2013 Antibiotic Susceptibility and Resistance of Staphylococcus Aureus Isolated From Fresh Porcine Skin Xenografts

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burns 40 (2014) 288–294

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Antibiotic susceptibility and resistance of

Staphylococcus aureus isolated from fresh porcine
skin xenografts: Risk to recipients with thermal

Stacey-Ann Busby a, Andrew Robb b, Sue Lang a, Yasu Takeuchi c,

Pavel Vesely d, Linda Scobie a,*
Department of Life Sciences, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow G4 0BA, UK
Scottish MRSA Reference Laboratory, Stobhill Hospital, 133 Balornock Road, Glasgow, UK
MRC/UCL Centre for Medical Molecular Virology and Wohl Virion Centre, Division of Infection & Immunity, UCL,
London, UK
CEITEC – Central European Institute of Technology, Brno University of Technology, Brno, Czech Republic

article info abstract

Article history: The previous use of fresh porcine xenografts at the Prague Burn Centre had raised concerns
Accepted 1 June 2013 over the transmission of zoonotic pathogens. This study examines the risk of zoonotic
Staphylococcus aureus colonisation of burn patients from fresh porcine skin xenografts.
Keywords: Samples were collected from the nares, skin and perineum of commercial pigs (n = 101) and
Infection were screened for methicillin sensitive S. aureus (MSSA) and resistant S. aureus (MRSA). The
MRSA efficacy of the antibiotic wash used in decontamination of the pigskin was tested against
MSSA planktonic- and biofilm-grown isolates. The spa type of each isolate was also confirmed.
Porcine skin All pig swabs were negative for MRSA but 86% positive for MSSA. All planktonic-grown
isolates of MSSA were sensitive to chloramphenicol and nitrofurantoin and 44% of isolates were
resistant to streptomycin. Isolates grown as biofilm exhibited higher rates of antimicrobial
resistance. Sequence analysis revealed three distinct spa types of the MRSA ST398 clonal type.
This finding demonstrates the existence of a MSSA reservoir containing spa types
resembling those of well-known MRSA strains. These MSSA exhibit resistance to antibiotics
used for decontamination of the pigskin prior to xenograft. Amended use of procurement
could allow the use of fresh pigskin xenografts to be reinstated.
# 2013 Elsevier Ltd and ISBI. All rights reserved.

Prague Burn Centre (PBC) [1]. However, the use of pigs as a skin
1. Introduction source for xenotransplantation raises concerns over the
potential for zoonotic infection [2,3].
Due to the shortage of human skin for allo-transplantation, In the treatment for severe burns patients, fresh or frozen
fresh pig skin was frequently used for xenografting at the porcine xenografts have proven to be an effective temporary

* Corresponding author at: School of Health and Life Sciences, Department of Life Sciences, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow G4
0BA, UK. Tel.: +44 1413318534.
E-mail address: linda.scobie@gcu.ac.uk (L. Scobie).
Abbreviations: MRSA, methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus; MSSA, methicillin sensitive Staphylococcus aureus; CA, community
acquired; HA, hospital acquired; LA, livestock associated; Spa gene, encoding pathogenic factor Protein A.
0305-4179/$36.00 # 2013 Elsevier Ltd and ISBI. All rights reserved.
burns 40 (2014) 288–294 289

biological skin substitute [1,4]. Xenografts adhere well to on pigskin and has been described in China, Japan and
excised wounds and when removed a clean granulating Denmark [15–18].
wound remains. This promotes rapid epithelial in-growth in S. aureus, including LA-MRSA, is a significant cause of skin
superficial burns and prepares the wound bed for autografting infections in pigs. Transmission of LA-MRSA between pigs and
in deep dermal burns [1]. The PBC in the Czech Republic have pig farmers, pig farmers and their families, veterinarians and
successfully used commercial pigs for over 10,000 skin strip companion animals in small-animal healthcare, and in equine
xenografts annually for severely burned patients and a skin hospitals has been reported [19,20]. While it has been shown
tissue bank has been established [1,4,5]. The skin xenografts that LA-MRSA can cause disease in humans, there is currently
are in contact with the recipient for up to eight weeks during no evidence to date, that LA-MRSA has been transmitted
treatment. Fresh viable full thickness pig skin strips are between humans [21].
treated with a saline/antibiotic solution prior to application [1]. Finally, it is known that bacteria can exist in two growth
Indeed, other centres currently use fresh porcine skin with states, planktonic and sessile. Most studies are carried out
ongoing success and procurement and preservation techni- using planktonic bacteria, however, in nature, bacterial
ques are constantly being improved [1,6]. populations exist as biofilms. Biofilms exhibit altered pheno-
Previous studies on PBC patients receiving fresh porcine types with respect to growth, antibiotic resistance and gene
skin xenografts have reported that patients were colonised expression and are thought to be the predominant bacterial
with a number of different pathogens with the majority of phenotype on both healthy and diseased skin [22–24].
these being staphylococci [7]. In addition, methicillin sensitive Therefore, the carriage of MRSA and/or MSSA on pigskin used
Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) has been shown to be the most for xenografts could potentially be a risk factor for colonisa-
frequently isolated organism from recipients followed by tion and subsequent infection in burn patients [25].
methicillin resistant S. aureus (MRSA) [5]. S. aureus is a common As a moratorium had been introduced in the Czech
opportunistic pathogen associated with a wide range of Republic preventing the continuation of this technique, the
diseases from superficial skin and soft tissue infections to purpose of the study was to demonstrate if there was any risk
severe life threatening infections including endocarditis and from the use of fresh viable commercial pig skin. Based on
septicaemia [8]. MRSA is a documented problem in hospital previous studies demonstrating S. aureus as a common
settings [9] and since the late 1990s there has been a significant commensal on pigs skin [7] and the reports on zoonotic S.
increase in the number of MRSA infections reported outside of aureus infections in individuals [11] the aim of this study was
the health care environment categorised as community to; (i) screen a commercial pig herd used for skin xenografts for
acquired MRSA (CA-MRSA) [10]. In general CA-MRSA strains the presence of MSSA and MRSA, (ii) assess the clonal
are more susceptible to antibiotics than hospital acquired structure of S. aureus isolated from these pigs, (iii) and
MRSA (HA-MRSA) [11]. Over the past decade a third category of determine the antimicrobial susceptibility of planktonic-
MRSA has emerged, the livestock associated MRSA (LA-MRSA and biofilm-associated strains to antimicrobials used to
[11]). decontaminate porcine skin prior to xenografting at the PBC.
It has been previously described that MRSA strains evolve
from MSSA strains by acquisition of the mecA gene, which is
carried in a mobile genetic element called the staphylococcal 2. Materials and methods
cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec). This gene confers
resistance to virtually all b-lactam antimicrobials by encoding 2.1. Animal sampling
an alternative penicillin binding protein (PBP2a), which has a
lowered affinity for b-lactam antibiotics [12]. Epidemiological A total of 101 pigs from a commercial herd in Prague used for
information on S. aureus can be obtained through various skin xenografts were swabbed for the presence of S. aureus.
methods such as multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and spa Three swabs were taken from each pig, one from the
typing, which is based on the sequencing of the polymorphic X perineum, one from the nasal cavity and an additional swab
region of the S. aureus protein A gene (spa gene). [11]. It is from the skin. Each swab was placed into Amies charcoal
suggested that LA-MRSA has been evolved by multiple medium (Sterilin, UK) for transport and shipped at 4 8C within
introductions of the SCCmec element into MSSA and studies 24 h of collection.
have shown that strains with identical spa-types can carry
different SCCmec elements [13,14]. 2.2. Isolation of S. aureus
To date, two major lineages of LA-MRSA have been
described. MRSA multilocus sequence type (ST) 398 of swine Each swab was initially cultured on a blood agar plate (BAP)
origin is predominant in Europe and North America and ST9 in and in ContrastTM MRSA broth (Oxoid Ltd., Hampshire, UK)
Asia [13,15]. As with humans, colonisation occurs in the nasal and incubated for 24 h at 37 8C. Positive ContrastTM MRSA
passage, perineum and skin and it has now become an broth cultures were inoculated onto BrillianceTM chromogenic
important global zoonotic pathogen documented in horses, agar (Oxoid, Hampshire, UK), non-selective 5% BAP (Oxoid
cats, dogs and cattle. European surveillance studies show that Ltd., Hampshire, UK) [26] and incubated overnight at 37 8C in
LA-MRSA ST398 isolates typically belong to 4 major spa types air. After incubation, BAP and Brilliance chromogenic agar
(t011, t108, t034, and t899) and several minor spa types (e.g., were examinded and potential S. aureus were submitted to a
t1197, t1451, t1456) [16]. catalase, DNase and StaphaureuxTM latex agglutination test
Many studies have also reported the prevalence of MSSA (Oxoid Ltd., Hampshire, UK) as per manufacturer’s instruction
ST398 in swine [14] and porcine MSSA is known to be present [27]. The positive control used was the S. aureus NCTC 6571
290 burns 40 (2014) 288–294

Oxford strain. Those confirmed to be S. aureus were stored at Results were read at Abs580 nm and the percentage cell
80 8C in brain heart infusion broth (Oxoid Ltd., Hampshire, survival was calculated by averaging the results for each strain
UK) supplemented with 10% glycerol for future study. Working at each time point/antibiotic treatment, then expressing as a
cultures were maintained on brain heart infusion agar (Oxoid percentage of the control.
Ltd., Hampshire, UK) stored at 4 8C.
2.3.3. Biofilm formation protocol
2.3. Antibiotic susceptibility testing Samples were grown in BHI broth to a final cell density of
5  105 cfu/ml. 100 ml was placed into 6 replicate wells of a 96
2.3.1. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) well microtitre plate and incubated for 24 h at 37 8C. Super-
Oxacillin broth microdilution antibiotic susceptibility testing natants were removed and cells washed with PBS then air
was performed following the recommendations of the British dried for 15 min and heat fixed in 80 8C oven for 30 min. Plate
Society of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (BSAC). In brief, was stained for 15 min with 0.5% (w/v) crystal violet. Plate was
morphologically similar colonies were touched and trans- washed with distilled water three times and 100 ml of 70%
ferred to Mueller Hinton broth (Oxoid Ltd., Hampshire, UK) and ethanol added to remove stain. Absorbance was measured at
incubated for 18 h at 37 8C with aeration at 200 rpm. The 570 nm.
organism suspension was adjusted to McFarland 0.5 turbidity
standard (1  108 colony forming units (cfu/ml)) and working 2.3.4. DNA extraction and Spa typing
solution produced by performing a 1:1000 dilution in then Genomic DNA from S. aureus strains was extracted following
Mueller Hinton broth to a final concentration of 1  105 cfu/ the method of Kobayashi et al. and Leonard et al. [29,30].
ml. Oxacillin (Sigma, Dorset, UK) was prepared in the range 0– Briefly, three to five colonies were suspended in NET buffer
128 mg/L by two fold serial dilution. 75 ml of working bacterial (10 mM Tris, 1 mM EDTA, 10 mM NaCl) containing 10 units of
suspension was combined with 75 ml of oxacillin in a achromopeptidase (Sigma, UK) and incubated at 50 8C for 10–
microtitre plate (Sterlin, UK) and incubated at 37 8C for 18 h. 15 min. The x region of the spa gene was amplified by PCR with
The MIC was defined as the lowest concentration of oxacillin primers 1113(F) 50 -AGACGATCCTTCGGTGA-30 and 1517(R) 50 -
that completely inhibited growth. S. aureus NCTC 6571 was GCTTTTGCAATGTCATTTACTG-30 as previously described by
used for quality control. Harmsen et al. [31]. DNA sequences were obtained using an
ABI 3500xL sequencer (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA).
2.3.2. Susceptibility of planktonic- and biofilm-grown strains Spa types are assigned through the Ridom web server (http://
to antibiotic wash spa.ridom.de/spatypes.html). Spa types with similar repeat
The susceptibility of planktonic- and biofilm-grown isolates to profiles are grouped together as part of the same lineage.
the antibiotic wash containing streptomycin (4 g/L), chloram-
phenicol (6 g/L) and nitrofurantoin (2.4 g/L) was determined by
broth dilution. An isolate working concentration of 3. Results
1  105 cfu/ml was prepared as previously described. Chlor-
amphenicol and nitrofurantoin were initially diluted in 3.1. S. aureus isolation
ethanol and dimethyl formamide (DMF).
One millilitre of bacterial suspension and 1 ml of antibiotic Of the 101 pigs screened, no MRSA was isolated from any of the
were combined and incubated at 37 8C for 18 h. Prior to the herds, however, a total of 87 (86% = 87/101 isolates) MSSA were
addition of the antibiotic a control viable cell count was isolated from the commercial pigs. MSSA isolates from the pig
performed by inoculating 100 ml of bacterial suspension on population were distributed unequally between the nasal
brain heart infusion agar (Oxoid, Hampshire, UK). Following passage, skin and perineum, with the skin resulting in the
the addition of antibiotic 100 ml of bacterial suspension, taken
at 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 min, was inoculated on to brain heart
infusion agar (Oxoid, Hampshire, UK). The plates were
incubated at 37 8C for 18 h and the bacterial cell survival
calculated as a percentage of the antibiotic free control. S.
aureus NCTC 6571 was included for quality control [30].
Biofilm production was performed following the method
described by Smith et al. [28] for each test isolate, 150 ml of the
working bacterial suspension (1  105 cfu/ml) was dispensed
to 9 wells of a 96-well microtitre plate (Sterilin, UK) in duplicate
and incubated at 37 8C on a rocking platform at 20 oscillations
per minute for 24 h. Planktonic cells were removed by washing
in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) (Oxoid Ltd., Hampshire, UK)
three times. Biofilms was challenged with 150 ml of antibiotic.
The nine duplicate wells were untreated with antibiotic to
serve as a control. To assess bacterial cell death, 150 ml of
AlamarBlue1 (Invitrogen, UK), diluted 1 in10 with PBS, was
added to each well and the plate incubated in the dark for 1 h
at 37 8C on a rocking platform at 20 oscillations per minute. Fig. 1 – Distribution of MSSA isolates by sample site.
burns 40 (2014) 288–294 291

highest number of isolates followed by the nares then the the MSSA isolates were resistant to the decontamination
Table 1 – Planktonic growth of nine MSSA strains isolated from the pigskin used for xenografts. Spa types for each strain
are indicated and are all of the MLST sequence type ST398. Antibiotic resistance and susceptibility are indicated as colony
forming units/ml.
MSSA Spa Growth of strains after 5 min exposure to antibiotic Growth of strains after 20 min exposure to
isolate type wash (cfu/ml) antibiotic wash (cfu/ml)

Streptomycin Chloramphenicol Nitrofurantoin Streptomycin Chloramphenicol Nitrofurantoin

3 t1456 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 t1456 3.6  10 5 0 0 3.6  10 5 0 0
6 t1456 6.2  10 3 0 0 0 0 0
7 t10569 3.3  10 3 0 0 0 0 0
10 t1456 3  10 5 0 0 3  10 5 0 0
11 t034 0 0 0 0 0 0
18 t034 0 0 0 0 0 0
22 t1456 3  10 5 0 0 3  10 5 0 0
23 t1456 1.9  10 5 0 0 1.9  10 5 0 0

perineum at 61%, 50% and 21% respectively (Fig. 1). Five protocol used. Before decontamination an active bioburden
animals from the commercial herd were found to have MSSA was present for all isolates (data not shown). 14% of the MSSA
in all three sites analysed but isolates from either one or two isolates from pig skin were selected at random for antibiotic
sites were most common from the rest of the animals tested susceptibility testing. Only three of the nine isolates tested, 3,
(data not shown). 11 and 18 showed a reduction in survival after 5 min when
planktonically grown in streptomycin (Table 1). After exposure
3.2. Sensitivity of MSSA isolates to antibiotic wash in
to streptomycin for 20 min, only four isolates remained
planktonic and biofilm state
resistant 5, 10, 22 and 23 (Table 1).

Porcine MSSA is known to be present on pigskin and as no In the presence of chloramphenicol, all isolates were non-
MRSA was isolated, it was deemed necessary to determine if viable after 5 min when directly exposed (Table 1). No survival

Fig. 2 – Percentage bacterial cell survival of biofilm producing isolates when exposed to individual antibiotics. Survival was
not reduced in any of the isolates when exposed to streptomycin (A). Cell survival was reduced in isolates 7, 18, 22 and 23
(4/9) after exposure to chloramphenicol (B). Cell survival was reduced in 7, 10, 11, 18 and 23 (5/9) after exposure to
nitrofurantoin (C). Each point represents the mean of results from duplicate experiments, with six wells per experiment.
Ox = positive control NCTC 6571 Oxford strain with and without antibiotic treatment.
292 burns 40 (2014) 288–294

after 5 min was observed for any strains when nitrofurantoin lead to more prominent colonisation. In addition, density of
was added to the broth (Table 1). animals in the farming environment may also contribute to
We know that S. aureus produce biofilm, a complex matrix this. A study by Verhegghe et al. has shown a similar rate of S.
that exhibits resistance to antibiotics not seen in their aureus isolation, in commercial pigs, from Belgium [38].
planktonic growth state. Of the 9 biofilm producing MSSA Due to large quantities of antimicrobial agents used in the
isolates, it was observed that all of the biofilm grown strains production of food animals, it is generally accepted that
were resistant to streptomycin (Fig. 2A). MSSA isolates 3, 5, 6, animals and humans constitute overlapping reservoirs of
10 and 11 remained viable after 20 min exposure to chloram- antimicrobial resistance, and consequently the use of anti-
phenicol (Fig. 2B); likewise 3, 5, 6 and 22 exhibited enhanced microbials in animals can impact on public health [39]. Our
cell survival after 20 min exposure to nitrofurantoin (Fig. 2C). results show that all MSSA isolates in the planktonic cell assay
were susceptible to chloramphenicol and nitrofurantoin with
3.3. Spa typing of MSSA strains isolated only five of the nine isolates showing susceptibility to
streptomycin after 20 min. However, when these same
Spa gene sequence analysis of the nine isolates tested isolates were grown as biofilm, 100% of the isolates exhibited
demonstrated three separate spa types. Six isolates belonged resistance to streptomycin, 55% (5/9) exhibited resistance to
to spa type t1456, two to spa type t034 and a single isolate to spa chloramphenicol and 44% (4/9) exhibited resistance to
type t10569 (Table 1). All of these were identified as being nitrofurantoin. A study by Sakoulas et al. has shown that
associated with the clonal complex 398 (CC398) to which ST398 strong biofilm producing S. aureus are more inherently
belongs. resistant to the effects of antibiotic treatment [40]. Our results
are also consistent with those published by Rose et al. where
biofilm producing S. aureus were more resistant to antibacte-
4. Discussion rial therapy than isolates grown as planktonic cells [41]. Not so
clear, however, is the extent to which this resistance can be
Due to the increasingly limited source of human skin attributed to the structure of biofilms rather than the
allografts, it has become necessary to develop new wound physiology and density of bacteria within them. The formation
dressing materials that can substitute. Porcine skin is readily of biofilms on the pig skin is of concern and alternative
available at low cost and is a common substitute for skin treatments or combination therapy should be explored to
allografts in deep seated burn wounds [1,4]. Although fresh optimise outcomes in biofilm-associated infections. Studies
porcine skin is cheaper and easier to use, it has a more potent have been carried out previously looking at microbial resis-
antigenicity and a higher rate of bacterial contamination than tance in porcine skin/tissue biobanks and what appropriate
irradiated or gluteraldehyde treated allografts [1,4]. Thus it is combinations are suitable for decontamination [6,42] and this
important to quantify the infectious risk in fresh viable skin information should be exploited.
compared to other non-vital products in use. As mentioned, data indicates that MRSA ST398 strains may
Colonisation and infection caused by S. aureus in pigs is well evolve from a variety of MSSA strains and recent studies have
documented [32]. Therefore, the use of skin from pigs reported the prevalence of MSSA ST398 in swine [17,18]. In the
colonised with S. aureus could pose a significant risk to present study, we examined the spa types of MSSA isolates
patients with severe burns and reduced immune-competence. obtained from the commercial swine in order to evaluate the
A study by Vrankova et al., undertaken at the Prague Burns possibility of the emergence of MRSA in pigs used for skin
Centre (PBC) in the late 1990s, had shown that S. aureus, xenografts. Our analysis of the S. aureus isolates identified
including MRSA, was the most frequently isolated bacterial three spa types; two were from the major group (t034) and the
species from patient’s pre and post-transplant [5]. Likewise, remainder in the minor type category (t1456 and t1056). All of
another study indicated one incident of S. aureus infection post these were associated with the ST398 livestock associated S.
graft [33] although the source of infection was not described. aureus (LA-MSSA) lineage as confirmed using the Ridom
Conversely, the majority of studies to date, using tissue database (http://spaserver.ridom.de). Two specific spa types,
banked pigskin indicate no graft originated infection [34,35]. t034 (22.2%) and t1456 (66.6%) clustered within the group
In the present study, detection of S. aureus was analysed tested supporting previous evidence that specific clones are
from three different anatomical sites on pigs used for predominant within farms [13]. A rare spa type, t10569 (repeat
xenografts. Overall the isolation rate of S. aureus, all MSSA, succession 11-10-21-17-34-24-34-17-25) was identified in one
in this sample groups was 86% (87/101 isolates). No MRSA were isolate. While this spa type does not cluster, by BURP analysis,
isolated. S. aureus isolation was not evenly distributed across with the other spa types (t034 and t1456) this isolate was typed
the three sampling sites with the greatest number of isolates by MLST at the reference laboratory and the sequence type
being detected in the skin (61%). Nasal colonisation was found also belonged to the ST398/CC398 clonal background. Inter-
to be 38% and the least number of isolates were obtained from estingly, the resistant strains of MSSA identified belonged to
the perineal swabs (24%). Previous reports have indicated that spa type t034 (second most common in pigs) and t1456 (less
S. aureus is more frequently isolated from slaughter pig’s nasal common in pigs). MSSA identified in the study by Osadebe
sites when compared to the perineum [36] with other data et al. belonged to spa types t337 and t034 and they suggested
showing similar levels of isolates being recovered from skin that swine MRSA, like human, may emerge from pre-existing
and nares [37]. The high degree of MSSA isolates we detected MSSA reservoirs which acquire the SCCmec gene cassette [43].
on the skin surface may be due to the fact that the skin sites Indeed, as mentioned a number of other studies have
are more readily exposed to the environment, which could identified MSSA ST 398 in pigs [15–18]. It could be hypothesised
burns 40 (2014) 288–294 293

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