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STR8 to E8!

Last minute revision 2

Zadanie 1
Uzupełnij opis obrazka tak, aby powstał logiczny i spójny tekst. W każdą lukę wpisz jedno słowo.

The photo shows a woman and a man 1. ........................ are sitting on a bench. There
is a bike next to them. We don't see their faces. The people are looking 2.
.......................... the sea. They are 3. .......................... jackets, so it's probably not hot.
It's a perfect sunset, because there are no clouds in the 4. .......................... ..

Zadanie 2
Uzupełnij opis obrazka tak, aby powstał logiczny i spójny tekst. W każdą lukę wpisz jedno słowo.

The picture shows a man and his small daughter. They are 1. ...........................,
probably on a balcony. They are 2. .......................... at a table and working on
something. The 3. .......................... is drawing or writing something and the man is
helping her. She 4. .................................. focused on her work.
więcej zestawów powtórzeniowych znajdziesz tutaj :-)
STR8 to E8!
Last minute revision 2
Zadanie 1
Uzupełnij opis obrazka tak, aby powstał logiczny i spójny tekst. W każdą lukę wpisz jedno słowo.

The photo shows a woman and a man 1. who/that are sitting on a bench. There is a
bike next to them. We don't see their faces. The people are looking 2. at the sea.
They are 3. wearing jackets, so it's probably not hot. It's a perfect sunset, because
there are no clouds in the 4. sky.

Zadanie 2
Uzupełnij opis obrazka tak, aby powstał logiczny i spójny tekst. W każdą lukę wpisz jedno słowo.

The picture shows a man and his small daughter. They are 1. outside, probably on a
balcony. They are 2. sitting at a table and working on something. The 3. girl is
drawing or writing something and the man is helping her. She 4. looks/seems
focused on her work.
więcej zestawów powtórzeniowych znajdziesz tutaj :-)

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