian applicants fluctuated over the period. Band 5 (because no
despite fluctuations. Good to say that by the end
overall trend for Russia and America)
American applicants had overtaken Chinese
ones (so a bit of the ranking). TSR (no need for
5. The table below shows the income and expenditure of Harckley Hall, a public place for
speed on this one unless if want to mention it)
hiring over the period of three years.

Overall, there is an increase in income of in the café and funding from other resources, whereas
a decrease in that of hiring rooms and local councils. The total income and expenditure has grown
during the 3 years, with the profit dropping throughout the period. Comment [Dave7]: Great!
6. The diagram presents the process of producing smoked fish.

Overall, 13 steps constitute the procedure of processing smoked fish, including earlier phases of
involving collecting the raw materials and transportation, later the middle phases of processing
and cooking the fish, and the final phases of related to storagestoring and delivery. Comment [Dave8]: Perfect!

Band 7-9

7.The map below show a conference center as it is now, and plans for its development.
Overall, the main structure of the conference center will remain almost unchanged, while another
an additional entrance will be built and more room is going to be used for recreation. Band 5 Comment [Dave9]: Where is the other
8. The maps below show the changes that occurred to a town named Willington in 1780,1860 entrance? You mean the route to the car parks
and 2000. will change?

Comment [Dave10]: Remain almost

unchanged could be a little clear – some rooms
will be broken up into more rooms, including
meeting rooms and areas for dining

Overall, many changes have taken place in Willington during over 200 years, with more houses
constructed, places for recreation and education added, transportation developed and farms
demolished. Natural resources like the woods has have been reduced gradually, but a wetland for
birds was built. Band 7-9 Comment [Dave11]: Perfect!
9. The diagram presents how pulp and paper is made.

Overall, six steps are used for processing clean pulp and additional five steps are needed both for
producing rough paper and refined paper, while the tools and stages vary in processing the two
different forms. Band 5 Comment [Dave12]: No enough detail – it is a
10. The charts below show the number of university students in a particular country and tough one to group but try doing the same
how much the government spent on each student between 1984 and 2009 as well as the overview like before with early stages involving
financial condition of the students’ families. the raw materials, middle ones focused on
processing the pulp and the final stages during
which paper is produced. Sometimes there is a
chemical or physical transformation that you can
note – this is a tough process and maybe not a
real one so I wouldn’t worry about it.
Overall, the number of university students has increased over the period, while less money has
been spent for an each individual. When it comes to family background, the majority of students
receiving aid come from middle income familiesy, followed by low income families and with the
least seen in high income families. Band 6 Comment [Dave13]: Be sure to include the
low income families in the ranking.

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