New Technologies in Global Burn Careny 2018

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Int J Burn Trauma 2018;8(4):77-87 /ISSN:2160-2026/IJBT0078817

Review Article
New technologies in global burn care - a review
of recent advances
Laura Kearney, Eamon C Francis, Anthony JP Clover

Department of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Cork University Hospital, Wilton, Cork, Ireland
Received May 1, 2018; Accepted August 12, 2018; Epub August 20, 2018; Published August 30, 2018

Abstract: There have been truly incredible strides in the standard of burn care. The mortality from burn injuries has
more than halved since the 1950s, making it hugely unique among major diseases of the developed world. There
can be no doubt technology and technological advances have driven this process, dramatically improved every
aspect of burn care, from the intensive care management, the surgical management, management of the healing
wound to the post burn sequelae, specifically scar management. This review aims to identify key technological ad-
vances in burns, in both the developed and developing world, and evaluate their influence in the continued strategy
to improve the standards of global burn care.

Keywords: Technological advances, global strategy, burn care

Background arguably on even a greater scale. Often over-

shadowed by more complex technologies, the
There have been truly incredible strides in the role prevention campaigns, education and pub-
standard of burn care. The mortality from burn lic health interventions have played should be
injuries has more than halved since the 1950s, not underestimated. This review aims to identi-
making it truly unique among major diseases of fy key technological advances in burns, in both
the developed world [1]. There can be no doubt the developed and developing world, and evalu-
technology and technological advances have ate their influence in the continued strategy to
driven this process. Technological advances, improve the standards of global burn care.
have improved every aspect of burn care, from
the intensive care management, the surgical Intensive care management of the burn pa-
management, approaches to wound healing tient
and post burn sequelae specifically scar man-
Reduced mortality rates in severe burn injuries
agement. The assimilation of these improve-
have been attributed to improvements in criti-
ments, in each constituent phase, has pro-
cal care, specifically by improvement in fluid
duced our current standard of care.
resuscitation, respiratory support nutrition and
sepsis control [3, 4] (Figure 1). New techniques
Despite impressive advances burns is still
and technologies have had a definite role in
considered ‘the forgotten global health crisis’.
these improvements although have not always
Currently 95% of burns injuries worldwide occur
successfully demonstrated influence on major
in low-income countries [2]. Whilst new advanc-
outcomes for this patient population.
es are welcomed, there is undoubtedly a sig-
nificant time lag before current health care Resuscitation
systems can access and successfully utilise
these technologies. In the developing world it is The first intervention for the major burn patient
unlikely the benefits of recent advances will is resuscitation. Adequate resuscitation is the
offer any measurable impact for decades. How- critical therapeutic intervention in the manage-
ever certain aspects of burn care implemented ment of the acute burn [5]. Without it burns of
globally have made a vital impact on outcomes, greater than 15-20% Total Surface Body Area
New technologies in burn care

index, and extravascular lung

water [10]. However providers
are cautioned that using these
devices to correct surrogate
markers for intravascular vol-
ume is challenging and may
result in tissue oedema and
resuscitation morbidity [7, 11].
In addition these devices have
not as yet demonstrated sig-
nificant evidence of a benefit
of treatment as compared to
standard care or an influence
on major outcomes [12, 13].
Therefore despite our era of
technological revolution the
principle guide to adequate
fluid resuscitation is still urine
output. This also applies to
low-income countries, where
invasive monitoring is not
readily available [14]. Techno-
Figure 1. Critical care logies have been developed
improvements in burn
to support rather than replace
this principle. A computerized
decision-support program has
(TSBA) will result in hypovolemic shock, organ been developed by the United States Army
dysfunction and ultimately death [6]. The Institute of Surgical Research (USAISR). The
“Parkland” formula for fluid resuscitation technology interprets trends in urine output
remains the most widely used formula by burns over a 3-hour period to make hourly fluid rate
units internationally [7, 8]. This formula, based recommendations. This has been successful in
on the patient’s weight and percentage-burn, is both reducing excessive volumes of crystalloid
used in conjunction with regular review phy- resuscitation and consistently achieving target
siological parameters and resuscitation end- urine outputs [15].
points, specifically urine output. In the last
decade concerns regarding its accuracy has Ventilation
prompted the burns community to re-evaluate
the fluid resuscitation process, especially for Airway management and ventilator support
elderly patients. The concept of over-resuscita- are frequently required in major burns cases,
tion was highlighted by Pruitt’s description of particularly those with an inhalational injury.
‘fluid creep’ in 2000 [9]. This phenomenon of Ventilatory strategies to support respiratory
excess fluid loading usually results from a com- failure in critically ill patients, including burns,
bination of inaccuracies in calculating fluid have changed dramatically. The introduction
requirement, inattention to reducing unneces- of lung-protective ventilator strategies, have
sary fluid infusions, the increased use of seda- reduced the incidence of ventilator-associated
tion and analgesic infusions and from the lung injury. These strategies use low tidal vol-
excess administration of crystalloid solutions umes, avoid high peak inspiratory pressures
[5]. In an attempt to improve the accuracy of and permit a degree of hypercapnia. They apply
fluid resuscitation, adjuncts in the form of mod- to patients in the absence of a diagnosis of
ern-day minimally invasive devices have been Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
introduced. These include pulmonary artery [16]. Once ARDS is confirmed adjunctive pro-
catheter, lithium indicator dilution and trans- tective strategies are often instigated includ-
pulmonary thermodilution allowing continuous ing high-frequency percussive ventilation (HF-
measuring of mixed venous oxygenation, intra- PV) and high-frequency oscillatory ventilation
thoracic blood volume, total blood volume (HPOV) [17]. HPFV is a pressure driven mode of

78 Int J Burn Trauma 2018;8(4):77-87

New technologies in burn care

Table 1. Modified and new techniques for ger inpatient admissions, organ failure and
burn assessment and surgery death [23, 24]. Early enteral feeding, typically
Burn Assessment nasogastric or nasojejunal, with careful moni-
toring of carbohydrate and fat intake supple-
Laser Doppler Imaging
mented by vitamins, amino acids and insulin
Active Dynamic Thermography
administration where required, has shown to
Burn Surgery
decrease wound healing times [25]. Additional
Meek skin grafting strategies include the use of oxandrolone. This
Fibrin sealant anabolic agent has been proven to improve pro-
Cultured epithelial autografts (CEA) tein net balance and lean mass, and overall
Integra outcomes in the severely burned patient [26].
Biogradable temporizing matix
The prevention and early recognition of sepsis
is a key component of critical care for the burns
ventilation that combines conventional cycles patient. Prevention strategies include topical
with high-pressure percussive breaths/min antimicrobial dressings, early excision and
[18]. It has demonstrated specific benefits in grafting surgery and as discussed above, nutri-
inhalational injury namely improving pulmonary tional support [27, 28]. There remains no role
gas exchanges without haemodynamic compro- for prophylactic antibiotics [29], however burns
mise, assistance in clearing pulmonary debris sepsis should be aggressively treated with sys-
and secretions and reducing infection rates temic antibiotic therapy and where necessary
[19]. antifungal agents. This is becoming increasing-
ly more challenging due to the number of multi-
High-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) drug resistant organisms [30]. White cell count
is an unconventional form of mechanical venti- (WCC) and C-Reactive protein (CRP) are cur-
lation, previously shown not to be of benefit in rently the most commonly used markers of sep-
the general intensive, are population but has sis although pro-calcitonin has been identified
a suggested role in inhalation injuries and as an additional useful marker in adult popula-
ARDS in the setting of burns. It is considered a tion [31]. Strategies such as steroid administra-
rescue ventilator strategy for cases of oxygen- tion have been investigated although at pres-
ation failure unresponsive to conventional ven- ent have limited evidence to support their wide-
tilation [20]. It permits sufficient stabilization of spread use [32].
these patients for early surgical debridement
[20]. Non-ventilator adjuncts have also been Surgical management of the burn patient
described in this context including nitric oxide,
inhaled prostacyclin, neuromuscular blockade Early tangential excision and autologous split
with cisatracurium, fluid restriction and diuresis thickness skin grafting remains the standard of
and prone ventilation [21]. Overall technologi- care in burn centers worldwide [28]. However
cal advances in the area of ventilation have major advances, in the form of new technolo-
demonstrated measureable improvements in gies and new modifications of established tech-
outcomes for patients with severe burn and nologies are changing the practice of burn sur-
inhalational injuries. gery (Table 1). Accurate assessment of burn
depth is vital to ensure appropriate manage-
Nutrition and sepsis control ment of a burn injury. In 1993 Laser Doppler
Imaging (LDI) was proposed as an adjunct to
Following a major burn injury the patient is in a clinical assessment R and today is accepted as
hypermetabolic state resulting in protein loss, an accurate diagnostic tool with high sensitivity
reduction in lean body mass and hyperglyce- and specificity [33]. LDI measures the extent of
mia. Hyperglycemia, particularly in the paediat- disruption to dermal microvascular blood flow,
ric population, is associated with catabolism, accurately assessing the overall depth. Its use
bacterial and fungal infections and graft loss has resulted in reduced length of hospital stay,
[22]. Failure to address the nutritional require- lower rates of operative interventions, shorter
ments of this hypermetabolic state and its decision making times for grafting procedures,
resulting hyperglycemia, leads to impaired and overall cost reduction [34, 35]. Other tech-
wound healing, susceptibility to infection, lon- niques such as active dynamic thermography,

79 Int J Burn Trauma 2018;8(4):77-87

New technologies in burn care

where the measurement of burn wound tem- for local anesthesia delivery. It has been sug-
perature acts as an indicator of their depths, gested fibrin delivery of local anesthesia may
has also been described in this context but, as have definite future potential in burns surgery,
yet, remains limited to a research tool [36]. from the proposed dual function of augmenting
skin graft adherence while releasing local anes-
An important example of re-evaluating a previ- thesia [48].
ous technique is Meek skin grafting [37]. First
described in 1958, it was soon eclipsed by Skin substitutes are a heterogeneous group of
Tanner’s mesh technique [38]. In more recent wound coverage materials that aid in would clo-
decades, huge advances in both the resuscita- sure where autologous skin grafts are either
tion and intensive care management of major- unavailable, i.e. in extensive burns, or undesir-
burns have dramatically increased survival able i.e. in full thickness burns with significant
rates. As more and more patients are surviving loss of dermis [49]. In addition to rapid wound
the initial insult the focus has therefore shifted closure they act to increase the dermal com-
to rapid excision and wound closure. This is ponent of healed wound, reduce or remove
challenging in cases where extensive injuries inhibitory factors of wound healing, reduce the
have lead to a lack of autograft donor sites. In inflammatory response and therefore subse-
the 1990s Humeca worked in collaboration quent scarring [50]. Kumar provided a useful
with the Red Cross to revive the Meek tech- classification-Class I: temporary impervious
nique with their Humeca system. The technique dressing materials, Class II: Single layer dura-
successful produced widely expanded auto- ble epidermal or dermal substitutes and Class
grafts (up to 1:9 ratios) with even small skin III: Composite skin substitutes either skin graft
remnants [39]. The addition of an adhesive or tissue engineered skin [51]. Class II and III
spray and pre-fabricated gauze aimed to im- substitutes have been particularly important in
prove effectiveness and efficiency of the tech- the evolution of burns surgery, offering recon-
nique. Favourable outcomes are well reported struction options in injuries previously consid-
in terms of successful graft rate, cost-effective- ered unreconstructable.
ness, cosmetic results and infection rates [40-
42]. The system has been used widely in devel- The culture of keratinocytes or epithelial auto-
oping world [43]. It has also shown promising grafts (CEA), a class II epidermal substitute,
results when used in combination with other was an important advance in the burn care.
new technologies such as skin substitutes [44]. First reported in 1981, cultured epithelial
Its revival may prompt us to revisit other previ- autografts (CEA) produces a large surface area
ously established techniques in addition to of keratinocytes obtained from a relatively
developing current and evolving technologies. small skin biopsy from the patient. The autolo-
gous keratinocytes are isolated, cultured and
A useful adjunct to autologous skin grafting has expanded into sheets over periods of 3-5 weeks
been the use of fibrin sealant. Fibrin is an insol- [52]. The technique of suspension in fibrin glue
uble fibrous protein formed in human plasma has reduced the time for clinical use to 2 weeks
in response to tissue injury where it is essential [53]. The ReCell system, pioneered by Professor
to achieve hemostasis. Fibrin gel, manufac- Fiona Woods of the Royal Perth Hospital, fur-
tured from purified plasma fibrinogen and a ther refined this technique and successfully
thrombin solution rich in calcium to replicate demonstrated similar results to classic skin
this blood clot, can acquire a similar structure grafts for the treatment of deep partial thick-
and mechanical properties [45]. In 2008 Artiss ness burns [54]. While eliminating need for
(Baxter) received FDA approval as skin graft autologous skin grafting its use was previously
adhesive [46]. A pivotal study has demonstrat- limited by fragility of the technique, unpredict-
ed it is safe and effective for attachment of able take rate and high costs [55]. Its potential
skin grafts, with outcomes at least as good as is now being re-investigated as part of a two-
or better than staple fixation [47]. It is also stage strategy to completely replace the autolo-
associated with improved patient-assessed gous skin graft [42].
outcomes, namely pain-related anxiety. As well
as its function as a surgical adhesive, fibrin is Integra® artificial skin, a class III agent, is cur-
a well-established delivery system for many rently the most widely accepted artificial skin
agents and is under investigation as a vector substitute for management of acute deep par-

80 Int J Burn Trauma 2018;8(4):77-87

New technologies in burn care

tial-thickness and full-thickness burns [56]. It is models and more recently in clinical studies
a bilayer consisting of a temporary epidermal addressing reconstruction of free flap donor
substitute layer of silicone and a dermal sites [65]. Development of autologous cultured
replacement layer consisting of cross-linked composite skin (CCS) is ongoing although has
bovine tendon collagen and glycosaminogly- been achieved in a porcine model [66]. Major
can. The outer silicone layer works as a tempo- funding and research grants have been secured
rary epidermis controlling moisture loss from hopefully suggesting that successful clinical
the wound [57]. The collagen dermal replace- application of this strategy is on the horizon.
ment layer serves as a matrix for the infiltration These efforts have and will continue to rapidly
of fibroblasts, macrophages, lymphocytes, and accelerate progress and development in the
capillaries derived from the wound bed [58]. field of burn surgery.
After approximately 21-30 days there is ade-
quate vascularization of the dermal layer and The pathophysiology of wound healing
the temporary silicone layer is removed. A thin
The advancement of burn care has been asso-
split-skin autograft is then placed over the
ciated with a deeper understanding of the
vascular “neodermis”. The main limitations to
pathophysiology of burn wound healing. Similar
its use are a reported risk of infection from pos-
to the healing of any wound, it requires the col-
sible accumulation of seromas and haemato-
laborative efforts of many different tissues
mas and its high-cost [59]. Despite these limi-
and cell lineages that contribute to inflamma-
tation successful clinical use is well reported
tion, proliferation, migration, matrix synthesis
for a range of complex burns reconstructions
and contraction phases [67]. Burn healing is a
dynamic process in which these phases over-
lap [68]. Understanding key concepts at each
Potentially the most exciting contribution to
phase has let to developments in wound care.
burns surgery in the past decade is the work
The initial inflammatory phase brings neutro-
of Professor John Greenwood of the Royal
phils and monocytes to the site of injury vial
Adelaide Hospital. His proposal to offer a two-
localized vasodilation and fluid extravasation,
stage skin graft replacement strategy essen-
preventing infection and allowing degradation
tially combines the technologies previously
of necrotic tissue [24]. Following this the
developed for class II and III substitutes. The
release of inflammatory mediators, including
rationale for this replacement strategy is to
cytokines, lipids and kinins, provide immune
facilitate immediate and complete excision of
signals to recruit leukocytes and macrophages
extensive burns, therefore improving survival
to initiate the proliferative phase. In the over-
outcomes, but also improving functionality and
lapping proliferate phase, activated keratino-
overall cosmetic outcomes in the reconstruct-
cytes and fibroblasts migrate to, re-epitheliase
ed burn patient. The technique involves initial
and restore the vascular network of the wound,
application of a recently developed biogradable
essential for wound healing [69]. In the final
temporizing matrix (BTM) to the excised wound
remodeling phase, collagen and elastin are
bed (NovoSorb™). In addition to temporizing
deposited and continuously reformed by the
the wound bed it will allow integration of vascu-
conversion of fibroblasts to myofibroblasts.
lar tissue to create a neodermis, capable of
This conversion results in high contractile force
sustaining either a skin graft or once success-
necessary for tissue contracture and scar mat-
fully developed cultured composite skin (CCS).
uration [70].
The overall aim is to reduce wound contraction
during the remodeling phase [63]. Unlike cur- The attempted modification of these pathways
rent existing dermal replacement technologies has led to a number of advances in wound heal-
such as Integra®, it does not contain any bio- ing. Excessive or prolonged inflammation has
logical molecules such as collagen, potentially been targeted however the use of anti-inflam-
offering a greater resistance to infection [64]. It matory treatments can potentially delay wound
is also considered more cost-effective than healing. This makes the identification and
existent technologies suggesting it will be eco- application of the beneficial effects challenging
nomically viable to use outside of high-income [71]. The use of NSAIDS in this context demon-
countries. Successful integration and split-skin strated impaired wound healing. However ste-
graft take has been demonstrated in animal roid use has shown a reduction in proinflamma-

81 Int J Burn Trauma 2018;8(4):77-87

New technologies in burn care

Table 2. Current, novel and future therapies some benefit has been demonstrated in terms
for management burn scarring of comparability with split-skin grafts in wound
Current techniques closure this technique has yet to translate into
clinically viable options [77].
Excessive myofibroblast driven contractile
Intra-lesional corticosteroid injection force in the remodeling phase can result in
Pressure therapy extensive and hypertrophic scarring. The func-
Novel therapies and future therapies tional and psychosocial sequelae of burns
Fluorouracil, mitomycin C and bleomycin scars remain a major rehabilitative challenge,
Autologous fat grafting decreasing quality of life and delaying reinte-
Laser therapy gration into society. Despite extensive research
Stem cells this is arguably the area that has demonstrated
the least measurable clinical outcomes com-
pared to other aspects of burn care.
tory cytokines associated with shorter hospital
admissions [72]. The information yielded form New technologies in scar management
understanding the pathophysiology of wound
healing has been applied to develop ‘intelligent’ Successful approaches to modulate the scar
dressings capable not just of controlling biobur- remodeling process, minimise the development
den, but also accelerating the healing process of scarring, specifically hypertrophic scarring,
itself. Silver has been used in burn care since have yet to be established. Proposed beneficial
the introduction of topical silver sulfadiazine effects of novel surgical techniques, discussed
(SSD) preparation in the 1970’s. More recently, above, are awaited. Meanwhile scar manage-
nanocrystalline silver dressings have become ment remains a formidable challenge for the
widespread in clinical use. These dressings burn community. Currently the most commonly
utilise nanotechnology to release clusters of used techniques are pressure garments, with
extremely small and highly reactive silver parti- and without silicone and injected corticoste-
cles and have been found to have anti-inflam- roids [78]. Evidence has been conflicting with
matory effects [73]. The cost of nanocrystalline studies showing modest to no improvements
dressings has limited their use in economically- with use of these techniques [79-81]. Numerous
strained environments. In underfunded, under- novel therapies have been introduced, but to
resourced facilities silver sulfadiazine has been date, have not made the anticipated impacts
the major component of wound care due to (Table 2).
its practicality, effectiveness, affordability and
associated high compliance rates [74]. In these The influence of intralesional injections of che-
environments there is understandably a com- motherapeutic agents such as 5-fluorouracil,
promise to be made between most overall mitomycin C and bleomycin has been exten-
effectiveness and cost-effectiveness. Recent sively evaluated. These therapies are challeng-
studies have highlighted the benefit of honey- ing to administer, often requiring multiple
based dressings over SSD [75]. Honey based repeat injections and have shown only modest
dressings, previously shown to have anti-infla- overall effect primarily on scar height [82].
mmatory properties, have traditionally had a Autologous fat grafting, the revolutionary tech-
role in wound care in the developing world [76]. nique of reconstructive and aesthetic surgery,
As nanocrystalline dressings may not be feasi- has been proposed as an intervention to im-
ble, this recent evidence may shift the focus to prove mature burn scars. Recent studies failed
honey-based preparations, securing their role to demonstrate differences in scar pigmenta-
in the future wound care strategies. tion, vascularity and height post-treatment
[83]. Lasers were proposed as a revolutionary
As discussed previously the engineering of new tool for treatment hypertrophic and ery-
autologous keratinocytes is currently under thematous burn and donor site scars with mod-
development. Cultured epithelilal keratinocytes erate success. Photodynamic lasers have a
aim to promote keratinocyte migration in the role for early erythematous scars and fractional
proliferative phase, and subsequent epithelisa- lasers in treatment of hypertrophic scars, sur-
tion, angiogenesis and wound closure. Although face irregularities, pigmentary abnormalities,

82 Int J Burn Trauma 2018;8(4):77-87

New technologies in burn care

hypertrophy, pruritis, and contraction. Rando- tal education and caution against storage and
mized, prospective multi-institutional studies use of flammable liquids, have been identified
are needed to accurately define and describe as important risk factors [91]. Educational
optimal uses of laser for burn reconstruction programs addressing these risk factors can
[84]. have a significant impact on burn morbidity,
especially in children [92]. Other important
The future of wound healing and scar modula- education strategies include the challenging
tion is thought to hinge on our growing under- cultural beliefs so that immolation is not used
standing of progenitor and stem cells and from as form of punishment by communities or self-
development of these novel therapies [85]. inflicted, the education and training of health-
Several studies have suggested bone marrow care professionals in burn care and the imple-
derived stem cells, such as mesenchyme stem mentation of clinical standards, guidelines and
cells (MSCs) and progenitor cells such as endo- protocols in daily clinical practice [93].
thelial progenitor cells, may be involved in skin
repair and regeneration [86, 87]. MSCs in par- Conclusion
ticular have been shown to enhance wound
healing through increased angiogenesis, reepi- Technological advances have, without doubt,
thelialization, and granulation tissue formation revolutionized all aspects of burn care in both
[88]. While the true mechanism of action of the developed and developing world. From this
MSCs is not fully understood, the current evi- review we propose our current stand of care is
dence suggests they provide the necessary the not the result of individual key advances
cues for wound healing through the release of but the cumulation of multiple advances in
inflammatory mediators, cytokines and growth each constituent phase of burn management.
factors. In addition the cells themselves partici-
pate in the process of wound healing, ultimate- Despite these advances we must strive for the
ly differentiating into the cell types required for continued improvements survival and scarring
closure of the wound. Adult stem cells are an in burns. Further reductions in morbidity and
exciting source for future wound healing appli- mortality, faster and improved wound healing
cations, owing mostly to their relative ease of and reduced scarring, are goals that can and
harvest and the ability to yield large quantities must be achieved internationally. This review
of cells. identifies the key strategy to achieve these
goals; by incorporating new and evolving tech-
Technological aids in the developing world niques into clinical practice but also re-evaluat-
As discussed, the majority of advances des- ing and bringing forward lessons gained from
cribed in the various aspects of burn manage- techniques previously established. Future tech-
ment, are not feasible in economically strained nological advances should be developed to
environments. Unfortunately these are the support rather than replace, as no new technol-
very environments where improvements are ogy can substitute for the care and experience
urgently needed. Currently 95% of burns inju- of the multi-disciplinary burns team.
ries worldwide that require medical attention
occur in low-income countries [2]. It is worth- Disclosure of conflict of interest
while to reconsider how we define technology
and how this definition might apply to the devel-
oping world. Education programs and strate- Address correspondence to: Drs. Laura Kearney,
gies targeting primary prevention, first aid Eamon C Francis and Anthony JP Clover, Specialist
and early presentation have been identified as Registrar in Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Cork
key components necessary to implement effec-
University Hospital, Wilton, Cork, Ireland. E-mail: lau-
tive standards of care [89]. These strategies (LK); (ECF); j.clo-
were instrumental in reducing mortality in the (AJPC)
developed world from the 1960’s. The benefit
of primary prevention in particular should not References
be underestimated in low-income countries,
owing to the challenges and lack of resources [1] Church D, Elsayed S, Reid O, Winston B,
in secondary and tertiary management [90]. Lindsay R. Burn wound infections. Clin
Childhood supervision in the community, paren- Microbiol Rev 2006; 19: 403-34.

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