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today in celebration of the 350th death anniversary of Saints Louise de Marillac and Vincent de Paul, and we are called to discover Louise, and in many ways to give birth to her, and to rediscover the legacy of charity and mission which are at the heart of our Vincentian Family. So let us together continue to find the REAL LOUISE.

STATION 1 LOUISE BIRTH: THE CROSS OF ILLEGITIMACY Invocation: Leader: St. Louise, fill our hearts with your spirit, All: So that we may be one with you and become worthy to participate in the glory of the Cross of Jesus in you. About Louise: Louise de Marillac was born on 12 August, 1591. Who was her mother? No one knows. Therefore, in the present state of our knowledge of the de Marillac family, it is evident that Louise was born out of wedlock, and that she was, by law, illegitimate. Although deprived of maternal affection, Louise was dearly loved by her father. Louis provided for her adequately and cherished her with fatherly affection. In an official document Louis recognized Louise, my daughter, my natural daughter. Louises Words: God, who has granted me so many graces, led me to understand that it was His holy will that I go to Him by way of the Cross. His goodness chose to mark me with it from my birth and He has hardly ever left me, at any age, without some occasion of suffering. (Writings, p. 711) Guide for Short Reflection: (Pause for a 2-minute reflection.) I remember my familys story of my birth, the choice of my name and why this name. Remember a TV news or newspaper report about an illegitimate child, or a newborn baby left by a mother on a street or in an orphanage. Make an act of faith by saying a quiet prayer for the child.

Gods Word: God called me before I was born; while I was at my mothers womb, he named me in the shadow of His hand he hid me He said to me: you are my precious child. (Isaiah 49: 1-6) Louises Prayer: (together) I adore you O my God, and recognize that you are the author of my existence.. You created me for a purpose. I may not understand them now but I trust in your plan for me. Amen. You may now move to the second station, bearing in your heart Gods love for you. Remember: You are Gods precious child and He is the author of your existence. He created you for a purpose. Song: (to be sung while moving to the next station) Hindi kita malilimutan, hindi kita pababayaan. Nakaukit magpakailanman, sa king palad ang iyong pangalan Malilimutan ba ng ina ang anak na galing sa kanya. Sanggol sa kanyang sinapupunan, paano niya matatalikdan Ngunit kahit na malimutan ng ina ang anak na galing sa kanya. Hindi kita malilimutan kailanmay di pababayaan.

STATION 2 LOUISE CHILDHOOD: THE CROSS OF CONFUSED IDENTITY (POISSY AND BOARDING SCHOOL) Invocation: Leader: St. Louise, fill our hearts with your spirit, All: So that we may be one with you and become worthy to participate in the glory of the Cross of Jesus in you. About Louise: Louise, being illegitimate, was never accepted by de Marillacs. On October 10, 1591, she was placed in a Dominican monastery at Poissy under the care of her Dominican grand aunt. During her stay there, she was deeply immersed in Dominican life of regularity, virtue, piety and prayer. She received a solid foundation in philosophy, theology, and literature, painting and music, Latin and Greek classics. Suddenly, when Louise was about twelve years old, her father, unable to continue to pay her tuition at Poissy, was forced to transfer her to a boarding school. Here, Louise received a practical education, learning cooking, housekeeping, sewing, embroidery, and practical nursing.

She also learned her first lessons of charity toward the poor and the poorest among them. Just before Louises thirteenth birthday, her father died. She must have felt a great loneliness and abandonment at the loss of a person who loved her so deeply. Louises Words: "God makes the interests of the afflicted his own." (Writings)

me my sins as I forgive the persons who caused me pains. Assure me of your unconditional love in moments of confusion and uncertainty. Strengthen me in my fearful moments. Hold me from the charm of the devil and set me free from revenge. Amen. As you silently move to the third station, we sing: //God will make a way when there seems to be no way He works in ways we cannot see, He will make a way for me He will be my guide, hold me closer to His side With love and strength for each new day He will make a way, He will make a way//

Guide for Short Reflection: (Pause for a 2-minute reflection.) Recall: An experience of a loss or deep pain in the family or in your own life. Remember: The name of the person who stood by you during this difficult time in your life. Recite : A prayer for healing for yourself. A prayer for that person who stood by you. Gods Word: I shall not leave you orphans; I shall come to you The Paraclete, the Holy Spirit will teach you everything and remind you of all I have said to you. Peace I bestow on you, my own peace I give you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid. (John 14: 18, 26-27) Closing Prayer: Let us pray together with Louise as we say: My Father in heaven, holy is Your Name. Your Kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as in heaven. Give me this day the graces I need. Forgive

STATION 3 LOUISE YOUNG HEARTS DESIRE: THE CROSS OF REJECTION Invocation: Leader: St. Louise, fill our hearts with your spirit, All: So that we may be one with you and become worthy to participate in the glory of the Cross of Jesus in you. About Louise: At age fifteen, Louise witnessed the intense religious renewal in Paris in which the Daughters of the Passion, known as the Capuchin nuns, were installed in their convent. Louise was greatly influenced by this renewal as this awakened in her the desire to consecrate

herself to God. She was drawn to the communitys life of prayer, manual labor and great poverty. When Louise asked to be admitted, the Capuchin director denied her request because she had not the health to endure the austere life of the community. Probably, Louise knew that she was rejected because she was illegitimate. Once again, she experienced rejection, causing her childhood wound to deepen. She just held on in faith to the directors last words God has other designs for you as she left the convent. Being denied entrance into the cloister and having no other place to go, Louise went to live with her aunt Valence d Attichy to help with her seven children. Louises Words: In accepting this ignorance the path along which God wishes me to serve Him I must abandon myself entirely to His disposition to become entirely His (Holy Retreat in 1632)

Gods Word: Yes, I know what plans I have in mind for you, Yahweh declares, plans for peace, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. When you call to me and pray to me, I shall listen to you. When you search for me, you will find me; when you search wholeheartedly for me, I shall let you find me. (Jeremiah 29: 11-14) Louises Prayer: (together) God of my destiny, because of the love I owe you, I abandon myself to Your holy will in my life. Although I am filled with powerlessness and reasons for humiliations on account of my sins, I trust in Your mercy. I beg You, because of the love You have for me, to send the assistance of the Holy Spirit so as to produce the full effect of the plan which Your holy will has had, from all eternity, for my soul and for all souls redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ. Amen. (Writings, p. 691) As you move to the fourth station, imagine yourself talking with Louise, share with her what your hearts desire is.

Guide for Short Reflection: (Pause for a 2-minute reflection.) Where your treasure is, there your heart will be. This comes from a line in the Scriptures that speaks of ones hearts desire. Louise knew what she wanted to be only that she was rejected by the community where she wanted to belong to. But in faith she believed that God has other designs for her. And so she waited patiently for the time when God would grant His plans for her. How about me Where is my treasure?

STATION 4 LE GRAS : ROAD TO STABILITY LEADS TO THE CROSS OF MATURITY Invocation: Leader: spirit, St. Louise, fill our hearts with your

All: and become glory of the Cross of

So that we may be one with you worthy to participate in the Jesus in you.

Louises Words: Do not be upset if things are not as you would want them to be for a long time to come. Do the little you can very peacefully and calmly so as to allow room for the guidance of God in your lives. Do not worry about the rest. (Writings, pp. 614-615) Guide for Short Reflection: (Pause briefly for a moment of reflection.) Do you have an experience when you felt you cannot do anything about a particular situation at home, in school, with your friends and felt powerless? Keep quiet for a while and look at the picture of Louise in front of you. Listen. Gods Word: You are my servant, I have chosen you, I have not rejected you. Do not be afraid, for I am with you; do not be alarmed for I am your God. I give you strength, truly I help you, and truly I hold you firm with my saving right hand. (Isaiah 41: 8-10) Louises Prayer: (together) God of strength, You desire to draw all to yourself. Teach us truly to understand these words. If we belong to you we can no longer belong to ourselves.? (Writings, p. 828) As we move to the 5th station, we praise the power of Gods love in the life of Louise as we sing the Power of Your Love. Song: Lord, I come to you. Let my heart be changed renewed, flowing from the grace that I found in you. Lord I come to know the weaknesses I see in me will be stripped away, by the power of your love. Hold me close, let your love surround me, bring me near draw me to your side. And as I wait I rise up like an eagle

About Louise: During this period, families arranged marriages for their children. Michel de Marillac, Louise's guardian, arranged for her to marry Antoine le Gras, a secretary to the queen, Marie de Medici, and an assistant to Octavien Doni d'Attichy, the Minister of Finance of France, and husband to Louises aunt, Valence. Antoine was a simple man, belonging to the bourgeoisie not the aristocracy. Because Louise was illegitimate, her husband could not be from the nobility and instead of bearing the noble title Madame, the inferior title Mademoiselle was given to her. The marriage took place on 4 February 1613, in the church of Saint Gervais. Louise was twenty-two and Antoine thirtytwo years old. With Antoine, Louise found the joy and warmth of a family home, which was brightened by the birth of a son whom they named Michel Antoine. Seven years after their marriage, Antoines health began to deteriorate probably due to tuberculosis. The letters of Louise during these years reveals her spiritual anguish caused by the slowness of her son, and the illness of her husband. She turned to anxious introspection. She was depressed. Antoine's illness continued to evolve, insomnia kept him awake most of the night, and frequent hemorrhages weakened him. For over two years, Louise remained constantly at her husband's side, and finally, she was with him at his last agony. In the middle of the night, just a few days before Christmas, 21 December 1625, Antoine suffered a violent hemorrhage and died.

and I will soar with, your spirit leads me on, by the power of your love. And I will soar with you; your Spirit leads me on, by the power of your love. STATION 5 LE GRAS : THE INDESCRIBABLE CROSS OF MOTHERHOOD Invocation: Leader: St. Louise, fill our hearts with your spirit, All: So that we may be one with you and become worthy to participate in the glory of the Cross of Jesus in you. About Louise: After Antoine's death, she suffered from severe grief, loneliness and abandonment. Indeed, they have marked her life since birth. As a mother she was anxious about her sons future. Michel was a premature baby, and had erratic behavior which caused Louise much heartache. Living with a sick father and a depressed mother added to Michels instability. When Michel was fifteen years old Louise placed him as a boarder at the seminary of Saint Nicolas du Chardonnet. But his work was very irregular, and he had much difficulty progressing in his studies that were supposed to bring him to the priesthood, which was the hope and desire of Louise. Then in 1644, he disappeared entirely, leaving Louise anxious and upset. Michel continued to drift in search of his own soul. After more than five years, he appeared again to introduce to Louise the woman whom he loved, Gabrielle Le Clerc, daughter of Lord Chennevieres. They got married on January 18, 1650 and were blessed with Louise-Renee. Michel finally settled down. This gave Louise an intense joy.

Louises Words: Louise made frequent appeals to Vincent for advice concerning her son: The main reason for writing was some advice I needed about my son. (Writings, p.9) Vincent replied: I praise God because if your heart has freed itself from the excessive attachment it had to the little one (Michel) and because you made it correspond to reason. (CDC, vol. I. p.37)

Guide for Short Reflection: (Pause for a short moment of reflection.) Today, I remember my mother and how she bore me through life with all her sacrifices for me because she loved me dearly. Gods Word: Can a woman forget her baby at the breast; feel no pity for the child she has borne? Even if these were to forget, I shall not forget you. Look, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands. (Isaiah 49: 15-16) Closing Prayer: A the group moves to the next station, pray three Hail Marys Leader: We pray to Mary, our great Mother. Together: Hail Mary, full of grace the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

about the immortality of the soul, all of which caused me incredible anguish from Ascension until Pentecost. During mass on the feast of Pentecost, in the church of Saint Nicolas-des-Champs, she received her Lumiere, her light of Pentecost. This was the time when she let go of her own control of her situation and let God take over and fulfill His will in her. (Accounts of her lumiere experience can be read from at Louise Words below. When Louise returned home, nothing was changed on the outside, but she was changed on the inside, there was now a flame that gave light to the darkness. She was still graced to take care of Antoine bearing in her heart what the Spirit of God promised her to be.

STATION 6 LE GRAS : CROSS POINTS TO THE LIGHT (LUMIERE) Invocation: Leader: St. Louise, fill our hearts with your spirit, All: So that we may be one with you and become worthy to participate in the glory of the Cross of Jesus in you. About Louise: In the midst of Antoines illness, and filled with anxiety and fear Louise wrote, The following Ascension Day, I had a great depression because of the doubt I had as to whether I should leave my husband, as I wanted to do in order to make good my first vow, and have liberty to serve God and the neighbor. I also feared that the attachment I had to my director might prevent me from taking another one, fearing I might be obliged to leave him, and I suffered a great deal of doubt

Louises Words: Louises account of her Pentecost Experience: In an instant my spirit was cleared of all its doubts. I was advised that I should remain with my husband; that a time would come when I would be in a situation to make vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience; and that I would be with other who would do the same thing. I understood that I would be in a place where I would be able to help my neighbor, but I did not see how this could be since there would be much coming and going. I was also assured that I should be at peace concerning my director that God would give me one whom He seemed to show me. I found it repugnant to accept him; nevertheless, I accepted. It seemed to me that this change would not take place immediately. My third doubt was removed by the assurance I felt within me that God

was speaking to me and that since there was a God, I could not doubt the rest. Guide for Short Reflection: (Pause briefly for a short reflection.) Pray slowly and repeatedly in silence: Do not worry so much. The rest will come in its time. As you pray, offer to God each worry that is bothering you. Gods Word: If God is for us, why worry about anyone who opposes us? After all, if God sent Jesus the Savior, Gods very own son, for our sake, wont God give us anything else we need?.. God loves us. So I am convinced that nothing, not death, or life, or angels, or governments, or anything else in all of creation can separate us from the love of God that we have been given in Jesus Christ. (Adapted from Romans 8: 31-32; 37-29) Closing Prayer: (Together) O my God, I want to give myself to you, body and soul, heart and mind, and spirit... Amen (Frits Braakhuis) Note: Before leaving the station, the leader lights one candle. Move quietly to the next station as though experiencing the Lumiere of Louise. STATION 7 LE GRAS : THE SILENT CROSS OF WIDOWHOOD Invocation: Leader: St. Louise, fill our hearts with your spirit, All: So that we may be one with you and become worthy to participate in the glory of the Cross of Jesus in you.

About Louise: Antoine had left his widow and young son with very limited finances. Louise was again depressed. Louise wrote to Bishop Camus, her director, and explained to him what she is experiencing. At this point, Bishop Camus appointed Vincent de Paul to be the spiritual director for Louise. Louise was hesitant and felt very little attraction for Vincent; he was from being refined as that of his previous director. Vincent, for his own part, was reluctant to accept the spiritual direction of Louise. He had had the experience of spiritual direction with Madame de Gondi, and he knew the demands made by women of nobility and was therefore very hesitant. Also, Vincent had just established the Congregation of the Mission for the evangelization of the poor, and the missions to the country made great demands on him. But in obedience to the will of God, both Louise and Vincent accepted each other. Vincent was ten years older than Louise. Louises Words: Do not be impatient with your trials, and at seeing yourselves as receiving no other consolation but Gods. Oh, if we only knew Gods secrets when He places us in this state, we would see that this must be the time of our greatest consolation. In fact, you will see a great amount of misery that you cannot relieve. God sees it as well and does not want to give those who suffer greater abundance. Share their trials with them; do all you can to provide them with a little assistance and remain at peace (Writings)

Guide for Short Reflection: (Pause briefly for a personal moment of

reflection.) Have you shared somebodys burden, problem, sorrow? What did you do in order to show to your friend, classmate, colleague, sister that you understand them? Think of the recent victims of natural disasters, the earthquake in Haiti, Chile, Taiwan. Recall the pictures/images you have seen. Gods Word: There is cause for joy, then, even though you may, for a time, have to suffer many trials. Thus will your faith be tested, like gold in a furnace. Gold, however, passes away but faith, worth so much more, will bring you in the end praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ appears. (1 Peter 1: 6-7) St. Louises Prayer: (Together) Most Holy Spirit, the Love of the Father and of the Son, come to purify and to embellish my soul so that it will be agreeable to my Savior and so that I may receive Him for His greater glory and my salvation. I long for you with all my heart Do not consider my unworthiness which keeps me away from You, but listen only to Your love but has so often invited me to approach You. Give Yourself entirely to me, my God. May Your precious Body, Your holy soul, and your glorious divinity, which I adore in the Holy sacrament, take complete possession of me. Amen. (Writings, p. 834) As you move to the eighth station, sing the refrain of the Power of Your Love twice: Hold me close, let Your love surround me. Bring me near draw me to Your side. And as I wait, I rise up like an eagle and I will soar with You, Your Spirit leads me on by the power of Your love

STATION 8 MADEMOISELLE: THE MISSION CROSS Invocation: Leader: St. Louise, fill our hearts with your spirit, All: So that we may be one with you and become worthy to participate in the glory of the Cross of Jesus in you. About Louise: In 1629, four years after the death of Antoine, an appeal came to Vincent and he felt it was from God. He wrote to Louise, "Father De Gondi has asked me to go at once to meet him at Montmirail. It will, perhaps, prevent me from the honor of seeing you, for I must leave tomorrow morning. Would you like also to go there, Mademoiselle?... And Mademoiselle's heart, indeed, told her to go. With solemnity, he sent her "on mission." Go, therefore, Mademoiselle, go in the name of Our Lord. I pray that His Divine Goodness may accompany you, be your consolation along the way, your shade against the heat of the sun, your shelter in rain and in cold, your soft bed in your weariness, your strength in your toil, and finally, that He may bring you back in perfect health and filled with good works. This journey to Montmirail was the beginning of an intense collaboration between Louise and Vincent. Louise , by now was thirty-eight years old, a new person whose potentials were starting to come out. She has grown to a new freedom, a new independence and a new security within herself. Vincent will never again call her "my dear Daughter," he now calls her "Mademoiselle." She now calls

him "Monsieur." They are now partners, collaborators, friends, and instruments of Gods charity and mission to the truly poor.

As you move to the ninth station, sing the song: The Woman Named Louise Through the narrow streets of Paris came the footsteps of a woman named Louise. The poor and hungry there are waited for her loving care. Christ came to the in a woman named Louise. The loneliness she felt in her childhood did not embitter the heart of Louise For she knew Gods love, and trusted in his care and the cross she carried prepared her for Gods work on earth. STATION 9 MADEMOISELLE: MISSION CROSS IMPELS Invocation: Leader: St. Louise, fill our hearts with your spirit, All: So that we may be one with you and become worthy to participate in the glory of the Cross of Jesus in you. About Louise: In 1630, a woman named Marguerite Naseau came to Vincent. She asked to serve the poor. Marguerite was a peasant woman, about thirty-two years old, who had taught herself how to read and who had then gone about the countryside teaching young girls to read, as there was no opportunity for education for peasant girls in that day. At once Vincent was struck by her appearance of depth and aliveness, radiant with joy and reflecting the love of God living within her. Vincent realized that this is what Mademoiselle had been talking about. And so he sent Marguerite to Louise. Louise sent her to work with the Ladies of Charity in the parish of Saint Sauveur in Parish. Marguerite's example was contagious, and soon other girls came; there was Marie, Michelle, Barbe, and Martha. But Louise knew that these girls would need a strong

This was also the time that Louise buried the ghost of her past. She is now a free woman. She reclaimed her being a Marillac. She would now sign all her letters to the Sisters, as Louise de Marillac. Louises Words: At the moment of Holy Communion, it seemed to me that Our Lord inspired me to receive Him as the spouse of my soul, that this Communion was a manner of espousal. I felt myself more closely united to Him, and felt moved to leave everything to follow my spouse. (Writings, 5 February 1660) Guide for Short Reflection: (Pause briefly for a 2-minute reflection.) As a member of the Vincentian Family (student, personnel, Sister) how have you shown love for the poor? Gods Word: The Spirit of the Lord is on me, for He has anointed me to bring the good news to the afflicted. He has sent me to bring liberty to the captives, sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim a year of favor from the Lord. (Luke 4: 18-19) St. Louises Prayer: In silence, compose your own prayer and imagine Louise praying with you.

formation, rooted in prayer, in order to persevere in their service. Then, it was in February 1633 that Marguerite Naseau took a poor sick woman home with her, to nurse her back to health. She contracted the plague and died. This was a terrible loss to Louise and to Vincent. Vincent always told the Daughters of Charity, that "Marguerite Naseau, of Suresnes, was the first Sister who had the happiness of pointing out the road to our other Sisters During a retreat, Vincent came to the conviction that Louise's request to join the girls together in order to form them in the spirituality of the service of the poor was, indeed, the will of God. And so, on 29 November 1633, ten years after her light of Pentecost, Louise welcomed into her home five or six of these girls, who with hearts on fire with the love of God came together to live in community, in order to serve the poor. Thus, the Company of the Daughters of Charity was born. Louises Words: The Spirit of the Lord is on me, for He has anointed me to bring the good news to the afflicted. He has sent me to bring liberty to the captives, sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim a year of favor from the Lord. (Luke 4: 18-19) Guide for Short Reflection: (Pause for a moment of reflection.) For Non-Daughters of Charity : Recall: Who is/are the Daughters of Charity you remember the most? Why do you remember her/them? For Daughters of Charity: Recall: When was the time/times in your life when you felt most alive, energized, when you

radiated confidence that what you were about was good and meaningful, when you wished that you could hold the feelings for a lifetime because you have done something good to others. Gods Word: Proof of Gods love came when Jesus gave his life for us. Now we should lay down our lives for one another. (Adapted from John 3: 16-17) Closing Prayer: (together) O my God, like the women who followed the footsteps of Louise, and whose hearts were impelled to serve you in the poor, set my heart on fire with the desire to serve you! Teach me by your example, grant me all the virtues proper to a true Vincentian. I want to give myself to you, body and soul, heart and mind, and spirit, in order always to do what pleases you. Amen. (Adaptation, Praying, no. 29)

As you move to the tenth station, do this: For students, Personnel, Friends: Say a prayer for the DC you remember the most. For the DC: Thank God for the grace of zeal and perseverance to serve the poor.

Poland. Indeed, Louise had been immersed in the mission as collaborator, leader, educator, and formator. Louise kept on reminding the Ladies to be cordial and patient with the poor people. Also, they should avoid wearing fancy dresses so that the poor people would not be unduly reminded of their poverty. And to the Daughters: Never reproach them nor speak rudely to them. They should be treated with great compassion, as much for their spiritual state as for their most pitiful corporal state. (Writings, p. 741) Louises Words: How true it is that souls who seek God will find Him everywhere but especially in the poor! How I cherish your thoughts on this subject! They gave me great cause to praise God! (Writings, p. 431)

STATION 10 MADEMOISELLE: MISSION CROSS TRIUMPHS Invocation: Leader: St. Louise, fill our hearts with your spirit, All: So that we may be one with you and become worthy to participate in the glory of the Cross of Jesus in you. About Louise: The Confraternities, Ladies of Charity, and the Daughters continued to grow in number and works had expanded. Their ministry extended to foundlings, hospitals, galley slaves, education of children, and elderly people. They soon extended to other countries, first of which was in Guide for Short Reflection: (Pause briefly for a short reflection.) For Students/Personnel: What Religious/Vincentian Organization do I belong? Am I an active member? What gives me joy in being a member of this organization? For the Daughters of Charity: Do you know at least one poor person, outside your usual environment and place of work, by name? How have you treated the countless poor on the streets you meet everyday?

Gods Word: And as you go, proclaim that the kingdom of heaven is close at hand. Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those suffering from diseases, drive out devils. You received without charge, give without charge. Provide yourselves with no gold or silver, not even coppers for your purses, with no haversack for the journey or spare tunic or footwear or a staff(Matthew 10: 6-10) Closing Prayer: (Together) Come Holy Spirit, inflame with holy zeal for goodness, for love, for building the reign of God. May I never be lukewarm in my response to your call to charity and justice. Grant me the grace to be more holy than religious, more active than righteous in hollow words. Come, Holy Spirit, inflame me with holy zeal. Amen. You may now move to the 11th station. Walk silently beside somebody. Whisper to each other : Thank God, we are Vincentians! St. Louise, teach us to love the poor! St.Louise, pray for us.

About Louise: In October 1644, Louise set out on the journey to Chartres. When she arrived, she went to the cathedral to pray to Our Lady. On Monday, 17 October, she confided the flourishing company of Sisters to Mary. I offered to God the designs of His Providence on the Company of the Daughters of Charity. I offered the Company entirely to Him, asking Him to destroy it rather than let it be established contrary to His will. I asked for it through the prayers of the Holy Virgin, mother and Guardian of the said Company, the purity of which it stands in need. I asked Him for the grace of fidelity for the Company through the merits of the blood of the son of God and of Mary. I prayed also that He might be the strong and loving bond that unites the hearts of all the sisters in imitation of the union of the three Divine Persons (Writings, pp. 121-122) Louises Words: I gaze upon you today, most pure Virgin Mother of grace, since it was you who not only provided the matter for the formation of the sacred body of your Son, at a time when you were not as yet actually a mother, but by bringing Him into the world, you have become both Mother of God and mother of the Man who at His birth brought a new law to the world, the law which alone leads to eternal life. I shall manifest my gratitude to you by the praise I offer, by my zeal in helping others to recognize your greatness, and by renewed devotion and trust in your powerful intercession with God. (Writings, p. 775) Guide for Short Reflection: (Pause briefly for as short reflection.) As a sign of our own appreciation of our being consecrated by virtue of our BAPTISM, hug the person next to you and whisper silently: You are special!

STATION 11 CHARTRES: YES TO THE CROSS OF CONSECRATION Invocation: Leader: St. Louise, fill our hearts with your spirit, All: So that we may be one with you and become worthy to participate in the glory of the Cross of Jesus in you.

Gods Word: My being proclaims your greatness, And my spirit finds joy in you, God my Savior. ( Luke 1:46) Louises Prayer: (together) I am entirely yours, most Holy Virgin that I may more perfectly belong to God. Teach me, therefore, to imitate your holy life by fulfilling the designs of God in my life. I very humbly beg you to assist me. You know my weakness. You see the desires of my heart. Supply for my powerlessness and negligence by your prayers. Amen. (Writings, p. 695) As you move to the twelfth station, in silence : Think of one or two members of your family, or a friend, relative whom you want to consecrate to Mary because you firmly believe that Mary will be a Mother to her/him/them.

Invocation: Leader: St. Louise, fill our hearts with your spirit, All: So that we may be one with you and become worthy to participate in the glory of the Cross of Jesus in you. About Louise: The long-awaited day finally arrived on August 8, 1655, when Vincent called the Daughters together and officially erected the Company. The direction of the Company was entrusted to Vincent and to his successors, the superiors general of the Congregation of the Mission. Louise signed the document first, then all the Daughters who were present. Some marked the place with a cross because they couldn't write their names. Vincent signed last. Louise found the joy in what she fought for years for these structures, not because they were important, but because of the assurance they provided that the poor would be served by the little company. Frequently, Louise would always keep herself updated about her Sisters in their mission. Human realities and weaknesses somehow got in the way of life the Daughters that she highly emphasized their manner of service to the poor, their lifestyle, and how they conduct themselves together in community. She stressed the importance of the call of God which had united them together to serve Him in the poor. Renew yourselves then, my dear Sisters, in your first fervor, and begin with the genuine desire to please God, remembering that He has guided you with His Providence to the place where you are, and united you together in order that you may help one another to become perfect.


Louises Words: We sometimes feel that we would like to perform great penances and extraordinary devotions, and we fail to realize that our enemy takes great pleasure in seeing us waste our time on vain desires while neglecting the occasions to practice ordinary virtues which are always occurring. Thus we lose the graces attached to these virtues by yearning for greater ones which God has no intention of granting us. (Writings, p. 481) Guide for Short Reflection: (Pause briefly for a 2-minute reflection.) Louise wants us to practice ordinary virtues. What virtue in people attract you most? What virtue are you in most need of? Gods Word: How blessed are the poor in spirit: the kingdom of heaven is theirs. Blessed are the gentle: they shall inherit the earth Blessed are those who mourn: they shall b comforted. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for uprightness: they shall have their fill. Blessed are the merciful: they shall have mercy shown them. Blessed are the pure in heart: they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers: they shall be recognized as children of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted in the cause of uprightness: the kingdom of heaven is theirs. (Matthew 5: 3-10)

Closing Prayer: (together) Faithful God, may I simplify my life so that my full attention is on what matters as a true Louisian and Vincentian. Grant me the grace to free myself from all that may stifle the Vincentian legacy of charity and mission. Amen. As you move to the 13th station sing: REF: Like the sunflower that follows every movement of the sun So I turn towards you to follow you my God. //In simplicity, charity I follow// Repeat REF //In simplicity, honesty I follow// Repeat REF //In simplicity, fidelity I follow// Repeat REF

beside the deathbed of Louise as she confers her Spiritual Testament. Louises Words: My dear Sisters, I continue to ask God for his blessings for you and pray that he will grant you the grace to persevere in your vocation in order to serve Him in the manner He asks of you. Take good care of the poor. Above all, live together in great union and fidelity, loving one another in imitation of the union and life of our Lord. Pray earnestly to the Blessed Virgin that she may be your only Mother. (This Spiritual Testament was recorded by the sisters who attended Saint Louise during her final illness). (Vincentian Heritage, vol. 12, no. 2, p. 254) Guide for Short Reflection: (Pause briefly for a 2-minute reflection.) Reflect on Louise testament and think of one concrete action by which you can live out her last words (take good care of the poor live in great union and fidelitylove one another) in your daily life as member of the Vincentian Family. Gods Word: So then, my dear friends, always be joyful in the Lord; I repeat be joyful. Let your good sense be obvious to everybody Tell God all your desires of every kind in prayer and petition shot through with gratitude, and the peace of God which is beyond our understanding will guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4: 1-5) St. Louises Prayer: (Song) Make Me a Servant Make me a servant, humble and meek Lord let me lift up those who are weak

STATION 13 LOUISE DE MARILLAC: THE CROSS OF HUMILITY Invocation: Leader: St. Louise, fill our hearts with your spirit, All: So that we may be one with you and become worthy to participate in the glory of the Cross of Jesus in you. About Louise: A year after the approbation, Louise became very ill that she had to ask Marguerite Chetif to take over her place in the Little Company. Years of chronic illnesses and hard work finally brought Louise to her deathbed. On 14 March 1660, she received the sacrament of the anointing of the sick. She was surrounded by her Daughters praying for her, by her son Michel and his family, and some Ladies of Charity. Before she died on March 15, 1660, she conferred on her Daughters her great mission to serve the poor: Take good care of the poor, live together in great union and cordiality, love one another pray earnestly to the Blessed Mother to be your only Mother. Afterwards, she gave her soul back to God. With respect to the great icon of charity, we pause in silence (one minute). As we imagine ourselves standing

And may the prayer of my life always be Make me a servant, make me a servant, make me a servant today.

their clothing that those who meet them smell it. Louise made herself felt by her Daughters. In faith, we believe that Saint Louise is still alive. She is here with us. She lives in the hearts of those who heed the call to follow her footsteps. She is incarnated in the lives of those who live out the Rules of the Little Company. She is in the hearts most especially at of her dearly loved Daughters of Charity they, who in the words of Louise, Go courageously, progressing from moment to moment in the way in which God has placed them in order to go to Him. Gods Word: You make me glad with your deeds, O Lord, and I sing for joy at the work of your hands. How great are your works, O Lord how deep your thoughts! The virtuous will flourish like the palm trees, they will thrive like the cedars of Lebanon. Planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God. In old age they will still bear fruit they will stay fresh and green, to proclaim that the Lord is upright, He is my Rock, he never fails. (Psalm 92: 5; 13-16)

STATION 14 St. LOUISE de MARILLAC and THE DAUGHTERS OF CHARITY: THE CROSS NOW VIOLETS AND IRISES THE FRAGRANCE OF SAINT LOUISE Invocation: Leader: St. Louise, fill our hearts with your spirit, All: So that we may be one with you and become worthy to participate in the glory of the Cross of Jesus in you. About Louise and Her Daughters: Days after the death of Louise, the first Sisters visited her grave. A soft haze hovers over her tomb and the fragrance of violets and irises fill the air. This perfume-like fragrance permeated

Thanks be to God who gives us always in Christ a part in his triumphal procession, and through us is spreading everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of himself. To God we are the fragrance of Christ (2 Corinthians 2: 1415) Guide for Short Reflection: (Pause briefly.) In silence, pray for the Daughters of Charity, that they may flourish in the Louisian legacy of charity and mission that each of them may remain as the fragrance of Saint Louise the fragrance of Christ!

Leader: Every March 25 of each year, the day when the Blessed Virgin, said YES to God, the Daughters of Charity renew their commitment of TOTAL SELF-GIVING TO GOD IN COMMUNITY FOR THE SERVICE OF PERSONS WHO ARE IN SITUATIONS OF POVERTY, IN HUMILITY, SIMPLICITY, AND CHARITY. Leader: Confident of their fidelity to the vocation given to them in the Company, we say to them: Assembly: (together) Love the Company into which the Lord has called and assembled you. The Company is and must remain your point of reference: Daughters of Charity: We are sent by the Company in the Church, and we feel responsible for acting in its name. (Echoes of the Company). We then make our own John Paul IIs prayer to the Virgin Mary, and so we pray: Our Lady of Fidelity, You who unceasingly seek the face of the Lord, You who accepted the mystery and meditated upon it in your heart, You who live in accordance with what you believed, You who were the very example of constancy in trial, as well as in exaltation, Help us to keep our commitments, as good and faithful servants, until the last day of our life on earth. Then, each Daughter of Charity offers a lighted candle to Saint Louise while the assembly sings O Saint Louise

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