08.5 PP 252 253 How The Sublime Is Produced

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252 On the SUBLIME

contrary to that which it receives from

thefe paffions.


How the Sublime is produced.

H A V I N G confidered terror as pro-

ducing an unnatural tenfion and
certain violent emotions of the nerves;
it eafily follows, from what we have juft
faid, that whatever is fitted to produce
fuch a tenfion, muft be produdtive of
a paffion fimilar to terror *, and con-
fequently muft be a fource of the fub-
lime, though it fhould have no idea of
danger connected with it. So that little
remains towards fhewing the caufe of
the fublime, but to fhew that the inftances
we have given of it in the fecond part,
relate to fuch things, as are fitted by na-
ture to produce this fort of tenfion, ei-
ther by the primary operation of the
• Part 2. fe£t. 2.

https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781107360495.076 Published online by Cambridge University Press

and B E A U T I F U L . 253
mind or the body. With regard to fuch
things as affedl by the aflbciated idea of
danger, there can be no doubt but that
they produce terror, and adt by fame
modification of that paflion; and that
terror, when fufficiently violent, raifes
the emotions of the body juft mention-
ed, can as little be doubted. But if the
fublime is built on terror, or fome paf-
fion^ like it, which has pain for its ob-
ject ; it is previoufly proper to enquire
how any fpecies of delight can be de-
rived from a caufe fo apparently con-
trary to it. I fay, delight, becaufe, as I
have often remarked, it is very evident-
ly different in its caufe, and in its own
nature, from adtual and pofitive plea-


https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781107360495.076 Published online by Cambridge University Press

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